Thrice Daily

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Everything posted by Thrice Daily

  1. Taoist methods

    Very very interesting to read such a dense paragraph of sense… I do however have one question, do you think all the calendars and measuring systems the Chinese have are available to us. I didn’t verify but I heard some time ago that there is much we don’t have access in in the west. I can’t really believe this holds true, but I never verified it. I received some gifts once , a lo pan and couple of other items that were apparently more legit than most. it seems you have likely gone down this rabbit hole and come out the other end. I wonder what you could share about it. I’d much appreciate reading your opinions and findings. blessings 🙏
  2. I’m wondering what are your; Experiences with Yi Jin Jing? Other trainings you find compatible? Recommendations for practice? Resources you might recommend? and anything else on the subject. I’ve been practicing for a while and I don’t really dig around online for information as I’m pretty happy with the set I’m using. I’d be interested to read what you guys thing though, those who have experience. Also I think it could be a brilliant thread for people to be introduced to the practice as it’s such a solid approach and base to work out from and return to when needed. Thankyou 🙏
  3. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Are you certain about this Sahaja? Is it more about Static Postures? or is it possible you feel it is easier to achieve the results this way? All the sets I have seen have been moving, do you believe the yjj sets were all adapted from Static Postures and are inferior. That makes good sense, 3-5 years, what would you call consistent practice for that 3-5 years, What might a weekly practice rota look like to you? Interested to know your opinion. I agree, I was sticking to purely physical phenomena as I was under the impression yjj was pure physical conditioning, Do you have any reading at all that suggests otherwise? I personally add other focus points to the practice beyond the physical, I view that as subjective (and at the mercy of the moment and the unceasing wisdom of change) though and as such haven't really posted about it. I would love to know what you base this belief on (5th to 6th Century Origins) I'm having a good look around and find little to suggest yjj was n existence then? Is it a hunch that leads you to believe there are 'non public' true original YJJ documents and related Treatise from back then. I'd be fascinated to know. Can I ask what your Key practice has been, and/or do you have any reading material or watching material you could share on this reality of the YJJ? Thankyou.
  4. Deep… I’m very interested at the moment in and new research into photons, dna and neurons of the body. I heard recently that the heart has at least 40,000 Neurons never thought to be there before, meaning we discovered the heart being a mind of its own is very very literal… Of course the Ancients already knew this. New discoveries are really starting to explain the phenomena of love and how certain relationships can have such an effect on us… Even being capable of changing our physical makeup and ability to express our dna in certain ways (or close it up) I’m very interested in this… Just finished listening to a fascinating documentary on it today… The Ancients already had it, the Alchemists of old knew it all along x You might like this Doc, even just having it on in the background sometime. It’s gets better as you listen, starts a bit slow…
  5. Cool right , I have Jupiter real close in Scorpio... I was told this is particularly awesome. I like hearing stuff like that Excellent
  6. To be fair though, the modern way is a massive shortcut to get the actual chart printed off... It saves a lot of work, but maybe dilutes the worth of it as it takes 5 minutes to get... Astrology as a story from Aries to Pisces is an interesting first angle to take, the procession through each element too, and looking at the 3 decans for each sign, very very insightful. I's worth having the chart though if you haven't got the impetus to do it yourself. That is the starting place really though. Learning to interpret it bit at a time is a glorious process..
  7. You know what , reading this made me remember something about doing the charts. I read a lot in that week or two and you know what , almost everything I read taught me something about personality and character in general as well as specifically related to myself and others... I think just in terms of raining awareness it is a brilliant subject to spend some time with. It colours understanding about the world around you and your place in it. Even if you just start reading it for leisure. Highly satisfying aspect I completely forgotten about.
  8. Role Modelling as well is something that I over looked at first . But it was lovely to look up to people who exhibited some of the changes I wanted to see… Example, I want to be strong well into my 80’s (90’s and beyond too ) I bumped into a guy, we’ll into his 70’s online, who had a intellectual approach to his work at a fitness expert and bodybuilder. His website was old and basic, yet packed with allsorts of incredible information on health wellness diet and strength training.. This is my guy here, it’s his indomitable spirit that inspires me and will probably keep me going well into my 90’s (believe it or not I actually already have daily challenge goals set in my mind for when I get into my 90’s, you might say I’m quirky like that ) Funny I read in one part of his website , every single day he has a peanut butter sandwich on very good healthy brown bread and an apple … Well I started doing the same, every single day. Must have kept it up for a year and did I enjoy it. It was awesome 👏 It’s funny what we can find to make us happy and ground us . I think food is number 1 personally. Anyway just a short post to say “modelling” can be awesome and I wish I’d have known about the technique when I was much much younger. Role modelling is such a fabulous path to success in any area of life… Why they don’t teach it in schools is beyond me.
  9. After reading your last messages. I’d be most interested to talk with you about grounding in a different way. i’d ask questions about eating habits, sleeping habit and drinking water etc Do you get morning sunlight, do you have a place for daily walk in nature, even 10 minutes walking through a park. it’s these types of things that are most important for my personal grounding. A few days with these out of whack and the system is , well ungrounded… Just want to point there in case you’re inconsistent in any of those vital things. i’d make suggestions based on that. Improve diet, more sunlight, walking, regular water intake… Also a few vitamins for a month at least to top up goes a long way. Vit B C , maybe iron or zinc (I do a month on one then a month on the other, absorption is compromised if done together) and a good dose of vit D If money would be tight I’d get a good multi vitamin at least (can make a massive difference if depleted already) If I’ve plenty of extra money I’d get a few more supps, magnesium, creatine, and probably Reishi and Chaga mushroom it’s nice to experiment with gentle supplements like milk thistle… and others. I’ll always have a quick check online to make sure they are safe before ordering. There are many great supplements that are very cheap and work wonders, garlic pills, selenium , ginko biloba ALL HAVE A DIRECT OR DIRECT EFFECT ON MY SENSE PF GROUNDEDNESS IN EVERYDAY LIFE… That is my strongest angle on maintenance , cycling natural supplements in and out throughout the year always keeps me a step ahead… MANY HIDDEN DAILY HAPPENINGS-CAN UNGROUND ME Another is Fat. I have a uniform diet meaning I eat essentially the same thing every day. It makes it easy to see if I change something exactly how I’m effected. Every day I cook with fats and add healthy fat to my protein (meat/eggs) I’ve noticed if I drop the fats for even 3-4 days my mood and confidence, all drops This is actually a hormonal thing as dietary fats (butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, good pig fat, tallow etc) regulate the healthy production of hormones … for me this is a really big deal, just this one block out of place and the whole Jenga tower collapses I’ll finish with this; adding daily habits like this are going make any person WAY MORE GROUNDED and resilient to stress. just learning to box clever and top up these areas everyday will give you a buoyancy more precious than gold and once you have your head above water again WHICH YOU WILL ❤️, you will be able to tread water again with ease and enjoy the swim, looking around and enjoying the scenery, you may even get a nice suntan. Unless we like swimming under water, no one likes being under water…. I’ve been there and suffered chronic physical pain for years which made it incredibly challenging to get back above water… One last thing. Again I don’t want to push advice but this is what worked for me and I feel compelled somehow to share directly from my heart… I became the change I wanted to see… I know you have probably heard that before but let me explain. I totally dropped the old self , so speaking to others and myself about my bad back like I usually did. I made a decision to literally cut off from doing so. I also refused to use self speak to myself about it. instead I tell myself I was strong and well, that my back was strong and flexible etc (it wasn’t but every day on my walk I told myself it was, over and over and over again, it was counter intuitive) BUT I WAS BECOMING THE CHANGE I WANTED TO SEE. It took a long time I’m not going to lie to you. But through this and just saying Thankyou for everything each day the good and the bad , I started to reprogram myself, I had no idea I could rewrite destiny like this back then AND STEP INTO A NEW ME… At first and for a long while I would get frustrated, I’d reach out for sugar for example and eat while packets of biscuits it just made my back worse and made me feel feelings and have thoughts that didn’t help but again I went back to consistency and the more the daily routine “supported” me the better I got… AFTER A WHILE I WAS SO BUSY LIVING THE SOLUTION THERE WAS NP SPACE FOR THE PROBLEM In truth I never fixed my back, I fixed my way of thinking about it. I look at every other part of my body and how wonderful and strong it can be improving every day , and I’m very happy i think it’s the same with life. 1 little thing even just 1 can get us down so far down we don’t know what to do… but there are A MILLION other things we could look at and improve on they don’t seem related but they are , and they will lead to a sense of grounding that is long lasting and powerful. I'm grateful for my experiences that now being a little older I can talk about them. Consistency is so key and it’s a skill set and mind-muscle building endeavour that is so supportive … Right I better get my second coffee and do my joint rotation mini workout while the kettle boils Nice talking and I do hope my message resonates with some of you who are reading, particularly if you are in your 20’s and feel smashed up on the rocks… There-is hope, you’ll love life again and life will love you back… Trust me I know
  10. It may be worth just starting simple, I mean your sun sign, next your ascendant (that is thought to be the next most important and one you will resemble more as the years roll on) and the sign your moon was in (receptive nature) .. Just reading into this, the meaning of them and pondering them can take you quite deep... TBF though it helped me as I already had an interest in astrology since a teenager and had thought a great deal about family and their signs over the years. That was what really heled the chart come to life for me. Particular reading into my Mom and Dads charts and appreciating how that impacted my predispositions... The stars and planets are huge, and although we cannot see them their forces certainly act upon us. It can be an interesting journey having a luck. Life is a bit like sailing in this sense, you could sail any where or walk,,, but when you look at very detailed maps you will look at the experience of sailing very differently. Hope that hasn't butchered it too much for you. Hopefully Nungali can bring some more clarity, he is a bit better at arranging his thoughts in words thatn I currently am,, currently!!
  11. Yes physically walking on earth will help. Trust me you will be fine. It's great to hear and hope you are consistent on the principle of attuning with others and helping is great, it will pay though to be flexible on the strategy. Can I offer a short story. After practicing Qigong quite solidly for two years or so I went to college to study Holistic Therapies. This meant massaging every day all day for one year. My energy was very strong when we started.. Now we did do some grounding practices before treatments , but typically it was rushed though, just a few minutes if that, maybe even a few breaths... It didn't work I became extremely depleted in my qi energy, at first it was powerful like electricity leaving my hands,,,. I became weak and frail actually and suffered a lot of pain too. I was so connected to giving and helping I couldn't help it. Some of the people on the course were older, damaged or didn't look after themselves. My energy was constantly dropping.. Then I learned Reiki, and I realised a simple truth... I should never reach out further than my roots extend down... It is important, actually vital to stay in my own power and reach out from there,,, A couple of minutes may not be enough if I am getting into somebodies energy field for half hour.. It has to be a deep wish for me to never reach out far enough to damage me or go too far into the other persons energy... I speak with this like a prayer before doing any work. I spend some times mentally preparing and asking for protection using words silently with great intention to keep me safe from harm and to only help as far as my energy will let me without depleting it or causing me any harm.. I set the parameters for what I want to happen// Now , the earthing is a big part of that. Because I am asking for the planet to protect me it the vast magnetism and electricity that lies below us, right down to the core. I ask it to keep me safe, especially my physical self i.e. my physical heart and that no matter what happens, no matter what presents itself to me in the following prayer, meditation, healing etc, I will be protected and totally free of adverse effects.. It is like a spoken contract, and also mixed with gratitude, thanking the earth and the forces for keeping me safe , (No Matter What) it works well for me. Very well... I hope you get some training, even just a weekend with a qualified teacher, If like me you get a Reiki atunement , please choose a proper teacher, with a proper lineage and make sure it is in person and he or she teaches and holds workshops.atunements often throughout the year.... When I had the basic course under my belt I was able to read teachings from the original students of Reiki Originator Dr Usui and learn from them, that is where my understanding and respect for grounding really deepened. (but these are principles in truth that are universal and go beyond any human system, imho) That is why I am comfortable sharing with you. About the heart, I have an older friend in college to thank for that Mike. God bless him, he had a bad heart. He warned me don't do any distance healing without being extremely well grounded. Really I have him to thank for that advice or I may have gone the same way... Grounding really works though, it's worth getting into it, it is always going to pay to be energetically safer on your journey... I do hope some of this can help you. I do practice what I preach and feel comfortable talking about it as it is a power I'm familiar with and feel I have it well under my control now. To be honest I won't even say a prayer without doing grounding practices first. I will pass on the same advice I was given as I was encouraged to approach Reiki. And that is "Ask the Angels for help, they will help particularly Arch Angel Michael." I'm not suggesting you 'should' do anything so I hope I don't come off like that. I'm in an expressive and sharing mood and wanted to share with you what really worked for me in making sense of a similar frustrating situation.. Good Luck and feel free to message me any time
  12. IMHO

    could call it IMFO Wars
  13. Stars and their effect on planets

    I thought readers may find this interesting,,, The North Star, also known as the Pole Star, has not always been Polaris, and it won't remain so indefinitely. This change is due to a natural astronomical phenomenon called axial precession. Here's a detailed breakdown of the process and its implications: 1. Axial Precession: The Cause Earth's Tilt: The Earth is tilted at an angle of about 23.5 degrees relative to its orbital plane. Wobbling Axis: Over time, the Earth's rotational axis traces a circular motion (similar to the wobble of a spinning top). This is called precession. Cycle Length: This motion takes approximately 26,000 years to complete one cycle. As a result, the "celestial north pole" (the point in the sky directly above Earth's north rotational axis) gradually shifts position over millennia. 2. Changing North Stars Polaris: Currently, Polaris is close to the celestial north pole and serves as our North Star. It's located in the constellation Ursa Minor. Past North Stars: Around 3,000 BCE, the North Star was Thuban, in the constellation Draco. Before that, in about 12,000 BCE, the North Star was Vega, in the constellation Lyra. Future North Stars: In about 14,000 years, Vega will once again be the North Star as the celestial north pole moves back toward it. 3. Why is Polaris Special Now? Close Alignment: Polaris is currently almost perfectly aligned with the celestial north pole, making it an excellent reference point for navigation in the Northern Hemisphere. Brightness: Polaris is also relatively bright, making it easy to spot in the night sky. 4. What About the Southern Hemisphere? The Southern Hemisphere lacks a bright star close to its celestial south pole. The closest is Sigma Octantis (Polaris Australis), but it is much dimmer than Polaris. 5. Astronomical and Historical Significance Navigation: Historically, the North Star has been crucial for navigation, especially before modern tools. Cultural Impact: Changes in the North Star could influence cultural and mythological interpretations of the sky in ancient civilizations. 6. Observing the Transition While the transition of the North Star happens very slowly over thousands of years, modern astronomy has precisely tracked this movement. Today, we understand the changing pole stars as part of Earth's ongoing celestial dynamics.
  14. I shared sometime ago in brief about what I'd do to ground. Learning Reiki changed my whole perspective on getting close to people, especially physically facing people head on. I became very aware of the importance and more critically the mechanism and quickly discovered benefits of a daily grounding practice. It really is worth topping it up every day and making it a part of daily routine... Here is what I shared sometime ago Hope it might help you , it guided me towards balance and security and continues to work now in life to this day...
  15. My question was to you? Me answering it better conveys what I already think, inspiring a different answer perhaps… We all tend to have different answers.Conventional Truths and Ultimate Truths can coexist as well as Subjective Truths also. I was asking the question out of curiosity, I’m always willing to learn something new, and concede when proved wrong. So if you are visited by a ghost, an apparition of the mind, the voice of a past loved one, how to you seek to verify? Is there a particular power or entity you call upon to help? Or is a reminder as far as you can go in your sharing?
  16. Why do we make bad decisions?

    reminds me of a book that spoke about Sankaras, habits being like football players on a pitch, some good, some bad... It went something like this; The mind can be likened to a football pitch, and sankaras (mental formations) are the players. Each player represents a habit, emotion, or thought. They arise, interact, and "play" within the field of our consciousness. Some dominate the game, pushing others aside, while others fade to the sidelines. The match reflects our inner mental activity—chaotic, dynamic, yet impermanent. Through mindfulness, we can step back as observers, realizing we are the pitch itself, not the players. Over time, the game calms as we release attachment to the players.
  17. hmmm, did you guys do grounding exercises before you started getting so close to each other in this manner?
  18. On distinguishing delusion, insight, insanity and reality

    I find martial arts helps, sometimes a trancelike quality will accompany it. Over time I've began to realise how and why in many cultures spirituality is not separate from martial arts and dance. I think the body and movement can help to integrate parts of the mind that may become fragmented or seemingly 'lost' in an experience. There is also the added benefit of the grounding that can take place. Often this is enough to shake off any malady of the mind. I think spatial awareness can be quite helpful. The directions, reaching up , touching or pointing to the ground... There was once a book on Zen Buddhism i was lucky enough to read when I was 18. I was struggling quite badly at the time with my mind. There was one section of the book that always stayed with me. 4 types of samadhi were discussed. man is deprived and circumstances are deprived, Man isn't deprived and circumstances are deprived, Man isn't deprived and circumstances aren't deprived. It was useful particularly, "Man is deprived and circumstances aren't deprived" at the time I was so stuck in my own head, opening my eyes and looking outside, absorbing myself in the scenery outside myself. I started to short circuit my thought processes. Quite useful understanding.
  19. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    You know since returning to the practice of Yijinjing I've noticed some new ways to perform the exercises. The breakthroughs are coming and my body feels much younger and more youthful spring has returned to my step. I'm also faster and my nerves are letting me be quicker in sequential actions again, like any technical movements made up of many motions, very swift and with a cool calmness. I've been starting to see in the practice I've got so much progress available with the system I'm using and much more to gain in each stretch. I guess I'll find out over time. My plan is to use yijinjing for around half the year, then return to strength training . I enjoy strength training and want to maximise on strength gains while I'm younger. If however next year when starting the Yijinjing again I feel a regression in my suppleness and feel a sense of starting again rather than adding to the progress of this year. I may cut the weights and attempt to stick to yijinjing to a couple of years and really build on it. It's hard to say for sure as i've not had experience really mixing with weight training, Have you any experience? I was mixing weights in at the same time but the stiffness was a distraction to stretch back through and the systemic fatigue was having a negative effect on the yijinjing. Just found this nice little set and thought i'd share, its worth watching for 4 minutes if you are interested. Enjoy This is a nice set , very dynamic.
  20. how would you suggest you do that, would you not say faith and trust are about as far as you can go. I mean sure you could intend to verify, but how would you really know any authentication wasn't being feigned by the unbodied, or a mere hallucination of self?
  21. I totally agree, such a multifaceted process, so many ways to process depending on which few points you hold in mind each time. See something new every time. Yeah I agree. Doing it yourself is a brilliant idea. Quite a journey indeed.
  22. Good call. I remember doing this for myself, old school style with a big book. I was living in Taiwan at the time and it was Orange season. Spent around 10 days just living off orange juice and doing my natal charts, and progressive charts for next years/decades,,, Well worth the effort and certainly very interesting doing it the older school way via the books. Thanks for reminding me about this Nungali , , I've just remembered what a large part of my evolution of understanding actually rested on this process...
  23. Why bother with morality and ethics?

    I think t's useful to remain as humble as possible with it all, anytime the ego creeps in, bow and not let it take over. None Action is the greatest teacher I think, Wu Wei. Sometimes though it is useful to remember the Dragon and to keep in Tiger in check. I think a great deal can come from, thanking the earth, and thanking the universe, while staying in the middle of it and not making such a big deal about it. I do still believe that God is beyond this, but I think by the sheer fact that it's unsubstatiatable if it is there, so not so easy to talk about. There is a spirit though I believe that somehow precedes the forces and energies that we can work with. Its fun trying to discern the different energies, but for me it still remains a great enigma, at some point I'm fairly certain it will become appreciable common snese or i'll at least be able to recognize it as such.. That's the plan anyway. Blessings To All
  24. Why bother with morality and ethics?

    One of the reasons I like Taoism so very much. Natural processes emerging, clues all around, practice is a living process, You can indeed be your own teachers, and all the more better when you discover truth's/techniques for yourself by yourself. Teachers are good, but only for seedlings and saps. Its up to you to branch out. I think virtue is good though. This helps with the way.
  25. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Looking at the yellow emperor classic has been interesting, I've moved forwards to try to get to the next most intriguing part of Taoist history that might point at the yijinjing, I've bumped into Zongheng (宗衡) who is supposed to have originated a 12 posture technique. Has anyone heard about this or practiced it. I'd like to find examples of it.