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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. I find the 'Universe' (like a responsible parent ) gives me what I NEED rather than what I WANT.
  2. But not above alchemical process (solve et coagula and 'circulation' ) It IS a process in nature though, so how can I deny it ( referring to the process by which a butterfly forms itself out of the dissolved mush of genetic soup the caterpillar dissolves into ). In genetics; a clone will be progressively weaker ... we need a return to division and re-creation.
  3. Fuck karma

    The path to enlightenment and happiness is a secret now? Well, thank goodness you published it ! I hope you don't get into trouble from the 'guardian of secrets'
  4. World's Ten Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken

    First vid; the sea monster looks like an escaped fishing net BUT … . @ 1:51 hang on a god-damn minute … THAT is the only pic (and I have been around a looong time and done all the UFO stuff.) that resembles anything like I saw THAT day … and it was VERY large and going VERY fast! And looked just tooo crazy (like a giant metalic bird sculpture) ??? Man made debris? Not on the ‘re-entry’ path I observed (in broad daylight) … thing is it happened just after I joined in to learn an Aboriginal Rainbow serpent dance and was talking to the Aboriginals elder after … went outside the tent … stretched and looked up and …. “Hey you guys! Get out here quick and check this out!” – all too late of course, except for one white fellah who caught a glimpse .. and he is the biggest UFO nut out and has a site full off obvious fake sightings! Funny how things work out … or not Off to check on Pictures from NASA 1998 STS-88 mission …
  5. Hot Yoga guru raped students in cult-like training

    Has any one read 'Karma Cola' , its a little 'exposition' on how certain easterners see stupid westerners as ripe fruit for the 'spiritual' money making market.
  6. The letter A

    In Hebrew there are 3 'mothers and each one is attributed to a the three elements ( like the three Gunas - not as in the 4 elements model) In a way, it is similar in Hermetics ; A is primal air as in the triad; water air fire - air 'creates' (or contains) fire and water (obvious polarities) the same as Tao contains Yin and Yang. Not trivial informative ... to show, yet again, IMO, that we all looking at the same jewel through different facets .... says 'Mr Chop-suey'
  7. The letter A

    Hermetics and other systems work by association but with synesthetics it is a real and visual thing. One doesn't associate 5 with red but 'SEES' red when they see 5, i.e. the association has a neurological result as opposed to a mental one.
  8. Fuck karma

    Well, I am not surprised you are if you believe in the necessity for redemption. Sorry but; 'There is no grace', but not sorry that ; ' there is no guilt' and happy that ; "Love is the Law, Do What Thou Wilt.' Fall? Did you did fall down ? Or did someone trip you up? You didn't let 'someone' get into your head did you ? Try another version: “ For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.” “Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God.” “Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away.” “Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.” “A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death! A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture! A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight! Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.” “Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up thyself, o my prophet, thy stature shall surpass the stars.” “The light is mine; its rays consume Me … “
  9. Hang on! Didn't I have a rave with Brian about that in another thread about the Earth running into the debris of the comet ??? Where on earth (?) do I get this stuff from .
  10. Okay here is a 'delirious call' for that; "I beseech thou, O Great Moderator of the Watchtower of the East .... "
  11. Auric Sight - Can You See Auras?

    I thought that was the 'etheric' body and not the aura ?
  12. A sovereign God question

    Of course ... you would have to think that. Do you think respecting others 'of the book' fake as well ? Is it 'fake' that under edict of Mohammad that high Moslem Cultures lived in peace with Christians and Jews. Are they not 'people of the book'? And does not Turkey now and through the past, offer a good place to live for Muslim, Jew and Christian because of tolerance preached by Mohammad ? And I will even go so far as to suggest that religious tolerance and the idea to accept 'people of the book' is partially contingent on the idea of a shared sovereign God.
  13. Fuck karma

    Redemption from what ?
  14. The letter A

    So will A ; A - Aleph - Fool - Air. Air - mind. Fool sets off on journey ; go-ing. Air going - wind. Blow your mind. Fool goes without mind (but still finds success ) 8 - Mercury - mind. Mercury and Fool - air. Kabblahblahla - mind blown . Lao Tsu - Fool ?
  15. I am curious about how Mer curious fits in here.
  16. ... I used to be able to sit on full Lotus, go up on knees, knee walk, then lie on stomach with hip bones on the ground and snake up ... now ??? :( I am jealous of you cat , all I can manage now is a little sitting squat with the help of my tail and a half lotus for brief periods now and again. But I actually feel 'better inside' now than I did back then
  17. Fuck karma

    One day .... masses of us may realise it is technique that matters and all beliefs and obsessions with gods teachers and gurus are relevant metaphors for individuals and hold no existential reality ... THEN we will all be able to go places! And that applies to MY religion too of course
  18. Fuck karma

    Bacchus like alcohol ... Venus likes flowers .... hmmmm care to work on a poem about this
  19. Fuck karma

    Hmmm ... I am talking about invocation of 'God-forms' . Thanks for the info ... I also have my own, quiet well working, instructions
  20. Fuck karma

    yes ... for a tantric approach I also have a 'void' temple for the 'austere' approach. A magical altar and a temple must be set up the right way ... it just isn't a hodge podge of things we like ... as so many of them are ... and my 'casual ones' are. If I want to invoke Venus (or Krishna or .... ) my mind and awareness needs to focus on that. But I know it will wander ... that's fine ... the vision wanders; there is the statue of Venus, the colours of Venus ... my 'un /sub conscious' wanders , there is the magick square of Venus, the colours of Venus ... mind distracted by smell? Flood the temple with the incense of Venus ... body restless ? Throw in 7 circumambulations of Venus ... feel like a chat ? poems prayers to Venus . This is the path of devotion or Bhakti and just one of the methods of magick - Liber Astarte ... 'tis the most dangerous path for the Magician though ... ever noticed how Hare Khrishna's seem obssesed about Krishna ? Obsession is not a magical path! it is an aberration off the path of magick in that sector relating to 'Acts of Worship' (Bhakti Yoga) - Union by Love ... if this path is polluted by 'fear of surrender '' then one moves into obsession and then ignorance
  21. Fuck karma

    Well ... maybe need complexities isn't quiet right ... Tantrics do ... otherwise just go and empty your mind and mediate on absolutely nothing a la Zen/Suzuki style ... Oh, its sooo easy to quieten the mind isn't it (considering the aim of 'quieten' is just to release it to its normal function Thing is we are complex ... and the situation we are in can be complex ... and so the solution needs, at times to be complex. But not TOOOO complex ... it can be stripped back to basic psychological process that we need to extract ourselves from ... that's why I like Buddhism.
  22. Fuck karma

    being complex mind illusion creatures we need complexities. You want it simple ??? They all say the same thing; JesusBuddhaZoroasterEtc ; If you want life to be better and nicer, then go around being better and nicer to each other. But who on Earth is going to listen to that !
  23. Fuck karma

  24. I like to hear a far cry .... better than one right next to my ear Walk themselves? I prefer to fly ... zone in on the one pyramid I am working ... raise it up above the board and dissolve the rest or sink them under sand .... then approach (fly to) the one worked, go around until you see or find a door .... ... go inside .... W O W The 'fun' I have had in there ! (talk about 'portals'!) (Not only are the sides different colours but they are made of different 'stones' (rock) and gems - spectacular .... ummmm, on 'astra'l, not on my tablets )
  25. Fuck karma

    Not only that ... in some systems one can have it 'dissolved' before one even HAS it in the first place ... thereby allowing one free reign to commit 'unspeakable actions'. However, the later Middle Ages saw the growth of considerable abuses. Greedy commissaries sought to extract the maximum amount of money for each indulgence.[46] Professional "pardoners"[6] (quaestores in Latin) - who were sent to collect alms for a specific project - practiced the unrestricted sale of indulgences. Many of these quaestores exceeded Church teachings, whether in avarice or ignorant zeal, and promised impossible rewards like salvation from eternal damnation in return for money.[44] With the permission of the Church, indulgences also became a way for Catholic rulers to fund expensive projects, such as Crusades and cathedrals, by keeping a significant portion of the money raised from indulgences in their lands.[44] There was a tendency to forge documents declaring that indulgences had been granted.[44] Indulgences grew to extraordinary magnitude, in terms of longevity and breadth of forgiveness.