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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. a country boy can't survive, unless...

    This 'country boy' is currently flooded in . Fortunately ( for me ) most of it went around our area .... hit some cities south .... now they got some 'country' (no power, no lighting , sewer out etc . ) Sydney's main water supply dam is topping over , if more rain, that could get very ' interesting ' !
  2. a country boy can't survive, unless...

    Oh damn ... and I made a shallow dish pizza ! Off the grid weekend is coming ! Parts of Oz nearly had that last summer ! Air con overload .... and wait till it happens mass scale and peeps be realizing their brand new modern apartment does not have windows that open ! Dont need them .... air con !
  3. Stranger things

    What happened to the hot bottoms ..... thats why I am still here Where is Kenny Everett ? ... when corn was porn
  4. The healing Tao. The healing Tao?

    Hmmm .... I was pansexual But now I might become a tantara tarantula
  5. The healing Tao. The healing Tao?

    A sexual what ? A sexual Buddhist ? - actually, I might join up , I like the sound of that ; " What religion are you ? " " I am a sexual Buddhist . "
  6. Alchemical Herbs

    So the Chinese consider them 'herbalists' or is that just the tag English translators use ? Meaning : In English , a carpenter works with wood , but also metal brackets and screws , etc . we dont call screws wood as well because they are metal . Is doing the opposite of this (calling screws wood, or animal parts herbs ) what the Chinese do , is it a 'nuance ' of their language , or is it a Chinese term that does describe all this accurately but the English just slapped the term 'herbalist' on them as it seemed the best fit ?
  7. Alchemical Herbs

    I know they are sometimes ingredients for 'medicine' . Animal parts in Chinese are herbs ???? ( Its not that goat / sheep 'thing' again is it ? )
  8. Alchemical Herbs

    Animal parts are 'herbs' ?
  9. Broccoli now ...... as i just said above . Hey Broccoli ! You know what you remind me off ? A naughty kid that got locked in his room for being rude when visitors came .... so he jumped out the window, has run around to the front of the house and is outside the sitting room windows , poking his tongue out and making silly faces at the people inside . Then he stamps up and down the sidewalk pointing at the house to any passer-by and ranting about how his superiority is not acknowledged .
  10. Alchemical Herbs

    There are many herbs that are attributed to longevity , that's the easy part . The difficult part is getting the 'spirit' ( and 'non -material' ) part out of them and into a substance one can take ( and one , like this transference substance, must be able to absorb it , not just into their body but into their spirit ) .
  11. Edit ; I was responded to someone who just became a PB . - That was quick ! ' Like Hermes with winged heel he doth fly in and perceive, strike and depart before his arrival is even seen .' ....................................... .......... ... . . .. . . .
  12. Hello from the US

    Hi . What martial arts did you practice ?
  13. I was winking not randomly , I was winking to try to indicate to you that 'what the hell I am trying to say' , is ... what you yourself said about interpretations of Taoism . Anyone with a reasonable IQ should have remembered what they themselves have claimed . Hmmmmm ......
  14. I suppose then I was in optimal state of spiritual achievement all through my teens until 20 ( when I met Julie Johnson ) .... then I ..... 'de-achieved ' .
  15. Good Friday

    As usual, on Good Friday, we had a dark sky and some ominous 'swirly' clouds overhead , late afternoon . I been watching that for years ; 7 out of 10 it seems , often a bad storm . Sometimes when the rest of the day is good weather . meh ..... probably a coincidence ....
  16. I want to become powerful

    No . Its back in the foggy memory of 1001 anthropological papers from the past . I am deliberately NOT citing their name here as now they have a better history and this sad period of their near extinction is now not mentioned when one looks them up . You can tell 'someone else' that I am fine with someone else who I have never met and never will and never know who they are , not being impressed with me . I am not writing here to make 'good impressions ' . Oh yes, and you can also tell them from me .
  17. where is the cat thread?

    Major rabbit population problem, major cat population problem . Too many 'other critters' being killed problem . Too many camels, too many goats, too many foxes , too many horses in some places . Too many kangaroos .
  18. where is the cat thread?

    Its just under this one .
  19. where is the cat thread?

    here it is
  20. spell

    I think you already did . Well done ! By the way , Look, I know a LOT about 'magic' , I have been studying various traditions of it for over 50 years ! This woman is bull shit , and you are okay .
  21. spell

    " I did not feel torture " Thats how . She is obviously a nut . 'Tantra' ? ... sure baby ! I would say you are being hurt more by watching media advertising .
  22. I want to become powerful

    Here is a great part in the Rite of Mars . We used to perform the 'astrological rites' each year * . I have played various roles in the right , including Mars . Rite of Mars has a lot of 'power dynamics' going on . But it is also about 'head strong youth ' , bold declarations , and the folly of youth with all its distractions . Perhaps our OP could relate to this . It also has a fascination with conquest , domination, sex, etc . Possibly due to Mars' association with Scorpio . It might assist one to see it's placement in the natal chart . One of my favorite parts in the rite is where 'the people' ( the 'audience' ) get 'enlisted' into the army to follow Mars and defeat the ' bad people' and bring peace for evermore ( yeah ... right ! ) , everyone is ready , they have been hyped up with heroic orations and declarations, marching, drumming , etc . SR. SCORPIO : " Let us carry the holy symbols with sacred song and dance round the altar of Mars." [ they march round five times deosil before MARS in procession headed by SCORPIO, ARIES, CAPRICORNUS.] " Strike, strike the louder chord! Draw, draw the Flaming Sword! Crowned child and conquering Lord! Horus, avenger! " " Brother Aries, let us invoke the Master of the Battle. " BRO. ARIES. Mighty and Terrible One, we beseech thee to lead us the Battle. Here, by thy Symbols, thy Spear, the Sword, and the Drum, we pray thee to strengthen our arms and to defend our hearts. For we are thy chosen warriors, O thou Master of the Battle! " Then , all are waiting for Mars to emerge from his tent in glory and lead them .... ... waiting .... ... waiting ...... Until finally someone opens the curtain to his tent and he is caught with his pants down bonking 'Sister Scorpio' , meanwhile, Vulcan ( the 'enemy') has entered the camp and chaos ensues . Ahhh... the 'folly of red blooded , head strong youth ' .... but in the end , Mars finally gets there and discovers what true 'power' is : Mars ; " This is the day which down the void abysm At the Earth-born's spell yawns for Heaven's despotism, And Conquest is dragged captive through the deep; Love, from its awful throne of patient power In the wise heart, from the last giddy hour Of dead endurance, from the slippery steep, And narrow verge of crag-like agony, springs And folds over the world its healing wings. " Gentleness, Virtue, Wisdom, and Endurance– These are the seals of that most firm assurance Which bars the pit over Destruction's strength; And if, with infirm hand, Eternity, Mother of many acts and hours, should free The serpent that would clasp her with his length, These are the spells by which to reassume An empire o'er the disentangled doom. To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite; To forgive wrongs darker than death or night; To defy Power, which seems omnipotent; To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates From its own sreck the thing it contemplates; Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent; This, like thy glory, Titan, is to be Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free; This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory! "