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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    I believe . At times when I used to train at the park by the river ... we would do "Rohi' a form supposedly based on the heron. Heron would turn up and show us how its done, hunting amidst the riverside rushes. PS. I did say tail feathers
  2. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    I ascended 'Jacobs Ladder' in the Red Lodge does that count?
  3. sparrows

    Did Jesus emotional body need tempering, did God send him to the dark reaches of the astral for turning the tables and whipping the money lenders out of the temple? What do you think Jesus would do to the temple now if he came back and discovered the state of 'his' church?
  4. Holy Guardian Angel

    Firstly ... may I correct you it is Aboriginal ( think of it as 'an original') not Ab origin (although that is interesting as it can mean the 'origin of the father' ) Also, I have no master ... he is one of my teachers. Cannot a good man and bad man have the same father? Here is ONE connection for you. Aboriginal wise man points to Mars " You see that fellah up there! That's Bungil ... he is old eagle eye ... he can get angry, his eye is red. He looks after the Law, if you break the Law he will punish you . he is always flying around up there like an eagle hawk he is watching us. Don't break the Law, you will make him angry and he will swoop down and punish you, and maybe us too if we let you break the Law. Crowley speaks in terms of Egyptian Gods to explain things ; one concept is Horus. His planet is Mars. He is shown as has a man with hawk's head, In the form of Horus Ra Khuit (Ra-Hoor-Khuit) he is known to vengeful , you can read about him in The Book of the Law. Australian Aboriginals never met ancient Greeks yet their mythology that is around that group of stars we know as Scorpio has all the traits that come from a Greek astrological (and later) concept/s of Scorpio. I could go on ... and on ... are you familiar with Jung's concept of the collective unconscious? That is another level where we are all connected ... through the mythic as well. Inside we are all brothers ... our blood is all red, Each piece of fruit on your table is wonderful and different (and I know Turkey has some of the best food and diet in the world,so you are fortunate ) ... some do not like the lemon ... Iranians eat the lemon and the skin as well. I do not chastise them for it as it hurts no one else.
  5. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Dude! That doesn't make sense, there will be no momentum for uplift until I get the speed up , so there cant be any evolution (like an inter-celluar 'super-efficient machine' it cant evolve ... its a built in 'design by intelligence' ) Of course I will need feathers growing out my arse as well for steerage (might make a change from my words coming out of there?)
  6. sparrows

    I am not going to cover it up , the church or a moderator can do that. I was asked a rather insensitive or naïve question. And here lies the truth in plain and clinical language (not rude or swearing ). If I choose to start being rude or swearing then I will do as you ask. Thank you , in that case, for the instructions.
  7. sparrows

    I find it hard to believe you do not know ... it is a world wide scandal there is a big government enquiry about it in my country. I will spell it out for you as plain as I can Priests, whose spiritual duty and responsibility before God is to educate and lead their church members in a spiritual way and under the laws and rules of their own church culture ... and who were trusted by the parents and the small children ... took some of those children and victims. Well ... look at that ... I found another definition of Evil ! (with a capital E ) ... You asked me ... ( I stood up to them ... these sorts don't try it on those that will smash them in the face if they try it .... that's why they preach non-violence and to put up with c**p in life and get your reward and fairness later in 'heaven' .)
  8. Holy Guardian Angel

    But they are all connected ,... don't you see the one? Stand back and see that the shining light that attracts YOU isn't THE light, it is just one facet of the jewel. The jewel reflects a greater light from beyond. Do not be afraid of the eclectic . You can live on chop suey you know ... if you make it the right way it can be healthy and nourishing ...pity is not a required ingredient though. Maybe a dose of salt is ? I remember Idris Shah ... I read some of his stuff as a teenager ... many many years ago. .... Its gotta be better than' Mutant Message Down Under ???? yes ??? why would you read a book of that name anyway ??? Did you watch the link I posted for you ... it is many gifted people sharing their traditions ... acknowledging the jewel they are all part off; each a beautiful thread ... or, if you like a chop suey “ Thus we gather up all the threads of human passion and interest, and weave them into an harmonious tapestry, subtly and diligently with great art, that our Order may seem an ornament even to the Stars that are in the Heavens at Night. In our rainbow-coloured texture we set forth the glory of the whole Universe— See thou to it, O brother, that thine own thread be strong, and pure, and of a colour brilliant in itself, yet ready to mingle in all beauty with those of thy brethren! “ Amen / Amoun ..
  9. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Birds fly down all the time ... I plan to start that way ... the tricky bit is zooming upwards at the end ... I think the trick is to just get up enough momentum...
  10. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    what is the subconscious?
  11. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Difference is I have done it, realised both sides of it and the middle ... and I joke about it. Its not about fantasize for me, its about doing it and learning the real life lessons ... not postulating never doing it through fear of change or it all might go wrong ... I know what you mean; I have had to make the minimal infrastructure and help others do the same and pick up the mess that others left when they couldn't stand their 'roughing it fantasy'.
  12. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Fun aint it? I got sorta bounced on the ground (still standing up) and POW .... off I went like an explosion went off under me "Whaaa happened?" " I bounced your Ki'" "You did what now ??? - Ha! 'Play martial arts' ... I stepped up for a demo dummy once ... it got 'vigorous and enjoyable' ... after, the demonstrator says to me, "Ah! You have played aikido before!" Me; "Why do you say 'play' aikido?" "Because until we start carrying around live swords and using them against each other again, and learning again how to do that, it is all playing."
  13. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Feeling whiny ? Then get thee to a winery - that'll fix you up. His ring is extremely useful
  14. Holy Guardian Angel

    And I am sorry I cant spend my valuable time doing research for you about things you want to know about That book sounds like a fake to me too . My friend ... if I wanted to know about the poetry of Rumi I do not read Bhagwan Shree Rajneeshe's book on what Rumi meant about his poems or some hippy rubbish about it ... I would read the works of Rumi and latter Sufi commentaries, then maybe some academic studies about Rumi and Sufism It is not a 'demon' that is a modern / English / Christian word and has a perverted meaning. LIke many English words ... it is a good language for commerce but not metaphysics. Unfortunately I am stuck with it I tried already to explain it to you as a third view ... a view the indigenous and religious have about the world they live in and things they DO see and DO experience (all around the world through all times) and the religious see as a miracle. But the religious turn it back to dualism and see a miracle from God or a 'bad work of magic or sorcery' from Iblis Devil Satan ... and under him , demons. The indigenous do not necessarily think like that (unless they are religious and not shamanic). The works of Joseph Harpur are a modern look at an attempt to understand this. It is probably too deep to work it all out here but the 'uberstanding' ( larger understanding with penetrative insight) of all of that may be essential to getting the gist of this thread?
  15. sparrows

    If only you knew of the evil seeds that many of the members and clergy of the RCC and the concepts of that church itself and others and others have planted in the minds of children you would not have put it that way. I hope you can then extricate yourself from this 'philosophical muddle'. Thanks, but I already know what Sin is; "The word of sin is restriction." and " Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect, and to that end sin not against thyself. The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices. "
  16. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    So now you dream of flying - well good luck to you, I hope it felt good. I miss my very vivid childhood flying dreams . I also believe some simple / psychological dreams can hold messages, morph, represent other things processes and developments. The "Dreamtime" is a place, where amongst other things, metamorphosis of and development of forms take place .... the archetypal world is flexible in this realm .
  17. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Wow dude! That is one big piece of psychological projection (look it up, wiki has a good page on it) and assumption about someone else's .... everything ... how on earth did you get 'insight' like that. I mean how do you know what she might do want dream become or find out there I mean .... sheesh! .... <walks off mumbling >
  18. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Welll ... I just might prove ALL of you wrong ... it might just be the last thing I do ( I never said which direction I wanted to 'fly' ... it might be straight down ) .
  19. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Maybe read between the lines and not just on the surface ??? Didn't I say somewhere that people don't believe that I have actually found happiness and satisfaction with my life? Maybe not. It doesn't matter, this a gift for me, not them , and I am going to accept it - bogglebear ! I'm not talking about a fleeting satisfaction or a situational one or one that disappears when sickness, pain and 'misfortune' abound ... it is a simple state of just being that because you are alive and in existence and even possibly looking very near death straight in the face with no problems or false assurances or beliefs in an after life or absolute non-existence for all I know... and the feeling / state / rewiring / stasis / is still there. A lot of that was 'dreaming' ( also relates to 'dreamtime' ) (plus yeaaars of other and eclectic practice, but here we could also have a cultural misunderstanding as well ... plus I realise my 'sense of humour' isn't for everyone. But then again I really don't expect anyone else get it so ... <shrug>
  20. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Hmmm ... When I have moments of being absolutely in the present moment the last thing I want to do is muse about other people and start thinking about if they are in the present moment or not ... like I am not in the present moment now ... well, I was THEN but I am not now again ... damn! Hang on ... I am thinking about wether you are in the moment because you think other people may not be in the present moment and that has drawn me out of that moment ... which I was in just then ... but it passed into another moment which I plane to be in soon so ....
  21. Watching The Birds

    Ha ! A bit like that, it reminds me of years back when I was reading some Pidgin English and started a new job and a guy from New Guinea (Toby) was getting in trouble at work unfairly off our dickhead boss (who kept doing things wrong and trying to blame staff - Toby walks away from the boss and past me fuming so I say; Toby imi goodpellah - Boss imi cranki, imi fuckimarse ! Toby stops and beams at me and goes something like "OH ! Imicrankifukimarse dispellaimikaikaluckkakuk , wegonnakaiaputamukka sippaalukai .... " (WTF? ... now I've done it! ) Me: " No no ... dispella imi liklik talkboi ... (hold my hand up and squeeze finger and thumb together) LIK LIK talkboi !" He goes, "Oh ... okay, I meant let's go and have lunch together?" "Sure." [ A great Language! In this case a form of English developed in New Guinea by native people trying to comprehend the Aussies language 'English/slang' e.g. they still refer to ; me, I , I am, = boi {from white Australian saying "Hey Boy, do this ... hey boy do that } or; you him they = pella ( fellah , fellow, person ) So the above goes (seriously); . Toby imi good pellah - Boss imi cranki, imi fuck im arse ! Toby, imi (he is ) good fellow, the Boss imi (him / he is ) cranky imi (him / he does) fuck im (it) arse! Hey Toby, don't worry, I know that you are okay, the Boss gets cranky because not only does he stuff things up (Imi buggerimup - he buggers things up) he constantly makes blunders and does things the wrong way all the time (imi fuckimarse ) . ( I suppose; the difference between 'you f***ed that up' and 'you are a f**k up'.) Dispella imi savvy liklik talkboi This fellow (me) imi ( I do ) savvy (understand) lik lik ( very small {amount of} ) talk boi ( the language of you boys ; Pidgin ) I remember prince Charles making a speech once so some ex-British Empire island could understand him ... it seemed so funny with those words coming out his mouth ; "Long time whitepella imi buggerimup Vanauattu ... " Even better was when they gave the Queen beautiful native flower arrangement, which she gracefully accepted and gave Prince Phillip a GIANT penis gourd (a long gourd one wears over the penis) Phill's was giant as they assumed ; "Well ... he is married to the Queen ... it must be massive! ... Prince Phillip didn't accept it ... an aid came forward and quickly removed it to the rear of the entourage .... I mean out of site of the cameras ] I am sooo curious as to what those magpies are saying when they elocute those long liquid mathematical formula songs they do ... that's COMPLEX ... that isn't just a cry or call or an imitation .... what ARE they saying ? .
  22. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Sex on an airplane dream? That's a subject for Jungian analysis ! But having a wishful and hopeful desire to have sex on an airplane ... and achieving it ... Nah! Not for me (unless it was a private Lear Jet or something). Sex with an airplane ? Now ya talking! That's more like it. Actually I did have a very strange occurrence on an airplane but off topic here ( probably the opposite of this thread topic actually)
  23. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    That triggered a thought ... I recently returned to my country home from the city by train, plenty of time to look at the countryside (700km) . Its been sooo dry and rain free for months and months, yet I notice as I have about 10 times doing that trip over 20 years, the closer I get to home the greener it gets - regardless of rainfall or season. I flew over the home area at high altitude a couple of years back; it looked like an emerald green crack in the earth ... a crack with moss growing in it. So .... my grass IS greener because its a in a great spot and is a sub- tropical rainforest area ... greener ... full of nature and life wetter ... hotter ... has more ticks and leeches and it can get really humid and close and big march flies bite you and funnel-web spiders can casually walk through the kitchen and and and and finally
  24. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Ha clicked dislike again me and the bike and tent ... great times ... travel, camp out , find somewhere to stay, do that for a while ... move on... after times return to base area ... always jobs to get, cheap great houses near the beach to rent ... good times ... save some money and off again ... the good old days ... cant do stuff like that there now though. No ... I hated a lot of school as I was forced to go to these stupid catholic schools until I got told , as a threat, that I might have to leave . hooray... a few years at a much better state school ... but still ... some days I didn't want to go to school ... I like to be abe to do what I want (and I usually can - how lucky am I ... it infuriates some ... like parents ... who couldn't figure out HOW I got so spoiled or how I (of all the others!) kept getting what I wanted without having to suffer for it (they couldn't figure out why I kept giving my stuff and money away to others either ... errrmmm ... 1 + 1 = ... ? ) I LOVED college and UNI ! Its a good one because it never ends.
  25. Dreams, ambitons, goals?

    Ha! I was still invincible <flexes> until the third motorcycle accident and that big guy in the martial arts tournament Yes ... I suppose so as I am still in awe ... its probably good to be in awe of ones life. Eh? you might have to ask that in different words ... I both ; got more than I dreamed (in some areas) and not 'enough' of what I dreamed in others. On speculation I guess its like initiation ... or being led into the mythic ... as things that were great also happened that I never dreamed of ... in retrospect , if I had known I would have dreamed and hoped to do them as well. Sometimes, with the mythic world, we strive for it, we follow something (like a magic deer) and end up somewhere fantastic, we just stumble upon it ( the magic forest clearing, the abandoned overgrown castle, or fall down a 'rabbit hole'; all different ways. Yep that was dream too - martial arts ... although too lazy for the 'be like Bruce Lee' dream ( ahah I found a false dream ! To dream to be like another ... agree? ) seriously ... I am happy ... and content , many people think I am bullshitting about that. I must confess I don't make a very good Buddhist ... that suffering and sorrow stuff ... the' trance of Binah' IMO ... its fine .. all PART of it... but one can go further It not only makes sense its relevant to me ... but hey! I'm 'retired' (been retired since 1975 ) Yep .. that's it ! I don't even know what a PFF is seriously ... I can be blindingly dumb in some areas. is it some personal profile page here ? an internet facebookey thing (in which I refuse to co-operate or tweeter or whatever ... and while ya at it keep that goddamn blue toothey thing away from me ... consarn it ! ) Now I am off to search for magic carpets