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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. new person

    Hello all. I only found this site this week and have read a little here and there. I have various interests in a range of subjects in the western mystery tradition and indigenous 'shamanism', both from a subjective participatory level and objective cultural anthropological level. I will be spending some time sifting through the subjects and posts looking for the little gems of wisdom and insight you have scattered about, hopefully I can offer some of mine in exchange?
  2. new person

    Oh I see ... thanks for explaining everything to the 'new guy' - I meant the black star next to my name on the Lobby index. What does 'Banned technician' mean ?
  3. new person

    Thanks Chang. I read the pins and rules again ... just to make sure. I like it 'easy going' too. Yes, there does seem a lot here in my area of interest and also some people that are a repository of knowledge (the sort I like; not 'new age speculation off the top of the head' - I have had enough of that for the moment thanks ). Also I noticed there is some martial arts interest ... which I have as well ( my experience is in Kobudo, Shorin-Ryu {Matsamuru Seito - i.e. the family tradition as opposed to the temple tradition} and Akido , with a smattering of other stuff). I got a black star and I haven't even been naughty ... yet