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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. More Unpopular Opinions

    Because that is ALL a stuff up ! I watched a few women in our society struggle unbelievably .... 4 kids , alone , working multiple jobs, paying crazy rent , dont matter if you get sick ... gotta keep going - constant exhaustion . I watched my ex struggle with three boys under 5 ( with 2yo twins , not mine by the way ) , even with the help I could give . One time we all went together to the indigenous camp I used to visit and stay at . One of the old auntie's there took my (then ) GF aside for a chat ... she was ferocious ! I could see my GF getting upset ; " Why did you come here with those children ? You dont plan on staying here do you ? Why on earth a single young girl like you have all those kids ? How you going to look after them all ? Look, with us , a silly young girl have even maybe two kids but those kids got many mums ....'aunties' , 'uncles' , maybe even four or five women share the breast feeding for babies , we are all going to do it - kid dont get enough attention , they just go to the next 'mum' ."
  2. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    Bless you Cobie .
  3. Voidisyinyang

    Excepting , going by the date you cited , those people where not yet in India . I would say , it is considered 'history' by some Hindus ... but not by historians , and not even many 'Indian ' historians . For the other view , dates and origins and additions to the epic, see Wiki .
  4. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    My God Stimpy ! You have done it ! I finally got my answer , its been bugging me since I joined daobums ; Why so many people do not ( can not ) respond to my posts !
  5. Voidisyinyang

    'A history' ? Before 5000 years ? What does that mean ? Where do you think it would have taken place then , 'before 5000 years ' ? - Now, don't go all ' voidisyinyang on me ' .
  6. Voidisyinyang

    The silent ones are the smelliest ones .
  7. More Unpopular Opinions

    Isnt early everything we do 'going against nature ' ? Building a house to keep the weather of us , retaining water to secure a drinking source .... putting your socks on ? Do that stuff , but 'go with the flow' in doing it . A dam is often built between the narrowest and deepest part of a gorge ..... not in the middle of a flat desert . Fence not a field for a shark nor make a pool for a goat .
  8. More Unpopular Opinions

    So ... its okay to eliminate inconvenient and unplanned teenagers ?
  9. Voidisyinyang

  10. Voidisyinyang

    No (just some snippets in reference others made ) . Why do you ask ?
  11. Voidisyinyang

    All the vids there are tagged 'VODISYINYANG'
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I had a three year outstanding electricity bill ( that I had evidence of paying ) and they tried to hassle me for 2 years to get it back , it went through three different finance companies ..... these sharks use nasty tactics and threats - I know old , sick or confused or frail people they have bullied , it was fun turning the tables; " Eh ? Peter from 'Panthera Collections' ? yeah, I got your letter , your logo is a big black panther yeah ? Ooooooo 'Panthera ' . is that supposed to be scary ... big tough collection agency ...... ' Peter ' ? " " No , I am not going to take anything seriously ? Not from you . I could not care less, cut off my credit I dont use it ? ... Oh no, check my file file , I do not owe money to ANYONE , no debt whatsoever , no mortgage , nothing . Thats right , hard to believe isnt it ..... how much are you in the hole for Peter ? ..... No, I suppose that is not any of my business , still I guess thats why you have to force yourself to do this shit job day in day out ..... Go on , cut my electricity off then ... I have moved , even if you find me , what ya gonna do , park a blimp between the Sun and my solar panels ? .... Yes, thats right , I am on solar now ...... Thats fine, lets go to court , that will be fun , I havent been since I beat the Attorney General in the Supreme court last year ... cost ? Nah, represent myself I do . The Judge aint gonna like you , not after she sees my receipts ... yes, receipts ! ... Well, you never asked did you ... that should have been your first question ."
  13. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Ring ring ..... I pick up ; " Hello , is this the owner of this phone ?" I know this one s going to be good , also he had a very broad Indian accent . " No , why ? " " I need to speak to the owner of this phone as the owner has won a prize ! " " Nah mate , I found it on the table ringing , I am at a party ... hang on I will see if I can find them . " After various of the same and me doing different voices , and turning the music up and saying crazy shit to him, I started to run out of material ... this guy was good ! and relentless . So I handed it over to friend who did the same doing different voices . After confidently assuming otherwise ... I realised I was gonna break ! Fuck this guy is good , he aint giving up , and he could turn it back on you and was pretty witty . I tried to get his name as I said I actually had a present for him I told him I was Hugo Weaving and he replied that he was Russell Crowe ; " Shit Mate ! I knew that last fiml was bad but ... you ended up working in a Mumbai call centre ? ! " He won , eventually I just hung up . The 10 mins later , he rings back and asks the same first question , so I started doing it all over again " Not my phone, I am at a party ... " and he acted like it never happened before ! I caved in earlier and hung up . 10 m ins later ... again ! I hung up . Then again, I stopped answering .... wow ! That guy ... I hope he go an award or something for most relentless ...... errrrrm ... whatever he was trying to do
  14. Demons!!

    Ah yes, the old ' answer 'em with a cartoon super anti-hero video ' . That explains everything ... thanks .
  15. Voidisyinyang

  16. Voidisyinyang

    It would have worked had he not left out the crucial element .... or actually , 'energy' generated by proper equipment ; the toilet seat should have been pyramid shaped and made of rose quartz .
  17. Voidisyinyang

    Yes we have them all over 'Old Europe' too . They are surprisingly complex, massive and have vast populations , where egalitarian , stable and peaceful and maybe 'matriarchal ' or 'matrilineal' . " The Trypillia megasites of Ukraine are the largest known settlements in 4th millennium BC Europe and possibly the world. With the largest reaching 320 ha in size, megasites pose a serious question about the origins of such massive agglomerations. Most current solutions assume maximum occupation, with all houses occupied at the same time, and target... " BUT The archaeological current consensus (in some arguments ) is that they are not 'civilisations' ( but ' mega-settlements') and that of course depends on definitions ; in this case certain 'civil' aspects need to be in place . But others argue for a wider definition for 'civilisation' . The problem there is it upsets the apple cart and a LOT of re stacking is needed . Some are surprising (in the recently accepted context ) but not considered 'a civilisation' ..... by some , but that might change soon;
  18. Spotting a fake master

    I thought he meant that the themes in much mythology ( 'the things in these myths' ) we can see reflected in our lives .... so of course, that would be 'psychological interpretations ' ... not that he ran into a cyclops . But I could be wrong about that ..... Mr ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- ?
  19. Demons!!

    I dont know , check at ;
  20. Demons!!

  21. Demons!!

    Pffft ... thats nuthin ! When I was driving through NZ with a two friends, way out in the forest on a back road there was road works , they appeared to having lunch but one of them jumped up, grabbed a stop / go sign, stood in the road and stopped us . Then I noticed it was an all Maori woman work crew - big strong girls they where . I later found out they where a work detail from a nearby women's prison . What happened before that 'later ' ? Well I cant really detail that here .... but
  22. Demons!!

    Priceless ! 'Painted according to photos ' What , did not ' ' not allow the photos to be used ? Are you sure you want to be abducted by her ? Looks like she got a belt full of 'probes' . So , you think all 'non-material sentient contacts' are evil then and that there are no good or beneficial ones ? .
  23. Demons!!

    " So... if you encounter a ... spiritual ancestor etc... beat the crap out of it .... " Please do not try to take up any form of Shamanic practice .
  24. Demons!!

    " ... beings from the pleyades ... "
  25. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    Did you go back and tell her ... and say you would like to share some of it with her ..... " I 'll buy you dinner ." - or did you just walk back past and throw a coin at her ?