Charles Crawford III

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Everything posted by Charles Crawford III

  1. What would you ask a master?

    I have thought a lot about the good and evil of this knowledge. It is a very deep question to weather this knowledge should be shared freely to everyone, or hidden forever. Will there be wars the likes we can not even imagine, or lasting peace? Is it right for kids and senior citizens alike to be able to walk through walls, control the weather, and kill from a distance? What kind of a world would it be if everyone had these abilities? Will we end up like Atlantis, and destroy ourselves? Not to mention that these immortal spirits we are becoming might be turning into the "hungry spirits" that feed off the living, and cause illness. Not only could these beings destroy our environment with a thought, but they could be haunting the living even after death; it might even make us wish for a time before we knew this knowledge existed. I would like to think what John Chang said about the three auras is true. There is the good (white aura), the bad (black aura), and being at peace with the universe (gold aura). I strive to have a gold aura. I try to understand the meaning of both the good and bad. We have fire, but we choose not to burn everything down, we have knives and guns but we do not go around killing. Just about everything could be used for good and evil, why should Qi be any different? With these thoughts in mind I wish to continue my study of Qi, in the hope that humankind will always chose to use this knowledge wisely. Sure, there will be those that use it for power, and greed, but in our darkest hours we will see the follies of our ways, and chose to do the right thing. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that this knowledge should be shared, and that we will have to accept the good with the bad.
  2. What would you ask a master?

    Thank you for taking the time to post in my discussion, it is a great honor. I meant no disrespect to Master Jiang, or his students. Popa told me about this visit, and I created this post to find, and answer some questions people have about Qi. If you want to learn more about me you only need to look at my Facebook, Google+, or LinkedIn. I am only interested in bridging the gap between Qi and science. I think he is a genuine teacher, and I only showed videos of him demonstrating his abilities to prove he is real. In order to find the "root" cause of Qi, I have been studying similar energies that I can produce with electronic devices. If we are capable of understanding what Qi is and how Qi users are able to store this energy in their body, there might be a way to increase the speed of Qi cultivation, and help more people with the health benefits of Qi. On the other hand if I can understand what Yin and Yang are, and produce them with machines, there are possibilities for new medical equipment, and things such as levitation devices, and force fields. I am interested in becoming his student to learn the levels of his meditation, and determine how the meditation is gathering Qi energy. If I am successful in any of these endeavors, in 10 years no one will question Qi abilities. Thank you again for your comment, Charles Crawford III
  3. What would you ask a master?

    If they are trying to make money from selling books, they are doing a bad job. Here is a video of Popa giving out his books for free. I got the book signed from Popa, and Master Jiang on ebay for $10. I guess who ever got it for free wanted to spread its message for a reasonable price. Popa will probably make it available on Amazon soon:
  4. What would you ask a master?

    More videos. This first one shows his respect for his students, and that he does not mind they are making books of him. Master Jiang also has had success in training students. In this video Popa moves the paper too. The best video is on Master Jiangs website, but I will not post the link here due to The Tao Bums rules. It is not hard to find, and you will know it when you have to enter your email to see the video.
  5. What would you ask a master?

    I know exactly how much effort some magicians put into their illusions. In this Ted talk, David Blaine explains how he tried to shove a re-breather down his through to scrub the Co2 from his lungs. I draw the line at searching inside his body, but if he is using a negative ion generator he will need a wire that grounds it.
  6. What would you ask a master?

    I'm an expert with these devices. I will be able to tell if he is using one in an instant. I will even bring my device to the demonstration, show I can move paper, and reveal that I am using a device. That should encourage him to show he is not wearing the device. The airports are going to love me for bringing all these electronic gadgets on the plane. I won't be surprised if the airport "loses" my bag before I reach China. I have seen those videos, and I know of the magic tricks that can cause these effects. I will try to get a video of Master Jiang showing his arms, legs, and all angles of the table he is using.
  7. What would you ask a master?

    How do you know David Verdesi? It seems like he does not have that well of a reputation, on this forum.
  8. What would you ask a master?

    That is not a question. I can ask him: 1. Does this training lead to spiritual development? 2. Do you need to practice controlling your emotions, and/or love and kindness to produce these abilities? From my perspective they are not related, and that is a good thing. Sure it would be nice if body builders were taught how to act before going to the gym, but anyone can gain muscles no matter their mental state.
  9. What would you ask a master?

    I asked Popa how much are the pills, and how much it was to becom a student. Popa told me the price varied from person to person, and only Master Jiang can decide the price when he sees you. Since he is one of only a few in the world that can make the pills, and use this level of Qi to heal, he can basically name his price. It was also mentioned in the book how difficult it is to get the materials for the pills, and how much he has to pay for some of the ingrdients. To become a student and start taking some "inhancement" pills, it looks looks like it would be around $5,000 USD. He did just open a hospital in China, and is probably training doctors to use Qi as he does. As more of his doctors are able to do as he does, the price should drop.
  10. What would you ask a master?

    That was covered in his book, Adventures in Qi Healing with Master Jiang. "-There are many fake "gurus" out there, beware. -Fake gurus talk a lot and demonstrate nothing because they cannot substantiate their claims. -Fake gurus, even if they have powers and abilities, fail to transmit these abilities to their followers or if they do it, it is highly ineffective (it takes too much time, there are few attained disciples). -Fake gurus cannot help or heal people in need, even if they claim they do not offer any money back guarantees" page 8-9 "-We are not trying to change your belief system; you are free to be skeptical. -We are not entertainers; this is not a circus show. -What you have just seen and what you are going to see is real; this is not an illusion show. -We are here to assist those in need and we are going to do everything humanly possible to fulfill our promises and claims." page 10 That is a good question. He probably has seen it all, atheist skeptics, and radical religious groups.
  11. What would you ask a master?

    He already demonstrated that: and again here: There are more videos not on youtube here:
  12. What would you ask a master?

    I do not know what it means, but I like it. What questions do you want me ask Jiang about these quotes?
  13. What would you ask a master?

    From the book, Adventures in Qi Healing with Master Jiang it looks like he uses both Qi projection to examine his patients, and uses a needle-less acupuncture. The needle-less acupuncture is done by massaging the patients back, puncturing the skin with Qi, and using a suction cup to pull the bad blood out. One of his main healing techniques that was not shown in the videos, but was mentioned in the book, was the pills they create. The pills are a mixture of ingredients that are grown in nature, like wild ginseng, and can even include ingredients as rare as musk testicles that sell for $27,000USD. Correct, he is from a shaolin lineage AKA shaolin Buddhism.
  14. What are you listening to?

    I listen to this while I build stuff.
  15. mystical poetry thread

    This story does not rhyme like your other poems, but it is my favorite lesson. There was once an Emperor who had no children and needed to choose a successor. Thousands of children from across the kingdom were invited to the palace and were surprised when the Emperor exclaimed that he was going to choose one of them. He gave them all a seed. They were to go home to their villages, plant the seed in a pot and tend it for a year. When they return in a year, the Emperor would judge their efforts and choose his successor. There was a boy named Ling who received his seed and returned to his village. He chose a pot and put some soil into it. Ling watered his pot every day. Once a week, the children of the village would get together to compare their plants. After a few weeks, there were signs of life in all but Ling’s pot. The weeks passed and Ling continued to water his pot every day. After a few months, the pots really came to life. Some had trees starting to grow, some had flowers and some had leafy shrubs. Poor old Ling still had nothing growing in his pot, and the other children made fun of him. Ling continued to water his pot every day. A year passed and it was time to return to the palace to show what had grown and decide on the new heir. Ling was anxious as his pot still showed no signs of life. “What if they punish me? They won't know that I've watered it every day, they’ll think that I'm lazy.” Ling and the other children entered the palace gates. By now, some of the plants were looking magnificent and the children were wondering which one the Emperor would choose. Ling was embarrassed as other children looked at his lifeless pot and scoffed. The Emperor came out and started to make his way through the crowd, looking at the many impressive trees, shrubs and flowers that were on display. The boys all puffed their chests out and tried to look as impressive as possible, hoping that they would be chosen as the heir to the empire. Then the Emperor came to Ling. He looked at the pot then he looked at Ling. “What happened here?” He asked. “I watered the pot every day, but nothing ever grew.” Ling muttered nervously. The Emperor looked away from Ling and moved on. After a few hours, the Emperor finally finished his assessment. He stood in front of the children and congratulated them on their efforts. “Clearly, some of you desperately want to be Emperor and would do anything to make that happen, but there is one boy that I would like to point out as he has come to me with nothing. Ling, come here please.” “Oh no,” thought Ling. He slowly sauntered to the front of the group, holding his barren pot. The Emperor held up the pot for all to see and the other children laughed. Then the Emperor continued, “A year ago, I gave you all a seed. I told you to go away, plant the seed and return with your plant. The seeds that I gave you all were boiled until they were no longer viable and wouldn’t grow, but I see before me thousands of plants and only one barren pot. Integrity and courage are more important values for leadership than proud displays, so Ling here will be my heir.”
  16. Hi Tyler, Thank you for letting us know you were one of Jim's students. After Jim's death I thought the only way the west would learn about Chi Gong / Mo Pai / Nei Gong would be though one of his students. I emailed you, and hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance, Charles Crawford III
  17. Hello, from Charles Crawford III

    Hello everyone, I have been studying Qi for a few years now, and am very interested in the stories from John Chang, Kosta Danaos, and Jim McMillan(RIP). If anyone knows of any Nei Gong teacher that is capable of energy movement in Florida, or the United States, can you please message me.