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Everything posted by traveler

  1. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    Here's a Ra quote that explains your question: There is a lot of information here. The question I have asked myself all along is: where do I feel the inner and outer energies meeting? Where is the work taking place at this time?
  2. A sovereign God question

    There is nothing like experience to clarify what we are talking about. If you wake in the night and see an angel standing there, then what else can anyone expect other than you will now believe in angels. If you have touched an immortal and felt flesh and bones then you suddenly feel a deep conviction that immortals actually have physical bodies. See, experience is all that matters. No one has the same beliefs because no one has the same experiences. Are these other-world beings actual and real? They say they are more real than we are, that they are not archetypes. When we die or move on into another existence in any other way, do we stop being a person or stop being real? Are we less real because we are no longer here in this plane? I have read that expanding consciousness is about becoming more not less. When you learn who you are, which is the crux of the meaning of enlightenment according to many teachers, why would that mean that you lose your own identity? Likewise, if you find God/Goddess through meditative prayer and find Him/Her to be real, then later find that All of Creation is a Void, who is to say which impression is most correct? There is a light at the end of the tunnel. The dark night, or void, is breeched in the end and you find a world of Totality, Nirvana, where God/Goddess come back to being with you, beyond the Nothingness. This is my take on this, but Osho taught the same concept. "Experience and Non-experience merge to form something new, which is the seventh body. (Osho paraphrased)" That boils down to this: There is a God/Goddess and though you may feel that God is simply All That Is, and has no focal point, He/She is a Totality meaning that He/She not only has no focal point denoted by the Nothingness, but also HAS a focal point. Totality means all experiences, nothing left out. When I know myself in Totality it is all there, nothing left out. Nothing forgotten, everything accepted. This is balance. If we are expected to do this, does not this same law of existence apply even to God/Goddess or to All of Creation? So I say there is nothing unreal about seeking a God/Goddess especially if you find such a relationship. Here is an early experience of mine as an example of what I am talking about: Now, the question asked in this thread is whether or not God/Goddess is a sovereign being. I say yes, and I say no. Both are true for me.
  3. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    No. The right hand is holding a stick which is carrying his bundle. His left hand is holding a walking stick and a rose. I am told by an Inner Voice what I need to do at any given time to aid in the process. I do my best to obey. I will just tease you into study by saying that there are chakras in the body which are part sub-densities of this mortal world in which we live. These are the ones we are familiar with. But there are other sets of chakras correlating with the other densities. One such chakra is the 12th and it is found above your head at a point just beyond your fingertips if you reach upward as high as you can. Some call this the Christ Consciousness Center. It is an important crossroads of energy channels which run through you auric field. If you meditate on this 12th chakra, it wakes up and becomes a gate. It is the tip of the wizard hat.
  4. Gospel of Thomas

    I see everything from a world view. So pardon me if I diverge from strictly Christian concepts for a moment in order to get my point across. There is a trend out there, definitely Eastern stuff (but not exclusively), that we eventually merge into a Nothingness, the wu. Osho says that we can experience bliss which is contact with the Light, which he calls experience. This is shen, fire or spirit. When we step into wu there is a consuming void, which Osho calls non-experience. This is unity, all is One. There are no boundaries of this container called One. It is infinite time and space. Then Osho says there is the last stage, the seventh stage, which we as a planet are now entering, perhaps. This last stage is called Nirvana or Totality. It is not the bliss nor the void; it is everything. You feel at One and you also feel like yourself again, like a real person, an individual. After being One (wu) you emerge as an individual again, you become two, separate and not separate from the rest of Creation. Do you see what I am saying? After the One, then what? The One is not the end. Totality is, and this state is felt as being One, AND Two, and a lot of other things. You don't have to give up the Joy to feel the Peace. But for a time, all there is is Peace, like a healing balm. What does Jesus do? Lead you through this if He is allowed to. Jesus said on the cross, "Why hast thou forsaken me?" And he died, after which he spent some time in the bowels of the earth. The resurrection followed. Here we see the pattern: a time of feeling forsaken and then a sojourn through darkness to emerge back into the Light as a resurrected being. The resurrection is the Totality. Death was His Dark Night of the Soul, or the Nothingness. In Egyptology, the journey of Ra in his boat across the sky follows the same pattern. At night, Ra's boat travels through the under world; at Dawn there is a New Awakening and a healing. This is my take on One becomes Two.
  5. A sovereign God question

    Please share your experience with us if it is not too personal.
  6. Gospel of Thomas

    The fire of Jesus can be any and all of the things described in the preceding posts including "nonsense" if that is how you see it. Personally, I feel the fire.
  7. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    As to your reference to the sun, here is a couple of quotes that perhaps you would like to kick around. If I am interpreting this correctly, the chakra system within our physical bodies is a miniature of the cosmic density system, and also a miniature of the planetary/sun system. Each system is tied to the others. Since the seven chakras of our bodies are sub-densities of third density, there should be other chakra sets within the other densities. Ra talks about this as seen in the quote below. The I AM Universe talks about this, but it appears to be taken off the Internet now. What interests me is that some people have explored these higher density chakras from this density. Any thoughts on this?
  8. Gospel of Thomas

    10) Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes." Another way to look at this is that all this time the fire of Christianity has been burning, and He is watching over this fire until the Second Coming when the world is burnt and becomes new. Some say that the earth will be physically burnt at His coming, and you could also say that the fire is a spiritual burning.
  9. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    I see golden light in his legs.
  10. ...

    Uroboros: That space between the end of the tailbone and the anus is GV1, Governing Vessel 1. Glad to be of help.
  11. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    Have you noticed that my avatar is the tarot card, the Fool? He is about to walk right off a cliff because he is not paying attention. It is the card that I most strongly relate to.
  12. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    I liked your Mary Baker Eddy quote a lot. Realizing that "we are indeed it" IS the healing, or at least begins the process. As to your question about using a proxy: It is meaningless for us to claim independence. We cannot be independent because we are not even separate. Since there is no separation between us and other humans or other parts of creation, it is irrelevant whether we use a proxy or not to create a healing. All is One. In truth, there are many levels of consciousness; awareness of each one gives us a new perspective. Yet we can, with some effort, look back and see the perspectives that we have left behind - like remembering how it was to think as a child. And so in one world, there certainly is sin. There is a sun and it casts shadows. In another world there is no need of a sun because we are illuminated by another light, one that casts no shadows. (Bible, Revelations 22:5) Many of the people of this world cannot see this new light but only the old sunlight and its shadows. At the same time, some people CAN see the new light which outshines the old. See Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Another angel to this question of using a proxy: What or who is the Higher Self? When the Higher Self comes down and merges with your body, called the Chymical Marriage by the Western Mystics, is this not a gift, the use of another entity to further your personal spiritual evolution? Or are we simply becoming aware of a larger part of our self and merging with that. This merging awakens grace. This higher power makes changes in you that you could not do for yourself. Think of this higher energy as the kundalini. The golden light is filled with grace and is certainly a form of using a proxy. Jesus represents this grace to the Christians. What changes do this higher energy make in us? It swallows up our fear. It also consumes our thoughts and emotions, all thoughts and all emotions, until we find ourselves in a Nothingness. "No center, just a diffused feeling," as Osho describes this. Then when the moment arrives, you burst out of the Nothingness into a Golden Dawn.
  13. ...

    If you want to silence your mental sexual chatter and remove the sensation of sexual arousal or the "horny" feeling, the following breath will accomplish this. I have included an explanation of all the parts as if the reader knows nothing about energy work and breath so that anyone reading this post will be able to do this breath. The Pubic-Coccyx Breath Full Abdominal Breathing Stand erect and pretend there's a string attached to the top of your head pulling you upward as you breathe in, stretching your spine and elongating it. You may feel yourself getting taller. Next, pretend that your lungs are in your belly, the area just below your bellybutton. Touch yourself there to let your mind know where this is. Imagine that there is a mouth right where the memory of your touch is lingering as you breathe in, and that the air is filling these belly lungs. Then relax as you exhale and let it flow back out of that belly-mouth. The only part of your body that should expand for this first step as you inhale is your belly - like a beach ball blowing up and then releasing air as you exhale. It's important to totally relax as you exhale. The second step is to smile. Let's learn about smiles. They start in the eyes - actually, the outer creases of the eyes. Smile in just these creases, not the mouth, then the whole eyes. Make them twinkle with mirth. Now let that twinkle in your eyes spread to your mouth, causing a grin. Touch your belly-mouth again as you smile like I just taught you, then swallow and follow your saliva down as if it is a ball of energy - all the way to your lower belly. I know you're thinking that the stomach is higher than that, but the energy of the saliva will move past the stomach all the way into the belly if you tell it to. Your belly may feel heavy as if something is growing inside you. Let's put this together so far. Stretch your spine upward and inhale by breathing in so just your lower belly expands, then exhale while you smile into your eyes and mouth, remembering to relax as you let the energy fall into your lower belly. Swallowing helps you learn to do this. Step three is to add the full abdominal breath. By expanding only your lower belly as you breathe, you are moving the organs down and out of the way, causing the lower part of your lungs to fill first. Now we are going to fill the rest of your lungs. Breathe in as before, expanding just the belly, then when that feels fullish, expand the middle chest, and last of all, fill the upper chest with air. Your shoulders should rise slightly. That's it. Hold your breath. Can you possibly get any more air in those lungs of yours? I bet you can. That's it, gulp in some more air. At the end of the fullest inhale you can manage, "sniff" in three more short breaths. If you smile while inhaling, this opens up your nasal cavities allowing more air to enter your lungs. Also, a smile brightens your emotions. It's time to exhale. Let it out slowly while doing that special smile and relaxing as you let the energy fall down to the belly. You should empty your lungs in reverse order of how you filled them - let the air out of the upper chest first, then the middle chest and last, empty the belly. You want the lungs to be as empty as possible before taking another breath. A good way to totally empty the lungs is to lean over and suck in your belly as if it's wrapped around the spinal column. Now that's empty! Another way to empty your lungs which is more convenient is to exhale completely, then "puff" some air out with pursed lips three times. Blow out like you're blowing through a straw with flat lips. This forces more air out. The puffing action comes from the diaphragm. When you get the hang of this, exerting yourself to fill your lungs to over-flowing or completely emptying them will not be needed for general use in most alchemical formulas or in meditation. The reason is that you will have increased your capacity to hold air in your lungs and a normal breath will hold more air than your best efforts of breathing and exhaling deeply did in the beginning. Emptying Your Lungs Stand erect, feet shoulder's width apart and slowly let all of the air out of our lungs through your mouth, As you are exhaling, bend forward as far as possible, put your hands on your knees, and keep your knees slightly bent and relaxed. Compress your chest and push upward with your diaphragm and abdominal muscles to expel all the stale air from your lungs. Stand erect and pull your abdominal muscles back as if to pin your stomach to your backbone. Give three more puffs to get really empty lungs as explained above. The Pubic Breath If you lean backwards. arching your spine, you may notice that extending your belly as in a Full Abdominal Breath is not very practical. Because the skin of the belly is stretched taut, extending it will not feel natural. So, hold your breath instead and continue sucking in your abs as in the last step of Emptying Your Lungs explained above. After you have emptied your lungs and are standing upright, pull your lower abs in to completely and fiercely compress these muscles BEFORE you lean backward. Try not to lean back too far. You may place your hands on your hips to support your back. This breath isn't, in my opinion, a case where you are trying to arch your spine to the max as in a stretching exercise. It is a Power Breath. Arch your spine just far enough to stretch your lower abs and aid your efforts to pull in the abdominal muscles, no more. If you are having trouble pulling these muscles in as you arch your spine, you are bending backward too far. Grip the ground with your feet and tense up a good deal of other muscles. If you focus on abdominal muscles compression, clawing the ground and the other muscle tension will take care of itself. Just what muscles are you compressing? All of the abdominal muscles but the most vital area to compress is the lowest ones which attach to the pubic bone. Let's locate the pubic muscles. Exhale and then crimp your pelvic floor, the PC muscles. What do you notice happening to your pubic muscles area? They flatten. It's a natural response; you won't be able to help yourself. Regularly preforming yoga poses will make this phenomena more pronounced. Crimping the PC muscles while sucking in your abs on an inhale will naturally draw the pubic area inward. This is part of the mechanics of the Reversed Breath. Here's another way to locate the pubic muscles. Isolate the muscle that makes your penis twitch, just the penis. If you crimp the PC or just about any other muscle in the groin area your penis will contract as well. But, you can just contract the penis and not the other muscles. Feel the very lowest muscles of your abs contract as you twitch your penis. These are the pubic muscles I am wanting you to engage. Pull them in as hard as you can along with compressing the rest of the abdominal muscles and leaning backwards slightly. Here are the steps for this Pubic Breath: 1) Stand erect and inhale as in a Full Abdominal Breath with shoulders rising slightly at the end of the inhale. 2) Exhale completely while leaning over and resting your hands on your knees. Stand up and give three more puffs to further empty your lungs. Pull in your abdominal muscles, especially your pubic muscles, compressing them most fiercely as if you are trying to press them against your spine. You are now holding your breath. 3) Lean back, arching your spine, but only enough to feel the abdominal muscles stretch, but not so far as to hinder your ability to compress those muscles. Continue to tighten your pubic muscles. 4) Don't breath in, but keep those lungs empty. Count to ten slowly. 5) Return to an upright position as you inhale. The exhale will be explained next. Focus on the Heart Center Sex energy when sublimated amplifies whatever is going on in your body at the time without judgment. If you are happy, sublimation will make you more happy; if you are angry, sublimation will make you even madder. To flavor the energy, you need only to pass it through one of the energy centers. The heart will take the sublimated sex energy and turn it into love energy. Instead of sublimation simply amplifying your current mood, it will transform your mood into love as it passes through the heart. To direct the energy through the heart you can place your hands over the heart center. You can place your hands over the chest, palms pressed together and fingers extended. Or, you can cross your forearms over your Chest. I prefer to simply place my hands there with my palms facing inward. The Coccyx Breath First, let's find your coccyx. Place a finger above the anus and press upward while sliding the finger along the butt crack until you feel the end of a bone. That's your coccyx. Your sacrum is just above that and crimping your coccyx will naturally include this second group of vertebrae. A natural pose for doing this breath is what I call the M-pose and it goes like this: Sitting on butt, knees bent, feet flat on ground, arms straight and supporting body behind with palms flat on the ground. Now raise your butt slightly off the ground. Body should look like an M from a side view. Become aware of your coccyx and sacrum with your mind. Feel it fill with energy, with your awareness. Coccyx Breathing is Full Abdominal Breathing with a slight change: 1) Place your hands over your Heart Center. 2) Inhale from your belly except also allow the breath to fill the cavity around (behind) your coccyx, like filling a balloon. It may help to place an imaginary mouth on your coccyx. As you suck the imaginary air into this "mouth" on the inhale, you should get a sensation as if you were filling the area surrounding the coccyx with air. Also, the "mouth" should feel as if it is opening to gulp in the "air". 3) When you exhale, crimp the coccyx muscle. This pumps energy and spinal fluid up your spine into your head. You are closing the imaginary mouth. It's OK if the anus and PC muscles also crimp. 3) Repeat as needed. At some point in your progress with sex energy work, your coccyx may fill with energy without you consciously telling it to. This is a sign that your body now understands that you want the sexual energy to flow backwards, not out the tip of your penis. The gates are clear, the energy blockages are gone. Be thankful when this happens. So, when your coccyx fills like a balloon, all on its own without consciously instigating a coccyx breath, during sex or other energy work, just finish the process by gently crimping your coccyx muscle on the exhale to pump the sex energy collected there up the spine and into the rest of the body. Conclusion: The Pubic-Coccyx Breath 1) Stand erect with your hands at your side, and take a few Full Abdominal Breaths. 2) Do one really good Pubic Breath, I mean really empty your lungs by puffing out air repeatedly. At the end of this breath you should feel the coccyx filling involuntarily with energy which leads naturally into a Coccyx Breath. 3) Do a three Coccyx Breaths. One Pubic-Coccyx Breath, if done with the proper intensity, is enough. Enough for what? This will sublimate sex energy very completely.
  14. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    I will pass on your post on mettle to some Masons that I know will enjoy it.
  15. ...

    Here is an alternate way of looking at this: The shift into negative emotions you described can be mitigated by flavoring the sex energy with love. Hug your lover afterwards for at least a half hour and you will not experience negative emotions or a drop in alertness even. Why? Just as the male gives his essence to the female, the female gifts her essence to the male. It is an exchange which takes place while hugging in stillness. Sit in meditation and hold your hands over your heart center after sex. If you are celibate, perform some form of sublimation and end by breathing deeply with your hands over your heart. Sex energy amplifies whatever is going on within. If you are angry, the increase in sex energy will amplify your anger. Holding the heart converts this energy to love and that is what is amplified. Hugging your lover after sex is a strong form of holding your heart. By all means cultivate your Shakti connection. For me, this included a very life-like being climbing into bed with me. This sex felt physical in every way. The Chymical Marriage needs to two to tango. You need a god and a goddess. The path to wholeness includes finding the parts first. I am a musician. We have something in common, it seems. I play the harp to signal the end of our meditation time for the local yoga group. This can be interpreted on many levels. Dual cultivation could be seen as intercourse in stillness such as Karezza or Yab Yum. This wakes the Heart Center, as you said. Self Cultivation could be seen as celibacy. Both are useful and have their place. Dual cultivation could also be seen as celibacy when your dual cultivation takes on a nonsexual character where you feel at One with everyone. If you master the art of celibacy then you will not be bothered by waiting for your lover to be ready for your next sexual adventure. Or, you can abstain indefinitely; your choice. It's nice ti have a choice ... without your physical chemistry getting in the way. I'll quote Eric Yudelove:
  16. ...

    Consider the words of Osho: Suppression is not going to work. Sublimation works to become celibate if you are evolved to the point where this will work, not before. Celibacy is a natural shift without effort once the vital energy is mature, once the earthly heart has died and the heavenly heart is born. Sex combined with sublimation without ejaculation is a good in between step because it is a healing mechanism and will lead you to natural brahmacharya in time. Ejaculation has its own place as a tool to transform your consciousness. Don't underestimate its spiritual powers. Everything has its place. Kadesdes said, "The animal aspect of ourselves can still be treated kindly and allowed to dissolve gently." Eventually, your shen will awaken in a spectacular way and then there will be no tuning back. The Shen will lead you unerringly. Brahmancharya will follow. You will know when this stage is reached for you will not find this difficult in the least bit. In Taoist terms, your vitality must be mature which is indicated by your sex organ shirking and retracting. I agree with everything that has been posted here. Dhigg, if you are determined to follow this goal to the 1000th day, then mental celibacy is necessary for your sanity. Your perception is right on about feeling more power within after attempted celibacy; this is a power that no other kind of sublimation can offer. On a physical level, the attractiveness you have observed is due to your higher testosterone levels. Only a guess. If your goal after the 1000 days is to attract a mate that will work with your practice, then this higher jing, or hormones, or whatever you want to call it will attract her to you ... with the appropriate affirmation. I will remind you of a paragraph in Taoist Yoga that will work the miracle over your mental arousal. Now, with a tool like this, you have a choice every time you feel aroused: you can give in and enjoy this natural sensation or you can perform this simple breath work and observe your arousal fade away. There are other tools which are even more potent. One perspective is that you never want your sex drive to dry up. You always want your sex energy to ask to be sublimated. Then after having made the choice to sublimate and feeling this inner power fill you in place of the arousal, you can smile because you will have learned a secret: This is a VERY sexually fulfilling state of mind, just as much as any other form of sex. Like all other stages of sublimation, it is only a stage, relating to the Brahma Body or 6th Body. There is nothing ignoble or lacking in the other stages of sexuality. What I am talking about is the possibility of having sex though each of your chakra levels. Each experience is beyond wonderful. Every stage, including the first. Here is a rather long quote, I hope you enjoy it and also get what he is saying: being whole is not necessarily related to celibacy.
  17. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    Again, we are the same page and didn't know it. Spotless discussed this concept at the end of your "Are There Any Healers Out There? thread. Here is some of what he said: That was a good introduction to the topic. Let's add fear and love into the equation with some quotes from two channeled works, one from Emanuel, and the other from P'taah. They both talk a great deal about fear and love and nail your topic down with a grace that I've rarely seen elsewhere. I highly recommend reading the words of these two other-world beings. This is true but only if you reach a place where you and the client are the same person. On the other hand, the client is acknowledging his/her need to correct something about the situation or they wouldn't be asking you to help with a healing. So, with their permission, you perform some sort of healing - a visualization, a ritual, some herbs - and what you are really doing is correcting some of their beliefs so they can find enough balance to heal their own problem. You might just as well hypnotize them and tell them that there is no problem and that all their beliefs which are arguing with you are removed. I was taught to always replace a corrupted belief, once removed, with a new improved belief, one founded on love and not fear. This is the crux of EFT's effectiveness. There are so may ways of doing this. The Miracle is the product of seeing another as self. The phrase, "God's Son is guiltless, and in his innocence is his salvation" could be restated as: "God's sons and daughter are guiltless, and in their innocence is their salvation, which is our salvation." (This interpretation is spelled out elsewhere in the book.) When you see, I mean really see, someone else as being you, the Atonement becomes active in you. The other person does not have to be a Master such as Jesus was; it does not have to be a guru or teacher; it can be your grouchy neighbor, or a pet. Salvation comes as a result of the illusion dissolving. Seeing the other as self is what does the dissolving. On the other hand, a guru DOES fill a need, that is to help raise the vibration of those who are being influenced by him/her. The path becomes easier because the guru's energy is assisting. At some point, the student and guru then seem as one being. Blending with a master is a pathway to blending with Spirit or Self, and with All of Creation. Lao Tzu said: In the same way, just as the teacher offers his/her energy to the student to raise the level of consciousness of the student, so also does the healer raise the vibration of the healee. They do this by becoming One with the client, even if only for a moment. Healing is a gift from the heart. Where fear's blackness dominates the sick or disturbed, the perfect fearless state of a healer can prevail and bring light. The Universal Energy is intelligent and need only be shared with the other without expectations for a healing to occur. I do not call myself a healer. I am exploring the possibilities. Your comments are making me think. For that I thank you. I also don't hold onto my opinions as absolutes. No matter how much knowledge or experience one acquires, we all become novices the moment we stumble across something new.
  18. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    In the following quote, Jack Johnson introduces his technique for producing multiple orgasms. Here is my description of Jack's Primal Breath or Key Sound: Jack's Primal Breath is a variant of Reversed Breathing. It uses a special exhale that goes like this: "haaa - Ahhh!" Inhale as you suck your belly in like with standard reversed Breath. On the first half of the exhale, make a "haaa" sound, and on the second half make an "Ahhh!" sound. The second half of the exhale should be louder than the first half, and the belly should move outward in the opposite direction of a normal breath. This Primal Breath packs your abdomen with energy. Adding PC crimping just after the exhale and leading into the next inhale increases the effectiveness of this breath quite a bit. Jack's version of this does not teach to suck the abs in on the inhale nor to crimp the PC muscles. In between these Primal Breaths, Jack says to take a few regular breaths. In his words: This is really about tension and relaxation. It is during the moments of total relaxation that the emotional orgasms emerge. The first time I tried this breath, which was my first experiment with multiple orgasms, we had sex for five hours. That was a huge jump from my previous quickies. We only stopped because we got hungry. I was in orgasm most that time. Many of you here have had this same experience. What I'm pointing out is the muscle tension and relaxation, how when combined with sexual arousal and stimulation, this leads to emotional orgasms. This aids the body to clear energy channels and to rid the body of negatively charged emotions and traumatic memories. The following quote is very interesting to me. I copied it from a forum years ago. Again, tension and release is the key topic. Guy has something important to say about this. Any one care to comment? I am looking for new information on this topic.
  19. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    I thought you might see a discrepancy there. And now I get to give a little more info. The first thing you do to start an EFT session is to ascertain what the client preceives as his/her problem. Let's use smoking as an example. I classify this as a chronic disease. Second you ask the client on a scale of 1-10, "How much pain is there? Or, "How bad does that memory make you feel?" In the case of smoking the question might be, "How badly do you want to smoke right now?" Next, you have the client tap on the edge of their palm which is opposite their thumb while saying, "Even though I have this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself." This is repeated three times. The point on the hand is the fleshy part which one might use to hit something using a "karate chop". An alternative point is called the sore spot and is on your chest which I'll let you discover in your reading. I recommend the EFT Manuel, a free download. appears to be a good description as well. This part of the session is called the Psychological Reversal. You will notice that the affirmation part of this is a statement of self-love plus identifying the perceived problem which the client wishes to correct. This is combined with tapping on a specific acupressure point. In the case of chronic diseases, this unlocks the mind so it will accept suggestions, even if only for a brief time, long enough to do EFT tapping which is the next part of the session. The affirmation is shortened down to one or two words which is repeated throughout and acts as a reminder to the subconscious as to what the affirmation is. The affirmation itself, does not have to be positive or negative. Both work equally as well. For instance, you can say, "I have a problem with smoking," or "I am free of my smoking habit." They will both work the same. The subconscious mind doesn't make a distinction. EFT tapping is about balancing, not removing a negative or adding a positive. Both negative and positive grow into something new, a third neutral energy which is a balanced and healed inner space. This "solves" the perceived problem. There never is a real problem. Recall my quote of ACIM. Sin is an illusion and when you see it as such the problem evaporates because it was never real. The power behind EFT is that anyone can do it, either on themselves or another. No extensive training is necessary. You DO get better at intuiting what to do. There are levels of dysfunction that often need to be worked through. In the case of smoking, about 5% are cured instantly and the rest have to work through it with patience. (Gary Craig' statistic) For those who have to work through this habit with patience, each time they get the urge to smoke they now have a choice: to give in and smoke or do the EFT tapping for smoking which temporarily removes their urge to smoke. I hope this helped you understand why the single word headache is an affirmation. Often all that is needed to remove a headache is to do the Psychological Reversal part. I recall being in a training meeting for taking care of the elderly. After the break the lady sitting across from me was holding her head. I asked what was wrong and she said that a migraine was coming on and they last two weeks, with a sigh of resignation. I talked her into trying EFT. She look quite startled after saying, "Even though I have a headache I deeply and completely accept myself," three times while tapping the karate point. The headache was gone ... like magic. Yes, I have played with this quite a lot actually. We used to have a card with "I love you" and the Reiki symbols on it taped to our water jug. Since I am 75% water, I thought I'd put a similar card in my wallet to work on my body. I can't say I had any results. How can you measure the effectiveness of something like that? I was filming a workshop years ago on kinesiology. The teacher had two pieces of wood, one of them she told how much it was loved and the other she yelled at and kicked. One of the group would stand up front and hold one of the pieces of wood while the teacher tested the strength of the other arm. The hated wood made the arm weak and the loved wood made the arm strong. This was a blind test since the pieces of wood were identical except to the teacher of course. Lots of people in the workshop came up to hold the wood and the results were always the same. We did another test which was enlightening. A person, let's call her the subject, left the room while the teacher gave us instructions. The subject returned and stood in front with four people surrounding her saying "I hate you" to them selves. The subject's arm was weak. Then one of the four began saying, " I love you." The subject's arm then tested as strong. It only took one out of four to say, "I love you" to override the effects of hate. So yes, I believe in the work of Masaru Emoto. The Hugging Jesus meditation is actually a very old Hindu meditation; of course another deity was used. Very cool. I am reading about qigong healing this morning. I've worked with this before but I didn't call it qigong. This other perspective is instructive.
  20. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    EFT is a healing modality combining the use of energy meridians with affirmations. I have noticed that whenever I combine energy work with affirmations the results are better than when using just energy or just affirmations. EFT can be performed by anyone on a novice level with great effect. The energy meridians are activated by tapping on their end points. Anyone can do this. The points are easy to learn. When an end point is tapped, this sends energy down the entire length of the channel. For instance, if you tap on a point under the eye, which is point 1 for the stomach meridian, energy flows through that meridian to the last point which is on the second toe. Repeating an affirmation, such as "headache", is like pulling out the file drawer in that meridian which contains the "blockage" so that it can be swept away by the energy as it moves down the meridian you are tapping on. You don't know which meridian is blocked so you tap on all the points. Often you feel a clearing as you tap on a specific point indicating that you have found the "offending" meridian. With a little intuition you begin to be given the correct affirmations. When doing this for others, you begin to feel when they are cleared. Different aspects of the problem will appear and also need clearing. Some see a visual sign telling them when the problem is cleared or how much more work need to be done. If you are wanting to try this modality, Googling it is the best way to learn EFT. I can answer any questions you have as you go. I found that running the microcosmic orbit combined with affirmations work just like EFT. I recall being bitten by a recluse spider on my finger. I ran the orbit as I repeated the phrases, "I love you, thank you, the spider poison has left my body." I had flu symptoms, my finger had swollen and a hole had developed at the site of the bite. My kidneys began hurting. Then I was told by an inner voice to drink lots of water. That night I peed a lot and sweat so much that I had to sleep on the sofa, the bed was too wet. In the morning, the swelling was gone, the hole was gone, and I felt OK. I will tell you about a meditation that I used to first create what I called the melting heart. In your healing thread of last March, you talked about various ways you have found to create a lump in your heart center to produce a greater level of love and compassion to use for healing. I was a Christian at the time, and my teacher was a "Christian Yogi". You can apply this to any other being that you wish, such as Goddess or your Holy Guardian Angel. Here is the meditation: Feel the nail prints of Jesus in your hands and feet, and a crown of thorns on your head. This activates your chakras. Envision Jesus standing before you. Draw Him into a loving hug. He is a symbol of love. Then draw Him into your body, to merge with you. Lastly, expand your awareness to include the whole world and give the whole world a loving hug. I did this for three days straight, every fifteen minutes. In the evening of the third day, as I gave the whole world a loving hug, my heart sort of opened up. I began crying. I was filled with this very new feeling of intense love. My heart felt heavy. That was the beginning of this feeling. This reminds me of a quote:
  21. The MCO is Taoist fundamentalism

    I studied a book, 100 Days, by Eric Yudelove a number of years ago. He was a student of Mantak Chia in New York and also a neighbor of his. Eric is also a shaman and kabbalist. In this book, he taught his version of Muscle/Tendon Changing Classic which I learned. I still hit and slap my body as he explained it when taking a cool shower. It was a joke at my house because part of the massage was to pull on the ear lobes, knock on top of the head, and clack the teeth. I did it anyways. Along time ago, I used to strip furniture using methyl chloride. Shortly after I began the self massage in the cool shower, as I was sitting at the computer, I could smell a strong and familiar odor coming from my hands. It was the smell of methyl chloride coming out of my body. Eric said that this practice was cleansing. I didn't really believe him until this odor appeared. It lasted a week or so then disappeared. I still do this type of self massage. My son does also and he screams as he slaps himself. Eric also taught the testicle massage and also the female version of this; he also taught testicle or ovarian breathing. I included both of these into my practice at the time. Sometimes, I reversed the direction of the testicle breathing and drew the unaroused sex energy up the frontline and down the spine instead of up the spine and down to the tan ti'en. I used this reversed testicle breathing during sex to sublimate. Very effective. It looks like we are on the same page. A wonderful book on this topic is T'ai Chi Classics, by Waysun Liao. I'm not into martial arts, but I loved this book's teachings, especially the bone marrow breathing. I think of the bone marrow as the inner tree of life. Here is Waysun's description of bone marrow breathing: I was combining other practices with these. My teacher instructed me to look up at a 45 degree angle in meditation with my eyes open. I soon began to see an eye there, then something like a TV screen where visions would show up of people that I had not forgiven. I had to work through my conflict with them before their image would disappear. This was an open vision, meaning that once it opened it was there 24/7. I felt impressed that I needed to perfect my work on the eight extraordinary channels. I was looking into this eye of heaven that same summer. My teacher said that at some point the eye would wake up and I would see through it into another world, into heaven. I was meditating on this when a being came to me. I couldn't see this being but I could feel it's presence. This being instructed me how to run the energy through the eight channels more perfectly. He/she would say, "You have such and such points wrong. This is where you should focus." Then the correct points would fill with energy so that I knew for sure where the points were. After I was getting it right, the being left. I ran my energy through the channels a few times and suddenly my whole body filled with a huge amount of energy and my vision of the eye opened up so that I was looking into a world of golden light, filled with beings of light. This vision stayed open for a year. effilang, I would like to learn more about your spontaneous movements. I prefer to get on my hands and knees like the cat and cow poses when I do reversed breathing. When I get into the groove of this breath, my body moves like a gyroscope and pushes me into each part of the breath/pose. My hips move in a circle, not side to side but front to back and up and down in a circle. Does this relate to what you are talking about, do you think? I am very curios about what you are describing. Later: Whoa! I just reread the first part of T'ai Chi Classics by Waysun Liao. I think I get it this time. The jing is sent into the earth and rebounds magnified, then sent out of the hands. I'm not a fighter, but this can also be used for healing, can't it? Tomorrow, I'm going to start working on this. Does anyone know about T'ai Chi who can chime in with some advise? I've been doing parts of this for years and I never saw the connection before today.
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    Is this the quote you were referring to? I did a Google search on "triangular healing" and got a link back to TTB, to a thread you hosted named, "Are there any healers here?" Posted last March. I read the whole thing this evening. Awesome good reading. I copied it out and gave a copy of the doc to my son who is also an energy healer. I don't look for healing experiences, but the desire springs up at times that this would be a good skill to develop further. I will think on this. Perhaps I will go in that direction. My method for healing currently is to go to a deep place under the levels where beliefs exist and talk directly to their spirit's spirit or Higher Self. Results are what counts from the patient's point of view. Sometimes a healing takes place, sometimes not. I learned a great deal about how many different kinds of people go about the art of healing from you thread. I've taken all kinds of workshops on healing over the years. Most of what I used this training for was self healing. And most of my self healing was on an inner level, not physical. EFT comes to mind because I used it to rid myself of arthritis in my hip and you mentioned your knees. I healed it on a three-day trip to Arizona where I did EFT on the hip every half hour the whole time. Before the trip, I could feel a grinding in my hip (a bone scraping sensation), but have had no problem since. That thread on healing reminded me that one of my desires certainly is to be a healer. I will think on this. This is where I find myself, but the question is: can this place of non-action allow me to heal? I am on a journey, the same as each of you are who are participating on this forum. I have a feeling that the journey never ends but goes on and on forever into the Light.
  23. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    Yes. The Lodge is the temple which is where our word template comes from. What we learn to do in the Lodge is a pattern for our behavior towards those outside the template as we expand our learning, call Masonic Light. In theory ... the modern Masons are not thinking about this. It has become a club. I rarely hear a lecture in Lodge these days except the memorized ones. The degrees continue to teach, nonetheless. I did a walking meditation years ago, called Open Focus by Jacob Liberman, where I attempted to see the trail as if my head was ten feet off the ground. He also asked me to walk backwards and envision eyes on the back of my head so I could see where I was going. This all helped to expand my awareness of what was happening around me and encouraged me to see without my eyes. The confusion of trying to see with eyes that weren't on my face was what did the trick and helped to awaken my non-eye vision. The Masons ask a candidate for some piece of metal as a memento to show that he had received that degree (Entered Apprentice Degree). The candidate looks confused as he says, "No". He was asked to leave any metal (such as a watch or coins, including rings) at the preparation room before the degree began to ensure that he could not comply with the request. So what was that all about? It was a way to confuse the candidate. Confusion is a common hypnotic technique. The next thing that the subject is told after the confusion will sink deeper into the subconscious that otherwise. After the candidate shakes his head and says that he has no mental and cannot comply, the Worshipful Master teaches him the principles of Masonic Charity. The lesson of charity, so well driven into the candidate, becomes a cornerstone for his future Masonic Light which he receives a little at a time. So, face downstream and walk upstream. Time stands still or ceases, distance becomes confused. Are you moving downstream or upstream? Where is your destination? Where is the Tao? Nowhere and everywhere. The beginning and the end. Alpha and Omega is another name for God. A friend taught be to look at the 12th chakra high above my head and envision a golden ring there spinning in all directions simultaneously. Of course this is impossible and so when you can get your mind to do this imagery, the logical brain has shut down. As it turns out, the 12th chakra is the tip of what some call the cone of power, and is a doorway or portal. The spinning golden ring transforms into the image of a golden sphere and creates a lot of energy all focused at this point high above the head. The energy starts to open up this chakra. What comes down through this portal? Or, are you passing upward through the spinning ring into another dimension? See, we have your facing downstream and walking upstream image all over again. We expand outward and expand inward and eventually cannot tell which is which.
  24. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 12

    I feel this a grace. I didn't do it and couldn't have done it. The golden light acted upon me and changed me; it was grace. This sounds Christian and on a fundamental level it is, except that I no long see sin as sin. Sin is part of the illusion and when we leave the illusion, sin is seen for what it really is, part of the illusion. It exists but not in my world. Hatonn also said: The Masons put a strong emphasis on charity. A Mason is to come to the aid of a Brother in need if at all possible. The cement of a working Mason is used as a metaphor over and over again in Masonry to teach that we need to stand united, and the mortar that accomplishes this is brotherly love, cooperation, and moral virtues. I think I have jumped into this thread without looking. So, I'm looking back now at the first page and I'd like to comment on it. That was worth repeating. Couldn't be truer. I am feeling the same way. I tell people that I offer Reiki but I no longer use the symbols. I simply place my hands on their shoulders, standing behind them as they sit in a chair, and share energy for about five minutes. So, I am grounding them, as you said. I don't claim to heal but this is often the result. My intention is to give them peace. It is like there is this progression towards the light following a definite timeline, then as you step into the light, the timeline merges into one moment and you find that you are experiencing nothing particularly new but that the whole timeline is occurring at once - you are all of you all at once. Nothing new, just complete. Does this match your own sensations? That black dot image is awesome! I can now squash snails without cringing ... too much. Seriously, This is all good stuff and very true, for me. "The guardians of the eight powerful energy rays" might be referring to the eight parts of the I-ching hexagram. Tao Tzu admonishes us to study the I-ching in a later chapter. As a reminder, the hexagram parts are: heaven, wind, water, mountain, earth, thunder, fire, and river.