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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Try this; Stand with one leg ... stretch arms out to side horizontal ... keep everything still, now rotate head around in full circles (chin on chest, to the left, as far up as you can , back, to the right and down to chin on chest (added to avoid 'The Exorcist' s style head spin for those that may misS-interpret} )
  2. Not an expert ... a fellow student. No, no Bembine tablets ... suggest as a replacement Enocian tablets and I recommend drawing up and painting your own ... there are only 4 for each element and one for spirit. Mine only took 96 hours to make. here is an example of one tablet;
  3. My altar is on top of an old 1950's chest of draws it is dark aged cederwood I think. It has a black cloth with hieroglyphs, Egyptian Gods and animals printed on it in red yellow blue and gold. The main centre piece is a statue of Anpu holding his hands over a table with a slab of ruby crystals under them. On the cloth is phurba and tingshaw, an oldwooden box with various jewels (from initiation ceremonies etc) and talismans and 'stuff' , an old photo album pre 1940 of my faterhs trip to Ahnam Land showing tribal aboriginals, corroboree and sacred things not shown nowadays and my pentacle (tarot deck)... a wooden carving of a catfish and a wooden bowl full of coins. (That's one of three altars in my bedroom ... they are also in the lounge room, by the hearth, over the kitchen sink, in the garden ( 3 there too) and down at the cabin in the valley where there is also a large outdoor circle (can fit 300) with 4 internal elemental altars . - Much fun building that... needed a tractor and a large dozer to bring a rock down from the back ridge to make the earth altar ... Then there are the 'specific workings' altars in the temple I built; 'Goetic (in th shape of a Tau with the 10 sections (see Liber Yod) and all the alters and temples for the Rites of Eleusis (which I have done several series of over the years, plus a big out door ones with maypole for the pagan stuff ... pluis .. plus, plus Anyone want an altar / ritual circle designed and set up ? (Cheap rates for TB's )
  4. A sovereign God question]]
  5. A sovereign God question

    What? Gone from Brad Pitt to Clint Eastwood have you? People are atrocious and evil IN ANY RELIGION .... urmmmm ... in case you haven't noticed it is one's attitude that makes all the difference . Why do you not follow Mohammad's contract to look after and respect Christians ! Achtiname of Muhammad - Muhammad's promise to Christians. Some have argued that the Achtiname is a resource for building bridges between Muslims and Christians. For example in 2009, in the pages of the Washington Post, Muqtedar Khan translated the document in full, arguing that “Those who seek to foster discord among Muslims and Christians focus on issues that divide and emphasize areas of conflict. But when resources such as Muhammad's promise to Christians is invoked and highlighted it builds bridges. It inspires Muslims to rise above communal intolerance and engenders good will in Christians who might be nursing fear of Islam or Muslims.”
  6. A sovereign God question

    Possibility 1 ; Brian, Nungali, 3bob and Ronggzomfan are all in a secret cabal, our mission is to get isinsiz biri because .... we drew his name out of a hat. he is the one good right one and we are all wrong. Possibiltiy 2 ; isimsizi bir becomes unstable and illogical when anyone contradicts him and lashes out with all sorts of silly responses that make little sense and many people are aware of this and try to help him by showing it to him. PS. a Moslem posts pictures of people with their hands cut off ????
  7. A sovereign God question

    He gets really tired when he starts loosing ... off to bed now you go ... goodnight Brad Pitt.
  8. A sovereign God question

    Typical ... yet again 'Brad Pitt' here cant answer the question and instead of intelligently offering any answer offers the same old boring excuse. If only you would Skype with me .... then you would be a Moslem .... purrleeease !
  9. Fuck karma

    If karma is any action ... including thought ... and one must be aware of that action ... and not many are; I too am reminded of Kabbalah ...specifically the Tree of Life, and the arrangement at the top (that not many can perceive) and the whole issue straddles the Abyss (between the ideal world and the world of action). 'Action' seems a polarity between Geburah ('force' and Severity) and Chesed ( 'modification' and Mercy) ; " Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil.’ [Liber Librae] Going ‘up’ the Tree from here we cross the Abyss (into an ideal world of Triplicity – Yin and Yang ‘crowned’ by Tao if one wants … or a multitude of other triple forms), in the Abyss is Daath – knowledge … which informs action . But as we know, a little knowledge can be dangerous … more knowledge is needed …’ knowledge’ in the form of (moving further up the Tree, now to sphere 3 ) Binah – Understanding ; an understanding of where that knowledge leads and the effects (or Karma ?) of applying the knowledge. Next is sphere 2 ; Chokmah – wisdom; knowing the right action to take considering all factors and with the understanding to effect the material situation (action), the ‘right’ way. Accessing the first sphere ; Kether – Crown , Tao , or original principle, imbues the ‘right action’ with a Taoist flavour, i.e. the action should be in harmony with natural forces to use them as going against them requires more action and force (and besides I am inherently lazy )
  10. No no no ... all wrong ... you don't need balance or a staff .... I can do that pose quiet easily ... just check the actual details in the pic no problem at all for me ....... when floating in space
  11. Its called glamour ... some people insist on it (cult joiners) some insist on using it (cult leaders) Its a great way to mask content
  12. yes I got the second reference to god / daemon around the wrong way ... I think
  13. Much better blessings ...they reminds me of something ... yes, much better than an old auntie
  14. So .... ? My requirement is that Chegg don't bless me, award me with 'good karma' points, think it is because he didn't give me enough when it is not give me any and stop the wub wub wub ... Good Lord! Its like some old auntie that insists on smootching me over and over again ... <flaps and flails his arms towards chegg>
  15. and no awarding of 'karmic points' ..... stuff QUACK !
  16. Okay ... I give you one more chance. Arggghhh ! You did it again ! : straight away ... right after you promised ! <wanders off mumbling> why do you do that ... you give them another chance ... when you know ... mumble mumble
  17. And we're back! :)

    Yours .... for a few hours
  18. Fuck karma

    Her butt is safe from you ??? I'm confused.
  19. And we're back! :)

    And here I was making a troll post in the thread about trolls ... I hit post and ..... SHIT! I broke taobums ! That'll learn me ! (I got to make the post though eventually )
  20. Lightning

    There is lightening here now ... what is it? It is the legs of the Lightning Brothers They come out of earth They travel through desert country and stalk over the mountains … high up , above the clouds. Now they are here, walking around, stepping down from the high clouds onto hill top and high points. Great strides, wide apart, striking raggedly down they walk, two of them together but some distance apart. Then another after them, then a third. Why so much ? Is it a meeting place, a ceremony? Then they move on and leave behind their sign
  21. Awwww ... did you miss me How did you get on to the subject of Nungali in a thread with this title !!! You are picking on me again aren't you ! ........... How do you know I am not reading everything you write and learning and putting it into practice ??? Do you need acknowledgment .... a pat on the head ... a nod as I pass ? Your existence is assured without my acknowledgment. I told you what annoys me about your posts to me .... and then you chose to keep doing it ... that's fine ... I have no problem with that .... your choice ... I warned ya though and you persisted. <shrug> what am I supposed to do? Either you totally misunderstood me and didn't hear or you responded back with the one thing that annoys me and now you are still doing it above. Reconciliation not needed ... just compliance . (Do you really miss such an ass ??? )
  22. Dogs in the Bible - Messengers of God

    Dog is also very popular in Avestas and Zoroastianism. One of their Yazatas (like an 'angel') is accompanied by a dog (the only animal with a Yazata). 'Dog is companion of mankind' .
  23. Krampus: Saint Nicholas' Dark Companion

    And all I got threatened with was 'if you're bad santa will leave a sack of potatoes instead of presents'