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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Wise TDB members

  2. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Dude ! I wasnt apologizing to YOU ... i was apologizing to my NEW Master .... I mean Mistress . You be too busy soon ... hoppin' around on foot goin " owww owww OWIE ! Nungers got me with that reverse shoe sole ball slap ! " ya wimp ! never practiced Iron Balls Chi eh ? By the way , you fist is bleeding , probably from when I let you hit me . Mhe .... less than an annoying mosquito buzzzzzz .
  3. How does it work?

    Palka : Roberts work
  4. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Spitting out your orange juice ..... onto the ground ... will ground your jing .
  5. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Actually, I have realized my milkshake .... I mean mistake . Please forgive my ingrained sexism , it was not intentional , just my social conditioning . I should never have said I accept Maddie as my Master .... I should have said I accept her as my Mistress .
  6. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Oh ... teacher challenges student then ? I am experienced at that . My karate' instructor ' ( who constantly mocked aikido for being ineffective ) surprise attacked me with my own training wooden machete 'to see if I was any good in a real situation ' . he ended up sitting on the ground , moaning , the machete several metres away , got a broken shoulder . Onlooking students assure him I really only evaded , didnt use force at all and it looked more like a dance movement . If he had 'gone with it ' he would have been ok , but since he refused to even look at any principles associated with aikido, he didnt know how to fall away or roll out of it , HE moved in a direction the shoulder does not go , and broke his own shoulder . Now, I suppose you are not as silly or untrained as that .... Master ? if so ... or of not ... let's get it on ! This is the special technique I developed to defeat you with ; I call it the 'evading , roll out , crane arms , reverse upward, sole of the shoe, ball slap ... from underneath ' .
  7. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Not really . I became a master of my art * and not a single person is interested .... well , they say they are , but do they turn up or ever do anything about it ? Nope ... well, they are going to .... apparently . But then again I do not advertise on line ... nor do I have a fancy uniform , nor do I make empty promises or claim super powers . So, of course ...... I go fishing instead . . . caught a sting ray last week . . . a little orange carp looks a lot safer to handle and get off the hook . It had a huge barb sticking out of its tail, which it frantically lashed and whipped at me in a frenzy every time I approached it . I had to use the special anti sting ray weapon .... threw the thick car blanket over it and wrapped it up . .
  8. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    I will be your disciple too ! - the fourth degree * got me , also the turtle linage of the cosmic mystery ** ... what do i do next (and dont say I have to enroll prepaid in your intro to TCM course . ) * ** Studying Okinawan MA for many years ... I mean studying, not just practicing , it includes understanding the mind set , culture and traditions ( this is specifically what ' Teacher ' hope his students would do . They are 'turtle people ' , look at the tombs . Some have claimed them 'UFO like ' ... nah ! :
  9. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    With a new user name and a 'new' membership . In the meantime . It looks like I have now risen from Number 2 student to master ! Unless of course Master Logray wants to challenge me ? ( and this time I am ready ! Not like last time , I have lifted my stance a bit so I no longer end up treading on my flappy loin cloth thingo , also I pulled it up a bit , bonus as it also makes loose folds of cloth above my belt .... to hide my beer gut . )
  10. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Errrmmmm , because your imagination of vision and sound got mixed up ? or its his personal profile picture .
  11. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    HEY ! How dare you speak to master like that ! I shall defeat you (in my new costume I bought online , fancy wrist beads included , and a new haircut and mustache trim ) with my secret master taught ' Three-Stooges eye-poke !
  12. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    I know what the problem is here . try this instead - just mnake a post that says : " I think going out barefoot in nature will replenish your jing . being out in sunlight replenishes your jing . And your troubles will evaporate . And even I would agree with you . Get my drift ? ( the laugh I gave you above is because , I know your game .... and it was pretty funny . )
  13. How did you come up with your username?

    Oh good .... I am 1/6th of a Taoist then . .
  14. How did you come up with your username?

    I am so lazy that I am active in trying to get things right and efficient so I can be even more lazy in the future . Some times it backfires though ... to lazy to mow the lawn , so i dont . Then next week its twice as long and twice as hard . Get lazier and dont do it at all ? Oh Gawd ! So much effort dragging my legs though the thigh high grass , lloking out for snakes, having to remove ticks ... sigh . and THIS is my lame excuse for being a taoist ! Oh yeah ..... my name was based on a lizard My profile pic used to be a simple sketch of a lizard , sometimes I think of changing back to something similar
  15. Wise TDB members

    Most oif the members I feel about like that have left . You show promise though . .. Apotheose , that is ... not Cobie .
  16. John 3:3

    Whichever you prefer . or both .
  17. How does it work?

    yeah but ..... its an internet forum , not a practice hall . So of course its gonna be more about blah - blah . Fun to rave BUT ' the proof is on the floor ' ( so I challenge you (on the internet ) to a physical duel ..... I choose flinging fireballs ! )
  18. How does it work?

    Yes, so my perspective on it , again, is it does not matter what the source is , its the result . A trauma may be deeply embedded psychologically , depending on one's 'cultural flavor ' successful treatment may be via a psychologist or an exorcist / witch doctor / shaman . Its about getting to 'the root' , that 'inner jumble of complexity' and the 'mirror maze of symbolism '' that the psyche uses to operate ( from our 'outside' perspective ) . Another example is, some psychological theories are about confronting one's phobias or even 'imbalances' , in a controlled and gradual way , eg, perhaps one fears entering water . Maybe it was from a childhood experience , maybe great great great great ..... Grandma watched the rest of the village get swept away by a tidal wave ... or maybe a 'past life' . But I have seen one magical training system, where ( before being considered a magician ) one has to confront all their fears and phobias by 'mastering ' each element . - so far I have 'mastered ' - survived - being swept away by a flood , fighting a scary bush fire .... air ? Nah , I am not going to attempt the 'flying thing ' ... at this stage " Whoopsies ! "
  19. How does it work?

    'Down here' we have stared consulting them and getting them to teach us about PROPER fire management - 'Cultural Burning ' . Unfortunately rule 1 seems to be ; 'Dont all congregate together in one huge space and then allow the surrounds to be overgrown in highly flammable material . ... and they wonder why we dont 'get it ' . .... < sigh >
  20. How does it work?

    For me that is insignificant ... meaning ; it doesnt matter . I am not interested in proving magic can work, but the results I get . And I consider a LOT of 'internal' stuff ( eg. 'psychological skills' , image associations, symbolism, even drives ) 'magical' or maybe better said ; ' valid tools for magical practice' . Or conversely , a lot of magic seems a form of self psychology . Eg , I find tarot a very useful tool for self analysis , getting through certain issues, etc but NOT for 'divination' or anything like that . This has to do with how well I know the system , what type of system it is ( visual / symbolic ) and I happen to learn well within the visual / symbolic ' type of learning . In short , I can use the Tarot (or the Qabbalah , or my own developed and more finely tuned system) as a map to navigate through my psyche . Some people that are into magic do not like this and feel it has been degraded to a mere psychological approach ... ie, purely generated from 'inside' one's own psyche and personna . Of course that is a significant element , but I only see it as part of the source . For example, merely by using the term 'personna ' we acknowledge the very significant input of outside forces - on a 'material level ' ... that is , from our environment both real and ideal ( example the physical environment and people and things like 'ideal' being morals, ethics, local psychology, religion, etc ) . I go for the three option model ; 'Magic' generated via our own psychology , as an outside influence that can be used and a third option that is like a midway point between the two . Which seems to suggest that the first option can be so so strong that it actually breaks through and effects changes in 'reality' ..... as we perceive it . ( )