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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. <sticks his head in the door> What's going on in here? Is this like an Aussie 'Kangaroo Court? - Is someone getting a kicking ? Is MPG claiming better and more excessive bullshit about 'miracles' and 'super-power' than any one else can? Ooohh! That's gonna call in some flak.
  2. Notification Management

    I don't use firefox and when I click on grey it doesn't go away .... don't bother .... my jinx might rub off on you ( ewwww! )
  3. Getting Up at Sunrise

    This is pretty much what I can see, but I am a bit further back and can see the edge of the escarpment more (that is Nungali - Old man in the mountain - looming up lower CG (but his face is in shadow)
  4. Getting Up at Sunrise

    reminds me of my first lets stay up all night and watch the sunrise (on LSD) ... we drove to National Park and found a good spot to watch from the top of a waterfall and waited ..... and waited .... the sky started getting light .... and waited ... until someone realised; "Hey! There is the sun over there." It was up ... we had been looking in the wrong direction
  5. Notification Management

    Still an idiot ... If I click on that a box comes up with the image details little empty window. the rest of the screen grey ... I paste the address in it (?) and click okay, nothing ... then I have a stuck grey page Cant click ok or cancel if I try to x then ?some of the options have been changed. “Are you sure to close the dialogue ?” ??? ‘are you sure you want to close the dialogue box’ ? But I cant close it. and have to hit back button to escape Everyone else seems to manage it … sigh <wanders off>
  6. Buddhist corpse ritual?

    Thankyou RongzomFan - a very interesting little article. I have little experience with the process (except via Tanka , visualisation and examination of the ritual tools and regalia). I have had experience with the 'visualisation of corpse' from Buddhism , in my case, as myself as the corpse. Visualisation, in my case, visualisation assisted by the work I was doing at the time (many years ago) in a hospital and once or twice I had to assist in autopsy. So my meditation went ; ingest 250 micrograms pure white-light Swiss LSD, 20 minutes variant pranayama, visualisation of watching my own autopsy. It worked! Quiet well. However this aim and result seemed quiet different from the above. However, very powerful and effective ... I still remember the 'key turning point' and the results quiet vividly, to this day ... and the effects . So I can see the power and force of this other practice being effective. Like BKA says above .... ummm , don't try this at home kids. Did it bring long life as well (like this other practice you detail?) ... don't know ... I am surprised I am still alive though , I am on my 3rd different 'you should be dead by now' .... hang on ... 4th !! I lost count. STILL alive ..... amazing! ... when the time is right {amusing myself remembering the forgotten one; Policeman: "Where is the body, why did you remove the body, what's going on?" Me (dazed): "What body? What are you talking about?" Policeman; "The driver's body!" Me: 'I am the driver, I was driving' more argument and disbelief ... he takes me to the car wreck Policeman: "Look at that ... look at the drivers seat! Don't tell me you were the driver. If you were how did you even get out of the car." Me: " I .... I ... don't know!" Police; "Where is the body! " {Hmmm ... makes a great mantra ' Where is the body?'
  7. Getting Up at Sunrise

    Love It ! From up here I get the most amazing view. The last few mornings have been amazing; mist and clouds like an ocean beneath me, as I look down, hills and little parts of the town below pop out of the mist, to the ESE there is a 45* slope down off the escarpment and into the valley, a bit more to the south is an old (very old) lava dome mountain (with an aboriginal man’s face on the side of it … called Nungali ) , between these two is a slash of ocean, that’s where the sun comes up at the moment. I did this at dawn (sun at 0* on ASC) for years … but not much nowadays … Let him greet the Sun at dawn, facing East, giving the sign of his grade. And let him say in a loud voice: “ Hail unto Thee who art Ra in Thy rising, even unto Thee who art Ra in Thy strength, who travellest over the Heavens in Thy bark at the Uprising of the Sun. “Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm. “ Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Night!” And after each of these invocations thou shalt give the sign of silence, and afterward thou shalt perform the adoration that is taught thee by thy Superior*. And then do thou compose Thyself to holy meditation. [ Also it is better if in these adorations thou assume the God-form of Whom thou adorest, as if thou didst unite with Him in the adoration of That which is beyond Him. Thus shalt thou ever be mindful of the Great Work which thou hast undertaken to perform, and thus shalt thou be strengthened to pursue it unto the attainment of the Stone of the Wise, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness. ] *“A ka dua, tuf ur biu, bi a kefu, du du nur ef en netaru … (through to) nebtpa ta teckt” Followed by the English ‘transliteration’ of the obverse of the ‘Stele of Revealing’; I am the Lord of Thebes, and I The inspired forth-speaker of Mentu; For me unveils the veiled sky, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu Whose words are truth. I invoke, I greet Thy presence, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Unity uttermost showed! I adore the might of Thy breath, Supreme and terrible God, Who makest the gods and death To tremble before Thee:— I, I adore thee! Appear on the throne of Ra! Open the ways of the Khu! Lighten the ways of the Ka! The ways of the Khabs run through To stir me or still me! Aum! let it fill me! The light is mine; its rays consume Me: I have made a secret door Into the House of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am thy Theban, O Mentu, The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu! By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat; By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell. Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit! Bid me within thine House to dwell, O winged snake of light, Hadit! Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit! [There is a version for noon, sunset and midnight as well i.e. 4 x a day ]
  8. Notification Management

    I have noticed things work differently than they used to from a few weeks ago. Before I could quote by hitting the quote button, now I get a blank Reply box with no quote in it. Now, I have to hit reply open a reply box, make sure the top left button is on to show the posting details, then go back to the post I want to quote and click on quote then the quote appears in reply box.. The same with pasting, I could post before in an empty box (after saying yes in the little pop up), then it would go to the top of the reply box in front of any text already typed or quoted and I would have to cut and paste it again to the right part of the reply ... now I cant do that at all, I hit paste - nothing. But if I click the left top button and show the details I can paste, then click back to access the toolbar. Its okay, I have figured out ways to drive this thing ... but it has changed (unless I inadvertently did .... something ... to my settings ???) And something is wrong with MY settings (in my brain) I still cant seem to manage to post a pic
  9. Sin

    I feel sorry for any one who feels they are in sin and suffer guilt for no valid reason - existential angst isn't one. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks they need a true confessional of being wretched. I have absolute joy and happiness, aside from anything else , in just being alive and existing . But people don't believe me ... I must be lying To think that the sin of existence is something real ... oh dear . What a mess. This is 'black school' Gnosticism . Keep it away from innocent children. "The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love "
  10. Auric Sight - Can You See Auras?

    I think you are just nervous ( because of your profile pic )
  11. A sovereign God question

    I was talking about Islamic concept of tolerance, you call it mine (which it is not) and you called it fake. You called The Prophet of Islam's teaching on tolerance fake ??? - I would NOT want to be you! Tolerance is a negative ingredient is it ? I think that you just don't like onions not all food is sweet - but balance is healthy. If you don't agree with my path ... or if you don't agree even with one's particular path in Islam ... or if they are the same path in Islam but have a slightly different variation or interpretation then their tolerance is 'Fake' ??? That is fundamentalism trying to erode tolerance. ANY sort of tolerance is good ... and IMO ... in the situation the world is in at present ANY tolerance should be welcomed ... to suspiciously judge tolerance from the perspective of ones fundamentalist religious viewpoint defeats the whole purpose of The Prophet of Islam's edicts and teachings on tolerance for 'people of the book' and other religions. I hope that you can come to find the tolerance that your own religion and Prophet are trying to teach you .
  12. Dream Teacher...?

    Dream teacher ? On certain nights I attend Sufi dance. I can't remember where it is or how I get there, or, for that matter, how I get home and back into my bed. I talked to a friend about it. He told me I was dreaming. But if it is a dream why do I wake up so sore and tired? Sometimes I have blisters on my feet. But I feel I'm getting somewhere with it, I'm no longer getting as dizzy as I used to. I seem to be developing more love and patience. I look good, people tell me. I was practicing a very difficult part of the dance last month. The teacher wore orange robes and the dance was very technical. The month before, a different teacher, (who wore a red robe) taught a simpler stamping dance, a somewhat angry yet purposeful dance. There was a teacher before that a beautiful woman who wore a silver robe, her dance was fluid and graceful. I didn't do very well. I think I became a little infatuated with her, it was hard to concentrate. I liked the blue teacher, his dance was joyous and expansive. Good things happened to me after his lesson. In my mundane life, that is. The green woman! Well, that was easy! But I was a little confronted. Well worth it, because after those lessons, I met her - in my mundane life. The Golden One seemed to be saying he is what I will become. I found him a little confusing. I haven't been taught by the black teacher yet, I have had a glimpse of her style. She is naked and black and sprays of stars and spiral galaxies cover her body. But now, it’s all mixed up. Sometimes I seem in one level of the dance, and at other times in another level. But lately there is no teacher. No particular colored robe and no difference between the me here in this part of the dance and that me there in that part of the dance and another me over there in another part of the dance. But at the same time I am out of the dance and watching myself and the other dancers. When that happens the dance becomes a huge astral entity, a massive cone of light with layers and bands of colors and dancers and teachers. Each colored circle, one on top of each other, diminishing in size; a huge cone of dancing, multi-colored, banded light floating and rotating amongst the blackness and stars of space. At times while I am in the dance other dancers come into my space and bounce and career off me spinning madly, grinning, singing and dancing off to their destinies on other paths and trajectories. In this part of the dance are wild eyed poets giggling on LSD, dancers that are leaping and floating like fauns and satyrs somersaulting leaving behind them trails of stars and sparkles. Lately I have connected with a dance partner. We dance exquisitely together, she looks just like my partner in the mundane world but lately she seems to have distracted attention. Something seems to be bothering her, perhaps it is me? It probably is. My dance is far from perfection. When I look up through the translucence above, I see exquisite dancers. They are vibrant and ecstatic. I want to be like them. They fall and tumble but this helps then to rise in their total control of the dance. Even when they misstep. I want to be like that. And when I look down I see the dancers below me still learning the dance. I remember when I made those mistakes. Some are awkward and squabbling like cranky penguins but others are concentrating and aspiring. But sometimes, when the dance blends with my mundane life and I seem stuck in the middle part of the dance. A crazy insane part of the dance that must be passed through to finish the dance. It does with me what it will and I can only respond to its energy and lose myself in the ecstasy of not being there. But I know I am there. Just as I know that at this moment life seems much too serious to be taken seriously and so much is happening all at once, that it must be a dance or a dream. But it matters not because one thing I have learnt is that no matter how hard the dance is, if I persevere and continually attempt to see life from the top of the cone, in my higher consciousness, with purified love, I will survive and rise up beyond the cone to the ecstasy of infinite space and feast upon the stars of life.
  13. World's Ten Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken

    Why is it silly? It is an experience of humanity through all times, places and locations. It is only the modern western rationla material world that denies these human experiences. If you saw a round helmet shaped figure you might say spaceman ... I see Wangjana - rain spirits. Some see ancestors or 'piskies'. Actually denying or trying rationalise away these things are more dangerous than they are. I HIGHLY recommend 'Diamonic Reality - A Field Guide to the Other World' by Patrick Harpur. (I got mine very cheap 2nd hand off internet , paid with paypal and delivered to my letter box - easy . - I am trying to really encourage you to read this book - it is perfectly suited for you. I have been looking at this subject for over 30 years and this is the best book written yet on the subject. You underworld journey is a type of classic shamanism (traditional accounts read much stranger), some of us are naturally inclined that way and if it isn't expressed - again; "Actually denying or trying rationalise away these things are more dangerous than they are." But our society and culture doesn't incorporate these things properly , Harpur talks about this process as well - quiet brilliantly. This book is tailor made for you - please read it ... besides its fun and enjoyable read as well, and well referenced, it sources the classics and has insights into Jung and it is not a complex read.
  14. The letter A

    In 2004 a team from Italy and Spain undertook a genetic study of the Etruscans, based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 80 bone samples taken from tombs dating from the seventh century to the third century BC in Etruria. [Vernesi C, Caramelli D, Dupanloup I, et al. (April 2004). "The Etruscans: a population-genetic study". Am. J. Hum. Genet ] This study found that the ancient DNA extracted from the Etruscan remains had some affinities with modern European populations including Tuscans in Italy. In addition the Etruscan samples possibly revealed more genetic inheritance from the eastern and southern Mediterranean than modern Italian samples contain. Hans-Jürgen Bandelt expressed concern about the methodology used in the study, saying "it is unclear to what extent the “Etruscan” data represent severely damaged or partly contaminated mtDNA sequences; therefore, any comparison with modern population data must be considered quite hazardous”
  15. World's Ten Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken

    I am still following this up and it has got real interesting. Could you explain your above comment?
  16. Auric Sight - Can You See Auras?

    Thank you Brian ... tomorrow I plan on going to the rainforest and see if I can arouse a tree. I had not realised it possible (although I do know that the reverse is possible ).
  17. No, I don't think so. I think it was something like; if someone slaps one side of your face with a slice of wet bread then cast them upon the waters. Or might have been if someone steals one of your sandals then chase them and slap them across the face with the other one ... ummm, I don't know I could be getting confused with the Urantia Book - ask Brian, he is the expert on this stuff (wet bread, fly fishing and sandals - not the Urantia Book).
  18. The letter A

    Ha! I just realised if A is air and the tree mother letters are a triad with air / A as the 'top ' point of that triad then air/A is THE mother letter ... as you said above - silly of me as A air aleph and "The Fool' (in the Tarot; as it has those associations) and the Fool (unnumbered or 0 ) stands apart from all the other cards ... a bit like the Joker in a regular deck . Lao-Tsu / fool ? : Mullah Nasrudin / joker ? Do you have any more 'snippets' of info about Buddhist practice with other letters?
  19. World's Ten Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken

    From NASA
  20. A sovereign God question

    Good! Then you agree with what I wrote about tolerance .
  21. A sovereign God question

    True - but there is an extant world-wide religion that is growing against this government and powers and the idea that different religions have to fight; Of course, when 'certain Moslems' caught up with them they dipped their feet in boiling oil, ripped off the soles of their feet, hammered horseshoes into their feet bones and drove them with whips through the streets. “Know then, that as man is born into this world amidst the Darkness of Matter, and the strife of contending forces; so must his first endeavour be to seek the Light through their reconciliation. Thou then, who hast trials and troubles, rejoice because of them, for in them is Strength, and by their means is a pathway opened unto that Light. How should it be otherwise, O man, whose life is but a day in Eternity, a drop in the Ocean of time; how, were thy trials not many, couldst thou purge thy soul from the dross of earth? Is it but now that the Higher Life is beset with dangers and difficulties; hath it not ever been so with the Sages and Hierophants of the past? They have been persecuted and reviled, they have been tormented of men; yet through this also has their Glory increased. Rejoice therefore, O Initiate, for the greater thy trial the greater thy Triumph. When men shall revile thee, and speak against thee falsely, hath not the Master said, “Blessed art thou!”? [Liber Librae]
  22. Auric Sight - Can You See Auras?

    HUH ? I see it all the time, across the river in the rainforest ... it is there and others can see it. What is weird though that sometimes it is a bunch of trees and sometimes just one doing it while all around are not. Maybe it is like tree yawn ?
  23. I better put that glass of Scotch back out on the front lawn ... Then I can ply the green tiger with scotch-on-the-comet-rocks.