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Everything posted by LAOLONG

  1. New Here

    Tramp was born June 14, 1946 6.14.1946 6+14=20 1+9+4+6=20 6.14.1946 is 2020 trump 2020
  2. Blood type and personalty. Blood type o is the most ancient It is calm personalty with the ability To enjoy simple life in nature ,a zen type . Blood type B is from north Asia in origin .the personalty is introvert And narcissistic. A inner alchemy type psychoanalysis type and Dealing with his inner experience . Blood type A is the modern Western with high anxiety (high Level of cortisol hormone) Cant calm down always thinking Very rational and logical with no Sens to supernatural .
  3. Blood type and personalty

    You ere correct. I checked wiki for Rh blood type. Its name Rh is because it was believed it was from rhesus monkey. Now days the theory changed. Rh- has to do with Cats? (clairvoyant)? From wiki on rh- : Toxoplasma infection between geographical regions (0โ€“95%) could also explain the striking variation in the frequency of RhD-negative alleles between populations. According to some parasitologists,[32] it is possible that the better psychomotor performance of RhD-negative subjects in the Toxoplasma-free population could be the reason for spreading of the โ€œd alleleโ€ (deletion) in the European population. In contrast to the situation in Africa and certain (but not all) regions of Asia, the abundance of wild cats (definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii) in Europe was very low before the advent of the domestic cat.
  4. Blood type and personalty

    The Rh- (negative) blood type is rare. It Menes you are not an offspring Of rhesus monkey (Rh rhesus )
  5. The actor mast not know his playing the role of the Mahadi Head of 313. It is a game so 131 can practice With 313.
  6. When a war game gets out of control

    Id have it with U.S Hash hash models. A Jewish Iranian from the u.s Donated to my place of work And the name of the place was changed to Iranian name. The computer department install Russian Kasparski anti virus like in Iran. And this is only the tip of the iceberg .
  7. In black magic

  8. In black magic

    ื•t was days before passover I buy this spesific wine. I put it in the oven (it was off) The israel PM got high heat And was taken to hospital. So the woodoo secret was reviled โ˜บ
  9. In black magic

    The prodocet nomber ends with 391 (cia).with an extra digit . No hard feelings
  10. The Tao of disappointment

    Your name is stew Art So you know to prepare Irish stew?
  11. Blood type and personalty

    You can observe A blood type By the way thy walk. A blood type are modern humans So thy have short foot fingers. Thy cant walk in natural way Round foot movement from Heel to toes because they have Short foot fingers. So they are walking stiff and need Sophisticated sport shoes.
  12. Blood type and personalty

    Except one tribe all native American had O blood type. O mast have organic food With lot of protein . Thy are sensitive to artificial substance. Thy tolerate heat and cold weather And have strong immunity system When living natural life. The opposite with A blood type Thy are modern humans and Tolerate artificial food. Thy cant survive in nature and Need modern medicine. Thy don't resist cold or heat weather Nead strict hygiene because thy have weak immunity system. Thy cant digest big quantity Of red meat .
  13. Lao tse and the Socratic Method

    Socrates was told by the Oracle of Delphi that he was the most wise man in the world. So he thought about it and realized that he is wise because he know that he Don't know . That not knowing Is very similar to the beginning Of lao tze tao te ching. Socrates defined him self as philosopher lover of wisdom in Greek As contrary to the sophists of his Time those who know ,very mach Like the Confucians .
  14. Salam (peace) in muslem oral Tradition he gained paradise in this World.(ibn Salam (son of peace)). As Lao tze said, peace begin in oneself then in the home then in the vilage and finaly in the hole world.
  15. Telekinesis

  16. David goodall (ecologist)

    David goodall was born in 1914 14 is ื“ื•ื“ ื•(david) ื•n gimatria His name david W goodall W is 23 letter (parapsychological preseption) 14 is 23 1(23)4 His books are on environmental influence , so mental influnce on W 23 (23 letter in anciant greek psi Symhol of parapsychology). For the record thy want him dead Age 104 (14). David ื“ื•ื“ 14ื•is allso 14 ื–ื”ื‘ gold
  18. The Nazi coudnt predict the mischling trait Misch is the german word for Mix
  19. Sad news
  20. Sad news

    Hendrix was a fender guy, but he allso played the SG and Flying V