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Everything posted by LeoViridis

  1. Self Introduction

    Hello everyone. I've been a long time lurker on these forums and finally decided to register, as I've found a lot of helpful information here. I hail from a small country in Europe, and have been engaged in meditation and spirituality from a young age, due to the helpful influence of my mother. I've had (and still have) a great fascination with yoga and buddhism since quite some time ago, but a couple of years back I started dwelling in taoism, after reading the Tao Te Ching for the first time. Ever since then, taoism, qigong, martial arts, neigong, and other similar systems/philosophies/practices have been my largest focal points. I enjoy meditation, reading and learning new things, and I like soothing, oriental and classical music. I hope we get along.
  2. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    I must have misunderstood in that case, my bad. However, the only two people who are said to have achieved level 72 are Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng. And also, as far as I know, mo pai does not deal with opening chakras, at least not directly. The exercises that are known or described are aimed at cultivating yang qi and yin qi, and then fusing them, not really opening chakras. As a matter of fact, filling chakras with energy is not a permanent thing, they may still get unbalanced, while mo pai levels are permanent, to my knowledge. It's not really the same.
  3. Chakra meditation and mo pai

    I highly doubt that. If any person would advocate themselves as level 72 on the internet, then they are most certanly not level 72, likely not even level 1. I don't believe opening the chakras will produce the same effect as climbing the mo pai levels, as mo pai works with fusing yang with yin, and as I understood, the chakras open as a side effect to that.
  4. I personally don't think there is any sin that cannot be forgiven. Sure, you have to pay for your ill deeds at a certain point, but after that, you are forgiven. I find the concept of an "eternal grudge" a bit too extreme. The problem though is the payment for the things you may have done. The price for your actions can be very high. Just my thoughts on the matter.
  5. What is the True Nature of Thoughts?

    The concept of sin is largely based on morality, and what is percieved as wrong or unjust. Morality in turn is based on desired traits humans should cultivate, however, it's rather hard to pinpoint what exactly is moral and not, since morality can't really be measured, and some actions, even though they may be inspired by good will, can produce more ill effects than good effects. It is then hard to judge the person who executed such an action, since some may say he acted morally due to his good intetions, while others may argue he acted immorally due to the effects of his actions. Rather than "sin and punishment" one could argue that there is balance in the universe, due to which one will have all his decisions/actions/thoughts/etc. "balanced out" and returned to him in equal quantity and quality, i.e. karma. This doesn't mean that he is punished or rewarded for his actions, just that his actions have a consequence, which will have a direct effect on the initiatior of the action at one point in his life, the afterlife or even any of his future lives. What goes around, comes around, in other words.