Taoist Texts

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Everything posted by Taoist Texts

  1. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Obviously the regional climate exists. The subtle essence does not. Its just a useful mental construct.
  2. Recommendable and not legit systems

    yes i do. At the big bang the bang split into living qi and inanimate matter which coagulated into planets. The earth being a shard of the latter on its own does not have qi.
  3. Recommendable and not legit systems

    You see, when we take them apart the brick will still remain the same brick and the vacuum will remain the same vacuum with no traces of them ever interacting. Thats why i claim that the immaterial vacuum and the material brick did not influence each other.
  4. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I am always glad to. Yes not-living (inanimate) things do not posses any bio-energy by definition. When we feel any energy coming from them it is caused by a brain overload. To cope, the brain routs the excess of the sensory data from the 5 senses into a mental compartment labeled 'Unknown stuff'. Thats what we feel as qi coming from a thing or from a person at a distance.
  5. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I do. E.g. : a cubic meter of vacuum is immaterial, a brick is material. Put them together - nothing happens to the both. E.g, we need a microscope to see a bacterium but eventually we will see it by our eye and say that the bacterium is material. they and us are all the effects of the Big Bang. It started the samsara where any thing is an effect of a preceding cause and causes an effect in its turn. i know but thats not qi. it is caused by qi because a human body is living due to qi but the glow is not qi. that might be true but the current reality is that not everybody does. of course. information is something that is possessed only by living beings in their internal qi-fields. A brick does not have any qi hence no info in him.
  6. Recommendable and not legit systems

    i know man i know the moment i get a glimpse, i will admit i was wrong. no problem at all. And for the time being we just engage in a philosophical dialog because it amuses us, nothing more. Now where were we. Light field or a magnetic field or nuclear radiation etc do seem to have an immaterial quality but they are really quite material. Because the definition of matter is something that can be eventually perceived by our senses by everybody (maybe through a detecting device). All of these aforementioned phenomena can be perceived by everybody. But the external qi (qi radiated out of the body) cannot be perceived by everybody. Hence it is immaterial by definition. That is why an analogy between something material and something immaterial are not valid. Its not even apples and oranges because those two can be compared, they both being fruit. But matter and not-matter cannot be. Qi is immaterial bio-energetic information. [btw there is a very educational chinese article on faqi in wiki except it is not called faqi because it is a new made-up term. Historically it was called buqi https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/布气 http://www.a-hospital.com/w/布气 Faqi normally means to get angry https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/發氣 it got its qigong meaning in modern time You guys may wanna think why a new name;)]
  7. Recommendable and not legit systems

    i only flashed my creds because there was a claim that immaterial things can break material ones. And breaking things is in my wheelhouse as an engineer. That said, i probably would never understand what qi really really is without my prior training. Because we are trained to do basically 2 things: 1 understand how things work 2 make them work. eh i dropped out of that rat race 20 years ago.
  8. Recommendable and not legit systems

    On the basis of western science faqi is impossible. Period. Because qi does not exist on the basis of western science. Therefore doing anything with qi is impossible on the basis of western science.Perhaps you see how logic works here?
  9. Recommendable and not legit systems

    I take it you both kind gentlemen are not trained engineers like i am;) Not that there is anything wrong with that! (sigh) In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid
  10. Recommendable and not legit systems

    Excellent. Thats what i was getting at. Laying hands and tuning the patient is real indeed.
  11. Recommendable and not legit systems

    What you say is deep but abstract. A concrete example would help. Have you personally participated in a faqi demo?
  12. Recommendable and not legit systems

    That is the mechanical western way of thinking whereas the disease is like a shot transmission in a car but the chassis is ok; or, there is no gas in the tank but the car is fine. The total opposite of that is the holistic oriental paradigm : the system is either sick as a whole or is not sick at all. There is no separate disease: a disease is just a symptom of the whole system being out of whack. I can explain (however naively) how i arrive at my conclusions. But they just opine qualified by 'IMO' and 'I think'. Lets say i claim that my qi can break a glass. The glass is a material object. It cannot be broken by an immaterial object. Now, qi is certainly something immaterial because otherwise we all would see it. So how can something immaterial break something material? It cannot. Thats why faqi does not exist.
  13. Recommendable and not legit systems

    sure. lets take the faqi healing. When the healer issues his qi into the patient to heal the patients disease - what is actually happening? The patient is reverted into the pre-disease state right? So the healer turns back the patients bio-clock, effectively rejuvenating him. But such healers for some reason cannot rejuvenate themselves and live forever. This proves that there is no such thing as a transfer of healing qi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physician,_heal_thyself
  14. Recommendable and not legit systems

    sure. how is faqi faked? we heard about the ion device. what are other ways?
  15. Recommendable and not legit systems

    interesting how this naive idea of wasting or spending qi persists. as if qi was like gas in the tank or electrical charge in a battery. or the idea that qi can be transferred from one person to the the other as if human qi was gas from one tank to another or charge between batteries. big mistake.
  16. Micro Qigong?

    of course there is. but you gotta need a frying pan
  17. Recommendable and not legit systems

    this is surprising. Please tell us more. (and welcome back!)
  18. i am also not a big fan of Zhong Lu. But it has been translated https://www.ryefieldbooks.com/books/the-zhonglu-system-of-internal-alchemy/9781931483445
  19. this is an interesting bit. does it mean you can do it at any time during the day? OR, you must do it all day long?
  20. There are two kinds of goalposts (called signs in ND): gradual ones and quantum ones. E.g seeing just any old light is a gradual one because it can be strong or weak but does not lead to the next level in the ND process. In contrast seeing the lead-light is a quantum sign because it is immediately followed by "the metal of lead". Gradual signs are not secret - meaning their existence is known to and they themselves were experienced by the most of the dedicated practicers; quantum signs are secret - meaning their names might be known but they themselves are experienced by literally one or two practicers in a generation. Thats the reason why the quantum signs are shifted down in popular understanding to mean the gradual ones. E.g in ND there is a quantum sign of the dew ("amrita") followed by the MCO. And there is a gradual sign of a changed regular salivation not followed by anything. Gradual signs are generally a positive and impressive experience but they are not quantum ones. How to discern the former from the latter? Simple. If it requires testing then it is not it. PS wiki is mistaken. Amrita in Sanskrit means 'an immortal-thing' . Immortality as a concept is amarata https://www.shabdkosh.com/dictionary/sanskrit-english/अमरता/अमरता-meaning-in-english
  21. different planes/dimensions/universes within our multiverse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desire_realm
  22. i make food and drink offerings to mine every week. Seriously, i do.