Thrice Daily

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    Thrice Daily

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  1. obsolete

  2. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Let's make a playlist together. Join to add videos: TAOISM + LINKS @ RESOURCES ADDINT TO THIs LIST, please free free to add to it just make certain they bring the Taoist Mustard Yijinjing is a composite in Ziran Gong I think. there may be more still I’m certainly on track , Thankyou for all the help on this thread
  3. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

  4. obsolete

    thankyou good sir.
  5. obsolete

    @ChiDragon do you know what it means.. Can you decipher it?
  6. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Looking forward to getting back to this thread. I’ve given myself rather a lot of work to do over the next month so it’s taking up almost all possible time. Until then here are some exercises to keep things loose bit of nice Qigong in there as well splendid…
  7. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    If this is a simulation it’s massive isn’t it?
  8. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    @Sir Darius the Clairvoyent have you chilled yet?
  9. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    I would be interested to know how Yijinjing affects Motor Units - firing rates ,,, And my specific question would be , could exercises like Yijinjing sets (typical martial ones let’s say) off the the loss of Motor Units. This video suggests that by age 70 we could have lost 40% of days units [and no way to get them back] So we are not talking muscle size per se, we are talking about the motor units that fire them, for strength power swiftness and precision. I wonder if studies have been done to ascertain what this sort of intensity and repetitious stretching, contracting and relaxing exercises does for the central nervous system and specifically the preservation of more motor units for later on in life??? I figure study on the effect of later arts that still hold true to the Yijinjing principles may be of use in answering this question with at least some accuracy. I hope so I’d really like if someone could chime in with some empirical data …
  10. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    I really don’t mind , but I would rather you focused on Yijinjing , there is a lot to be said about it, here are some of the places I’d like to take the thread the people, the places and the practices of early practitioners mainly earlier on from year 600 ad onwards (before can be interesting too though) Taiji, I-Chaun, Hsing-I, Bagua, all deserve their own threads in my opinion so I’m more interested in keeping to Yijinjing as much as possible,,, however offshoots, hybridisations and earlier imaginings , roots/commonalities are still welcome here. Although it would be good to see something more obscure than typical if you wanna mention other arts. Practice experience , hints, tips, tricks, dos and donts, pros and cons. Comparisons with other practices, suggested adjunct exercises, complimentary exercises to Yijinjing etc etc , subjective experience insights , that would be brilliant, if you had experience just jump in with a comment and keep it going? that’s about it really, where it came from, who practiced it and how, then how modern folk practice it, understand it. Yijinjing , anything to offer on the subject at all you’re free to offer. And if in disagreement to points that’s great ok, just try to keep it about the YJJ History - Notable Characters - Theory or Practice… hope that helps 👍
  11. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    i don't mind to be honest, we can form mountains out of rock if we drip enough water on them.
  12. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    I don’t know why you express opinions as truth, it really damages your reputation on here. Magnets exist in the earth, in fact it’s quite possible the entire earths core is magnetic Copper Coils only for electricity???, explain lightening I get what you are saying, nothing happens in life without oxygen i get it the universe wouldn’t function without. same could be said about the Color red, or cheese. it’s a shame you you have to get judgey here and it doesn’t seem to matter when people put you right. We have to make room for other peoples opinions for equanimity harmony, sanity… very important. So I’m not going to tell you about the human body creating electricity, (many it will illustrate a bigger point for you) you’ll have to find that research yourself. It’s a pity I’m a very amiable person. But you seem to prefer vexation to conversation. Also you’re the only person that seems to not want to delve into the subject of Yijinjing here. It’s a better I bet your would bring significance and have good contribution here if you helped it grow , best regards 🙏
  13. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Not totally. It’s easier though to be more energetically sensitive with less food I’ve found. I think a lot is down to simple blood flow and how much easier it circulates though to aid focus and concentration especially to the brain. Fasting is great, but I think not with Yijinjing practice
  14. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    I don’t know I think you are leaving a lot on the tables talking about chi in terms of oxygen I find it a bit ridiculous when I think about what we know about electrons now. How neurons work and the electrical and magnetic forces that are at work on the planet, in the planet, on our bodies and in our bodies… We know there are electrical impulses firing. I know oxygen is important but you are very much missing the point that these old legends (and modern understandin) leverage as cold plain facts. Visualisation for’s not a modern invention… you must realise, the mind doesn’t think in words, it thinks in pictures… The memory works that way, the senses give us input and lock us into our nervous system. A nervous system so incredible it cannot even distinguish reality from a visualisation (if the visualisation is absorbing enough) the nervous system will totally change … So you see it is thought and intention that has power to guide chi just as much as oxygen and food… I don’t know why you want to reduce it all to breathing. It’s important but only a part of the picture. There is some much beyond the focus off breath. I’ve found the real profound experiences tend to happen when breath is actually completely forgotten about… Oxygen is great but remember it’s really the Stars (and possibly the black holes) that power the universe… plus oxygen is just one on our periodic table even here. So much more to it. I do commend your dedication to it though , I really do…
  15. obsolete

    My mind is a micro chasm!