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About nam

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    Dao Bum

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  1. HI, dazed. Healing through phone calls? It's too amazing...anyway, thanks for your recommendation.
  2. hi, Friends, i know is too rush to post the question, looking for Master John CHang on the first day of registration, but i really hope i can get some hint before me and my husband go to find him in Java. Anyway, i will appreciate everyone helps. Nam
  3. I try to get help in this forum. Hope anyone can tell me how i can find Dynamo Jack. My husband is Thai , a sincere Buddhism, and he start meditation since 15 years ago. However, he found out some problem with his Yang and Ying chi, seem like kept in the wrong place. He is suffering from some physical problems that he always hope can find a real master who can teach him proper way to keep his chi. Til he saw Dynamo Jack, master John Change in youtube few days ago. As we have no relative or friends in Indonesia, we really hope anyone who can get reach to Master John Chang , can tell us where the master is. He hope he has the faith to meet the master and get advice on the correct ways to keep yin yang energy. Hundred and thousand thanks, i hope we will meet some kind friends here to share ...