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Everything posted by markern

  1. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    My chinaman isen`t actually a chinaman he`s just in china and he comes back in three weeks so I get to continue. THe joint movement stuff felt very good and usefull. You feel more open and able to move afterwards as opposed to the feeling of being tightened and rigid that can come from ordinary weights. You also get the benefit that many of the moves also incorporate movements of the legs and whole body so they get simultanious workouts as your arms do. So that way its also very effectivfe. Intuflow is also very nice. I do it almost every day. Ya Mu and Bill Bodri both say jumping on a rebounder is TEH best form of physical workout.
  2. What causes sexual desire?

    Check out Trunks turtle breathing in his practice blog and at He has found it very effective in sublimating sexual desire. Headstand. the sixth tibetan rite and superbrain yoga all also help.
  3. Testicle Breathing / Big Draw

    I noticed Dirk Al (Ajhaan Al), which is an instructor in CHias system in addition to quite acomplished in Buddhist meditation, wrote a lot of very specific replies about these types of practices on his facebook page. Maybe you can add him on facebook, read through what he has written about it and maybe ask a question if you need to. You could ask on MIchale Winns forum also if it is still operating. For staying in full lotus longer, how about yin yoga. Stretches for five minutes or longer in each pose. Suposed to be possibly the fastest way to get stretching results. Meridian stretching is also supoosed to be quicker then most other stretching systems.
  4. Mundane Reality

    Her is a version of standing meditation that specifically adresses prosperity: I am looking forward to the day I can look up in in the oxford english dictionary and find uncrapify I once saw a book called how to deal with difficult people. There is actually litterature on social and psychological strategies to handling all sorts of challenging social situations. ONe way you can get your wife into spirituality or at least closer to what you are doing is to start having karezza or tantra sex with her. Once she experiences the more blissfull internal valey orgasms as oposed to the regular ones she will have had a taste of spiritual bliss and might be open to more. She will probably also start to feel your energy more. has some interesting info about karezza Back when I was meditating regularily I had a lot of bliss streaming out of my root chakra. I sort of figured that was were most or all the bliss came from. As for mundane reality I am in a similar situation as you are. What I have found is taht learning to move from teh dan tien is absolute key. When movements are initiated from the periphery of your body you are more in your head and disconnected from your body and life. When you move from the dan tien your mind is quite stilled just by not having to be so concerned with moving your body as this becomes even more delegated to intuition. You will also be much more rooted and physicallised (maybe thats not a word either?). I also experienced much more connection to daily life and materiality when I did standing meditation. The root chakra really does work like that. Get back into it somehow and keep on doing it. It will feel very good and is all round very good for any person I think to be connected to mundane reality in addtion to more spiritual realites. Bridging the gap would be the key task I suppose. You could also check out the Maori warrior dance "the Haka". It only takes a minute or two and is very grounding and makes you ready for fighting and winning. Are there any fields of work you can get into that would both interest you AND make you good money?
  5. Micro Cosmic orbit

    Would just doing Vipassana for many years eventually open all these orbits? What effect would a kundalini awkening in the sense many her have experienced it, not fully mastering every aspect of kundalini etc, affect these orbits and their opening?
  6. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    I am not very experienced in these matters but my clubbels experience was sooooo much more harmonious, gave me a feeling of being much more functionally strong and strong all over and of increasing my health much and of developing by controll over my body more and increasing my range of motion. So for most people I can see VERY little reason to do weights when one can do clubbels instead. Conventional weights are probably somewhat better for building muscle size than clubbels, it might be better for maximum strength in one exertion and a few other things most people don`t really need. Probably better for sculpting muscle as well. THat said I am going of to the gym to do some lifting now because my clubbels teacher left for China after only one lesson but eventually I`ll make the shift.
  7. Is it the Heat or the size?

    Dr. Glenn Morris wrote that after his kundalini awoke women he slept with would complain of feeling burnt in their vaginas after sex. Maybe too much of a good thing?
  8. Secret smile

    Maybe if you do a simpler version it will work better. Eric Yudelove has a version that seems much simpler, at least in its beginner form, than Mantaks. Andrew Fretwell also teaches a much simpler way to do it. You can add on the complexity once you master the essence.
  9. Secret smile

    Has anyone got any experience doing the fusion meditations. I did it once and crappy organ energy just completely neutralized. I also sort of stumbled upon the same mechanism once in meditation and could just instantly make any crappy energy or emotions vanish. It was awesome. I want to do fusion again later on but its not the right time now. I do healing sounds which is very good for me but just can not compare to fusion.
  10. Exercise, Energy, and Awareness

    It apears to me that when I get the endorphin rush after jogging it is connected to the heart energy. At elast my heart feels much better afterwards. I have also found that lifting weights, although making me feel good in many ways, give me a sense og subtle injuries being made to my body that obstruct chi flow and make it less harmonious. I found clubbels gave me strength in a much more harmopnious way that did not give these smal subtle injruies. I guess maybe my technique in lifting weaights just isen`t good enough but I think it is quite comon that it creates tiny rifts in muscle and facia that are not good. Even if not enough for actual injury I think these are unhealthy for chi flow so be extremely precise in weight lifting and build up to heavier weights very slowly.
  11. Increasing Jing

    I took a look at it and it seemed very promising. Thanks for the tip:) But it seems very expensive per kg but I am not sure how that translates in to the cost of actual use like in how much would a portion suitable for a meal cost and how often should it be consumed to get the beneficial effects? Does it taste good? Would I most likely have to order it online or can it sometimes be found in western health stores or asian stores in western countries?
  12. Penis Size

    How about girth. What kind of gains is possible with regards to girth? THe tantra teacher Dianne Richardson claims that for tantric purposes a smaller penis is better as the vagina needs to be able to relax and not be tightened and also to feel open and receptive. Not sure if that`s true but sort of makes sense. For more common types of humping bigger is definitively better as long as the girl can take it without discomfort. But then again superior technique and sensuality clearly beats size, unless you are very very small.
  13. Physical Qigong

    I haven`t really understood the meridian stretching thing very well but it seems to me that in yoga one relaxes and brings awareness to the area being stretched and that is different from the meridian stretching where you also tense or activate the muscles together with relaxing them and bringing awareness. Right or not?
  14. Physical Qigong

    It seems to me that qigong and tai chi is much much better at getting you in contact with chi and then helping you move it.
  15. She wants me to cum

    So how do women respond to men whose skin smells like sperm? Instant hornyness or repulsion?
  16. She wants me to cum

    By her this book: It will teach her how she also can have an internal climax/valley orgasm as opposed to her normal peak orgasms. She will find these to be much more satisfying. THat will make her understand your situation. And you she will get on the same page as you in terms of how to have sex and the goals of the sex and probably be pulled into spirituality through this.
  17. Physical Qigong

    More or less strictly doing asana gave me strong sensations of chi and the ability to sense several meridians. My naturally yogically gifted best friend has had intense spiritual experiences from doing a lot of asana and only a little bit of irregular meditation. That said I believe the real juice is in meditation for the most part.
  18. A Couple of Questions about Buddhism

    :lol: I`ll thown in my own. Can Buddhas have sex? If so would they sometimes want to? Since the Theravada tradition holds that arahats and Buddhas CAN not do many things such as kill ANYONE or have sex and claim to base this on experience in addition to theory, and the Mahayana tradition claims that whatever their equivalent of arahats is (Boddhisatvas?) absolutely can kill someone if it is to save someones live for example, and they also claim to base this on experience and not only theory, why should I believe ANYTHING either of the traditions say about what happens at higher levels. To me these and other inconsistencies of the utmost importance are so great that I find it very hard to take any such claims seriously.
  19. Feminine issues

    Ask Ya Mu. He is an expert in medical qigong and has some suppposedly very good exercises for female issues.
  20. Military Training

    CLubbels is very good for functional strength. Maybe something to look into. Any movement is much, much easier if you use proper technique. So it would make sense to me that even though the primary goal is strength some sort of exercise that also develops good body control would be beneficial in preparing you to get through extremely rigorous physical training. Tai chi and pilates are the two things I have felt have been most helpful in developing this sort of control over movement. THe inner smile and either some sort of breath based meditation or deep belly breathing and also body scanning might be good restful ways to recharge if one has a chance to rest for a few minutes. Cross fit might also be a good idea as it gives a lot of strength in a varied way and cardio and it is based on you pushing yourself to the absolute limit for 15-20 minutes. So you get very effective workout in very little time and train the ability to push through a lot of pain and give it everything you got. You will need that ability in basic training so best to develop it now. I don\t know so much about it but clubbels and kettlebells are supposed to be much better then normal weights for developing the type of strength you can actually use doing varied real life stuff so I would look into that. After my first clubbel training it really feels like it will give me a much better more usefull type of strength than normal weights. Perhaps start a thread about it to get some opinions on it. I understand your thoughts about joining the military and being the best you can be etc. and I understand the counter arguments made by others as well. For any one individual this is always a risky way to go, not just because you might get injured, killed or traumatized but because you, like a couple of military men in this thread, might end up totally disillusioned by the whole thing. Another way to achieve the best you can be thing is to go train in the Shaolin monastary or something similar for a year. THe ability to push yourself beyond your limit will be just as developed or even more and you will in addition develop a tremendous mental power and physical health that is way beyond what the army will ever let you develop. Besides teaching you to face death if you actually go to fight in real combat I would say there is little to nothing the army can offer you that a place like shaolin can not offer you much much better in terms of reaching your full potential. After a year of meditation, fight training, grueling physical training, qigong and extreme discipline and spiritual training you will surf through college and the jobs you need to take to get through college like it is nothing.
  21. Meditation turning me into a nice guy wuss

    Standing meditation gives me a feeling of more power and strength as oposed to sitting meditation. YOu could try adding a bit of that. You could also check out the secret smile (use the serach function and you will find instructions in a thread by Varjasatva) or try out the Maori warrior dance Haka. The haka, in two minutes makes you fearless, very confident, feeling strong, rooted, and assertive and ready to fight but not aggressive. It is very qigong like in that it is quite easy to feel some obvious stimulation of meridians and energetics while doing it, especially from the eye movements. You can find lots of it on youtube and I am sure there are DVDs.
  22. Getting rid of stress

    Stress eraser and inner smile should be a very good combo. Or just deep belly breathing and inner smile.
  23. tummo and chi

    If you want to learn proper Tummo you can learn it from Tibetan Buddhists. Probably a Nyingma lineage is your best bet as they focus more on meditation as opposed to study. It varies how quickly they will teach it to you but in Oslo you will be doing tummo by the end of a year or so. THey probably won`t teach you unless you actually become a tibetan budhist and do all the preliminaries. Many traditions have versions of Tummo. Santiago has learn`t seven or so different versions and teaches it in KAP so that is a place were you can learn it without buying into a huge additional package and having to do loads of preparations. In KAP you will also learn otehr stuff that will become a complete balanced package. If you only do Tummo and not other stuff to balance it out then you are probably going to end up in a lot of trouble energetically. Learning to set things on fire is extremely rare if it is at all possible. Just learning to heat yourself so that you can sleep naked in the snow like Tibetan lamas takes a loooong time. I am not sure Tumoo eventually leads to being able to set things on fire or just generates internal heat but if it does then that takes a ridiculous amount of practice time to achieve. So even if you learn tummo from the tibetans or in KAP I wouldn`t expect more than eventually being able to keep yourself warm in the winter. Which by itself is cool and something I might add in extra meditation time to do just for fun. But it is still not a "supernatural" siddhi bending the laws of science. More just like tremendous control over bodily processes. Anyway learning to project chi to others for healing and to scan their aura and energybodies etc. is something that you will eventually learn in many or all systems eventually and can be developed fairly qucik within some. Many on this forum have those abilities. Do springforestqigong or KAP and you will after some time start to develop a modest ability to those two things. If you want more incredible siddhis than that then for the most part they are quite rare and it does not apear to me that many of the people seeking them in various magical systems or otehr systems geared to this purpose usually develop much of this despite the effort. The buddhist way of doing this, or at least a key budhist way of doing this, is to learn to master a deep concentration state called the fourth Jhana and then after coming out of it resolving for the ability to develop in you. According to budhist tradition most or all siddhis can be developed in this way and it is where the Buddha developed most of his. Geting instruction that will actually lead you to the fourth Jhana is readily available so I would say this is the most accessible way to develop siddhis that has some degree of "guarantee" involved. Better to listen to the Buddha then some guy on an astral travel forum that swears he developed so and so doing this and that meditation. THat said, the fourth Jhana is a VERY high attainment. It takes intense effort to reach for most and some probably do not have it in them to develop that level of concentration. I asked my teacher how much I needed to practice to achieve it and he said four hours a day for about a year if I can put most distractions in my personal life aside was a reasonable GUESS. But I am unusually sensitive to energy and have an easier time then most in concentrating in meditation and would have weekly follow up by an instructor who knows how to do it. Also Daniel Ingram argues that for most people it is quicker to get stream entry, which is the first level of enlightenment, and then develop the fourth jhana then to develop the fourth jhana and then reach stream entry because stream entry makes the jhanas so much easier to access. The Jhanas are described as being so blissfull, delightfull, restfull and fun and stream entry gives a level of happiness and freedom that is independent of conditions that once you get going in the pursuit siddhis would in most cases probably take a back seat as the fun and rush of siddhis for most can not compare to what you get from jahans and stream entry. In addition developing siddhis is in many traditions said to lead to temptations that can corrupt you and to lead to moral dilemmas and confusing states that can be way too much for even well balanced people. Read Daniel Ingrams chapter on this in mastering the core teachings of the buddha (free on his webpage) as he describes very well how confusing having all those abilities might be and how hopeless some of the moral dilemas you will bring upon yourself would be.
  24. tummo and chi

    In general I tend to recommend matches.
  25. meditation and alzheimers

    I have seen some stuff about memory in old age and meditation that showed a very good effect. I have also seen lots of research on beneficial effects of meditation on the brain that would indicate that it would also prevent alzheimer although this research did not look directly at that issue. Also I read a book buy this guy: that had a lot of info about memory loss and meditation, A study he conducted showed very good effect. Personally I think meditation alone more or less completely removes the posibility. If qigong is inlcluded as well I think you can be 99% sure it won`t happen. I have also asked myself what would happen to enlightened alzheimer people or what would happen if htey got serious brain injury or just did a ton of LSD.