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Everything posted by LAOLONG

  1. The Dao is Sacred?

    In daoism there is the one (when it is motionless) that become 2 in motion ,yin and yang.
  2. The Dao is Sacred?

    The idea that the dao can be at the same time a and not a, is from a miss understanding of the taiji symbol,it is not a static symbol of yin and yang in the same time,but a symbol of motion from yin to yang,and from yang to yin. From a logical point of view the quantum theory in physics is wrong,it cannot be at the same time a particle and a wave,but when a particle is in the speed of light it change rapid between particle to wave to particle to wave,like the taiji symbol of motion .
  3. The Dao is Sacred?

    If you define dao=a+ not a ,the outcome is dao=not(a+not a) so dao is not ,scared and not sacred in the same time
  4. The Dao is Sacred?

    According to the dao de ching , the dao that can be defined,or named is not the dao. So how can it be defined or named as sacred.
  5. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    The dao that dao,not dao.
  7. People don’t appreciate what they don’t have to pay for.
  8. micro cosmos in taoism

    The concept of micro cosmos in Taoism .in the high level of Taoism when shen energy is developed ,the taoist ,his action,and near by surrounding,are a micro cosmos and may effect the sounds strange but pepole on lsd experienced synchronization between personal actions and remote events
  9. science and civilisation in china , volume 5 ,part 5,by joseph needham, (cambridge university press). try to get it in a library.
  10. best acdemic book on taoist internal alchemy link to wikipedia about science and civilisation in china (27 books) volume 5 part 5 is a large book about taoist internal alchemy
  11. best acdemic book on taoist internal alchemy

    the link gmp gave is not good ,it is to the shorter version of science and civilisation in china that does not include taoist internal alchemy. there is no short cut.
  12. all chinese Buddhist qi gong are in origin Taoist qi gong according to this book
  13. External alchemy writings there is a preview in google books
  15. sense of humor?

    in this koan wu means nothingness and it refer to Buddha nature . according to
  16. enlightenment

    and in zen also the spiritual is the normal. there is a zen story of a zen monk who burned a wooden Buddha to heat up in winter time. wooden Buddha is wood.
  17. enlightenment

    in zen the normal is the spiritual , no distinction.
  18. enlightenment

    when your mind stop making distinguish between normal and spiritual you are enlightened
  20. illusion / enlightenment

    end of illusion = enlightenment
  22. Best source for info about Kuji-Kiri?

    the ninja where tantric Buddhist .(not zen). in this book there is a section on tantric qigong and tantric 9 hand gestures
  23. Eeman Circuits - Are you experienced?

    barefoot is the way to ground electrical charge
  24. YMAA Nei Gong video

    it is a program of true wuwei