Taoist Texts

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Everything posted by Taoist Texts

  1. DDJ Chapter 48

    Sima says you should good question. simply put it is because no one of the conversants understands what is neidan . no one of the neidan seminar-sellers including those on this forum knows what is neidan. Because neidan means 'internal elixir' which is a very specific tangible thing. and none of them produced the neidan thing. so they do and teach fake neidan. a neidan without the neidan. and fakery can be confusing. when people talk about a thing they have no clue about confusion rises. did i answer your question?
  2. DDJ Chapter 48

    it is a more or less relevant quote but not quite. You see, DDJ48 has been mistranslated as to be about increasing the learning or knowledge thats why ppl mistake it to be about some kind of neigong;) which of course it is not. It is neither about learning something new nor forgetting something old, because Guodian says 学者日益,为道者日损。损之或损,以至亡为也,亡为而亡不为。 it is about two kinds of rulers - 学者 those who rule the Underheaven with learning, meaning they rule through an ever increasing administrative interference; - and 为道者 those who rule by 'doing the dao' meaning they rule by intentionally decreasing the administrative interference until there is a total non-doing 至亡为. Thats how the latter kind of rulers 'gets the Underheaven' 取天下. (gosh those neigongers have me in stitches every time)
  3. the next one is the current one, neigong (another made up word). there is not going to be another one because the demographics have changed, the society of plenty is cooked, the seminar-hopping is not affordable nor interesting. winter is coming.
  4. in their original ad neidan is not mentioned at all, the product is called " called Dao Yin Shu (导引术), Spiritual or Divine Guidance Art" https://taishangmen.weebly.com/about-us.html in the 2016 ad it was claimed that their product is the original neidan just not called neidan for reason unknown. the ad is not yet titled neidan. https://www.thedaobums.com/topic/42456-xiao-yao-pai-xiantian-dao-yin-shu-official-thread/ in the current 2023 thread the product is emphatically (13 times in one post above) called neidan. the thread is titled neidan. in marketing this might be called 're-branding'. in vernacular this might be called 'making it up as you go'. (except of course it is too late, the neidan fad is long time over)...
  5. Tattoo

    about that we have the most wise saying with its meaning running deep: 不怕外国人不识汉字,最怕他们的汉字纹身 ( I am not afraid of foreigners not knowing Chinese characters, I am most afraid of their Chinese character tattoos) well ok its a very funny inside joke thats why i could not resist . but in all seriousness tatoos dont do anything to you, nor good nor bad. its all in your head.
  6. the lords prayer

  7. the lords prayer

    very very true...it was the later addition from the OT the only thing is, in the NT originally there was no 'remembrance'. originally it was the literal eating of his literal body and the literal drinking of his literal blood both substantiated by bread. same as the Mithra's bull's flesh and blood was consumed literally. Not in remembrance of the bull, but in order to become the bull. If you want to be like Christ you gotta eat him. A mere remembrance gets you nowhere. all of that was already present in the parent religions long before so it was part and parcel from the get-go thats true, most importantly the bread sacrifice to replace the bull/Christ; the preceding religions also sacrificed bread but as a literal bread only, no substantiation . The substantiation was the sea change effected by the new religions
  8. the lords prayer

    great question. Not quite Zoroastrianism but a related religion of Mithra https://www.vexen.co.uk/religion/mithraism.html
  9. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    of course https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulu yes https://en.daoinfo.org/wiki/Talismans not as a whole. for excerpts you can try this https://archive.org/details/TheTeachingsOfTaoistMasterChuang not to mention the green cheese moon! not much choice there either.
  10. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    no, no, you guys just dont think this through;) you see, even if you speak my lingo i may congratulate you on your linguistics but i am not going to wash your car for you. even if you address me by my secret middle name there will be no result. 'Gimme gimme because your name is Jimmy"? How does that work? i know. i was only poking fun at those who think that invoking a spirit by his true name somehow makes the spirit to do their bidding. why would it? they just dont think that far ahead;)
  11. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    he hears his name and goes: yes hi, thats me, what can i do you for! thats totally reasonable POV. there is another school of thought: magical name works because of what the name means.;)
  12. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    umm, if there was no light in existence then what was there to invoke? or with what name?
  13. true names of God(s), Demons etc

    of course there were. e.g . Before the names of the Maya deities were deciphered, Itzamná was known as "god D" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itzamna but those true names still remained secret. because a secret is not something people do not know. a secret is something people refuse to know.
  14. Soul in Buddhism

    of course they would, because they personally surpassed his realization and personally reached Gautama's realization too!
  15. Soul in Buddhism

    thats another amusing western misunderstanding of buddhism. it comes from 2 main western flaws of the western mind 1) not thinking (in full sentences). 2) not understanding (that askers are different some are worthy of a direct answer and some are not). A westerner does not think in a full sentence: "hmm, questions not answered to whom"? Thats why he remains forever ignorant of the answers.
  16. Soul in Buddhism

    nah, if he had no self and no soul, how come he has a name? but joking aside, this is nonsense which the ignorant westerners parrot. there is no such teaching in buddhism. as usual the truth is the exact opposite of the western nonsense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anattā#No_denial_of_self
  17. Soul in Buddhism

    buddha who?
  18. An odd synchronicity

    not me, wiki my understanding is that the traveler talks to his mates in turns, each time seeing a third stranger who is together with the team, walking just slightly ahead, maybe next to another teammate.
  19. An odd synchronicity

  20. yes. and of course there is a necessary precursor to the rotation - peng, still a mystery to to the westerners, hehe
  21. An odd synchronicity

  22. him being ignorant of Zen, his pointing is totally, 180 degrees is opposite of the truth. Because the real Zen is about the cart so no, not little, but all of what he says
  23. thats what the famous teachers do. they say things that are so obviously false that their audience goes into a stupor and awe. You are not your body, black is white, war is peace. It is an old trick.