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Everything posted by markern

  1. Bigu

  2. jade woman qigong

    Are you studying to become a herbalist and or healer or is this more of a hobby. About what you say about one on one interaction with teachers. I studied in England were they, at oxford cambridge LSE and such universitites at least, have weekly one on one contact with the teacher where the teacher picks your weekly essay apart and you can talk about anything else you want. Especially at oxford and cambridge this relationship is very close. In addition they usually have what is called a personal tutor at a lot of these schools to oversee the work you do and the time you have there. Before it was called moral tutor (at oxbridge it still is ) because they were suposed to be your moral teachers and make sure you were not sneaking in to the girls hall at night and such stuff but now the function has evolved. This does not always work very well as the teachers usualy hate this stuff and I almost never saw mine but my regular teachers I had very close contact with. Not all british universities have such close follow up though so you would have to do your research about it to know for sure. Some of the american uniersities have a follow up that is just as intense but is differently organised. If you check arround you should find a couple that gives you what you need.
  3. Heart Rhythm meditation?

    This seems like more or less the same thing as what will happen with cranio sacral therapy that follows the scoial engagement protocol. In which case I will strongly recomend again that you try that treatment NON. Anyway it is very good and will help you quite a bit for sure. I have sometimes thought that since the pulse acording to eastern thought reflects your state of health perfectly through various patterns not known about in western science it would be possible to create an incredibly powerfull biofeedback meditation that iams for getting your pulse pattern to get in line with what should reflect perfect pulse acording to TCM and thus probably changing what is happening in the body acordingly. If you are to do this yourself you could learn somehow how to feel all the different qualities an eastern doctor listens for and then try to softly change it but that would be very hard and only for advanced practioners. With some sort of biofeedback and getting everything shown on a monitor or something it could possibly be done by a beginner.
  4. TCM question

    What you describe is very similar to what mindfulness will do to anxiety. At first it will come and you will almost feel it as before but then it will just flow through your system much earlier because mindfulness cuts away the resistance to what is happening which then blocks the anxiety and makes it stuck. When this is done enough times the anxiety should then more or less stop coming. If you feel boring an not very charismatic then this might be perfect for you: It is a very nice form of pickup. Natural, free flowing positive and based on good conversation skills. Regardless of energy levels it will make you charismatic and not boring.
  5. jade woman qigong

    I have been wondering a bit about this with training with many different teachers. It seems to me that if you do something like stilness movement you should have no problem filling 3-4 hours of your day with practices by doing it thorougly. Same things holds for something like KAP which, although it does not require much time necesarily, could well be done more intensly and also has so many practices in it if you want to do it all that you could fill your entire day with it. I am a bit uncertain if there is benefit in then going to train with soemone else and learning more practices and then just having exactly "enough" time for each practice instead of doing more of the ones you have got. I can certainly understand the need for learning more from others if you have not yet found something that feels right for you or is powerfull enough. I can also see that even if you have found a very good main system you are happy with then it might be beneficial to find smaler add ons to do very specific things, something particualry for women or men or for a certain issue you have or something you feel needs extra focus, but I dont realy understand the benefit of cross training with 5 or 6 different high level masters that you all think has excellent systems. Personally I am absolutely in a browsing faze were I dont have a particualr system and I could change all my practices tomorow if I learnt something that realy fits and I am adjusting practices quite often attempting to find what is right and a lot of what I do right know and plan to do in the near future are stuff that seems like good things to get basics in order but eventually I would like to settle in a powerfull system. What I want to do is do vipassana and back that up with a more energeticly based system of meditation and possibly do other very specific and short qigongs for tailored needs. Say that I end up with such a combo that fits me well, would it then still be to my benefit to go cross train with Darmais Jarboux, Effie Chong and Wang Lipin? I am really asking not critiqing as there seems to be a lot of very acomplished people that have done this and benefitted from it I just would find it a bit overwhelming myself.
  6. jade woman qigong

    Dr yan Wang is pretty awesome. She has been world champion on tai chi 6 times, is also a kung fu master, and is one of chinas foremost medical qigong experts. She has some very good medical qigong for specific issues relating to women. She also teaches general qigong for daily pracitce but I do not think she realy teaches real advanced alhcemical stuff to anyone but select individuals she encounters. Saida I think is good for sexual stuff, she has a very specific focus on women and has written a book on taoist and tantric female sexuality: She teaches some workshops on sexuality together with my meditation teacher viggo johansen. He is the wisest man I have ever met and if you are interested in Vipassana, mindfulness and Dzogchen and the relationship between psychology and spirituality, which is his main thing, then I could not think of anyone better. He is also a therapist and I have sent a bunch of people to him and and they are all equally impressed. He laso teaches some qigong but mainly healing Tao stuff (he teaches it waaaaaaay better than I was taught in Tao Garden), primoridal qigong and some great stuff he got from doctor wang. He also knows a bunch of tibetan stuff after having been in that system for many years and having been a monk in the tibetan tradition for four years.
  7. Heart orgasm

    I read an article about brainscans of monk which supposedly showed all his brain activity reducing to a blue dot in the center of his head which is kinda what he said would happen himself talking about a blue pearl or something in the middle of his head which fascinated the author. I don't see however how a brainscan can show colours of what happens in the brain.
  8. TCM question

    I know very little about the TCM aspects of it but I have read many times that the kidneys relate to anxiety and fear but that the lungs also have a role in anxiety (the lungs are also involved with confidence and depression). The spleen is connected to worry and thinking to much. The solar plexus center a lot connected to self esteem and self worth. Belly breathing and mindfulness of the breath is very good for anxiety and often the only cure needed. The breath rules anxiety. By perfecting it through belly breathing anxiety should be reduced a lot and through mindfully meditating on the free and uncontrolled flow of the breath you free it up further and learn how to be mindfull with whatever sensations there are. When anxiety comes you try to be mindful of it in the same way. Aceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness based cognitive therapy are two new styles of therapy that have shown much more promising results in treating anxiety than any other therapies. You can find a very good book and aceptance and commitment therapy on amazon (the mindfulness and aceptance workbook for anxiety). This line of therapy is inspired by both budhist mindfulness practice and western cognitive therapy (also an efficient treatment by the way). These therapies will support your spiritual practice and be supported by it because they are based on meditation and the psychology of meditation and non-atatchment. Acupuncture can help somewhat and I belive there are some quite good herbs for this, certainly for strengthening the kidneys. I am pretty sure all kidney practices are not created equal when it comes to what aspects of the kidneys are helped. I do one footslapping technique for the kidneys and that certainly energizes them but forward bends calm them and as such do much more for anxious feelings. The kidney sound is good chhoooooooooooooo, also the lung sound ssssssssssssss and the spleen sound wwhoooooooooo (listen to them on youtube). Any sort of practice that makes the body properly aligned is very good for anxiety although this is slow work and hence a slow cure. 12 sessions (its a standard series for the spine) of cranio sacral therapy will realy make your spine head and sacrum properly aligned and should calm you A LOT in addition to disolving trauma. IF you find someone who works acording to the anatomy trains principle and what is called the social engagement protocol they should be particulary good at balancing your fight or flight responce henced removing unnecessary anxiety. The inner smile and or the secret smile could also be perfect meditations for you. T e secret smile makes you calm, confident, happy, loving and blissful, removes blockages in the meridians quickly, balances your hormonal system and prepares you for raising kundalini much more smoothly. You can find instructions if you search for the secret smile at thetaobums. Grounding and rooting should also be good for anxiety. Anxiety puls your energy up and disconects you from the ground. Rooting of course counteracts that and makes you feel very safe and powerful. The book unwinding the belly could also be good for you because it helps disolve tensions in the stomach. Best of luck.
  9. Why do masters keep secrets?

    Norway I belive has a very high percentage of gun owners. A ridiculous amount of people have hunting rifles and AG3 the, armies standard machine gun, are found, I belive, in several hundred thousand homes. We still have on of the lowest rates of murder anywhere in the world. Canada also has abount as much guns as the US and a low number of murders. I still belive in limiting access though. There would be less muders if access was less and there are no important reasons for guns to be very easily accesible although I do not belive in banning them (except perhaps in the US where you don't seem able to handle them at all).
  10. What is so "special" about full lotus?

    My gut feeling is that there are extreemly few of those wondering sadhus that have any kind of realisation. I ams ure many of them have deep concentration states but had they had effective tools they would not bother doing all the crazy stuff. With the amount of practice time they put in there is no way they would not have had some level of real realization had they done vipassana with good instructions or done KAP 12 hours a day for 15 years. Besides a lot of them are actually criminlas that become sadhus so not to be recognized or if they are recognized the police dont want to arrest them because they are holy menn. A bunch of indians talked to me about that and I read about it in Indian newspapers. I have actually always thought I would run of to some smal monastary or a cave in the himalayas if I ever needed to escape the law.
  11. Spiritual jobs?

    I fyou get certified as a teacher of qigong, yoga or meditation or tai chi or another suitable martial artyou get to do quite a bit of cultivating while you are getting paid quite well to teach. You should easily make more than the amount you mentioned and free up time and get the worth of a couple of hours or more of solo practice if you work 9-4 with it. If you become a mindfulness instructor everyday you can get like 5 hours of meditation although with lots of interauptions with talking and guiding but still lots of stretches of 20 min at least without saying a word.
  12. What is so "special" about full lotus?

    There is a certain.. uhm...consistency in the visuals in your avatar and posting space The dancing asses are hilarious
  13. Heart orgasm

    Care to elaborate even further? I find what you are saying about the vagus nerve and gonad palace and that stuff very interesting and would like to know more but I am not quite sure what to ask for other then...more about it:)
  14. the internal climax

    How you explored her a-spot also? It is even more fun than the g-spot for many women and is one heck of an instant lubricator. It is much furhter in close to the cervix and there are actually two, one on each side of the vagina. If you google David Shade and the deep spot you will find an excellent description. He also has youtube videos with more visual stuff. There are also specific a-spot stimulators. I think maybe it is called the a-spot wand, cant remember. By the way I am taking a course on sex in two months time and they claim both male g-spot and a-spot orgasms. Maybe they use both those terms to describe the male prostate but I am hoping they have uncovered a completely different thing. I will of course post that if that is what they indeed have done.
  15. Heart orgasm

    On a side note, I have been noticing the last half a year to a year that energy exchanges are going on between me and women arround me at times although I do nothing to set this of. Especially if I am getting a massag or something I have noticed this. Cool energy seems to go from the girl to me and hot from me to her. It feels very balancing. When I first discovered this was going on I realised it had been going on for some time without me noticing it. I think this is very weak as my energy is not strong at all and I belive my powers of energy projection are close to zero, or at least people would not be able to feel this. Maybe sensitive could possibly pick up on it? Anyway, this happens almost exclusively with young women.
  16. Retention and Neediness

    Bruce kumar frantsis has excellent material on belly breathing. Check it up on amazon. I think this riding the wave strategy sounds good. Try to get your girlfriend to have sex with you Karezza style a few times as an experiment and see whrere that takes you. I think as long as you retain semen and have sex there will always be the possibility of harm in the form of building up too much hot energy and all that styff mentioned but the danger is less with the aproach you are now taken and I think less and less the more you find the more spiritual orgasm that I believe often comes easier with Karezza and aneros for most people. A thing to consider might be to build up the length of your retention periods slowly. 4 days between each time you come for some time then six or something for a while etc. My meditation teacher which has had tremendous success with retention and gotten the results exactly like they are mentioned in the books suggested this. That way you can have more time to adjust to the new energy levels and sense the difference between different lenghts of retention periods and more easily see what is right for you.
  17. the internal climax

    I think the aproach you have used, the aneros and the key sound, will work better for most people than the pc muscle stuff. Better and safer and easier and more yin.
  18. Heart orgasm

    ooops double post
  19. Heart orgasm

    I would stay far away from Cohen. He has a really bad repution and even his mother claims he manipulates his students and is basicly a sociopath. At least do your research very well first.
  20. Spiritual jobs?

    Teach a very basic intro course to meditation focusing on mindfulness of the breath etc. If you add in something else add in something that is a simple thing that gives alot but does not put you on any sort of alchemical path with need for further ionstructiona nd something that can be a great side meditation within any system such as inner smiel or secret smile. Maybe teach alternate nostril breathing or something like that. Then give people an overview of how to proceed if they want to go further and how they need an advanced teacher for that etc. but that simple breath based meditation can be done for reasonable amounts of time without regular overview of a teacher. While you teach this you can wrk on getting certified in something. If you do yoga the yogaworks teacher training is very good and takes a month full time or can be taken over a bunch of weekends. Jenny arthur is a wonderfull teacher (and HOT) so I recomend her. Mindfulness based stress reduction has a teacher training for mindfulness courses.
  21. Heart orgasm

    When I was trying to achieve multiple Os a few years ago i felt like that when it built up to the point of no return I could have three choices. I could go forward and explode outward, I could just lower myself down in arousal level or I could sink myself deeper into the sensation. When I managed to do the third one it would feel sort of like imploding instead of exploding and I would try to reinforce that sense of implotion and that seemed to work somewhat. This seems similar to your inward vs outward distinction. Maybe the image of imploding can help you.