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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Living off grid

    I stayed in an 'earth house' .... atrocious! No flow through of 'energy', air or breezes ... I am used to LOTS of windows in all walls around me when inside. However I find these incredibly attractive
  2. Recorded history is only PART of the story. Then people make up theories to try to explain the PART of the story or with PARTIAL evidence. I doubt that few people see this as the whole story. Some people see it as the whole story , then reject it (even though it isn't supposed to be the whole story in the first place) and then see a historical conspiracy. But I suppose .... after watching some of the pop 'history' shows ..... who can blame them? Human (some of us) love to think we know everything .... in the late 19thC. scientists declared there was nothing left to discover
  3. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    Derail 3. this thread is about Lone Wolf and Cub and not Dr Isimsiz Biri's free medical advice clinic. THREE derail points to Isimsiz Biri.
  4. Amazon drones

    Can you hear that droning noise outside the window now ? Drrrroooooone .... clunk! This could also be threat to international security ; what if 'terrorists' get control of all the drones and get them to hover over one point on the Earth and blow the planet out of orbit into the Sun ?
  5. ‘The Guardian’ seems like a good reference ? Lets look it up; “Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo's Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond is currently in production for release next year to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar … “Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the documentary-makers were working in cooperation with the Mexican government for what he said was "the good of mankind". He said the order to collaborate had come directly from the country's president, Álvaro Colom Caballeros …. “Caballeros himself was conspicuous by his absence from the statement released by Julia-Levy. “So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, (my emphasis ) “In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact "between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time". In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of "landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old". “Guatemala, like Mexico, home to the ancient-yet-advanced Mayan civilisation … has also kept certain provocative archeological discoveries classified, and now believes that it is time to bring forth this information in the new documentary," Guatemala's minister of tourism, Guillermo Novielli Quezada, said in a statement. Also note that all sources and references all cross link to the same article and info = self referential. {which basically means that if I say it is true I can back it up by linking to . post # 3. } Those pictures remind me off those ‘ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics’ that had images of modern army tanks and things in them … whatever became of them ? AS much as it may disappoint some … it is not entirely impossible that the ‘evidence’ was constructed recently . And for anyone who is observant … the idea of ministers of tourism being the only government support and verification perhaps suggests something – hmmmmmmmmmm ??? Of course, many of us don’t trust ‘the government’ …. Unless its an issue like this … then all of a sudden they seem to have a validity ??? Curious ! ..
  6. Amazon drones

    What I am really worried about is the Readers Digest drones delivering giant fake cheques, thick gold covered cardboard winner certificates and offers of free coaching ( you will need it when you win all this money - peoples lives change radically when this happens you know ... we are only hear to help). Not only will I not be able I get out the door but what happens when the Readers Digest drone and the Amazon drone turn up at the same time competing for business ... taking the point that they will both be armed ... Of course if one can have a delivery in 10 minutes that means they will need one drone for each delivery ... that's a lot of drones ! Cost; book = $ 39.95 + delivery charge $289.99.
  7. Amazon drones

    What makes you think they wont be armed and be able to shoot back?
  8. Amazon drones

    If you do the secret locater chip in the cargo will send out an alert and multiple amazon policer drones will arrive ... make sure you have a tennis racket handy.
  9. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    But it wasn't me that bought up the subject of Zatoichi But it wasn't me that asked the question about Zatoichi;s sword technique Agreed, this thread is not about my skilful use of weapons. For the rest of this thread I will not talk about my superior weapons skills. Are you saying I derail to infinity ? Derail 1. This thread is about Lone wolf and cub not nafs. 1 Derail point to Isimzis Biri. Derail 2. This thread is about Lone wolf and cub not akido. 2 Derail points to Isimzis Biri. You have 2 derail points and I only have 1 (as I conceded that I should not have mentioned my weapons skills .... oh shit! I said I wasn't going to mention that again didn't I .... ooops.)
  10. Living off grid

    Now there is a place to get off grid! When I was in New Zealand I saw a few small geothermal powered hot water and cooking systems. some houses even had localised private ones, just for that house . one had a boiling mud pit as a garden feature in the front lawn !
  11. Living off grid

    Ahh ... the fire bath ... yes. Imagine: Its near some bamboo, nice plants and rainforest stuff around and in a grove of big twisted turpentine trees . The bath is steaming (and it cooks you, you cant get an experience like that with other baths as none keep supplying heat from the bottom, most gradually cool after you get in them.) Your lying back, looking through up the trees and the rising steam to the stars. Ahhhhh! I had a 'young friend' staying for a while (at her insistence) who loved the bath. her mum came to visit (who was about my age ) she looks out the window where the bath is in full view; "I am not sure if my daughters privacy would be protected out there." - my response ; "Oh no, it isn't should see the photos of it I posted on the internet." Next day mum is out floating in the bath ... totally blissed out. Nungali calls out window; "When you are finished there is a warm fire going in here and a pot of tea made." - a convert ! Now she realises I am not bad after all ! Note ; Mums bath pics are posted at ....... ... Oh yeah, I just remembered: when on the Great Escarpment walk, the back up logistics truck guys found an old bath in the middle of nowhere, so we scored it, at each base camp it was set up, so when walkers came to camp in the middle of the bush after a section treck there was a camp set up with fire and dinner and a hot bath !
  12. Living off grid

    Errmmm, you aren't advocating using toilet compost on veggies are you ... if I read that right . Warning! Warning! Danger ! (DONT do that)
  13. Living off grid

    Well, this is sorta what I mean; No electricity for two years; lighting? Candles, lamps, etc ? Go to town for wifi recharge - good idea. Streams and filter? Water supply from a stream through a filter? How did the water arrive? Friends place is by the river but one has to walk up a steep bank with heavy water containers. Now he has a small holding tank and pumps up water from a water pump driven by an old lawn mower engine. I am not fully off grid at the cabin as it is on a community and the water is tank gravity feed to the cabin and gardens but the tank is filled by an on=grid pump by the river. proper outhouse ? What is that? a can or deep pit. MY pit used to fill up with water during heavy rain - disgusting, I have come up with a great dry composting solution (many dry composting solutions around here seem difficult. some don't even work, I had to shovel one out and bury the waste). You don't have to be 'fancy' to be off grid surely? I would say it goes the other way. Hot water? I use a gas stove, I used to have a wood stove with a water jacket - ahhhh! those were the days/ I have also made hot water by a coil of black poly water pipe on the roof and even coiled up in a mulch pile ... hot enough to scald the skin! There is always the chip heater ... wonderfull little things, chuffing away, even outside in the rain, like a little steam train. At the cabn is an outside metal bath that I can light a fire under ... that is a great way to go.
  14. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    How am I derailing this thread? The thread is about Lone Wolf and Cub (two ‘demons’ that go around killing things they don’t agree with – on whom you seem to base your Dharma – but we will leave that aside for the moment) At post 3 Mark Foote mentioned Zatoichi. And posted a movie link. I responded to him and posted a small clip link. You roused me for derailing (but not Mark Foote). Mark responded in post 6 saying “You can blame me for that.” Post 8 Mark had a technical question on Zatoichi sword technique (you didn’t admonish him from returning to the subject) you didn’t answer his question so I did ); quick, simple, 3 lines. Then you immediately insulted me and changed the subjects to Nafs, post 12. So I explained to you the level of sword and Nafs I was at. I also suggested your reaction was because of my skill and knowledge in sword, and you reacted with an insult as you do not have that knowledge to converse with me intelligently about it. I came to this conclusion by observation of your interaction with others here where you exhibited the same behaviour. Others were offended by your response to me and posted complaint to you. In post 19 I actually defend you try to see your comment about me as positive and give thanks to you. Then you in post 20 open the subject of nafs again. Then in post 22 you said the demonstration of jo by Morihiro Saito Sensai was ‘A typical exhibition of Nafs’ - very disrespectful ! You post 23 starts with an insult to me. 25 shows a further insult which I graceiously accept as advice and bow to you. In post 28 I answer your questions about Nafs (a subject YOU introduced into your own thread (hence self-derailing) briefly and suggest we start another thread to discuss it, so as to NOT derail your own thread. At post 29 the subject matter drifts into ‘monster teachers’. You don’t protest to Mark but answer him and continue on that subject, I comment on it (having an insight into this subject). In post 31 YOU change the subject to Aikido. In post 32 YOU bring in quotes from another different subject and a totally different thread and try a mis-quote on me . Then YOU continue on ‘off topic’ about ‘monster teachers’. In post 37 I answer some questions and accusations levelled at me by you. Then I ask AGAIN if YOU really want to discuss this topic in a tread about Lone Wolf and Cub. In post 38 I answer a question about Aikido, a subject YOU introduced into your own thread. Post 40 YOU continue the off topic and start bringing in information to prove some point, and then later only use part of it to prove something (when you had already quoted my own usage in point 1. I try to point it out logically but you respond with ‘it is total bullshit’ when I was using your own definition you quoted anyway ( point 1 of wiki definition ). Post 43 you move to selective denial. Now other posters point out that you are wrong by putting up fuller info from YOUR OWN reference site. Then when another member asks you to modify you blame ME for derailing the thread. You derailed your own thread several times, I asked twice to move the subject to a new thread but you just continued, and when it appears you were loosing ground, you projected blame onto me for derailing. Part of growing up and maturing is accepting responsibility for one’s own behaviour and actions. I don’t find that TOO hard ( I’m a big boy now ! ). Give it a go … even just as an experiment to see what it is like. I am sure you can do it.
  15. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    Yes and you told it as total bullshit and said " Italian speaking minority of people living in Istanbul and Izmir in Turkey. They are Catholic". .... that is only ONE limited meaning of the word proved above -which just exposes YOU as one who is willing to lie about things just to prove some point of ego. I fully admit my term was incorrect. I modified it to the Levant and Iran in an above post .... Yet again you have been exposed. This happens in many threads and with many people - why do you think that is so .... everyone else is wrong and you are right? What is wrong with you ?
  16. Living off grid

    I winced at the generator ... too complex ... I have 2 systems one with 1 panel, I truck battery battery, wiring small inverter - I can fix that if it breaks but nothing there to break really in the first place (I know people with large or high tech solar and it gives much more trouble than my system) ... I run lights, music, charge phone and laptop - no probs. Thanks for the advice on finding water or drinking rainwater and other market possibilities I am actually hankering after some converse with people who are actually doing it and living the practicalities . (That's why I bolded in post 13. )
  17. It might help to have an image of this up as well
  18. There seem to be 3 parts to the OP : Demon ... olatry ( like idolatry ? ) and some books, SoG doesn't practice that but the books have info on Egyptology The relevance of the constellation The Thigh and its relation ship to elemental forces. The reference to the constellation (of Words) site is great, a very good site that I use as a tool, so I am familiar with it The other Egyptian site looks good who or waht is its source, is based on some Schueller deLubicz or Robert Lawler? I am very interested in Ancient Egyptian ... well, everything just about anything ... and ancient astronomy and cosmology, so I am interested to see where this thread goes. So I will give it a directional kick: The thigh ... lets look at that first ... as an offering in temple and what that means .... and in a hieroglyphic sense. First thoughts are; its a bulls thigh and the point of it is it is a powerful motive force, ( unlike the ank, sandal strap that 'assists going' ) it seems a raw and strong force, It probably connects deeply with the ' Royal Bull' (the animal itself and the King.
  19. Interesting picture - your feelings.

    My immediate emotional response was ; 'I want to do that.' I would like to walk along that sand and stand there. The secondary response was that I felt like it is a landscape similar to ones I call 'internal landscapes' , they are gateways and entry points into the 'other world' (whatever one wants to term that) that are accessed internally - wether one sees it as the unconscious or the shamanic world or maybe even the dreamtime , I prefer the term and theories of 'Daimonic world'. But in this picture and in my 'internal landscapes' it feels more internal and less of an outward reality (but 'work' in there seems to be able to effect outward reality - the objective material plane. Some practices use this interior realm and landscape to find/create 'temples' sanctuaries, power sources, etc. Some connect to nature, deep cythonic levels of psyche or astral or perhaps 'astro' or cosmic concepts. This one seems like a constructed temple or sanctuary ... 'out there' . To look at it another way it could be an actual place, inside a temple, pyramid or ? looking out through a gap that aligns on a certain day, with the Sun seen through a dusty desert atmosphere? Is the person walking out and looking at the sun or is it someone walking in. Are we (the viewer) looking out and seeing someone enter or are we in looking out and that is ourselves looking out at the sun. Obviously I quiet like it ... but I don't do face book , so ...
  20. Living off grid

    Would it be alright to broaden the topic a bit ... or the definition of grid? I am interested to know how any taobums have actually done it ( / doing it) and what were you experiences with issues and solutions (or problems that arose with apparent solutions) in regard to water source and supply, power and energy, waste disposal ( biological and 'trash' or 'garbage' ) site layout / design, gardens / crops / animals, building (architecture, materials, etc.) . { I couldn't see your OP link as I am 'off the facebook grid' }
  21. Living off grid

    My phone charges off grid. I am off grid at the cabin ... but on network. Grid is power lines ... you cant get off network, even without a phone, it is everywhere (unless you live in 'non reception area' ) .... beaming through your house ... your head. In over 20 years off-grid experience my biggest realisation is, it all depends on life style. It can be very easy to live off grid ... that's the way people that live on boats do it.
  22. Cloudy again here this pre-dawn Anyone sighted anything?
  23. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    Firstly you seem to have a problem with me having more than one teacher and learning about more than one culture. A few times I have read remarks from you that seem to suggest you have an issue with aboriginals or at least the fact that one of my teachers is an aboriginal – be careful there. As usual you pick on one or two meanings you don’t understand and run to Wikipedia to disprove, while ignoring the many ‘meaty’ parts and significnace of the ‘opposing’ posts. That does not matter as your criticisms of these minor points are easily refuted. By Levantine religion I mean the religions that is or has been extant in that region. Let us look at what you looked at in wiki ( as you only quoted part of that – the part that you think supports your case) 1. “,Anything pertaining to the Levant” (and this alone should qualify the usage of that term) 2. “Levantines (Latin Christians), Levantines, Franco-Levantines, or Latin-Levantines, Italian Levantine, Latin Christians who lived under the Ottoman Empire or in the modern Middle East. 3. Levantine cuisine, the cuisine of the Levant Looking up Levant ( 1.); “ Precise definitions have varied over time, and the term originally had a broader and less well-defined usage. The Levant has been described as the "crossroads of western Asia, the eastern Mediterranean and northeast Africa". Yoy seem to think I invented the word ? “History; The term became current in English in the 16th century, along with the first English merchant adventurers in the region; English ships appeared in the Mediterranean in the 1570s, and the English merchant company signed its agreement ("capitulations") with the Grand Turk in 1579” And also; “In 19th-century archaeology, it referred to overlapping cultures in this region during and after prehistoric times, intending to reference the place instead of any one culture.” Also from wiki “Overlapping regional designations; Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia, Near East and Middle East, Western Asia.” But if that is not good enough for you I will amend my definition (and make my words even LONGER for you) to " Levantine and Zorosatrian religions and their cultural and regional influences" . Is that better? {Anyone who has studied the subject realises the huge input into Judaism and Islam from Zoroastrianism … most of Judaism was not formulated until AFTER the Mesopotamian influence.} The link I gave to the breath techniques is from a Zoroastrian website … ( but you relinked him to wiki) so what if he is Moslem or not? Cannot Zoroastrins partake of the wisdom and learning of other cultures and religions? Or should we disdain them for that and call them chop suey ? In any case, what is wrong with chop suey anyway? I think I will look the word up on your favourite site; Wikipedia - “ Chop suey has become a prominent part of American Chinese cuisine, Filipino cuisine, Canadian Chinese cuisine, German Chinese cuisine, Indian Chinese cuisine, and Polynesian cuisine. In Indonesian Chinese cuisine it is known as cap cai (雜菜, "mixed vegetables") and mainly consists of vegetables.” " Chop suey is widely believed to have been invented in America by Chinese Americans, but the anthropologist E.N. Anderson concludes that the dish is based on tsap seui ... it began life as a good if humble dish among the specialist vegetable farmers of the area. At the end of the day, they would stir-fry the small shoots, thinnings, and unsold vegetables—up to ten species in a dish!” The Hong Kong doctor Li Shu-fan likewise reported that he knew it in Toisan in the 1890s. I am proud to be associated with a healthy mix of vegetables , a ‘good and humble dish’ of farmers and something that can nourish American, Chinese, Filipino, Canadian, German, Indian, Polynesian and Indonesian . However I do not appear palatable to the Turkish taste … for some reason. I agree with you that Ki Breath of Koichi Tohei is good to practice and good for health … I wasn’t trying to say otherwise. As usual I think you missed the logical thread and responses of my argument. Edit: Also, I think many people here realise that breath and regularisation or 'de-patterning' and 're-patterning' of it can effect changes in consciousness and spirit.
  24. They still are not sure, it is loosing magnitude and may just be a dust cloud or there may be some chinks of ice left in it. This site has a map for where when to view it.
  25. Anyone have $995,000 I can borrow?

    I also like the town living under a rock ... I want to go there (whaT a great place for a lizard!)