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Everything posted by mrwhy

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you very much Sifu Terry! Appreciate the answer and it helps out a lot! Have a great day.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Sifu Terry, I think it is awesome how you continue to monitor this thread and give advice and words of encouragement to those who are practicing and interested in Flying Phoenix. A quick question - my practice has become sporadic due to nasal issues. I have had a cold and am having difficulty breathing out of my nose. Certain mornings my nose has been stuffed (this happens a lot even without a cold.) Is it safe or effective to practice during times when I cannot breathe out of my nose? I tried to find an answer, but the the thread has quite a few pages!
  3. The Spirit of a Martial Art

    Interesting thoughts. I think that at the basic level martial arts did begin as a means to create fighters. The word martial came from somewhere. But then we, humans, discovered that there was something to the training that was more than just fighting, that it allowed us to develop into deeper, better, people. I think that the Japanese were onto something by separating out the "jutsu" and the "do." I wonder if it the "spirit" of the martial arts has anything at all to do with the martial arts and more to do with training. Dedicating yourself to physical mastery. Maybe it is why we find some "spiritual" runners and what not. Any activity that allows you to lose yourself into the flow of the activity itself....... - Peace.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks malganis... Last time I checked (a LONG time ago) my doc at the time said I had really small nasal passages, but at the time surgery was not covered, plus the few people I knew who'd had it were not happy. Haven't looked into again since, but my be worth a check back. Peace.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you for the reply oreo. Did/Do you practice while your sinuses were clogged?
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello everyone and happy valentine's day! A question, and if it has already been asked and answered before, my apologies. I have particular issues with my nasal cavities and sinuses. Just to give an example, I am rarely able to breathe through both nostrils. I think it has happened less than five times in my life. But anyways, there are a lot of mornings and some days where I can breathe in my nose but not out, and some days where I cannot breathe in or out. This morning I was able to breathe in, but not out my nose. I was planning on doing some Flying Phoenix, but decided to wait. But now it is evening and I cannot breathe in or out. Is it harmful to do the exercises while breathing through the mouth? Is it better to just wait until I can do them breathing through the nose even if it means missing a day or two? Thank you for your time! Peace.
  7. Hello Under, Whatever is going on is not something that you can diagnose or treat yourself. You need to get some help. There is not shame in this at. Everyone of us gets to a point where we need some expert guidance, be it with our car, our body, our mind, or whatever. You are at the point where you need expert guidance. Please do something about this! Go to your doctor. Go to a hospital. Get some treatment. Tell a competent professional what is going on and let him or her help you. You are making a large assumption that what you are feeling now was "caused" by your meditative experience. I don't know that and neither do you, but this is your life you are talking about. If you do not want to get help from a "western" doctor then post what area you live in and I am sure that people here can refer you to another type of expert. Regardless, you were brought into this world for a reason. Don't give up on yourself yet!
  8. Hello and Thank You

    Hello! I found this site while researching Terrence Dunn's Flying Phoenix qigong. That particular thread has been very helpful to me and I wanted to pop in and say thanks to everyone. I am looking forward to learning and discussing. So again, thanks!
  9. Hello and Thank You

    Thanks. Looking forward to hanging around and getting to know everyone. A question though, if anyone might help. How do we (I) get a personal practice journal set up? Peace!
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello everyone. Just wanted to jump in and first thank everyone who has posted in this thread. To make a long story short, I discovered this quite by accident a few days ago. I have the Flying Phoenix DVDs, but just never got around to them. I started reading through, learned a lot, and decided it was time to start practicing. Yesterday was my first session. I will practice again tonight. I will chime in every now and then with updates on my progress and any questions. Sifu Terry, a special thanks to you for all the knowledge and wisdom you have posted. Peace.