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Everything posted by LAOLONG

  1. Going Through Stuff
  2. What are you reading right now?
  3. this is a koan from mumokan the answer is to clap one hand the answer is not verbal don't think ,do.
  4. what is the sound of one hand

    a clap of one hand, don't let youer mind deluded with sound and no sound
  5. do a dog have a buddha nature
  6. do a dog have a buddha nature

    chou-chou said only one word WU in chinese it mean nothingness. buddha nature=nothingness
  7. do a dog have a buddha nature

    it is a zen koan from the mumokan
  8. Qigong systems

    farting dragon qigong sweaty red palm qigong
  9. No creator in Buddhism?

    god in Buddhism in Wikipedia
  10. Qigong systems

    I prefer tai chi. it is more dynamic then most of qigong. all internal martial arts (xing I , I chuan , liu ha ba fa , tai chi , bagua ) are also qigong. there is development in study , less boring than the same qigong routine .
  11. any book you consider holy that you can not put on the ground or throw to the garbich
  12. the practice mast penetrate daily life in the beginning it is hard when you do the dishes concentrate on what you are doing don't think. when walking don't day dream just walk, and so on.
  13. medical research cost money and is sponsored by the big drug companies what is their interest to research kundalini
  14. I am not a "master" but I have my moments today I was sitting empty minded surrounded by trees and birds smoke my tobacco drink coffee remote places didn't attract me life and death did not bother me
  15. Taoism is very simple , zen is very simple, it hide the world in the world, because it is so simple people don't grasp it. so what secret teaching the so called "masters" have?
  16. The pyramid shape

    in nature there isn't straight line and geometric shape plato thought it is divine (geometric shape) as a Taoist I consider it artificial
  17. Sweet Dew Bathes the Polar Mountain

    any saliva will do
  18. Sweet Dew Bathes the Polar Mountain

    wine of long life= saliva mixed with energy in the mouth and then swallowed
  19. How the Buddha Became Enlightened.

    was the Buddha enlighten was the Buddha not enlighten is this a zen koan
  20. Falling into Suchness

    in suchness there is no place for zen thoughts
  21. if it is not running water lots of mosquitos
  22. how does one reach enlightenment?

    there are many state of mind enlightenment is one more
  23. standing meditation for me it gave me a strong sensation of heat in my hands. I did it for a while before years .
  24. Zazen, Dazuo(打坐), and Meditation

    in zen the concept is of anatman noself,so you sit empty mind. in Taoism the energy of shen shine in the enpty mind. in zazen you are yin in mind. in Taoist meditation you are yang in mind.