Thrice Daily

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Everything posted by Thrice Daily

  1. Taiji Quan for Self Defense

    So with Taijiquan would you say it’s useful to look in terms of sequential training when training students for martial abilities… ? Do you place emphasis on different things early on, footwork, power, or would this vary to greatly between teachers and students to say? What kind of drills do you tend to focus more on early on, then with intermediate and advanced, how does the focus tend to shift over time? I had some great interaction with a Chen style teacher for a little while, he was very active at the time training with higher level people within the organisation. He had just had a kid a was travelling less, The training with him was memorable. We would take one movement and it would be enough to work on that, there was a great amount of perspectives just with one tiny part of the form. I’m guessing this is a great way to teach at any level. I’d love to hear other ideas and approaches to what training sessions might look like 👍
  2. Developing Right Student Mindset: Martial Arts Edition

    He could probably do that, no sweat 😉 I agree this is even better, but fail safe in societal terms ‘respect elders’ is a good close second. Yeah I’ll bet. Injuries suck. It’s funny in our training we were always taught to completely disable the opponent. Smashing them with a total disregard for appropriate levels of reprisal. Simply speed, evasion and complete destruction. ironically I think this actually helped preserve the Buddhist nature of the Wing Chun even more. I think the more we trained more damage the less trouble we would likely end up in. I just wouldn’t use the stuff in real life. Now if our class was more about controlling joints and grappling, I think I would have ended up fighting a lot more (possibly) and having folk come back for revenge after being embarrassed . It’s ironic. I will just get out of range and keep a sympathetic joy about me rather than go back into combat and it does the trick. So far so good, keeping ego out of things. There is something about exposure to extremes that can make for healthy training.
  3. Taiji Quan for Self Defense

    Interesting. In the past I’ve thought of eastern practices in terms of differentiation. Buddhism for example being at some point very distinct from Taoism and Confucianism being something different still. I think I’d missed the point , that many Chinese households over the years have raised their families with much more of a blend of these approaches. The moment came for me when I chose self defence over complete pacifism and I veered away from Buddhist literature. It was such a treasure trove of knowledge and I would do well to continue. As with the I-Ching, Confucius commentaries and others etc. With martial arts, I believe application begins in the heart, and it’s a blend of these ideals that make me a good martial artist, I believe. Not only Tao… Do you think this is important too? What do you believe in regards to Ethics… and notably the concept of Justice, when it comes to Taijiquan training and application?
  4. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Thanks for the advice. Do you think it is advisable to intend on building the practice like this with a gentle intention over time. Dp you think the energetic systems will strengthen enough over time to adapt practice to this style of focus or no? Would the Yi not be able to increase along side the physical changes and become a mainstay of the practice? Perhaps it’s too many sets and reps to even perceive of this 12 sets x 24 movements or 12 x 36 movements, is a lot I know. It was challenging to maintain to the point where I maybe did 7 or 8 with this stretching to extremity intent with very good form per set. How might you advise approaching this style of concentration and form? How might you incorporate it into your practice over time? Also how may we increase Chi best when not doing these practices, any specific thing that fits the depleting nature of this particular practice aside from adequate food and rest?
  5. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Thanks for the advice. Do you think it is advisable to intend on building the practice like this with a gentle intention over time. Dp you think the energetic systems will strengthen enough over time to adapt practice to this style of focus or no? Would the Yi not be able to increase along side the physical changes and become a mainstay of the practice? Perhaps it’s too many sets and reps to even perceive of this 12 sets x 24 movements or 12 x 36 movements, is a lot I know. It was challenging to maintain to the point where I maybe did 7 or 8 with this stretching to extremity intent with very good form per set. How might you advise approaching this style of concentration and form? How might you incorporate it into your practice over time?
  6. Developing Right Student Mindset: Martial Arts Edition

    So what are we saying , Taoist Texts has to work on his double flying roundhouse kicks? 😆 I know the movies are just movies but it seemed fitting. And I agree, challenging someone more masterful disrespectfully or approaching elders with disrespect should result in a similar fate imho , or at least being verbally cut off at the knee…
  7. bummer, same think happened with Christianity thread, started getting hairy at page 16 and Forest of Clarity annihilated it

    1. Nungali


      No he didnt ... read carefully !


        be patient

    2. Daniel


      The last reply from Nungali, an accusation, "Daniel claimed Hermeticism came from Judaism.... But he was wrong."


      The problem is, Nungali will not "go back to rehash it", which includes quoting what I actually wrote.


      This is a pattern with Nungali.  His recollection for what I have written is very poor.  I've shown him in the past.  The last time it was embarrassing because Nungali did not remember what was written less than 24 hours after Nungali had read and replied to my post.


      Even if I'm wrong, and I did make the claim "Hermeticism comes from Judaism", it's extremely poor form, to refuse to quote an individual's actual words when they reply:  "You're not remembering what I wrote accurately.  Stop misrepresenting my position."


      Here's a link to that post:  - LINK   If you read through that little exchange, you'll see why Nungali refuses to go back and quote what I've written. It's been shown that he has trouble remembering what was written, day to day to day.  


      Here is a link to what I wrote about Hermeticism.  LINK


      "They borrowed/stole words from another language that it doesn't know pretending they are "magic".  That's what I said.  






  8. The Construction of Judaism

    I thought that was Cobie having a light hearted one, not serious was it, if so I certainly missed that...
  9. The Construction of Judaism

    that's one way to put it.
  10. The Construction of Judaism

    But it's good if Daniel can challenge you and meet you in the same places. That's where the rubber meets the road and we can really move on with this. He has to be honest though if its time to concur on and point and you do too. Emotion wont help but it's understandable... It's all part and parcel though and admitting defeat comes with the territory here, and there is nothing wrong with that... But if you are right and speaking truth, that is important that it is heard and assimilated. imo
  11. The Construction of Judaism

    I totally agree, it's very important work and should not be taken lightly in our times, anything less is Orwellian.. We got our fill of that already that we are trying to combat. No I think it's very important for humanity to swallow its pride and just admit that people in the past got all sorts of shit wrong. History books and educational material in schools and universities should be updated periodically. Hopefully we are moving into a golden age of truth and world peace and we can free up time and resources to do such things. Fostering more of a collaborative effort from governments too, especially I would say, Egypt. I'd like to see what's under the Sphinx myself. Their government very cagey
  12. The Construction of Judaism

    I don't think its an attack. i think a lot of history needs rewriting to be honest... I think threads like this are valuable. Re your question, I don't see the old testament as relevant to Christianity, if anything it seems more in opposition to it tbh. I think its more likely to confuse people and scare them away from Jesus to be fair. Depends who you are talking about though, a lot of people are bat shit crazy. And religious texts are like drugs to them, I don't think many care if historically accurate. I think its important to set the record straight, once we know the truth. Not keep peddling lies to keep previous scholars held in good light, as the expense of others with promising careers and new perspectives, they should be valued and respected.
  13. The Construction of Judaism

    so what we are basically saying is that the old testament needs to be rewritten/updated then?
  14. The Construction of Judaism

    I don't think its like that at all, this is a valuable unfolding and i think all will see it like that. It is a story coming into being and an evolving understanding that you are participating in, challenging eachother and , I think the idea is to uncover any new truths or links previously unexamined if there are some. I fear you may be getting it a bit wrong, I'm fairly certain that it is much more guided with a curiosity and an openess to challenge,,, same with you no?
  15. 品德. [pǐndé]. 名. moral character

    I think he got peeed off as people didnt appreciate his posting style, sadly. Hope it wasn't pressure from mods as well.
  16. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    Today in Yi Jinjing I tried applying a focus of following the joints on the inhale to the extremities and then return through the joints and letting them close slightly to the LDT on the exhale. Opening and closing the joints for each breath particularly at the end of each inhale, set up the structure into a ‘ready’ position for the next exhale and say, forward bend, side bend, return to centre etc. Made for a different practice entirely. It was relaxing but also testing and a little tiring in the rest of the day. I’m pretty sure I heard about this method of focus when I was looking into I-Chuan and Xing-Yi around ten years ago. It was an I-Chuan focus I think, following inhale through the joints to extremities. Anyone heard of this and maybe have any material on it they can recommend?
  17. Taiji Quan for Self Defense

    I disagree, and think a bit of time with Wing Chun, even just first form and you will see a lot more in your Tai Chi, in terms of its martial possibilities a lot of it will be pretty clear. I really enjoy shifting focus to Wing Chun at times in Tai Chi and other training too. Its possible to do movements and totally transform the training by dropping into a WC stance and stepping instead, keep elbows right in, stick more closely to centreline without over extending etc and using hua ma for turning . Especially applying it to my current MA flow drills it becomes dramatically different. Wing Chun is so easy compared to Tai Chi to get some good practical grounding fast, and more likely to get it right and be effective IMO. I’d love to read more about Taiji Quan for self defence on this thread. It would be cool to read more…
  18. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    It might be an idea mighten it 😆
  19. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    You do make me laugh ChiDragon, I think you could change your name to ChiTiger you know 😂
  20. Yi Jin Jing/ Tendon-Muscle Strengthening Exercises

    一節 明勁 A. OBVIOUS ENERGY 明勁者。即拳之剛勁也。易骨者即煉精化氣易骨之道也。因人身中先天之氣與後天之氣不合。體質不堅。故發明其道。大凡人之初。生性無不。善體無不。健根無不固。純是先天。以後知識一開。靈竅一閉。先後不合。陰陽不交。皆是後天血氣用事。故血氣盛行。正氣衰弱。以致身體筋骨不能健壯。故昔達摩大師。傳下易筋洗髓二經。習之以強壯人之身體。還其人之初生。本來面目。後宋岳武穆王。擴充二經之義。作為三經。易骨。易筋。洗髓也。將三經又制成拳術。發明此經道理之用。拳經云。靜為本體。動為作用。與古之五禽。八段。練法有體而無用者不同矣。因拳術。有無窮之妙用。故先有易骨易筋洗髓。陰陽混成。剛柔悉化。無聲無臭。虛空靈通之全體。所以有其虛空靈通之全體。方有神化不測之妙用。故因此拳是內外一氣。動靜一源。體用一道。所以靜為本體。動為作用也。因人為一小天地。無不與天地之理相合。惟是天地之陰陽變化皆有更易。人之一身。旣與天地道理相合。身體虛弱。剛戾之氣。豈不能易乎。故更易之道。弱者易之強。柔者易之剛。悖者易之和。所以三經者。皆是變化人之氣質。以復其初也。易骨者。是拳中之明勁。練精化氣之道也。將人身中散亂之氣。收納於丹田之內。不偏不倚。和而不流。用九要之規模煆練。練至於六陽純全。剛健之至。即拳中上下相連。手足相顧。內外如一。至此拳中明勁之功盡。易骨之勁全。練精化氣之功亦畢矣。 二節 暗勁 B. HIDDEN ENERGY 暗勁者。拳中之柔勁也柔勁與軟不同。軟中無力柔非無力也。卽練氣化神易筋之道也。先練明勁而後練暗勁即丹道小周天止火再用大周天功夫之意。明勁停手。即小周天之沐浴也。暗勁手足停而未停。即大周天四正之沐浴也拳中所用之勁。是將形氣神。神即意也合住。兩手往後用力拉回。(內中有縮力)其意如拔鋼絲兩手前後用勁。左手往前推。右手往回拉。或右手往前推。左手往回拉。其意如撕絲緜。又如兩手拉硬弓。要用力徐徐拉開之意。兩手或右手往外翻橫。左手往裏裹勁。或左手往外翻橫。右手往裏裹勁。如同練鼍形之兩手。或是練連環拳之包裹拳。拳經云。裹者如包裹之不露。兩手往前推勁。如同推有輪之重物。往前推不動之意。又似推動而不動之意。兩足用力。前足落地時。足根先着地。不可有聲。然後再滿足着地。所用之勁。如同手往前往下按物一般。後足用力蹬勁。如同邁大步過水溝之意。拳經云。脚打採意不落空。是前足。消息全憑後脚蹬。是後足。馬有蹟蹄之功。皆是言兩足之意也。兩足進退。明勁暗勁。兩段之步法相同。惟是明勁則有聲。暗勁則無聲耳。 三節 化勁 C. NEUTRAL ENERGY 化勁者。即練神還虛。亦謂之洗髓之功夫也。是將暗勁練到至柔至順。謂之柔順之極處。暗勁之終也。丹經云陰陽混成。剛柔悉化。謂之丹熟。柔勁之終。是化勁之始也。所以再加向上工夫。用練神還虛。至形神俱杳。與道合真。以至於無聲無臭。謂之脱丹矣。拳經謂之拳無拳。意無意。無意之中。是真意。是謂之化勁。練神還虛。洗髓之工畢矣。化勁者。與練划勁不同。明勁暗勁。亦皆有划勁。划勁是兩手出入起落俱短。亦謂之短勁。如同手往着墻抓去。往下一划。手仍回在自己身上來。故謂之划勁。練化勁者。與前兩步工夫之形式無異。所用之勁不同耳。拳經云。三回九轉是一式。是此意也。三回者。練精化氣。練氣化神。練神還虛。即明勁暗勁化勁是也。三回者。明暗化勁是一式。九轉者。九轉純陽也。化至虛無。而還於純陽。是此理也。所練之時。將手足動作。順其前兩步之形式。皆不要用力。並非頑空不用力。周身內外。全用真意運用耳。手足動作。所用之力。有而若無。實而若虛。腹內之氣。所用亦不着意。亦非不着意。意在積蓄虛靈之神耳。呼吸似有似無。與丹道工夫。陽生至足。探取歸爐。封固停息。沐浴之時。呼吸相同。因此似有而無。皆是真息。是一神之妙用。也莊子云。真人之呼吸以踵。即是此意。非閉氣也。用工練去。不要間斷。練到至虛。身無其身。心無其心。方是形神俱妙。與道合真之境。此時能與太虛同體矣。以後練虛合道。能至寂然不動。感而遂通。無入而不自得。無往而不得其道。無可無不可也。拳經云。固靈根而動心者。武藝也。養靈根而靜心者。修道也。所以形意拳術。與丹道合而為一者也。 What do you think of this @ChiDragon, nice reading eh?
  21. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    I know that, buts ‘it’s a constant fight dark and light’ is just a personal Koan and statement of mine. it’s a slow burner if you really spend some time with it. I know there is a higher resolving factor. If you take it there (sure you get other stuff) but miss a lot of the meat of the matter, down here.
  22. 品德. [pǐndé]. 名. moral character

    So I a pity @Taoist Texts doesn't post here anymore. I can't believe how people would disrespect him out of this forum. It's totally uncool. Everybody was extremely lucky to have such high quality comments. It's a pity the miss didn't do something about it in time. Nobodies perfect. Sad loss for the forum, come back Taoist Texts, keep the spirit alive dude, you do a great service by popping up in threads. It brings the standard way up. Hope you're well man.
  23. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    Cool me a hopeless idealistic optimist but, Everything comes full circle, as long as the site is operational, the gravity of the old threads will pull new and interested souls back into orbit, maybe... Time will tell, if this 'digital detox' thing really does catch on. The next generation may actually have a greater number of people more interested in these topics than even before... Question is, will they be going on forums to discuss it? Or just bash AI for it as they discover the various layers of Taoist understandings. Or even just download masses of info in their brains via a microchip. Hard to say isn't it when you look at the world as it is unfolding. It's a possibility that these arts are genuinely entering a dark age but I doubt it. Earnest seekers are earnest seekers, and value is value. We are just lucky that So many spent their time, carefully crafting threads in the past before the phones got fast enough for the YouTube Shorts and TikTok to take over the time of such vast masses of people. Still digital detox is a thing and I personally believe everything comes full circle. Let's see what the next step in the evolution of Taoism with the people will truly be.. I'm guessing it's gonna be the philosophy, religeon, belief system (whatever) of the next generations of our species which in a few generations will be star farers, Probably look a bit like Starwars, use the force right!!! Its a constant fight, dark and light...
  24. Oh no what a bummer, I thought Aliens would be cool here. Can see he is back now, nice one 👍
  25. Taiji Quan for Self Defense

    What are the main differences and similarities in your opinion?