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Everything posted by bax44

  1. Hillary and Trump

    People really believe Trump was being predatory with his comment. Hes a billionare who is swimming in Pussy. selectively offended. I bet though if Obama or whoever said it nicely enough, he could convince people to nicely and politely join a work camp.
  2. Hillary and Trump

    Fake morality. but then again thats what we idolize. Fake outrage over words caught up in the quagmire of shit throwing until one doesnt know wether they are coming or going. he said she said until the actual platforms either one is running on are nothing but vague shadows in the ether. a nd the beat goes worries. we all can go back to sleep after november and remember or forget it was all a bad dream, or in this case a play. Dance puppets dance!!!
  3. Hillary and Trump

    Oh you mean how most of the presidents "behave" in the oval office. Its hardly been a sacred ground for people of upstanding character if thats what you are going to pretend.
  4. Hillary and Trump

    we are a strange breed. there seems to be little problem commiting murder as long as you dress it up with enough fancy words and back it with some ridiculous ideology, but we lose our shit if some old man talks about grabbing cooch ten years ago.
  5. Hillary and Trump

    I don't really even know what youre implying. Yes Im the only one.
  6. Hillary and Trump

    Its sad because people have let these vampires get their hooks that deep into their minds. If theyd simply turn the TV or radio off every once in awhile, suddenly these people would lose their grips just enough for them to realize they have a life totally independent of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
  7. Hillary and Trump

    Whatever "disrespect' you are seeing is simply you projecting. I made my statement as it was and wasn't directed at anyone in particular here at all. If you feel the need to project disprespect into my words, that's your issue not mine.
  8. Hillary and Trump

    Haha nowhere in my post did I say I support Trump.. at all. I just find it rather amusing people pretend to get their panties in a bunch over another human making remarks like this ten years ago with all the grossness that is shoved down our throats on a minute by minute basis by the political/media/government. You have to have a special kind of selective hearing I suppose.
  9. Hillary and Trump

    Appalling! How dare he talk about grabbing cooch on tape! Lets face it, this is what our culture is. These sick news broadcasters casting judgement on someone for something they said ten years ago, while in the next segment will show you someones head getting chopped off and then they will analyze a football players twitter feed. Someone above said the presidency is supposed to be a "sacred" office. Srry to inform you, but that went out the window about 100 years ago. Wed be far better off if at least as a majority were honest with ourselves and admitted deep down we get off on Things like Trumps comments-Im more disgusted by the ones who are "appaled" by him and then out of the other corner of their mouth will use slogans and platitudes to pretend its ok to send another 18 year old to a foreign country to get his legs blown off for our precious "country"..errr oil.
  10. Barclays Premiere League discussion

    Spurs really played well vs city. always a tough place to secure a positive result. Onward.
  11. Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos

    Not sure if mindtooloud is serious, or the most hiiarious troll Ive ever seen on this website.
  12. Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos

    I was gonna say I really hope the ones who immediately discredit that news agency doing this article also do the same due diligence with the mainstream garbage as well.
  13. Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos

    It actually would surprise me if this WASNT true. as sad as it is to say.
  14. I always find it curious though.. people will tell us to question everything we read, and knowing how easy it is to skew statistics any which way the person doing the statistics wants to... Yet those same people will take said statistics and then create elaborate argumentation around them like they are absolutely 100 percent true. My point the fuck do we really know these numbers they just casually toss around about things like this are even remotely accurate?
  15. Hillary and Trump

    Well reality is the point. I have no doubt at the time it probably seemed like a horrific thing-but in reality- the only nuclear weapons ever used were by the ones who were telling you to be horribly afraid of them. Just something to think about.
  16. Hillary and Trump

    Just one of the many multitudes of fears that have been programmed in that Im sure are very difficult to get rid of-but nonetheless I have to question how "real" these are.
  17. Hillary and Trump

    Always funny to me the horror and fear the US citizens have been filled with regarding nuclear weapons. Reason being as far as Im aware we are the only ones to ever have used said weapons to blow the living hell out of another country. interesting dichotomy there.
  18. Hillary and Trump

    Whens the last time the choice WASNT between shit and shite, Karl? Our constipated efforts at talking talking talking this stuff out has ultimately led...nowhere, except for the end result of gathering even more tension in our bodies and minds. As I said in four years they will march two more robots out in front of us all and we will pretend we ever had any choice in the matter and that our voice and our vote mean something critically important, along with our precious (vomit) Opinions about it all... its a stage and we are the ones being played, our real lives right in front of us being the most important things, not these fake actors. Just look at this thread..43 pages of opinions and platitudes and nothingness, time is the thing they steal from you, and they are excellent at it apparently. because the decree from on high is that "politics" is something for worshipping, and we are very obedient and willing worshippers.
  19. Barclays Premiere League discussion

    I dislike Man U with the fiery passion of 1000 suns gooooo cittttayyayyaayy
  20. Barclays Premiere League discussion

    city tearing shit up. new manager much more aggressive and passionate. seems in seasons past they would get leads and sort of coast and end up getting a poor result. now they are stepping on teams throats.
  21. Hillary and Trump

    Yawn. this all gets so old and tired and boring. no worries though. In 4 years they will have a whole new set of actors and characters for everyone to pretend to get all up in arms about to distract you from real life. parasitic, the whole thing is.
  22. Avoidance or Cultivation?

    Orion you may want to look into low dose naltrexone for your UC. also Im sure you've tried probiotics, but there are certain ones which are way more powerful and useful than others, anything to get inflammation under control is paramount.
  23. Avoidance or Cultivation?

    Orion- just so you know I also have a chronic health condition that while it is seeming to get better there are days where it limits me to such an extent that Ive felt like what the fuck is the point. I have come to some level of acceptance of it and in a way this has been healing as well along with the "inner work" that I do. I suppose Ive grown to look at it as some sort of challenge or lesson, instead of being victimized totally by it. Idk if this is helpful at all cuz I cant pretend to tell you "things will get better", but just to let you know that you aren't the only one going through that type of thing. I have/had so much anger about it that its literally put me in a state of inertia where I cant move because I cant believe its even happened. Now I just let it out- scream into a pillow, punch something.. anything to let the emotions just play themselves out. Ive also admittedly done some pretty stupid shit too as Ive let the "what the fuck does it matter anymore" voice have its way a lot, but ultimately this stuff has proven helpful for me to. try to take it easy man, I guess that's all I got
  24. wim hof method is definitely cool. I did the whole 10 weeks. seems now even when I take an ice bath occasionally I can pretty much calm myself down easily and my body can sit there for awhile without freaking out, so it seems the technique made lasting changes. the breathing can definitely induce some "high" states, but I only do it occasionally now for a pick me up as it was exhausting after a while to do it everyday(of course I have a chronic condition so Im not exactly a great example). but Id def recommend people give it a shot. great for the body and mind.
  25. Crazier by their standards indeed. Nowadays I don't even watch the news much anymore-but when I do its usually as an exercise for humor. I tune in to say a presidential speech by trump or Hillary or Obama and turn the volume down. I watch and after a few minutes realize that their faces look old, l- worn-out,their eyes are dull. and first theres humor at how seriously we all take them and their absurd facial contortions that resemble them taking a shit, along with a little bit of sadness for them. If these are the ones that are considered "normal" and who we are supposed to be looking up to, then I want no part of it. Anyways Im getting off topic, sorry guys.