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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. what Neanderthals ate

    Who knows ... but 'modern human' includes their influence. If 1 - 4 % is average inclusion I wonder what the highest individual rate is? ... maybe we ate them ... or maybe one day we just ... a ...ahhhh Aahhh CHOOO! - excuse me!
  2. Holy Guardian Angel

    Oh yes ... it works very well on the physical level with things like pain as well. Many days I have are filled with physical pain ( from a variety of conditions ... I rarely take painkillers (much to the annoyance of my doctor ... anyone would think he gets a commision on it ) but most of the time I function quiet well and seem happier and at peace a lot more than many people I know who seem to be leading lives that 93% of the population would absolutly envy.
  3. Holy Guardian Angel

    Rainbow serpent dreaming
  4. Holy Guardian Angel

    In my, now converted to everyday awareness, 'religous practice' I 'own nothing'. What am I but receptor organs for my creator and Goddess; Nuit? I exist so she may gain expereince in the world of physical incarnation, therfore all experience pain and pleasure, complete fulfillment and an empty heart howling at the Moon are all hers. Amidst the canyons of the heart the winged serpent flies ... around the stone of the heart the serpent is coiled. One is flashing rainbow hued, the other green. Green has two phases; one can be likened to Venus and a heart encurled by Venus is what many experience, when Venus rises up to the 'heart' directly it can be a problem (Venus : veneres : venom : poison : a magic philtre / potion : hormones - very hard to resist a 'poision' and hence the heart CAN be encirled in a restrictive manner considering the position of Venus in the 'Psychological Tree'. The other side of the green snake (perhaps what Crowley writes about) can be seen in the context of 'glittering green' the colour of the robes worn by 'Kidur' the Sufi '(apparitional master' and 'guide') ... who in true Mercurial fashion (with the elemnt of the trickster ... or by 'riddle') points the way. In this aspect Venus passes through Mercurius (hence becoming the Rainbow Serpent) ... which is the correct and modulated path for Venus (or Mars) to approach the Heart / Sun / Ego. From there it rises, to eventually complete the cycle that started it all; from the 'heavenly black snake' (Wallenganda - the dark middle of the Milky Way) that spat her water upon all of us which created the great dream of existance. (see creation myths of Austrailan Rainbow Sepent and Book of the Law : II : 26.
  5. Literal intrpretation of 'The 'Law' of Karma' , especially in the west certainly doesnt ,balance out the perversion that humanity can sink to (worse than the animals, as they say... when it happens) IMO What? idi Amin has X x 1000 lives to complete yet that are full of cosmic retribution towards him? For me if something is "hard to believe in' ... perhaps something is wrong with my interpretation of it ?
  6. what Neanderthals ate

    I, for one, am thankfull. And also give to thanks to the other 'species' {a friendly 'rib' Marblehead } in that ... like my friend says, who owns his own very successful buisness whose wife works out the tax' "I would probably be in jail if not for her". I have a young relative who is 'autistic' she appears to be playing phrases of classical piano music on her keyboard ... but never 'taught' to.
  7. Underground City of Reptilians: NEWSPAPER ARTICLE

    I guess a 'banned technician in the illuminti' can
  8. Okinawan Kiko Exercises

    Good luck ... one of the things we have to consider here is the absolute devistation of Okinawan culture, martial arts, rare books and teachers and masters of traditions that resulted from the invasion of Okinawa in WWII.
  9. Man lived to the age of 256

    Yes ... I believe this is so and it cannot happen with out this ... it just isnt one thing- what you eat, or how you think. It is many things and what you mention may be first. Also for somehting like this to occur one must consider (and be in the position of) , as the Sufi's say; Right people, right place, right time .... and , perhaps 7 other things ?
  10. The Wit and Wisdom of Plato

    Okay ... I will give it an uninformed shot. Truth is relative (IMO) so to be decived is to be decived about how 'relative natures' relate to each other (the 'Form behind the Forms'?) Knowing what the truth is , is to understand the relative (how things relate to each other) nature of things. I think this is important in Platonics ... to see things in their relationship to each other .... not as seperate entities containing their own form (that seems Aristotlian to me).
  11. Before Shaolin there was India.

    I thought it would have been obvious that what I posted was from Google and not my own research. I mean, I didnt even change the format. It is to show the most popular current views. Yet you seemed to have attributed all of that to me and claim that I am smarter for quoting the people than the people I quote I am presenting the other side as A side of the story, not THE side of the story .... but then again I dont identify as Indian, Aryan, Chinese, or Persian ... so I am bound to be biased. However I am slightly swayed towrds Yulaw in post 126 <thumbsup>
  12. Before Shaolin there was India.

    Ephedera .... Indra was a speed freak. THAT type of elixiir certainly didnt migrate to China and form the type of Elixir there.
  13. what Neanderthals ate

    It seems to work on a highly symbolic/visual/pattern/image level rather than words or lineal progressions. It is good for things like Nicloa Tesla 'Inventing' the electric dymano. The other system is good for things like .... like .... hmmmm ... accounting and economic rationalism ???.
  14. what Neanderthals ate

    If they didnt have the same vocal skills they apparently had other skills, perhaps this is where we inherited our 'right hemisphere' from (that works and communicates primarily via imagary and other non-verbal means ... see studies on 'savant autism '
  15. what Neanderthals ate

    Who were the first to paint bones with Ochre (which means a rite of sub-exhumation ... a series of death rites ... one cant paint bones without them being exposed first), place goods in graves ...ritual burial ... <postulates> and introduce symbology, creativity, art and reception of the 'other world' into 'us humans' by breeding with other types. ??? IE .....
  16. Underground City of Reptilians: NEWSPAPER ARTICLE

    Curious. One may notice (looking to the left) that I myself am a lizard. Under my floor of the cabin (right under the hearth) is a lizard 'congregation node' (on the physical plane), on the 'non-(entirely)physical' plane it is the entrance to a tunnel, which connects to many others (with nodes of 'quantum jump off points' that connect to 'quantum receptor' points). The tunnels were made by snakes but lizards guard them. Do I give them 'real, hard, literanist, everyday, meet-a-person-in-the-street, western materialist rationalist' validity? Of course not! Do the indigenous give them the same ? Of course not! Would I bother to try to prove their existance in that same realm? No ? ... what for? Can that ''Daimonic Reality" 'interpenetrate' into the 'Mundane reality; yes it can ... but in a different way. [ Goanna is my friend (or if you like totem - at avery young age I was introduced to him when an Aboriginal Man {at a snake and reptile show] realised my connection and placed on on top of my head ... tourists freaked out ... Australians laughed thinking it was a joke ... the Aborigmal man, me ... and the lizard knew different ... we were bot very comfortible with each other and stayed there until the Man removed him). My girlfriend at the time didnt like them. She didnt like the spot and got freaked out about me as she had 'strange' dream about me being under the house with goannas in a cave doing 'things' with them, I turned and saw here and angrily shouted "Get out!". She told me later as a small girl she was scared of them, they used to sunbake on the concrete path that led to the family thunder box (ourside dunny / toilet - thunder lizard guarding thunder box ) It got too much eventually for her (she who purported to be a magician and witch !) when she went outside to see what the noise was and there was Gungali amidst the pulled apart garbage (as she left the lid off the bin) happily chewing away on one of her old thrown out tampons. ... they used to tease her ferociously (as all deamonic entities do that do not get proper acknowledgment .] Xrays, plans ... physical evidence ??? A rare and unusuall person might be able to 'catch a faerie in the gloaming' and shut him in an iron cage ... but in the morning he will be gone ... as they say..."vanished into thin air" . Why do us westerners have the need to try and PROOVE on the material planes that such things exist? I see it as fault in our perception ... a sickness actually. But hey! Thanks for posting the story!
  17. Meditating in a graveyard

    That's is right ... but how can I be replying if you did not say it. I did not reply .. I implied ... I implied you are smarter than you were pretending to be,
  18. Man lived to the age of 256

    silly humour aside I agree with you. Why is the bottom of picture blurred? ( No ... of course you wouldn't know that ? ...maybe he is holding an unrolled scroll with formula for secret immortality pills.)
  19. Man lived to the age of 256

    "Regime spanking line does not mesh very soon " Damn! I sorta suspected I was tying to mesh it too soon ... I should kick myself for not putting " 'the image of love and not love Genki likened candle store location" ahead of that. Last time I get on a spanking line! Obviously I wont have a long life.
  20. Before Shaolin there was India.

    Oh ... you have nice Armani suit ? or just an Italian accent ? Hmmm .... just like the Neo-Platonists ...
  21. It arrived today Only had a flick through so far. Good company ... book produced nicely ... only the cheaper ones left, the expensive ones must be excellent quality. Got here quick ( I thought ), sturdily packed and when I opened it nicely wrapped in tissue paper like a birthday present .... black tissue paper ... house mate goes ; Ooooo spookey!
  22. Before Shaolin there was India.

    And the PIE people imported martial arts into India and then they went to China ( I'm joking.)
  23. Before Shaolin there was India.

    I am sure you would have I did say hands up didn't I? When what I I really needed was a poll. What I meant is ... and now that I have you here; In your opinion would you say more people (in the mainstream i.e. in the 'Western World" culture {regardless of location} or others but with access to internet and forums such as these) are more familiar with the Vedas than the Avestas (let's exclude India and Iran). That was the trust of my question . In my environs many people know of the Vedas and most know little of the Avestas and related material (Ferdowski, etc. ) (Excepting a few Iranian friends who were taught about it at school.)
  24. Before Shaolin there was India.

    Ani are ONE TYPE ( the ' prominent genetic expert' may realise that ... hard to tell as the quote is so short. ) Here is a longer one that might explain TYPE a bit more to those that see all Indians as one homogenous all act and look alike genetically the same people (from a number of 'prominent genetic experts' ...... with references ; Basu et al. (2006) emphasize that the combined results from mtDNA, Y-chromosome and autosomal markers suggest that "(1) there is an underlying unity of female lineages in India, indicating that the initial number of female settlers may have been small; (2) the tribal and the caste populations are highly differentiated; (3) the Austroasiatic tribals are the earliest settlers in India, providing support to one anthropological hypothesis while refuting some others; (4) a major wave of humans entered India through the northwest; (5) the Tibeto-Burman tribals share considerable genetic commonalities with the Austroasiatic tribals, supporting the hypothesis that they may have shared a common habitat in southern China, but the two groups of tribals can be differentiated on the basis of Y-chromosomal haplotypes; (6) the Dravidian tribals were possibly widespread throughout India before the arrival of the Indo-European-speaking nomads, but retreated to southern India to avoid dominance; (7) formation of populations by fission that resulted in founder and drift effects have left their imprints on the genetic structures of contemporary populations; (8) the upper castes show closer genetic affinities with Central Asian populations, although those of southern India are more distant than those of northern India; (9) historical gene flow into India has contributed to a considerable obliteration of genetic histories of contemporary populations so that there is at present no clear congruence of genetic and geographical or sociocultural affinities."[10] Modern anthropologists classify Indians as belonging to one of four major ethno-racial groups, which overlap significantly because of racial admixture: Caucasoids, Australoids, Mongoloids and Negritos. The Caucasoids are largely confined to the north and generally speak Indo-Aryan languages and extends till the plains of Assam Valley; Australoids are found in the south and generally speak Dravidian languages; Mongoloids are largely confined to the hills of Northeastern region of the country and for the most part, speak Tibeto-Burman languages; and Negritos are found on the Andaman Islands located on the southeastern side of the country. These speak a language known simply as Great Andamanese, a linguistic isolate not related to any known language. And finally, Austroasiatic languages are spoken by only tribals or Adivasis, who can be of either Australoid or Mongoloid racial stock.[11] According to a major 2009 study published by Reich et al. using over 500,000 biallelic autosomal markers, the modern Indian population is composed of two genetically divergent and heterogeneous populations which mixed in ancient times (about 1,200–3,500 BC), known as Ancestral North Indians (ANI) and Ancestral South Indians (ASI). ASI corresponds to the Dravidian-speaking population of southern India, whereas ANI corresponds to the Indo-Aryan-speaking population of northern India.[12][13] Genetic evidence provides proof that modern day Indian population was derived from two major ancestral populations — ancestral north Indians (ANI) and ancestral south Indians (ASI), and they both don't have major genetic differences.Till 4,200 years ago, the two populations grew independently and produced many more groups but there was no admixture between them. But during the time period between 1,900 years and 4,200 years, the ANI-derived populations and ASI-derived populations mixed together to form the modern day population.The ANI population is related to West Eurasians (people of Central Asia, the Middle East, the Caucasus and Europe); the ASI population is distinctly related to the indigenous Andaman Islanders.[14] The admixture of the populations between the two ancestral groups was rampant for an extended period before endogamy became the norm.The period of admixture coincides with increasing population density in the central and downstream portions of the Gangetic system, and deurbanisation of the Indus civilization.Caste, which came later, drastically reduced the chances of admixture making it nearly zero .[15] 1.^ Jump up to: a b c Vijay Mishra (2007). The Literature of the Indian Diaspora: Theorizing the Diasporic Imaginary. Taylor & Francis US. pp. 256–. ISBN 978-0-415-42417-2. Retrieved 19 November 2012. 2.^ Jump up to: a b c Sagarika Dutt (28 November 2006). India in a Globalised World. Manchester University Press. pp. 176–. ISBN 978-0-7190-6900-0. Retrieved 19 November 2012. 3.Jump up ^ Race Reporting for the Asian Population. (5 October 2010). Retrieved on 2012-11-19. 4.Jump up ^ C. S. Kuppuswamy (28 February 2003). MALAYSIAN INDIANS: The third class race. South Asia Analysis Group 5.Jump up ^ Chandru (26 November 2009). "The Indian Community in Myanmar". Retrieved 2011-12-28. 6.Jump up ^ K. Kesavapany; A. Mani; Palanisamy Ramasamy (2008). Rising India and Indian Communities in East Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. pp. 537–. ISBN 978-981-230-799-6. Retrieved 19 November 2012. 7.Jump up ^ Imagens, Factos, Notícias, Informações e História sobra Goa India. SuperGoa. Retrieved on 2012-11-19. 8.Jump up ^ "CSO Emigration". Census Office Ireland. Retrieved 29 January 2013. 9.^ Jump up to: a b राजभाषा. Retrieved on 2012-11-19. 10.Jump up ^ "Ethnic India: A Genomic View, With Special Reference to Peopling and Structure". Retrieved 2011-12-28. 11.Jump up ^ Indian Genome Variation Consortium (2005). "The Indian Genome Variation database (IGVdb): A project overview". Human Genetics 118 (1): 1–11. doi:10.1007/s00439-005-0009-9. PMID 16133172. 12.Jump up ^ Nature. "Reconstructing Indian population history : Abstract". Nature. Retrieved 2011-12-28. 13.Jump up ^ "Abstract/Presentation". 12 October 2011. Retrieved 2011-12-28. 14.Jump up ^ Priya Moorjani , Kumarasamy Thangaraj , Nick Patterson, Mark Lipson, Po-Ru Loh, Periyasamy Govindaraj, Bonnie Berger, David Reich, Lalji Singh (August 8). "Genetic Evidence for Recent Population Mixture in India". The American Journal of Human Genetics. pp.–9297(13)00324–8. Retrieved 10 August 2013 15.Jump up ^ "Population admixture happened in India for 2,300 years". The Hindu. August 9, 2013. Retrieved August 10, 2013
  25. Before Shaolin there was India.

    And thankyou to India for giving them refuge. However in more modern times they have located in other countries as well. Since out of Africa ? What two races theory? You keep imagining I am saying some things (that I are not) and getting agitated at what yourself are claiming I am saying . Again ... not races ... I used the word " type " deliberately , it is explained below in another post.. "Indian mythology" ... what a vague claim and term. There is a distinct difference in the relationship between Deva and Asura in the earliest Vedas than there is in the latter Vedas. They used to work together didn't they ... pulling that giant snake to turn the milk to butter to reveal the hidden elixir ... it was supposed to be shared but then the naughty 'Devarti' Indians' stole it didn't they ? ... Didn't share ... Naughty ! After that we see a distinct difference in both sets of scripture; Devi eventually becomes a bad thing and eventually carries through to today where we have words derived from Avestan such as div (early meanings: divine, ) and later meanings evolving all the way to English (deviate, devil, etc.) While conversely, of course, the other side's deity gets demonised ... or at least down graded (see the significance of Asuras in early Vedas compared to later ones). Yes , I supposed you could ... you could go on to say that ALSO it is suspected that the PIE people split into two groups early on, one leaving the area and migrating south-eastwards into India (where there was already an established culture ) and the other eventually migrating farther west-ward (towards modern Iran and Iraq) and formed the Zoroastrians. Those that stayed back in that area can be traced through history by studying the ancient history of that area (little known ... compared to other ). If any one is interested in what I consider if not valid, but a very interesting side of the story try this site, its quiet well done has great resources, maps, images, etc. It IS a Zoroastrian site but that just gives it an interesting perspective and view.