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Everything posted by LAOLONG

  1. What is the meaning of life?

    The meaning of life is life, and it is meaningless. If x=x it is a tautology ( philosophical speaking ),and if life is life ( suchness in zen ) וt is what it is, empty from meaning. When you ask what the meaning of life ,it like asking what outside life can give meaning to life.
  2. Was born in 31.12.1870,the last day of the year
  3. 9.11 in jewish calendar

    Tisha b'av is a Jewish fast day . Tisha b'av in Hebrew means the 9 day in the month of av ( the 11 month in Jewish calendar). וn this Jewish calendar day according to Orthodox tradition both temples in Jerusalem were destroyed (the first temple and the second temple). In numbers it is 9.11 day in Jewish calendar. All of you know what happened in 9.11 in the USA. strange
  4. Hillary and Trump

    It looks like trump
  5. God and satan are one. 2 sides of the same coin. Yin & yang.2 R 1.
  6. Leicester city odds ratio was 1 to 5000 to win
  7. Enjoy life
  8. The Tao of Tarot

    In the archaeological manuscript of dao de chוng , the de chapters are prior to the dao chapters ( de dao ching). So today chapter 50 ,is chapter 13 in the ancient version.
  9. I don't know why ,but USA presidents have a synchronization with the i ching. JFK was the 35 president and hexagram 35 in the i ching is progress : the powerful prince is honored ...... . 35 change to hexagram 36 darkening the light , which can mean death. The next president will be 45 , hexagram 45, gathering together(massing):the king approaches his temple ...... (DT ?).
  10. ו ching ,& usa presidents

    Lincoln was 16 president. Hexagram 16 in i ching , enthusiasm : it furthers one .... to set armies marching .
  11. My siddhis

    There is a site : good judgment open, that score your prediction on future events, i subscribed before few days ,and from past experience with my siddhis i knew something will happen. It was very literally, good judgment open, a supreme court judge in the us passed away and the supreme court is open to nomination.
  12. Was the composer Brahms a satanist. He wrote two string sextet (a rare ensemble of 6 string players).the first is op.18 (18=6+6+6),the second is op.36 (6×6 , or 36 =three six).
  13. My enlightened movies,_Summer,_Fall,_Winter..._and_Spring
  14. The Four Rabbinum

    The one that become heretic ,in the Talmud we are told saw mettron siting on the throne and came to believe that there are 2 authority's in haven , because only god can sit on the throne (tha angles can only stand ). God punished mettron with lashes of fire .
  15. The Four Rabbinum

    The story in the Talmud is 4 rabbi entered the pardes( pardes in Hebrew is a garden with fruit trees ,a Talmud metaphor to upper worlds ) what happened is not told ,and one had died ,one got mad , one become heretic ,and one well entered and came out well.
  16. how much rope does mankind get

    It is skip nall photo ,and he say:,This bridge is in the mountains near Sapa,Vietnam and is thought to bring good luck to those that cross it. My wife crossed it while we were there and shortly after became pregnant and we now have a beautiful little girl named Jade.I would have to say it is lucky.
  17. how much rope does mankind get

    Strange. A rope bridge huge photo is on my living room wall since Wednesday. The photo is of the rope bridge in a gray fog leading to a big gray tree
  18. What is the next evolutionary step for humans.Ãœbermensch
  19. The Magician Card