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Dao Bum
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There is an old jewish story That the angels adviced god Not to crate humans cos Thy will destroy the world But god didnt lisened to Their advice and crated Human beings. The pop is one of the few That realise the fate Of plant earth tha apoclipse
It corespodent with jewish kabala About einsofאיןסוף the infinty Eneregy that allways exsist Before the worlds were criated Before genesis the big ban In modern westran phisics
That is why https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.livescience.com/64663-dark-side-moon-colder-china.html
Yin is matirial so from the yin Aspect there is a beginig in time When the univarce was created (The big ban) Yang is the dark mater dark energy That westren sinace know it exist And it is infenty time in the univarse Before the matirial big ban the beging Of all planatary sistemes. The univarce is full of dark mater And dark energy that is not matirial Stuff and that is the yang the unmatiral Infenty energy that the matiral yin Saince can not define
Tranespernt the formar ussr knew how thay Work https://www.amazon.de/Tauchmeister-Stainless-Steel-Automatik-Saphir/dp/B075LQ4F9W?ref_=mh_bl_sl_ap_wa_mw_2653627031#immersive-view_1559060796493 Tauchmeister 1937 dive watch
Chinese copy of ww2 british pilot watch Is The litle circle is the white dragon???
A chinese copy of ww2 british pilot watch mechnical mechnism transpernt So the chinese know
The old white dragon shoud be In ecological envairement He is the yelow green dragon
Without the blak&orange tiger
White dragon are pure yang mindless Nothingness So thy dont like the yin tiger Orange&black transmition of light
The orenge black tiger transmit light To the mindless white dragon head
The green dragons (mindless) Activate The black dragons in far east Thet activate the Illuminati That activate Westren socity The green dragon are ecological When one of them is activated By ? The ecolgicl syatem is going out Of balance . The dragons are far east It is a multy god structure When one of them is activated By? In the west Begins a global ecological chaos