Taoist Texts

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  1. Thats what i meant above. No rational dialog possible. 1] Thank you for quite rationally not denying it outright. Means the cheese-moon is a possibility! 2] We see cheese and we see the moon hence the cheese-moon. There is even a wiki for it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moon_is_made_of_green_cheese so it must be true 3] i am very open minded and not biased against it. Thanks for being likewise 4] PS government conspiracy When you go around the streets you might have noticed large buildings full of people singing dancing talking to an invisible old man in the sky. They are very keen on siddhis and abnormal events. On reason and logic - not so much.
  2. of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism thats a very rational theory. but any theory needs to be confirmed in an experiment. have you personally participated in such an experiment? erm, you see @freeform disagrees
  3. Of course experiencing will convince me. But experiencing what? Who are you and where is here? So many questions... Thats exactly my point. You see, there is nothing the skeptic could say that would make this dialog constructive or rational. Lets try this: - I say: The moon is made of green cheese. - You say:...(?)
  4. i would invite circus clowns too. if none is forthcoming i could boldly play the part.
  5. To me it looks fake. But lets say I proved to myself that it is real. Being an engineer that i am i would adjust my worldview to incorporate the result of this experiment. Faqi would become one of rare but normal phenomena, not a miracle. Then i would ask myself: What good this feat is to the performer? He does not look much happier than I am. Then what good it is to me? Like my teacher Crazy Ma was wont of saying: 'even if you can leap over the Bohai Bay in a single bound holding the Mt. Tai under your arm - how would that save you from suffering'?
  6. If it is a skin-to-skin contact like on the vid then sure. But out of sight - no.
  7. This time I know exactly what you mean. Which is all well and good but like i noted in the caveat above this is not a subject that can be rationally discussed. Because every discussion of physical 'miraculous’ attainments is boiled down to the dialog below: -The true believer: Yay, the miracles exist! -The silly skeptic: Great, can i see them? -The true believer: No. And this is the point at which the rational discussion leaves the building.
  8. Actually i genuinely did not understand the question. Now i see that in your lineage '1 phenomenon=1 name' but it is not so in the rest of the textual neidan as my scans above demonstrate thats all good. if you are happy then i am happy. Somehow this made me to go back to the OP. It seems, the OP asks: these traditional achievements (goalposts) are obviously fantastic so its either: A] the tradition lies. OR. B] these words do not mean what they mean (they are metaphors). I did not see the direct answer to this dilemma on the preceding 17 pages, so here it is. The answer is the goalposts are literal and real but only subjectively. When you achieve them, to you, they will be as literally real as a chair you sit on but only in your mind's reality. They will not exist for anyone else. (That said of course there are people who claim that fantastic miracles like siddhi etc are objectively real, a claim that cannot be reasonably discussed.)
  9. Classical the names might be, but not singular if by the 1st you mean the light that appears first in the alch. process then is associated with sharira and moonshine 若舍利足,而蟾光现 Once the qi lair issues light it means that ‘in the empty room there is a white light (Zhuang-zhou 庄周)’ the sharira is completed When the sharira is ready a moonshine appears,
  10. it also depends on the age. 今人采药,少年者半年工夫,中年者一年工夫,老人须三年工夫
  11. my humble expertise fails me miserably on this exalted topic so i cannot name them. What does it mean name them? Lights have special names? Or the underlying phenomena do?
  12. may be he is not. we dont know. And it is not like there is anything wrong with it! i just made an observation that one thing resembles another thing. I dont dislike WLP, it is not like there is anything wrong with it! Do you dislike WLP?
  13. could be many. But they are all literally light and literally white. Not a metaphor. As we all remember the OP was: 'are the goalpost in the books literal or metaphoric?' Now we all confirmed that they are literal. We are still on topic! this is the 'taoist yoga' book sequence to a T. meaning the wulupai school sequence
  14. Other participants in this discussion. 本次讨论的其他参与者。
  15. ah all right. Thats why i asked. You are talking about pre-H kind of qi, but others in this discussion talk about post-H qi. Thats two totally different qi. I dont think you guys understand each other. The confusion still reigns;)
  16. Now i understand what you mean by practicing qi. But you see when a post-heaven attention is placed on the post-heaven body - it will cause post-heavenly qi.
  17. i am asking because you always said 'transfer method' is bad (搬運法的謬誤) Now you say It seems you are contradicting yourself.
  18. oh that's good. but what exactly is practicing qi? how it is done?
  19. 但识无为为要妙,谁知有作是根基。
  20. its a bit of a mystery where this idea comes from. Perhaps anyone knows the source?
  21. it is a buddhist term 「捨念清淨」(upekkha-sati-parisuddhi) a "state of perfect equanimity and awareness (upekkhā-sati-parisuddhi)." https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/28911
  22. Hello!

    i enjoy the channel's title Neidan Fácil: easy neidan. its a great title. muchos gracias
  23. I did not use the word feeling because it is vague. I dont quite understand how a sensory input to my body which i take you mean by 'feeling' - can be equated with logic. Lets say 1. i touch a brick and 2. make a logical conclusion that it exists. I am not sure how 1. and 2. can be equated in my mind i think now you use feeling in a sense of a groundless emotion. I understand what you say but i dont have those, it was a part of my practice to get rid of them. what it? i always double check to see that all my statements are based on logic. nah its not your fault. its my directness which is to blame.
  24. depends on the subject matter same reason we care about any other thing: caring is fun.