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Everything posted by Aeran

  1. I've had that run through my head every time I see this thread for weeks now :/
  2. Definitely. Also for the different perspective in general. And as a nice fringe benefit, having a few genuinely platonic female friendships helps a lot in meeting women for the not so platonic stuff
  3. I think every guy feels the same. By the time you figure out the women in one age bracket, you've grown into the next and the whole process starts over...
  4. Internet Buddhist Nihilists

    Haha. That first type sounds very familiar - I don't even practice Buddhism or hang out in the Buddhist community but I met a ton of them just by spending a few years studying philosophy at uni :| Reminds me a lot of the 'magic is really just a form of ritualized self help! Nothing spiritual here!' crowd you find in online occult/western esoteric forums. There's just no helping some people.
  5. Mozhi Rinpoche (Vajra Tummo Demo)

    Thanks! Very interesting.
  6. Mozhi Rinpoche (Vajra Tummo Demo)

    I don't know much about Tibetan Buddhism - can someone explain what these 'pills' that they were making are for?
  7. You're right that it is a vague and not very useful division, I'm just saying that the degree to which a practice is faith v. evidence based has nothing to do with it either way.
  8. I'm gonna have to disagree, the distinction between 'right hand path' and 'left hand path' has absolutely nothing to do with how evidence based a practice or system is or isn't.
  9. My girlfriend wants to lose weight

    Nothing wrong with someone wanting to be more attractive and gain the benefits of that attraction, up to a point, and you can deny it all you want, but the more attractive you are and the more optimal your weight is (that is to say, minimal excessive fat), the better your life will be in a whole multitude of ways. Even putting aside the question of attraction and the way society treats people based on their appearance, being overweight comes with a multitude of health problems and just generally makes you feel like crap. It's awkward, uncomfortable, sweaty and tiring. There are no benefits to being overweight, and a lot of downsides.
  10. Telekenesis documentary

    Interesting. Although it kind of bugs me when they say that the 'power of the human mind' is what causes telekinesis, which is only true in the sense that the 'power of the human mind' is also what causes us to move our limbs. The mind instigates it, but other forces and mechanisms cause the direct effect. Now - count down till MPG comes in and tells us that all of this is fake because none of these people have merged their yin and yang chi?
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yep, I know it's been said over and over again but this really is an awesome system. Interestingly, over the last week or so I've started holding MHPeach for longer (9 - 12 minutes, as opposed to 6 - 7), and I've noticed that as I hold it the energy flowing through (up?) the body induces a swinging and swaying sensation, where my hips will start spinning in a circle with the shoulders swinging in the opposite direction. It's a bit unnerving at first, but quite relaxing once I get used to it (although it probably looks a tad silly from the outside, heh). I finished up my practice last night with MSW #1 and then followed with a short session of silent meditation (I find the seated meditations segue into quiet thought observation very naturally), and the whole time I could feel the FP energy running along my body, it was something like what I imagine it would feel like to be able to sit in a bonfire without getting burned, the energy licking up and down the body in waves, warm and cleansing, but mostly comfortable.
  12. My girlfriend wants to lose weight

    It doesn't sound like she's massively overweight, so just cutting a few of the really obvious problem foods from her diet and adding a small routine of exercise every day should be enough to have her burning off more calories than she's taking in. Cut off the obvious stuff - soft drink, takeaway, swap white bread for brown, full milk for skim (or just stick to water when possible). Start doing 20 or 30 minutes of cardio every day, and she should start losing a pound or two a week with no problem. There's no need to hugely overcomplicate the process like a lot of people do, with crazy fad diets or soul grinding workout routines, just have her start making the obvious choices about stuff she eats and increase her exercise. Like everything else, start small and work up from there, too many people go out and buy a book about the latest diet and a gym membership, put all their energy into it for 3 weeks then lose their drive, say 'fuck it' and go back to old habits. Slow and steady wins the race
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks Terry, I'll keep that in mind.The effect seems to be lessening with time, but I'll start keeping track of it and see if there's anything interesting in the data. On a side note, I've noticed that I'm increasingly feeling a kind of warm buzzing in the pit of my stomach and down towards the perineum after a session. I'm assuming that's a good sign Does anyone have any experience practicing this system to undo severe energy blockages? The one in my legs I mentioned a few pages back seems to finally started clearing up over the last few days, but I've otherwise felt pretty awful (low energy, low mood, aches and pains and a couple nasty ulcers popped up randomly) and I'm wondering if there's a relation - I figured maybe the blocked up energy in my legs is being released back into the body where it has to be "metabolized" to get rid of. Thoughts?
  14. Tarot Set for beginner - any recommendations

    I'll second the Rider-Waite recommendation. I bought one a few years back and have found it immensely insightful and surprisingly accurate.
  15. Psychologically, what you're describing sounds like a combination of depersonalization and depression, although that doesn't help you much. As others have said, it sounds like you triggered the release of something, energetically speaking, that your body wasn't ready for, and now it's clogged up and causing problems. My advice would be to find a competent teacher of yoga or qi gong, explain your problem, have them examine you and, if they feel it would be beneficial, to begin practicing under their supervision, combined with improving your diet, taking up physical exercise etc. All of the stuff that is normally recommended for unblocking energy pathways.
  16. Siddhis in Taoism

    What kind of tricks? Sounds like there are some cool stories there. Honestly, the whole thing with power in spiritual systems reminds me a lot of the attitude towards sex in conservative Christian circles. It's something that's perfectly natural to want, that can be abused and dangerous or healthy and productive depending on the choices you make with it, but you've got all these people who obviously want it or are otherwise obsessed with the topic, running around trying to convince everyone of how much they really don't want it and really aren't obsessed with it. It's just another form of psychological repression.
  17. the yellow bamboo method

    I'm kind of skeptical of these guys, saw some videos of them trying to knock people back with energy where nothing happened, was kind of embarrassed for them Also fairly sure one of their videos said that each level only takes 2 months... not sure how much you can achieve in that kind of time span.
  18. But isn't everyone always going to be a higher level better version of them (or, at least, ideally - better than being a worse version :| )? I mean all of these systems are predicated on the idea that if we put in time now, we'll get benefits later on. Steps, levels, degrees, ranks, tiers of achievement, separate DVD editions, whatever. It's all the same basic idea.
  19. But what if they only desire to complete those levels to escape it? Paradox
  20. LOL. Tbh I don't know anything about bagua except that it involves circle walking
  21. Because my bum gets sore if I do nothing but seated meditation
  22. That's pretty cool, I'm surprised it survived the last few centuries.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The same happens to me, also with monk holding peach.
  24. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I'll look into that transmission, heh, I usually just copy/paste out of habit. But yeah, with Bardon at least, if they aren't getting an etheric energy from the vital force exercises, then they're doing them wrong. Which apparently happens a fair bit, but that doesn't change the fact that it is, by definition, not the correct energy to be working with in those exercises. The Middle Pillar thing is trickier, I'm far from an expert in Golden Dawn methodology, but I did practice the LBRP and Middle Pillar for a good chunk of last year, and in my experience (and to my surprise, as I wasn't expecting it) the Middle Pillar draws on an energy much denser than the astral light used in the Qabbalistic Cross portion of the LBRP, with properties and a subjective experience very similar to, if not identical to, the vital force in Bardon's work and the qi within the qi gong I've practiced. However, I'm happy to admit that it's possible I did something wrong, or that there was some other variable at work, which caused it to operate with a denser energy than it's supposed to. My understanding from what I've read is that it's supposed to be an etheric energy, but I could have misinterpreted that.
  25. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I have no idea what you're practicing or working with, so it's hard to say :/ I've always seen energy more as a spectrum anyway, so labeling them gets tricky. I don't doubt that whatever energy you work with in your martial arts is denser than the Middle Pillar/Vital Force etc. energies if you say that it is, but the latter are, by the commonly accepted definition and categorization, definitely etheric energies, and definitely denser than the astral energies involved in most western magic. If someone is doing those exercises and not getting an etheric energy, they're doing it wrong by definition (which happens quite a bit with Bardon apparently, people, especially those with a background in golden dawn style western magic, accumulate the astral light instead of the vital force). Maybe something like: Astral - - - - - - - - - - Etheric - - - Middle Pillar/Vital force - - - - - Bagua? - - Physical Now, my own personal experience is that the energies I've felt in qi gong are very similar (in property and density) to the vital force/middle pillar energy (although it's possible I'm just not sensitive enough to distinguish), but that doesn't mean that the energy you work with in your Bagua isn't an entirely different one with a different density. If hanging out here has taught me one thing, it's that different martial/internal arts work with a wide spectrum of different energies.