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Everything posted by LAOLONG

  1. The Doomsday Scenario

  2. Nei ye chinese english
  3. Tai Chi ball - Mark Rasmus

    I dont know about taiji balls But i used to know tai chi nuts
  4. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Can any1 translate this shit for mi
  5. Happy to be a part of such a wonderful community

    .......said the screw in the Machine
  6. ANIMALS LIKE Confucius anal(s) translated to jiberish (gibberish)
  7. A chinese reading about x29 airplane
  8. The In service since Until 1991 And is unstable so it is guided by
  9. THIS IS NOT MY ART This isnt my art On secend thout WHO KNOWS
  11. A chinese reading about x29 airplane

    And it is going to CRASH
  12. Zhang Sanfeng 13 forms

    18 animals form Scott jensen
  13. Zhang Sanfeng 13 forms

    Its only a theory i can't prove But it may be a style of 12 Chinese zodiac animals And Buddha 12+1=13 So its more a Chinese Buddhist Art maybe a shaolin art And not a Taoist style
  14. ?15

    β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜†
  15. 24H WATCH

    23: 59 is -1 to 24 359=שטן satan 24= Χ“Χ•Χ™Χ“ david 24= 00 +1 is 00.01 -1 is 23.59 00 is 24
  16. 24H WATCH

    Who is Drew?
  17. 24H WATCH

    β—‹ is 360 -1 is 359 +1 is 361 or 01 0 is 360
  18. 24H WATCH

    1 YEAR Is 365 DAY D 359 SATAN -1 IS day 12.25 OR 25.12 So day 1.7 or 7.1 is +1 13 day 616 from 25.12 to 1.7 So 1.1 Is ZIRO DAY
  19. ?15

  20. ?15

    ; ? 25 β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ 16 + 8 + 1 β€’ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ ● β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ β–ͺ