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About markern

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  1. Good practice for inflammation

    Why do you emphasize standing meditation?
  2. Wim Hof, some less savoury details

    Tension you noticed in him or that you got from his method?
  3. I have recently started doing a bit of the six healing sounds again after over a decade not being able to do much of any cultivation practices because of severe chi deviation issues. I am struck by how incredibly effective this practice is for me at making me emotionally balanced for a period of time after I do it, and at gradually releasing emotional trauma so that it is healed and gone forever. I am also struck by how it seems to never create any issues for me around retraumatisation or emotional overload. With many techniques aimed at trauma healing (such as TRE for example) and with practices that might occasionally release a lot of trauma such as meditation, it is often an issue that too much unprocessed emotions comes to the surface at the same time, people feel overwhelmed and for a while they feel much worse than before. I had several experiences of other practices bringing something to the surface and it felt really painful and like to much for me to handle at once. I then either had to practice equanimity intensively to get through it or use other techniques to manage or just suffer with it for days or weeks until it subsided by itself. With the healing sounds when something releases it never feels like too much at the same time. It also feels like when something releases it always releases in a way where it is already in the process of healing and moving from negative emotions to some more neutral or positive state where those emotions are resolved. In therapy and with other practices I have often gotten old stuff to the surface and it is just painful in the beginning. Just the same old stuff in its old painful form with no healing having started yet. I then have to work with the material in various ways to start to make it heal and move. That often eventually works but can be a difficult process and it doesn't always work. Many times I have had to just save those feelings for later and try to just put my mind on other things until it goes back down into the subconscious again. With the healing sounds it feels like when the sounds start pulling something up it is always already on its way out or on its way to be digested. It kind if feels like there is some sort of energetic layer around the feeling that reduces the pain and creates a kind of natural equanimity with it. The only times I had any sort of issues with emotional overload and things becoming worse with the healing sounds was years ago when I did huge amounts of the same sound in one sitting while being desperate to heal and manic in how I was doing it. So I've seen that one can overdo things with the sounds but I really had to do it to obvious excess for any issues to surface while with other practices even small dosages could still create issues. Issues around overwhelming and retraumatising the nervous system through too much release and opening at the same time is a big topic in therapy and in trauma healing circles. I am wondering if other peoples experiences with the healing sounds matches mine. If it works the same way for others it is a golden tool for trauma healing. There are a lot of people working on their stuff that can hardly do any sort of emotional work without becoming dysregulated and having it backfire. Many others can do some but are still very limited and are walking a tightrope all the time. If there is a practice that heals effectively without those kinds of issues plaguing them then it would be an incredibly useful tool for many people. So how has the Healing Sounds worked for you? Does your experience match mine?
  4. In the eight brocades there is an exercise where you massage the kidneys and then move the hands along the back of the legs down to the feet and then up along the insides of the legs. Because of some back issues I can't do that anymore. Bending down the way I have to do when the hands get towards the feet really creates issues in my back. I have seen multiple versions of the brocades with quite different exercises used in some of them as alternatives to what is used in other sets. I was thinking maybe there are version where there is a version of the kidney exercise that I can do without hurting my back. Does anyone know of any versions of the brocades that has a different form of kidney exercise?
  5. A friend of mine asked me to help her find some qigong practices that can help her bone health. She is an old lady with bone fragility. Do you know of online courses that is either taught live or recorded or tutorials on YouTube or similar that teaches Qigong for bone health/for strengthening bones and that you would recommend?
  6. Chi vs Kundalini

    When you say that one of your practices seems to stimulate Kundalini and the other only stimulates chi, how do you differentiate between them. What makes you believe what the yogic practices stimulates is Kundalini?
  7. Introduction round

    Nonsense. Lots of people have fixed their sleeping problems both through meditating and doing qigong and for far smaller amounts than one hour a day.
  8. Body Focused Forms in Qigong

    How wide stance are we talking about here? I always find it confusing when people talk about one hour horse stance and stuff like that. Surely the widest stance must be something only extreme practitioners can do that long.
  9. Lasting longer in the bedroom.

    Externally pressing on the perineum is a technique a lot of men have damaged themselves through. Not a good idea.
  10. Strengthening Connections

    The Karezza people that ran the site and wrote Cupids Poisoned arrow had a series of touch/cuddle exercises for partners called the exchanges that I think are perfect for this with an intimate partner. The site is down now but maybe there is some way you could dig up those exercises. It may have been in one of Marnia Robertsons books and I think they may have made a pdf with them.
  11. Help with reversing effects of visualization

    How are things going with this issue? Has it been sorted out?
  12. You may want to look into trauma regulation techniques and trauma sensitive mindfulness. There are quite handy techniques for making overwhelming emotions calm down when lots of trauma gets activated. You may also benefit from trying to be aware of when these things start and then immediately stopping practice and doing something else where your mind becomes absorbed into something else. That way you may stop the releases at an early stage with just more manageable levels of emotions and you avoid exacerbating the emotions that do come up by not getting too drawn into them. Often when painful emotions come bubbling up we automatically become hyper focused on them, drawn into them with a sort of tunnel vision. This amplifies them A LOT. Avoiding this hyper focus by broadening awareness towards the whole body can help get us out of this hyperfocus. So can focusing outside of ourself on our physical environment or getting our minds more focused on some other activity.
  13. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    How do you know that the system does not have that strong connection you are talking about? How familiar are you with it and with Jesse Parker? What do you base this claim on? Your claims seems dubious to me. The system does contain standing meditation. It obviously contains grounding. It most certainly contains opening meridian pathways and removing Qi blockages at all levels. It most certainly contains the development of equanimity and overcoming desire. What do you base the claim on that this system does not contain spiritual insight and wisdom? It is a an alchemical system. It would be strange for it not to contain spiritual insight and wisdom. What do you base the claim that it does not contain opening meridian pathways and overcoming desire etc. ? "Let the system sell itself with your OWN EFFORT." What does this mean concretely and why do you say it. Because it has a webpage selling the course? Practically everyone who teaches these days has a webpage selling their course. What do you suggest doing instead?
  14. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    I think the price is quite reasonable compared to other similar types of courses. The rest of your reply I find rude and silly. I think calling it 10 hours of hand waving and qi-babble is needlessly rude and disrespectful. Why do you write ""?