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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. 10 Amazing Things Kids Have Said About Past Lives

    Like helmets AND chose the tag 'protector'.
  2. 10 Amazing Things Kids Have Said About Past Lives

    I used to sell Tibetan bells dorjes tingshaws tankas etc on a market stall. A couple stops carrying a small baby (looks to me a bit 'asian' or Tibetan looking ... but hey ... lots of babies look that way so ... <shrug> All of a sudden baby looks totally interested in objects and stretches his hand out towards them. Parents; "No ... don't touch." I go, "Its okay." I hold up the tingshaw and diiiinnnng them. Bub is delighted so I give them to him. he clutches them while parents look. Then they go to leave and try to take the tingshaw off bub and give to me. A tug of war ... convincing cajoling and other stuff doesn't work ... now bub is getting cranky and fighting for it. Parents " This is so strange he is usually very easy to deal with and happy about everything." Me "I can believe that! he looks like a little Buddha." Parents; "What do you mean?" "Look at him ... he looks like a reincarnated Tibetan Lama or something." "What!?" Me; "Do you realise how many lamas and monks have been killed in the last generation ,,, they have to turn up somewhere. You can have the Tingshaw for cost price $12.50 " (which is ridiculously cheap). Parents; "No thankyou." They forcibly remove the tingshaw from bubs grasp, who is now screaming. They walk off with the baby chucking an absolute fit and going purple, mum is fussing over him concerned and dad turns back and gives me a dirty look as if it was somehow my fault. (probably thought it was some weird sales ploy of mine ... to sell a normally $60 item to them for $12.50 ...
  3. sparrows

    I am very cautious about allocating 'karma' as source of current situations , it can be used in some cases for callous judgement of the unfortunate and egotistical affirmation of one's own place above others in good fortune. But I like the way YOU described it and added" even though its not the individual's fault that caused its current predicaments". I find the core 'spiritual technology' of these prayers interesting (although not a Christian myself) For me the 'magical technology' works just as well if I appeal to 'nature' ... over time I find the technology or technique more valid than any special form. Then when I understand that I put it in the most appropriate form for me (which does consider my birth location, 'energy of country' { country in an indigenous sense}, genetics, etc.) What is their source of these prayers?
  4. Watching The Birds

    They will be keeping a close watch on you any way (part of their job ). A young magpie was at the front door of my forest cabin once ... I was sitting there watching him. Then ... Magpie; "Kook cook a luk, kuk kuk a coo." Me: "Kook cook a luk, kuk kuk a coo." Magpie ( stares at me incredulously ... did that really just happen?) ; "Kook cook a luk, kuk kuk a coo. Kook a lukka coo." Me (hmmm ... okay then); " Kook cook a luk, kuk kuk a coo. Kook a lukka coo." Magpie ( incredulous); " Kook cook a luk, kuk kuk a coo. Kook a lukka coo. Lukkaclu cluclula lauka coooo ?" Me: ( phew! ... thinks ... concentrates; " Kook cook a luk, kuk kuk a coo. Kook a lukka coo. Lukkaclu cluclula lauka coooo ?" Magpie (excited ... bobs up and down) " Kukalukk akkukcooooalukkasoolukcaw a sawslooaluk .... " Me; ( Oh shit! ... laugh) : "Okay Okay ... I was bluffing."
  5. Something comes from nothing

    (but consider) NMSSM
  6. Something comes from nothing

    ? 'Supersymmetry'
  7. Watching The Birds

    Whoa ! something weird happened when posting ??? Anyway, try again; All corvids are cousins Being south on the globe I get a good view of the constellation Corvus and its associates; Crater {cup or chalice} and Hydra { multiple headed water creature} and all 3 come together in a fascinating mythological story I find it interesting to look at and examine the story behind the 'constellational birds'.
  8. Watching The Birds

    Corvids are cousins
  9. Tarot Learning Tools/Techniques

    Oooo! That was a doozey for me! I look at it like this; divination is the LEAST useful use of the Tarot ... it IS a usefull use but the others are SOOO useful in comparison. Its the system, the obvious and occulted gnosis and so much more in the cards ... a system of teaching, collating and accessing knowledge from everything mentioned above and more. So I preferred to read for people interested in that (which I did for around 30 years ... including 'professionally' ) other then the usual money sex/love power job travel issues . For me, reading is a dialogue and a dragging out the meaning by the querant and the reader working together. This worked best when I could encapsulate the energy of the reading in a general form and deliver that to the querant , then they would give it relevance to their real and tangible situations, then we could get more into the detail of the reading relating to that situation and the various forces and energies at work ... some people loved my readings and found them accurate and returned for more ... others just and drifted off to the other Tarot readers (like the guy with the glitter wand and the top hat or the girl in fairy costume .
  10. sparrows

    I care about many things .... but do I DO much about it? Not really ... I used to think I did , but in older age I am more realistic about my faults. Its nice to know someone 'cares' though ... And its nice to 'care about' the disadvantaged (cheaper and easier than tossing them a penny). Ohhh ! You probably mean 'to care FOR' .... not 'to care ABOUT' ? I made that mistake in my bible interpretation too ... ' but after all these years it doesn't really add up...' - for humanity. I always thought the this phrase was significant (whoever wrote it?); Man is made by God, in God's image ... and God is made by Man, in Man's image. When I do not hold an image and accept the care I do get, I get looked after very well ... as an individual ... most of the 'bad stuff' that has happened to me seems to be my doing But I am certainly NOT going to pat the less fortunate on the head and say "There , there, God will look after you". Or try to offer some theological justification. I used to work in refugee relocation programme ... some of the stories !!! - no platitudes from me ... 'care FOR' has to do with actions - not theological platitudes IMO.
  11. Something comes from nothing

    Another squiggle; N- + N+ = 0
  12. Watching The Birds Here is me .... the Australian Raven (well one type of them ) note the blue eyes
  13. 10 Amazing Things Kids Have Said About Past Lives

    May I add one? 11. My friend was disturbed and wanted to talk to me about her little girl as she said 'You know about this stuff'' She was driving in the car and her daughter was talking about something and dropped in something about 'her other mummy before'. "What do you mean your other mummy?" "The other one I had before you when we lived in that place that was cold in the big house. She got sick and died." 'But I am your mother." "I know you are silly ... I mean the one before you." Apparently she was very casual and 'matter-of-fact' about it ... curious ... that seems to be part of the memory, that there doesn't seem to be conscious trauma associated with it; 'Oh yes, they stabbed me and put me in a hole but I am okay now .... tra la la la laaah (skips off to chase a butterfly) Maybe there is trauma in others? In any case these memories seem to evaporate around the time we stop 'seeing fairies'.
  14. Holy Guardian Angel

    It is general knowledge, google it; Australian Aboriginal Indigenous culture. (it is the oldest culture still being practised in the world with a history of perhaps over 40,000 years) Google ; snake symbolism in ancient cultures. Google Hermetics. It is Australian Indigenous Aboriginal Mythology try googling the words you are unfamiliar with or google 'Rainbow Seroent dreaming by Australian Aboriginals. I believe all similar symbols are somehow related. Westerners see 2 realities; the material '(real') and the spiritual ( or allegory , symbolic, ideal or even imaginative world). Many indigenous people see 3 realities; the material, the' spiritual' and the daemonic ( a world where both the other two can join). So if I say to a western materialist or atheist that a staff turned into a snake in front of Moses he cannot accept this in the real material world ... it must be in the mind, belief or imagination or that we are lying or we are deluded (the first material viewpoint). A spiritual person may understand this as a teaching ... they mat not believe that the staff turned into the snake but it is a story we can learn from and it has a spiritual and symbolic meaning for us. (the second meaning, a spiritual world). A religious person and an indigenous person will say (from the third or daimonic) viewpoint ... oh yes! that can happen at times the spiritual world can intersect the physical world and make changes (or 'miracles') in the physical world He is ONE of my teachers, he is a Shaman , he is an Australian Aboriginal elder and guardian in the culture I described above - 40,000 years old. How do you know that if you don't know my teacher ... my teacher has met others from all over the world in many traditions and they all give each other respect and do not compete. Indigenous people and shamans come from all over to come here and meet with Aboriginal people; Arctic people, North American Indians, Maori, Pacific Islanders, Indigenous from Norway, Ireland ... many places, maybe Turkey too. They share ,,, they do not care for who is more advanced even the Dali Lama has been here to meet with the Aboriginals ... he never would say that he is more advanced than them because he is too spiritual to say such a thing you asked for a link ... The Book that mentions this may be describing something else ... maybe we do not understand things until we have read them deeply and maybe we cant understand them fully unless we are initiated into or devoted to their tradition ? This was the reference for the source material about the 'Heart Girt With a Serpent' the concepts some people are posting about comes from this book. Negative in that he takes in energy? It is OK I am just joking with you. Many people do not like Crowley ... I have never met any one that loves him though. It takes a 'special kind of person' to be able to gain from his writings ... not the average person. Here is a better picture of him for you. Crowley was head of an Order that is supposed to have got teachings from the Sufi Soliman ben Aifa and others.
  15. Watching The Birds

    Although we have amazing birds here we don't have birds here anything like this. So to me this is a very rare and fantastic bird ... I just cant imagine them flying around and being part of it all bluejays have always done that to me .. it seems like something out of a fantasy!
  16. Holy Guardian Angel

    That's because utmost devotion is required for a short term operation (yes 3 months IS a short term operation for something like this). Family and emotional attachments are well known casualties in many traditions for amping up the meditation on this level. Buddha got it over with first and just ran off from all that Oh ... of course ... one should be under a good magical training system first and progress towards that stage. Other wise its a bit like trying to run before learning to crawl. However some seem natural to it.
  17. Holy Guardian Angel

    Agreed ... IF the guardian angel is supposed to be protecting you from your strengths or your weaknesses. It might just be trying to EXPOSE them to us ? A difficult issue (considering OP and topic) Is that the thread is about Holy Guardian Angel (and that seems to imply HGA a la Thelema and 'associated gnosis' ( as far as I can tell from the posts ) BUT people are assuming it means Guardian Angel as general term that means .... whatever ... in their own tradition or belief system.
  18. Holy Guardian Angel

    I think we see positive and negative snakes differently In Indigenous/ancient/Hermetic tradition 'positive' means to give out energy negative means to receive energy. Snake can be used in both forms throughout all traditions to act as a symbol or allegory to teach spirituality. In indigenous tradition here we have 'dreamtime snake' which may be like your " The physical snakes are not bad. Shahmaran is Shah, king of them." There is the original positive King of Snake Wallenganda who spits forth water/venom down on to Ungud; earth receiving water (negative) rainbow serpent. Who then gives water to land (so now rainbow serpent has become active and land receiving/negative. I do not misinterpret , I know the difference between a physical snake and a snake in the world of symbol and spiritual teaching (or your astral snake perhaps ?) and the world of 'daimonic snake' ( where the' spiritual snake' can be in the physical world ... in a way - is in the above miracle with the staff and the snake ) Snake has no good or bad. My teacher has been bitten by different snakes ... he goes off (and gets sick, fever, vision ) and transmutes the poison , now he has new snake medicine and another part of Dreaming/Song line. Now that snake wont bite him any more. Snakes are not bad ... on any level ... maybe you are just not ready for them yet (I know ... I keep away from black snake but can 'charm' other snakes) ... that's not black snakes fault but mine. The same with the snake who is the subject of this thread ... The same as I can compare snakes but Aboriginal snake is not the same snake in the Holy Quran. So is the snake in this thread different; it can change from positive to negative but not good or bad, that is in man. So to understand we need to examine snakes in the tradition of reference i.e. The Holy Books Of Thelema. Although comparison is enlightening. I note Moses was at first afraid of the snake but God called him back. I think perhaps God decided that Moses must be ready for further teaching and able to receive it (as he was 'secure'.)
  19. Holy Guardian Angel

    Then are they not keepers and protectors? Do not the words describe their function? To call them a 'spirit or an angel' is not accurate as they can be a bad or malevolent spirit or a fallen angel and I do not believe that the 'keepers' or 'protectors' appointed to us (as referred to in the Holy Quran) are harmful to us ... are they not meant to assist us in a good spiritual way? "spiritual guides" may not, but consider this; " And [he was told], "Throw down your staff." But when he saw it writhing as if it was a snake, he turned in flight and did not return. [Allah said], "O Moses, approach and fear not. Indeed, you are of the secure."
  20. Reptilians?!

    Walk amongst us ?? LACK of reptilian ????? No lack of reptiles in here ... just us lizards.
  21. Holy Guardian Angel

    And of course , HGA all goes back to .... guess who? Plato again
  22. The Underworld

    It is the time of year when barrier between the worlds is 'thinnest' , hence ; Halloween, Samhain, The Feast of the Dead, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, etc. Its association with death and communication with the otherworld (divination) was considered most important in tribal non-equatorial/temperate cultures; coming into winter one has to discern how harsh this winter is going to be and , accordingly, how much of the herd breeding stock is to be killed and eaten and how much is taken over to re-breed in spring. This was usually done by the Shaman, in trance and communion with the ancestors (divination) and was a time of death (animal slaughter and preservation of food). Getting the winter intensity insight wrong and messing up the numbers could mean the death of the tribe in winter or a missed opportunity to get ahead next spring with a larger herd. {And we all know the best way to 'butter up the relatives is to ply them with food, drink and praise ... hence the feast of the dead ... well, there is also genuine acknowledgement and appreciation as well .}
  23. ban on witches flying higher than 150m

    . "While the forged "grimoires" produced by the clergy prosecutors wove lurid tales of the boiled fat of a child as the central ingredient of the flying potion, the reality is that the concoction was based on easily available herbs such as aconite, nightshade, belladonna, alcohol, and of course, ergot. The clergy, eager to so horrify the masses (to remove all resistance to the abuses of the Inquisition), cast all witches as a threat to the children. This myth of using a child's fat for a flying potion has no basis in historical fact, but persists to this very day, and was used as a story element in the film, "Warlock"." Sorry ... although that may be technically correct ... I wish it was right ... terrible things still happen to children in Africa in relation to witches and children ... and of course terrible things happen to 'witches' that are accused of terrible things. - Remember the recent {enough} case of the young African boy's body parts found in the UK and the analysis of his stomach contents just prior to his death. ..
  24. ban on witches flying higher than 150m

    Because there witches ride chopsticks .... so obvious!