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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. How on earth did that happen?

    Salamanders ??? Harumph ..
  2. How on earth did that happen?

    I don't care ... rave away I get into allsorts of 'bent' stuff ... but I don't care, its just another way of looking at things. If I cant see a correlation in its process with a process in nature then I assume it is just some mad human head trip .... then, not interested.
  3. " Socrates: You, Gorgias, like myself, have had great experience of disputations, and you must have observed, I think, that they do not always terminate in mutual edification, or in the definition by either party of the subjects which they are discussing; but disagreements are apt to arise-somebody says that another has not spoken truly or clearly; and then they get into a passion and begin to quarrel, both parties conceiving that their opponents are arguing from personal feeling only and jealousy of themselves, not from any interest in the question at issue. And sometimes they will go on abusing one another ... until the company at last are quite vexed at themselves for ever listening to such fellows. " Curious that I was up to this part this morning ...
  4. Spirit Science

    Under these terms and definitions I find it very hard to say more about that. If I read or hear what some say is spiritual science, it hasn't fulfilled my definition of science. When it does it doesn't become 'spiritual '. E.g. Psychic energies (telepathy, distant viewing , etc.) ... communication with ancestors/ancestral memory ... and a whole range of 'spiritual stuff' all fit nicely together in the 'scheme' of Exo-psychology (albeit including some far-out propositions and postulations - but much of science has that {evolution , quantum theory etc. } ) but IMO that is a science so those things , in THAT framework have become science ( I can demonstrate the proofs personally to my satisfaction , it correlates with other systems, it does not force any great contradictions with other systems scientific or spiritual and it has been demonstrated to work as a system of psychology (by assisting recovery of 'helpless' cases incarcerated in prison ) another example; the Psychiatric work of Wilson van Dusen who used Swedenborg's principles of spirit possession to treat patients ... his findings and case studies and his cases of rehabilitation now have scientific validity. The reason is because he removed the metaphor or spiritual and religious clothing and looked at the underlying principles Crowley has done in the above link . The benefit of this is, one does not have to adopt a religious or spiritual dogma or belief system but one can apply the process to the psyche ... I see this a relevant key in getting to the bottom of it all. Which ... in my extremely limited understanding of the subject, I think that is what a good deal of Buddhism is about ? It IS heavily 'clothed' but it focuses on the techniques and processes of the psyche, in amore 'open way' than the masked way of other systems (except 'scientific illuminism' )
  5. How on earth did that happen?

    apparently more than I realised ... no doubt due to my supposed resting and recovery regime ... it appears to be working ... I seriously contemplated some heavier labour today ... soon. OMG ! I just looked at yours 19647 ... ! Brian's seem a lower number yet he posts all over the place (and on that note Brian sometimes I have trouble realising you aren't that guy in the little icon photo and his expression isn't yours - although on 2nd thought; reading some of the obscure answers to your clear questions maybe it iS ? ... so please excuse any strange responses on my part ) .
  6. Spirit Science

    Back to Spiritual science; IMO there isn't such a thing ... when it becomes 'science' it becomes science not 'spiritual science' which again IMO is usually load of rubbish (as evidenced above). BUT ... studying the technique behind religion and spirituality (which some might term science or 'scientific illuminism' ) is another matter and IMO quiet valid; ..
  7. . I think you are in the wrong thread again ... people keep saying you are but you deny it and YOU say you ARE on topic. Please show me in this thread where martial arts has been discussed. Off topic AGAIN! .
  8. I think you are in the wrong thread again ... people keep saying you are but you deny it and YOU say you ARE on topic. Please show me in this thread where Okinawan karate has been discussed. (In any case I imposed shame on Japanese karate not Okinawan ... I respect Okinawan karate. At least get your facts straight when you go off topic in desperation .... desperation because you are being defeated in argument by so many people all at once! You remind me of the Samurai in 'Sword of Doom'. )
  9. What about 'Western Philosophical Arts and Practices' have you tried that. Some have success with 'banishing rituals' , I knew a young woman who had bad 'night terrors' (demonic versions of herself coming into her room and ripping her apart and eating her, her not being able to tell the difference between that happening and reality, her mother holding her arms and trying to wake her up but her totally in horror and screaming ... that's pretty bad ! ) Anyway she had some success with therapy and the Pentagram banishing ritual ... it just seemed suited to her specific 'western psychological' problem.
  10. mystical poetry thread

    SUFI DANCE On certain nights I attend Sufi dance. I can't remember where it is or how I get there, or, for that matter, how I get home and back into my bed. I talked to a friend about it. He told me I was dreaming. But if it is a dream why do I wake up so sore and tired? Sometimes I have blisters on my feet. But I feel I'm getting somewhere with it, I'm no longer getting as dizzy as I used to. I seem to be developing more love and patience. I look good, people tell me. I was practicing a very difficult part of the dance last month. The teacher wore orange robes and the dance was very technical. The month before, a different teacher, (who wore a red robe) taught a simpler stamping dance, a somewhat angry yet purposeful dance. There was a teacher before that a beautiful woman who wore a silver robe, her dance was fluid and graceful. I didn't do very well. I think I became a little infatuated with her, it was hard to concentrate. I liked the blue teacher, his dance was joyous and expansive. Good things happened to me after his lesson. In my mundane life, that is. The green woman! Well, that was easy! But I was a little confronted. Well worth it, because after those lessons, I met her - in my mundane life. The Golden One seemed to be saying he is what I will become. I found him a little confusing. I haven't been taught by the black teacher yet, I have had a glimpse of her style. She is naked and black and sprays of stars and spiral galaxies cover her body. But now, it’s all mixed up. Sometimes I seem in one level of the dance, and at other times in another level. But lately there is no teacher. No particular colored robe and no difference between the me here in this part of the dance and that me there in that part of the dance and another me over there in another part of the dance. But at the same time I am out of the dance and watching myself and the other dancers. When that happens the dance becomes a huge astral entity, a massive cone of light with layers and bands of colors and dancers and teachers. Each colored circle, one on top of each other, diminishing in size; a huge cone of dancing, multi-colored, banded light floating and rotating amongst the blackness and stars of space. At times while I am in the dance other dancers come into my space and bounce and career off me spinning madly, grinning, singing and dancing off to their destinies on other paths and trajectories. In this part of the dance are wild eyed poets giggling on LSD, dancers that are leaping and floating like fauns and satyrs somersaulting leaving behind them trails of stars and sparkles. Lately I have connected with a dance partner. We dance exquisitely together, she looks just like my partner in the mundane world but lately she seems to have distracted attention. Something seems to be bothering her, perhaps it is me? It probably is. My dance is far from perfection. When I look up through the translucence above, I see exquisite dancers. They are vibrant and ecstatic. I want to be like them. They fall and tumble but this helps then to rise in their total control of the dance. Even when they misstep. I want to be like that. And when I look down I see the dancers below me still learning the dance. I remember when I made those mistakes. Some are awkward and squabbling like cranky penguins but others are concentrating and aspiring. But sometimes, when the dance blends with my mundane life and I seem stuck in the middle part of the dance. A crazy insane part of the dance that must be passed through to finish the dance. It does with me what it will and I can only respond to its energy and lose myself in the ecstasy of not being there. But I know I am there. Just as I know that at this moment life seems much too serious to be taken seriously and so much is happening all at once, that it must be a dance or a dream. But it matters not because one thing I have learnt is that no matter how hard the dance is, if I persevere and continually attempt to see life from the top of the cone, in my higher consciousness, with purified love, I will survive and rise up beyond the cone to the ecstasy of infinite space and feast upon the stars of life. ~ Nungali
  11. ."We never punish a nation until We send a Messenger" What .... you punish nations by sending a Messenger ?". That's harsh I thought messengers were supposed to help nations . And ummm ... "We have sent Messenger to every nation. Everybody is responsible of his/her acts since there have been a Messenger for every nation between Prophet Adam and Prophet Muhammad." What messenger to send to my Nation and my friends Bundjulung Nation ... where is their messenger? Where is messenger for Australia ? No Messenger , no punishment, so not responsible
  12. Spirit Science

    The 'power of ignore'. This is great! I think he has me on ignore so I can say whatever I like about him and he doesn't respond ... I feel POWERFUL <flexes ... expands chest > I can defeat Isimsiz Biri's sword of cutting logic and witty argument with invisibility technique ... hang on ... did he just admit to trolling ... with a sword .... wade in to a thread as a troll and practice 8 direction cutting ? Problem is he appears to be using a feather duster
  13. Spirit Science

    Of course they are so why do you keep using them and devolving your own arguments and other peoples threads and questions about various subjects INTO religious arguments YOURSELF ?????
  14. I meant to add: Another reason is that many western systems kind of suppress the unconscious and they turn the Daimonic World into the Demonic. The eastern view seems more liberal, natural and accepting of the power of the unconscious and the Daimonic. (but it can also seem more religiously oriented hence the 'demonology' and 'miraculous ' flavours'.
  15. I did that for years ... now I haven't had a nightmare for years, now the dreams I see are respectful and don't try to 'Lord it' over me. I also relieved the stressful situation of someone , continually visiting me and talking weird shit (like . from my front door asking how I would deal with him if he was with his mates and they were doing a home invasion. I threw a knife I kept behind my chair into the door frame next to his head. He didn't come back with that attitude again either
  16. Some people 'hold' a lot in the unconscious .. for them. it is best to clear and balance that before opening 'Pandora's Box'.
  17. Immovable Tai Chi Master

    Of course ... but that is just because you are a nicer person than me
  18. Immovable Tai Chi Master

    It has great analogical value IMO If I am told to line up my body and push my weight through that it doesn't work as well as holding my 4 principles and extending ki through my opponent. But then again I am logically a materialist ... but artistically a mystic
  19. Immovable Tai Chi Master

    Yes ... what I said in post 13 ... break 'ki' first ( a head butt to the face, some fingers in the eyes and a big toe in the testicles might break the 'ki' )
  20. Immovable Tai Chi Master

    Yes, he is good at pushing inanimate objects. Maybe if he was allowed to 'break opponents Ki' first ... and then push ?
  21. Immovable Tai Chi Master

    Set square stance ?
  22. Questions for the scientists in our midst

    Hmmm two things at once ... 1. Refrigeration. If the Stirling cycle engine is connected to the solar reflector to create a high heat source and the energy is drawn from a differential heat flow, to a cold output (heat in cool out) and that does x y z and drives a pump or generator to make electricity etc ... why not just use the cold sink as the refrigerator? Or simpler (?) ... I am thinking of the old kerosene powered fridges , if the solar dish can focus on a similar heat receptor that the kerosene flame was on it could work ... and cut out a whole lot of other stuff in the middle. As usual , with solar power, the issue is tracking to get a good constant output. 2. Magnetism and my earlier comment. " Earth's magnetic field ... seems so weak (takes a whole planet to more that teenie compass needle " ??? But a magnetic field is very strong as it can lift a nail against the whole gravitational field of the Earth. Also 'magnetism decays' - yeah? What causes the opposite, can it be boosted by energy going in, like heat?
  23. Questions for the scientists in our midst

    Its all relevant to my situation (for me) 1. I could get a gas powered fridge but the small camping / caravan size one is too small for my needs and the big ones are Xpensive and troublesome IME. 2. With the earth's magnetic field that is exactly the source I am interested in but it seems so weak (takes a whole planet to more that teenie compass needle ??? ) . That is why I am interested in that "where does it go to ... and where does it come from" in a 'broken looped system' but WHY I want that is too far out, even for this thread ! But thanks for the input
  24. Questions for the scientists in our midst

    . The sort of hell I am postulating is that those lines do connect and thus complete the circuit ... but they connect in a variant time space 'field' or 'continuum' Like the black / white hole thingo. And being able to access this type of magnetic curiosity could be a power source ... but a magnetic charge does dissipate eventually , apparently DAMN ! The biggest issue I have with being off the grid ( a mini solar system I can set up, operate and repair , gas bottles for cooking on the stove {especially in summer } and wood for heating / oven in winter) is refrigeration ... but then I found this : might be feasible in yeaaaars to come , but now v. $$$$$$$$ ! .
  25. Spirit Science
