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Everything posted by bax44

  1. Reichian body/breathwork, radical undoing. Idk if it originated here in the west at all but its extremely enjoyable and potent. Been practicing it for a few years, it appears to be not very well known at this point, but it should be.
  2. Your reply makes me want face punch. supress urge to learn, fight fire with bacon fat.
  3. totally irrelevant to the thread topic.
  4. Internal energy

    That doesn't sound like fun way to navigate life.
  5. Internal energy

    Most purposeful suffer, like waiting to eat an extra 6 hours from being starve. Or taking toilet out of equation for 3 days straight. Equals more result. anywau combat was out of realm for tissue regeneration so no. What God you speak of you asked about god and punishment. Pls explain.
  6. Internal energy

    forced fear like holding head under water to innitiate vagus nerve = suffering plus vagal tone stimulation = more flow of content through the diaphragm. Hold to learn? maybe. God? where? Idk what you mean. Explain pls.
  7. Internal energy

    feed corporations profit margin, dont take the pill..find peace within torn ligaments and fluid flowing through enrgy vessels..time out equals banishment. gorge on plantains.
  8. Internal energy

    sense doesnt equal understand. suffer to build and learn. make friend with stomach acid and agenda driven left wing social justice cause. stop and hold sign to engage qi. negative ions combusting, left calf raising to sacral chakra for planning. Fin.
  9. Internal energy

    You're an excellent copy and paster. But do you have any thoughts of your own about any of this?
  10. Longest period of Meditation!

    This actually looks pretty cool
  11. In my experience this stuff is cool and interesting but I wouldnt get all wrapped up in it or overthink it too much. For me it comes and goes and I try to just enjoy it when it happens but if I try and chase after these things or try and get them to happen in meditation or other practices they are elusive, and ultimately not really the point anyways( in my opinion).
  12. Flat Earth

  13. 🐱

  14. Flat Earth

    So basic what you say is you're more developed and henceforth can grasp the intricacies of flat earth theory and things of that nature. If this is what enlightenment looks like I want no part of it- no offense of course. bees need honey and no one can tell the depths of well by the length of the handle on the pump.
  15. Flat Earth

    making sense is hard these days;need to type in babbles to bring left hamstring heart fire energy into play. more than this, we can observe total flatness around us; I.e. where for who I say- take for what worth. you can astral project nonsense into meaning, chorella outbreaks in the sudan I think they dont care wbout earth shape. things float cuz of gravity? whats gravity? force? energy? who defines what? You? I dont know. more i type like this more i release frog demons in abyss. thx 4 playing.
  16. Flat Earth

    Thats... a horrible analogy.
  17. Flat Earth

    Its really ignorant and worse to think that just because you have access to google and some youtube videos that you somehow know better than thousands of scientists and researchers who have put forth the earth being a globe "theory". what possible reason would they have to lie about something like that? And to keep the lie going for hundreds of years-on purpose? Do "they" just want to keep us from realizing we can just walk off the edge of the flat earth at anytime and into another dimension? Is it like Jim Carrey in "truman show"? Paging allinone...need answer.
  18. Flat Earth

    This reminds me I have to be careful of the words I use. I should say "globe" or "sphere".
  19. Flat Earth

    Its all good haha. I didnt even really know this was a "thing" until a couple weeks ago. I find it amusing - but also mind boggling, and not in a good way. Its scary how easy we can be deluded!
  20. Flat Earth

    Lol I think it went over your head..the point and intention of my post, that is. Im aware that theres more countries doing things than just the ones I named, hence why I included the "etc". I used the word conspiracy as I was asking @allinone what the possible reasoning could be to seeing thousands of pictures of a round earth and still not conceding that its indeed round. So Im assuming the "flat earthers" are probably falling back on it all being some type of conspiracy. As for the rest of your post, I agree.
  21. Flat Earth

    nothing wrong with relying on direct immediate experience in most case, however are you able to fly to space to see flat/and or globe earth? What do you make of pictures from nasa/japan/russia, etc showing earth as round ball? Is it all a conspiracy? Please reply.