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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Transgender Q&A

    From the camera in there .
  2. In a way, yes. But if you use a site like 'astrodienst' it offers a variety of settings to make different types of charts . Personally , I cant see a 'short cut' as validly being able to map my psyche . I think that said it all . Indeed, but that is something different . And also that would only be a part of the story ; ie, the ecliptic constellations . But ALL the constellations come together to make the full story . Eg, why is the Dog ( Canis) nipping at the hunters heels ( Orion ) as he tries to spear the Hydra ? And more helpful if one realizes that the 3/4 pattern is not just in astrology but permeates the whole of nature and manifestation ( eg . see my paper ' Three in One ' in my PP section ) Agreed . But I have noticed that still, people with a chart only look at the basics , unless trained to look at the aspects and angular relationships , most see it as a confusing 'mandala ' of obscurity . .... which might be a good definition of how most see the 'normal' human psyche .
  3. I don't see how he could have made it clearer ! Yet now you question him on HIMSELF doing this ? ! ?
  4. Why are YOU only quoting a part of his post , ascribing beliefs to him he never wrote in post and YOU ascribing to him ' and to top it off postulating that he conjures harmfully demons in a thread YOU started about that very thing and to which Jadespear responded .....
  5. There we have it ! What does 'I am a Leo ' mean ? Its simplistic, pop, modern astrology . Crap IMO . How could we define the complexity and nature of your psyche in one word ? It probably means someone told you " you are a Leo" . It means when you where born the Sun might have been in the house of Leo (and nothing to do with the constellation of Leo in the sky) . And the 'signs you mentioned' may not match you at all as real astrology is about the complex mandala that is made up by your unique planetary aspects and arrangements . If one wants to seriously investigate the self , use a serious system and serious mapping . If you think about it, modern pop money making astrology is NOT going to help you do that . Its the same with many esoteric arts ; take tarot for example , its use is far beyond any mere silly 'fortune telling ' , yet 90% of people use it for just that ( what will my upcoming holiday be like? ... does so and so love me ? , how can I get money ? ) and it often does not work , unless its for the gullible who are easily fooled ... while its use that does have immense value mostly goes unnoticed and unused. Tis 'the way of the world' ... the 'profane world '.
  6. Transgender Q&A

  7. IMHO

    I like this one ; 'Now, you know I never repeat gossip ..... so I am only going to tell you this once .'
  8. I think you will find evidence of historical Jewish persecution rather hard to find in Australia . Sure there have been incidents of 'antisemitism' and times migration was discouraged ( and then accepted ) , but 'persecution ' ... ? ( I realize 'we' often dont count in such considerations but ' the only country on earth ' is a bit of a stretch . .... Ecuador , New Zealand , Papua , New Guinea .... ? )
  9. So many miss this . Thats why there are preliminary tests . I used to say to people; "Why trust what a spirit claims without testing it ? If a stranger came up to you on the street or rang your phone , would you accept them at face value ? " .... I used to say that .... until a friend 'lent' her 'son' her last few thousand (and deposited it into 'his new account' ) all from a text that started " Mom, I need help ! ... first of all I lost my phone and had to buy this new one and then my bank account ..... " /
  10. But what do they know about YOU (aside from whats on the chart ? ) .. that was my point in learning to read one's own chart . I am confused about how 'the paranormal' suddenly entered that sentence ?
  11. IMHO

    ? I thought it meant ; Although I am usually lying , this time ....
  12. Transgender Q&A

    and all the people who DON"T want to become a lawyer - during the supreme court case I was involved in I heard that a few times , including from lawyers ; " You should have been a lawyer !" Me; " No I should not have , as i would never want to ..... live in a concrete box in a city with 'spectacular' views of other concrete boxes in the city . Have so many possessions and gadgets to look after and play with that I didnt have time to play with as I was always working to pay for the toys I bought that I didnt have time to play with , having to go somewhere else to take a holiday . Feel like I am in a packed cattle yard , every time I go out on the street . have to deal with idiots while calling them 'my learned friend' ..... I could go on and on ...
  13. Transgender Q&A

    You blinked and missed it ! Now, thats just pocket money . Average house price here is over $1M .
  14. One of the best educational things about myself was when I did a course on reading one's own chart . With some insight, its much better than having another do it for you , as, if you are not riddled with self delusions , who knows better the deeper interpretation and how it relates to you , than yourself .
  15. Transgender Q&A

    I say its time we turned the tables on them !
  16. Have you looked into your natal astrology ? Some people are born under difficult alignments . I am not talking new age modern astrology, where some see everything as perfect - in the older times , you could be 'born under a bad sign ' and that was 'tough luck' , but still you would have other aspects you could work with and sometimes , with a good understanding of them you can use those to advantage . Basically , that can offer new approaches and methods .
  17. Wow . Even I feel good now for you . So you should feel good too, that you where able to do that , and they must feel so good you did that for them . Thats all great and in my opinion , balanced out . But now you need to address your own problems in a different way . If you see that good act you did as a type of magical ritual that you should get something from , then there is also another part to it . Lets say , (for arguments sake ) you 'pray to God' to win the lotto . You cant just sit there and expect something to happen , you have to (or get someone to do it for you ) go and buy the ticket . For example ; maybe someone that tried the right technique for getting peace and tranquility and it didnt work , after then doing good works, the right technique might be now more effective ; you still have to work for it though . All I can suggest is keep doing good works when you can and separately work on yourself with what you need to do . At times in my past I did a lot to help others and often it was spat back in my face , but not always . and I saw people that acted in a nasty way and didnt help them . I see those people now, the nasty ones , and I am forever thankful that I dont have their problems, their outlooks, their dishonesty . I certainly have my own issues and problems to work through, they didnt go away because I helped others . But for all I know , all the great stuff I have got may have been helped by that and , to me, it s invaluable . There might be other ways or other systems with different approaches that can help you get what you want . I hope you find success in that .
  18. and my first question ?
  19. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    I thought to add these definitions Science The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. "new advances in science and technology." Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena. "the science of astronomy." A systematic method or body of knowledge in a given area. "the science of marketing." Scientism The collection of attitudes and practices considered typical of scientists. The belief that the investigative methods of the physical sciences are applicable or justifiable in all fields of inquiry. The often dogmatic belief that science is the only source of knowledge. History A chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or institution, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events. "a history of the Vikings." A formal written account of related natural phenomena. "a history of volcanoes." A record of a patient's general medical background. "took the patient's history." Presentism The belief that only current phenomena are relevant. Interpreting past phenomena in terms of current beliefs and knowledge. The doctrine that the Scripture prophecies of the Apocalypse (as in the Book of Revelations) are presently in the course of being fulfilled. Anthropology he scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of humans. The science of the structure and functions of the human body. (ie. seeing the value of all human experience , historically and cross - culturally ) Egocentric Holding the view that the ego is the center, object, and norm of all experience. Confined in attitude or interest to one's own needs or affairs. Caring only about oneself; selfish. Now if we combine scientism with presentism and egotism ....... hello modern person !
  20. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    It seems someone thinks you are incapable of doing your own wiki search on things I mention to you - like Israel Regardie . So they do it for you and post the results here - whatever . Modern science and psychology is not bullshit. To say it is is too general a statement . For example; I refuse to take some medications that I am 'supposed' to as ; they dont feel right as soon as they are in my body , I dont consider that I need them , they seem pushed by drug companies and finally , I found out, there is a movement to expose them for some of the reasons I just mentioned . But I was amazed and very happy about my hip replacement . Any person , anywhere at any time can and probably will feel some degree of loneliness and stress . What the key issue is, how it is dealt with . This seems a basic realization, in many areas, that people do not want to look at . I have observed its dynamics for decades living in a community ; we are humans , in this particular society ( even if some think they have dropped out or 'gone feral or triba;' , no, its just an expression within this society - they are just playing at those things ... but still going to the supermarket, still doing social media , so I see that as rather funny , anyway ... ) I would say to them ; " Look, we have x amount of people here so statistically that means we are going to have y amount of cases of domestic violence, z amount of cases of child abuse , etc etc . So we need to have ways and policies of dealing with that and trying to lower those figures ." NOPE ! It was met with near horror ! It i.s absolutely denialist and stupid . Its as if we all know a bush fire is p[possible yet we dont want to have any fire fighting equipment (and that community has now got so bad and the problem has extended so far that now they do not actually have fire fighting equipment anymore ! ) . Eventually some of those problems, of course , manifested . Instead of having a skill set, remedies, and post treatment plans , they just ran around like chickens with their heads cut off ..... just like they will do if a bush fire comes onto the property . I have been in various groups ; communal, social, magical ..... and I have always said ; " It doesnt matter what your group , tribe , gang , monastery or commune you are going to have the same old human issues and unless you have a way of dealing with them and addressing them , your group will fail , regardless of its focus or work . " The dead fish ,? Yes , clean up the lake . But this is a pretty big lake ! and its being polluted for a very long time . Unfortunately when we DO get a very big lake to clean up ( or other environmental mess ) ... DO WE clean it up ? or do we just go somewhere else to do damage and destruction there ?
  21. Okay . But what is it that you do that you consider good ? And what would you consider is 'good stuff' that you would get in return ?
  22. Transgender Q&A

    here you go ..... this is all there is ... and its a bit waterlogged , I found it on the beach