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Everything posted by markern

  1. Retention and Neediness

    Jeeeeezes get in touch with reality will yah. Compare the track record of how many people get problems with Chias system with how many people get problems with other systems. AYP for example has a soooooooo much better track record of bringing powerfull results with very few problems. Compare Chia with KAP. KAP is much more powerfull and much, much, much safer. A bunch of former Chia students are now practicing these exact systems with so much better results and also complete beginners are getting so much better results. I belive the same holds very much true for stillness movement as well. And even Kunlun seems much safer. Doing Vipassana combined with some basic qigong will also have a waaay much higher chance of actually getting you enlightened and is much safer. You said somewhere that you considered Mantaks systme not just the best but SAFEST available in the west. How on earth can you see Chias system as safer than B.K. Francis? It is just so obivuoslu much more safe and his instructions are filled with the advice not emphasised enough in chias books. Francis actually gets the point across about safety so that poeple take it seriously. I am not saying the universal tao system can not be done well or does not lead to enlightenement or does not have many great practices but I think it has many flaws in the way Chia teaches it and I have never seen any other system so consistently critiqued for the exact same things time and time again. Michael Winn has made a lot of changes for this very reason and so has a bunch of other teachers of the system. One of Winns changes is adding a bunch of good preliminary qigong another is only teaching the sexual practices after fusion to balance out emotions before charging you with sexual energy that reinforces whatever state you are in. Winn has a huge amount of experience teaching this and has seen the large number of people that get in trouble if you do not make those changes. Another one is the practice of sending the pearl out of the head. Acording to Winn a large number of practioners got completlly fucked up for years after doing that acording to Mantaks instructions. And then there is Iron shirt which also has created shitloads of trouble for a lot of people. And the opening of the orbit that is done so much better and more naturally by many others I took the general basic retreat and Chia did not teach that content with anywhere near satisfactory cautionary advice. I also think the system relies way too much on visualisation and doing and has virtually no emphasis on sitting in stilness and letting things happen by themselves. At my retreat there was not a singel mention of mindfulness or anything that cloesly resembels it. Everything was about aproaching this stuff like an enginer, cleaning out unwholesome stuff by active doing. JUst that one missing piece, mindfulness, is probably resposnible for a shitload of trouble with this system. I am not really sure a system can be called spiritual without mindfullness as a central part if not THE central part. And the word mindfulness is irelevant I am talking about the content. I am also suspecting that this makes the system much less effective when you are actually getting close to enlightenement with it because that is when only aceptance of what is and surrender can get you further and that is so unbelivably poorly taught, if at all?, by Chia. Many other systems such as ayp, KAP and stilness movement do a lot better even though their students are not magically better prepared. Their students are just better THAUGHT. By the way I practice healing sounds myself and love the inner smile and actually want to practice fusion at some point because I believe it is superb for balancing me emotionaly but I want to learn it in a simpler manner as taught by some of his students and I want to either have my orbit open by itself or use someone elses methods of opening it. Chia actually had me trying to open it on the general basic retreat whcih in my case would have been a guarantee of frying my head as I would have quickly gotten a hang of getting energy up but my front was really blocked. Luckily I stopped with those atempts. As for democracy in a politacal context, compare the track record over time of democracies with the track records of dictatorship on absolutely any measure you want and democracies have done better by such unbelivably huge margin you have to be retarded to have a general faith in dictatorships as oposed to democracies. Sure in a few instances for a shorter period of time in very specific context a dictatorship has been better for a country because they were lucky enough to get the one dictator out of a hundred that did not ONLY fill his own pockets and wreck havoc. This is such a rare occurence and impossible to predict so I acnt see why one would bother with the thought. Without checks and balances almost everyone becomes corupt or at least very abusive eventually. Consider also the fact that democracies have more or less not fought each other in wars.
  2. Heart orgasm

    Hmmm, this is two or three years ago so kinda blurry. In contrast to what I normaly feel in the genitals I would say much more passive yes, a lot of heart flavour to it which felt so much nicer than regular orgasms, kinda more exctacy than my normal genital stuff.
  3. Heart orgasm

    I am a man and I have almost had heart chest and throat orgasms. By almost I mean that these areas started throbing and pulsing like the genitals do during orgasm and that similar but slightly different (better actually) sensations spread from these areas and out towards the rest of the body. I had a lot of this throbing but I could not quite let go and let the copntractions take of by themselves thus making it a proper orgasm. With some practice I think I can have these easily in the future but my body and energetics is so messed up I have some work to do before I bother to play with this and before I think I can be successfull at it.
  4. the internal climax

    Well, I don't know about pill form but there is an excellent way to get it naturally and that is through touch therapy. It is kind of similar to massage but much, much lighter and slower and it follows a very repetetive pattern and mainly focuses on stimulating skin rather than muscle. This is suposed to maximmize the production of oxytocin. I have had this and I would say it gave me at least twenty times as much oxytocin as a regular massage would do. Probably one of the best and simplest body therapies there is. I am pretty sure that one or two of these a week has a stronger effect on the psyche than antidepressants. I am not sure what this therapy is called in english, maybe touch therapy or tactile stimulation. If you live in a city of a certain size it should be possible to dig this stuff up. Another alternative is to do more or less the same to yourself. Very slow loving touch focusing on sensation in the skin rather than muscle, almost like cuddling with yourself. The result is pretty much the same, free and can be done everyday. I gave you the tip about in another thread and I will reply thourougly to that later but I will say that this method has nothing in common with the cocky funny stuff you tried from sosuave and it does not require any sort of arrogance or any sort of the not so nice methods of some styles of pickup. It is a very nice method focused on genuinly connecting with people. It is also superb for more general social and conversation skills and not just pickup so in terms of teaching you the basics of social interaction (and the advanced stuff as well actually). All of the coaches (especially Timmy) are also good at teaching you about body language and non verbal communication. The fact that you had some success in getting attraction from women with the ckcky funny stuff is very promising. It means that you are actually much closer to where you want to be. You would not have stood a chance to get anywhere close to getting any sort of attraction had you been totally lost in terms of social skills. There has got to be a lot of good instincts for social interaction right belove the surface in you, otherwise as I said you would only have been blown out quickly by all the girls you talked to.
  5. Sustainable Stalinism=not sending so many people to labour prisions in Siberia each year that the poppulation eventually dies out.
  6. the internal climax

    I am postin this in this thread as well as it is relevant here also: I have very little experience with these things, I have not mastered retention at all and I am not going to go back to trying untill I ahve sorted out a lot of other stuff but I have some thoughts based on the little experience I have combined with reading and talking to peopel: Read these. Lots of good advice and the karezza site puts things into perspective. In karezza they achieve a form of multiples through just relaxing and staying at a proper distance from the point of noreturn. I think that most people go to 9,9 and then squeze. In Karezza they more or less go to 9,5 and surf arround that terrirory constantly and sink deeper and deeper into it. Just relaxation, slow brething and proper distance, no technique. This might not feel like much in the bgining. Most guys want to have more of the type of orgasm tehy are used to, explosive. Instead they should realy sink into the sensations that are very close to orgasm but are furhter away than where they are now clenching. It is when you sink into this and mindfully accept and go into this state that the you get a shift in energy and it naturaly becomes more upward flowing and "spiritual"/ At first this place feels a little bit to tame and not what you want to multiply but this is were if you relax and sink into it it will slowly start to expand a lot. I think lots of beely breathing is key to mastering this. The better you are at it a nd the more relaxed you are and the more you can control your chi the more you can manage this while having quicker paced sex. The more fast paced and excited type of sex produces a different energy which probably has a lot more dopamine in it than the karezza orgasm. In all likelyhood that is a huge part of the explanation for why people get trouble integrating the energy from retention. THe Karezza theory is that orgasm with a partner creates both dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamin is realted to excitement and oxytocin to love and bonding. Dopamine actually kills oxytocint o some extent so that the afterglow with cuddling which is braught on by loads of oxytocin after orgasms only lasts about 10 min untill the dopamine from orgasm gets arround to killing it. According to the karezza people when they forsake conventional orgasm this afterglow lasts for hours and days which probably means that there is much less dopamine in this type of valey orgasm thatn in the conventional orgasms. Those who practice this kind of sex descirbe it as harmonizing on the individual and bonding in its results for the couple (because the serotonin dopamine balance is changed). THey also say that people who have read Chias books and now experience multiples of a conventional kind say that they feel a huge shift it they change to karezza style and that the conventional multiples made them overexcited and unbalanced whereas these orgasms make them balanced and satvic. This is probably because of a combination of the level of relaxation during sex AND the closeness to the point of return. Those who are very high level probably experience a lot more of this naturally because their levels of relaxation makes them very relaxed even when they are having quite vigorous sex and because thir breathing and orbits naturaly bring the energy upwards so that there is little point in going to 9,9 and squezing like a madman. There is also a big difference in taking energy from the lower centers and throwing it up in the body and letting it flow like a nutrual river and actually blend and transform at each energy point on the way up. The feeling I get from most descriptions of beginers pulling energy up is that they just end up having the same energy as int the gentials in the heart and head area and this feels overcooked and out of place for them. Probably in this instance the energy from low down is just close to the higher energies but neither blended with them nore transformed into them. On Trunks site there is mention of a tecnique where energy from the heart is pulled down to the sexual center and vice cersa. This is said to balance out a lot of the problems with retention, cooling people of and refining the energy. I have tried it sometimes and can definitively see that this should work. The inner smile I have also been told can do a similar job of balancing out the sexual energy all over the body because it sends heart energy to every cell. So if you do the inner smiel and also add the intension of blending the smiling energy with the sexual energy it encounters a lot of cooling and refinment is done by just that. Two teachers of taoist sex and tantra I have a lot of respect for both told me that ultimately it is the energy of the heart that balances out the sexual energy so that it can be integrated well. Various methods can do that or it can happen by itself. THis is very interesting when seen together with the information from Karezza. oxytocin is a heart and love hormone. WHat makes the karezza apraoch work is probably reducing a certain type of lower level excitement that amps dopamine and a relaxation that lets eenrgy flow up and blend with the heart and higher centers thus producing more oxyctocin. Also the karezza style is very heartcentered and "cuddly" thus producing even more oxytocin. THis also provides a possible partial explanation for the difference between solo sex and dual cultivation. Not much heart involved in jacking of usually but with a partner you love lots of heart energy produced by itself and thus more balanced. Not just exchange of yin and yang but production of loving feelings within yourself. THis shoudl also relate a lot to what biff said about being in a giving mindset. Santi aslo has said something about doing it with someone you really love makes a lot of the alchemy automatic. So to sum up what you want is multiple orgasms that happen more or less by itself, through gentle intent or through breathing or all of these. You also want the orgasms to be of a different nature than what you are used to, you want one or more streaming seamingly endless valey orgasms not a bunch of peak orgasms. If you are having the same orgasms as before only bigger and more of them you are doing something wrong. When you are having really long sessions you should be left with the feelin gof having had a more spritual and more loving experience. You should feel both more harmonized and more cuddly a long time afterwards. THe realtionship should become more steady and there should naturally be more toucing etc. Otherwise soemthing is probably wrong with the oxytocin and dopamine balance in tyour orgasms. The heart energy is what harmonises most of this. A lot of what is not harmonised through the sex itself can be harmonised by blending heart and sexual energy directly and throught the inner smile. Testicle breating can be a good cool of. Remember that energy is suposed to blend and transform when it moves not just be out of place. How do you get this to happen by itself and how do you have the right orgasms? As mentioned i think lots and lots of belly breathing is key, absolute key. Another very good option is of course to have a lot of karezza style sex. The pace and aproach makes this happen spontainiuosly. Once this has started to happen during such sessions you will be able to manage it more and more in sessions that are more vigorous. The more you cultivate with meditation chi gong etc. the easier it is to expand the more vigorous sex. I dont remember if the parasymphatic ore the sympathetic nervous system or whetever they are claaed control the realxed and passive or the actice functions in the body but my gues is that you either want to have a slight dominance of the relaxed system or you want perfect balance in order both for having the right orgasms and for being able to having multiples effortlessly. Anotehr option is the aneros. The aneros helps men get multiples analy without even touching the penis and without any technique. Beyond ptting it in contra=cting a bit to get it going and relax and breathe lax and breathe. THe great thing about it is that it can not be forced no matter what you do. Only relaxation and breathing will make it happen. So this teaches you to do it right. Many who use the aneros experience that using it makes it much easier to have multiples during normal lovemaking as new neural pathways has been made. When you are solcultivating it is actually possible to bring in a lot more love and heart energy. Sex teachers Annie Sprinkle and Joseph Kramer suggest masturbating in ways where you REALLy make love TO yourself with lots of caressing etc. to get the heart going and spredaing the energy. Also afterwards having a relaxing yin face where you let the energy circualte by itself and nurture the rest of the body is also good. You can also at this point do blending with the heart,inner smile and maybe some testicle breathing. Dr lins technique using the tailbone muslce is agreed upon to be much better and less forcefull than Chias so use that in stead if you can. The sexual energy amplifies emotions a lot so it is very important to having your emotions in check. The secret smile is superb for this and very very effective and it also cleanses channels very well and such is great in this context. It also spreads love and happiness all over your body and so should help in doing some of the blending as well. Maybe because secret smile also blends in orgasmic energy with the emotions it has some sort of extra harmonising effect on the sexual energy? At the karezza site there is an article about neo taoism that I find interesting. It contrast the style of retention practied by people who has read chia and contrast this with descriptions by Lao Tsu. THe way Lao Tsu describes sex with mulitples is extreemly similar to karezza and so much more yin, "water path" or whatever you want to call it. Actually I thinkt hat it is not so much relaxation as mindfulness that makes it easier to achieve multiples and that transforms the energy itno more beneficial more spiritual and loving energy. When I was experimenting with this I saw that there is a desperate craving for release when you get close to the point of no return. This craving itself create a lot of what made the ejaculation start. Relaxing helped but what realy did it was midnfully acepting what I was feeling. When I did that I go away from the point of no return AND I got a lot MORE arroused and orgasmic at that instant. I think when the karezza people surf at 9,5 instead of 9,9 and sinc deeper into that this is what happens for them also even if they do not use the word midnfulness. Relaxation makes mindfulness happen a lot by itself but there is still a big difference between the two. Also I felt that the midnfulness naturally made the energy go upwards in the centers and, extreemly importantly, TRansformed the energy as it was going upwards with zero concios effort. This was the exact opposite of my experience trying to push energy upwards with the orbit which amounted more to sending sexual eenrgy up the bully the upper centers because no tranfsormation ocured since I did it forcefully. I actually believe that mindfulness meditation is a much more important practice to have success with rention both in terms of having the mulitples but also having hte right orgasms. Another point to have in mind is that you are moving towards more bliss. When you are having orgasms of the conventional kind these are expansive and outward reaching and explosive and hot. If you go to 9,9 and contract you get more of these. But you want to do more of what I have described instead and when you do the orgasms should start feeling more and more subtle, the shoudl get a hgiher vibration after while and should get closer to meditative oceanic lbiss than what people think about if you ask them to think about a really powerfull orgasm. An important thing to note is that the karezza principles aply to women also in order to have the correct type of orgasm. Even women usually or often have a style of orgasm that might by quite wavelike but is till often too expansive and hot.
  7. Retention and Neediness

    I have very little experience with these things, I have not mastered retention at all and I am not going to go back to trying untill I ahve sorted out a lot of other stuff but I have some thoughts based on the little experience I have combined with reading and talking to peopel: Read these. Lots of good advice and the karezza site puts things into perspective. In karezza they achieve a form of multiples through just relaxing and staying at a proper distance from the point of noreturn. I think that most people go to 9,9 and then squeze. In Karezza they more or less go to 9,5 and surf arround that terrirory constantly and sink deeper and deeper into it. Just relaxation, slow brething and proper distance, no technique. This might not feel like much in the bgining. Most guys want to have more of the type of orgasm tehy are used to, explosive. Instead they should realy sink into the sensations that are very close to orgasm but are furhter away than where they are now clenching. It is when you sink into this and mindfully accept and go into this state that the you get a shift in energy and it naturaly becomes more upward flowing and "spiritual"/ At first this place feels a little bit to tame and not what you want to multiply but this is were if you relax and sink into it it will slowly start to expand a lot. I think lots of beely breathing is key to mastering this. The better you are at it a nd the more relaxed you are and the more you can control your chi the more you can manage this while having quicker paced sex. The more fast paced and excited type of sex produces a different energy which probably has a lot more dopamine in it than the karezza orgasm. In all likelyhood that is a huge part of the explanation for why people get trouble integrating the energy from retention. THe Karezza theory is that orgasm with a partner creates both dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamin is realted to excitement and oxytocin to love and bonding. Dopamine actually kills oxytocint o some extent so that the afterglow with cuddling which is braught on by loads of oxytocin after orgasms only lasts about 10 min untill the dopamine from orgasm gets arround to killing it. According to the karezza people when they forsake conventional orgasm this afterglow lasts for hours and days which probably means that there is much less dopamine in this type of valey orgasm thatn in the conventional orgasms. Those who practice this kind of sex descirbe it as harmonizing on the individual and bonding in its results for the couple (because the serotonin dopamine balance is changed). THey also say that people who have read Chias books and now experience multiples of a conventional kind say that they feel a huge shift it they change to karezza style and that the conventional multiples made them overexcited and unbalanced whereas these orgasms make them balanced and satvic. This is probably because of a combination of the level of relaxation during sex AND the closeness to the point of return. Those who are very high level probably experience a lot more of this naturally because their levels of relaxation makes them very relaxed even when they are having quite vigorous sex and because thir breathing and orbits naturaly bring the energy upwards so that there is little point in going to 9,9 and squezing like a madman. There is also a big difference in taking energy from the lower centers and throwing it up in the body and letting it flow like a nutrual river and actually blend and transform at each energy point on the way up. The feeling I get from most descriptions of beginers pulling energy up is that they just end up having the same energy as int the gentials in the heart and head area and this feels overcooked and out of place for them. Probably in this instance the energy from low down is just close to the higher energies but neither blended with them nore transformed into them. On Trunks site there is mention of a tecnique where energy from the heart is pulled down to the sexual center and vice cersa. This is said to balance out a lot of the problems with retention, cooling people of and refining the energy. I have tried it sometimes and can definitively see that this should work. The inner smile I have also been told can do a similar job of balancing out the sexual energy all over the body because it sends heart energy to every cell. So if you do the inner smiel and also add the intension of blending the smiling energy with the sexual energy it encounters a lot of cooling and refinment is done by just that. Two teachers of taoist sex and tantra I have a lot of respect for both told me that ultimately it is the energy of the heart that balances out the sexual energy so that it can be integrated well. Various methods can do that or it can happen by itself. THis is very interesting when seen together with the information from Karezza. oxytocin is a heart and love hormone. WHat makes the karezza apraoch work is probably reducing a certain type of lower level excitement that amps dopamine and a relaxation that lets eenrgy flow up and blend with the heart and higher centers thus producing more oxyctocin. Also the karezza style is very heartcentered and "cuddly" thus producing even more oxytocin. THis also provides a possible partial explanation for the difference between solo sex and dual cultivation. Not much heart involved in jacking of usually but with a partner you love lots of heart energy produced by itself and thus more balanced. Not just exchange of yin and yang but production of loving feelings within yourself. THis shoudl also relate a lot to what biff said about being in a giving mindset. Santi aslo has said something about doing it with someone you really love makes a lot of the alchemy automatic. So to sum up what you want is multiple orgasms that happen more or less by itself, through gentle intent or through breathing or all of these. You also want the orgasms to be of a different nature than what you are used to, you want one or more streaming seamingly endless valey orgasms not a bunch of peak orgasms. If you are having the same orgasms as before only bigger and more of them you are doing something wrong. When you are having really long sessions you should be left with the feelin gof having had a more spritual and more loving experience. You should feel both more harmonized and more cuddly a long time afterwards. THe realtionship should become more steady and there should naturally be more toucing etc. Otherwise soemthing is probably wrong with the oxytocin and dopamine balance in tyour orgasms. The heart energy is what harmonises most of this. A lot of what is not harmonised through the sex itself can be harmonised by blending heart and sexual energy directly and throught the inner smile. Testicle breating can be a good cool of. Remember that energy is suposed to blend and transform when it moves not just be out of place. How do you get this to happen by itself and how do you have the right orgasms? As mentioned i think lots and lots of belly breathing is key, absolute key. Another very good option is of course to have a lot of karezza style sex. The pace and aproach makes this happen spontainiuosly. Once this has started to happen during such sessions you will be able to manage it more and more in sessions that are more vigorous. The more you cultivate with meditation chi gong etc. the easier it is to expand the more vigorous sex. I dont remember if the parasymphatic ore the sympathetic nervous system or whetever they are claaed control the realxed and passive or the actice functions in the body but my gues is that you either want to have a slight dominance of the relaxed system or you want perfect balance in order both for having the right orgasms and for being able to having multiples effortlessly. Anotehr option is the aneros. The aneros helps men get multiples analy without even touching the penis and without any technique. Beyond ptting it in contra=cting a bit to get it going and relax and breathe lax and breathe. THe great thing about it is that it can not be forced no matter what you do. Only relaxation and breathing will make it happen. So this teaches you to do it right. Many who use the aneros experience that using it makes it much easier to have multiples during normal lovemaking as new neural pathways has been made. When you are solcultivating it is actually possible to bring in a lot more love and heart energy. Sex teachers Annie Sprinkle and Joseph Kramer suggest masturbating in ways where you REALLy make love TO yourself with lots of caressing etc. to get the heart going and spredaing the energy. Also afterwards having a relaxing yin face where you let the energy circualte by itself and nurture the rest of the body is also good. You can also at this point do blending with the heart,inner smile and maybe some testicle breathing. Dr lins technique using the tailbone muslce is agreed upon to be much better and less forcefull than Chias so use that in stead if you can. The sexual energy amplifies emotions a lot so it is very important to having your emotions in check. The secret smile is superb for this and very very effective and it also cleanses channels very well and such is great in this context. It also spreads love and happiness all over your body and so should help in doing some of the blending as well. Maybe because secret smile also blends in orgasmic energy with the emotions it has some sort of extra harmonising effect on the sexual energy? At the karezza site there is an article about neo taoism that I find interesting. It contrast the style of retention practied by people who has read chia and contrast this with descriptions by Lao Tsu. THe way Lao Tsu describes sex with mulitples is extreemly similar to karezza and so much more yin, "water path" or whatever you want to call it. Actually I thinkt hat it is not so much relaxation as mindfulness that makes it easier to achieve multiples and that transforms the energy itno more beneficial more spiritual and loving energy. When I was experimenting with this I saw that there is a desperate craving for release when you get close to the point of no return. This craving itself create a lot of what made the ejaculation start. Relaxing helped but what realy did it was midnfully acepting what I was feeling. When I did that I go away from the point of no return AND I got a lot MORE arroused and orgasmic at that instant. I think when the karezza people surf at 9,5 instead of 9,9 and sinc deeper into that this is what happens for them also even if they do not use the word midnfulness. Relaxation makes mindfulness happen a lot by itself but there is still a big difference between the two. Also I felt that the midnfulness naturally made the energy go upwards in the centers and, extreemly importantly, TRansformed the energy as it was going upwards with zero concios effort. This was the exact opposite of my experience trying to push energy upwards with the orbit which amounted more to sending sexual eenrgy up the bully the upper centers because no tranfsormation ocured since I did it forcefully. I actually believe that mindfulness meditation is a much more important practice to have success with rention both in terms of having the mulitples but also having hte right orgasms. Another point to have in mind is that you are moving towards more bliss. When you are having orgasms of the conventional kind these are expansive and outward reaching and explosive and hot. If you go to 9,9 and contract you get more of these. But you want to do more of what I have described instead and when you do the orgasms should start feeling more and more subtle, the shoudl get a hgiher vibration after while and should get closer to meditative oceanic lbiss than what people think about if you ask them to think about a really powerfull orgasm. An important thing to note is that the karezza principles aply to women also in order to have the correct type of orgasm. Even women usually or often have a style of orgasm that might by quite wavelike but is till often too expansive and hot. And also by the way it seemed to me while I was experiementing witht hsi stuff that even if you use the pc muscle contractions you still do not need to contract hard as long as you relax. It felt like I was more successfull if I contracted only lightly but my intention was "strong" (do not want a power metaphore here. I do not mean strong as in any sort of tension but more like strong intention in the sense of a strong and clear intention to move energy during very relaxed qigong). Despite this it seemed like it helped that the muscle had been trained a lot and was strong to begin with although using the strength did not help. So I gues maybe this says something about that what matters is more your ability to conciously control the pc muscle not the strenght you aply when you control it. It is more about muscular consciousness than strenght.
  8. When I went to the gym and did weights two times a week before I was very happy with my upper body size and strength. Now that I do yoga or pilates 3-5 times a week my size has decreased a lot and I want to do something about it but going back to the gym is out of the question. What I want is to find a way to get back my size in a way that does not require that I leave my house (saves time) and that is more energeticly beneficial than just doing weights. Hindu push ups for example or something like that. Preferably something that takes a short time. What gave me my size before was doing biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders 3 times 10 of my maximum lifting capacity.
  9. mo pai n kunlun

    Thanks a lot:) And what a bunch of crap by the way
  10. mo pai n kunlun

    Anyone care to elaborate on this lost chakra if they know something? Sounds very interesting.
  11. Going to Tao Garden

    I am going to Tao Garden on Monday and I am staying for about 4 and a half weeks. I go because of burout and other problems that has ruinined my memory and as a consequence of that made me have to take a break from my studies. I also struggle a lot with being ungrounded and that prevents me from doing meditation and breathwork which are to two things I feel could most help me rest and rejuvenate myself. So the plan is to get lessons in tai chi two hours a day and by myself ground and do good energywork through primordial qigong and root through standing like a tree on my own and do lots of secret smile and otherwise just relaxe by the pool and do a few treatments. I have found this combo works well at home at grounding me, realeasing my breath and getting me my energy back. The point of going to tao garden is to be in a relaxing environment and get some lessons to do the tai chi well and much more intesive than at home. My question to you is if you have any opinions on the myriad of treatmetns offered at TAo Garden. Coupled with the bunrout and memory problems I have lost 95% of my sex drive and I have a lot of tension in the genital area so I am going to do a bunch of Karsai Nei Tsang massages (genital area) and to reales breath and fix organs do chi nei tsang. They also have a 10 day package for people that are burnt out so I guess I should do that although I am a bit sceptical about how much I can actually get out of detoxes and ozon treatments and the like. I did an ayurvedic detox this summer and did get a lot more bendy and less stiff from it but I did not feel uch of anything in terms of energy. I am considering the heart biofeedback thing. Through you are supposed to learn to relax by controling your heartbeat and that sounds realy cool and usefull. They also Have this thing that measures synchronisity between the hemispheres of the brain during practices and that also sounds awesome and perhaps also usefull. Other than that I don`t know much about the other treatments and I am generally sceptical as to wether there is much to them but I have a lot of time down there so if anyone has had very good results from some of this I might try it.
  12. Transmuting sexual energy and ...

    Hi Non, I feel for your situation. It can not be easy. There is, however, some really good methods that can help you out of it, completely. A combination of good cultivation, good therapy and some excellent tools for training social skills should over time help you resolve this. Since you have the dicipline already to practice and exercise quite a lot you will over time see very good results with your cultivation. The best therapies IMO are cognitive therapy, mindfulness based cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. Cognitive therapy is based on look at your thoughts and how they create problematic emotions and problematic behavious and rationaly and systematicly working on changing those thoughts into more usefull thoughts and that leads to more beneficial emotions and behavious. This line of therapy is very well researched and shows consistently good results if done. It is however important to find a therapist that actually works very methodologically with you, gives you homework and is systematic in his/her aproach. That is what makes this line of therapy work. Mindfulnes based cogntive therapy (MBCT) and aceptance and commitment therapy is almost the same as each other and uses mindfulness as inspired by budhist vipassana to learn to live with and to change your cognitions, emotions and behaviour. Both of these therapies have consistently showed better results than any otehr therapies in a lot of studies but there has not been enoguh studies with large enough sample sizes to say that it is scientificly certain that these are the most effective therapies but everything is poiting in this direction. These are also therapies that will suport your culitvation and be strongly supported by your cultivation. My meditation teacher whcih is also a therapist of cognitive therapy and MBCT says that this is the best self help book working with these sorts of therapies: I have recomended it to quite a few people that have had great success with it. As to gaining friends and being comfortable arround people there are actually much more that can be done to train these skills than most people think. I don`t know if you have heard of pick up artists but these are men who were absolutely terrible with women adn often people in general who then systematicly worked oput how to pick up women and gain social skills. A lot of the methodologies first used by these guys relied on using scripted lines and storries and an overtly analytical aproach to social relations. Since the begining this has changed a lot and most of them now teach methods that are much more based on gaining general social skills and being yourself but in a more confident and socially intelligent way. Several of these guys also now teach general conversational and social skills outside of dating contexts and focus on workshops for buisnisses and women. So although there are still methods out there I do not recomend there are now really wholesome methods as well. Does this actually work? most certainly. I have practiced some of this myself and I have followed a lot of peoples development on different forums devoted to this and I have met people who have trained with this and it really really works. It is perfectly possible to go from a 25 year old virgin without firends to having a huge soical network and getting a great girlfriend or bedding a hundred smoking hot chicks if that is what you want. I have seen it a bunch of times and if you work consistently at it you will get the results. Actually starting with no friends, no expereience with girls and social anxiety is, if not the norm, then at least very frequent with the learned pickup world. Many people on this forum has had good success with PUA stuff. Pietro has log somehwere I think about "taoist" pickup. (personal practice section somewhere) The method I highly recomend and that IMO is the best for achieving general social skills rather than just pickup skills is juggler method ( It focuses strongly on conversation. You never say anything rehearsed. You get very good at being arround people and getting to know and bond with them quickly. It has a very psoitive frame and it teaches you to boost other people not put them down. It is very focused on being genuine. It is also very simple. A lot of the basics has to do with talking from an I perpective in stead of a generalised perspective (also called god perspective) something which makes the conversation much more perosnal more quickly and creates more flow in the conversation, asking opened ended questions in stead of close ended questions (this leads to people talking more back to you and giving you much more info and detail about yourself and their opinions on something and makes you seem more genuinly interested in what they have to say, you also learn how to relate better to what people say by talking about stuff from your own perspective that relate to what they just said, you learn to get better at putting more info about yourself out there whihc leads to more rapport and lessens chances of conversations staling, you also learn how to "reward" people with compliments, attention and body language and tonality for opening up and for what you like about them. You learn a lot about looking for what good you find in a person and complimenting them on that in a good way that feels genuine to them. If you find you want to escalate things to something more sexual you learn how to do that well and they teach you how to flirt in a natural and good way. If you go to the forum at you can get a lot of suport from the people that hang out there and also from instructors for free. They are very nice people and know their stuff well. They also have some videos and stuff you can look at and books to read. This should be aenough to teach you what you need over the lon term but it is of course much more effective to take either the conversation camp (just about normal conversations and only lecture and role play), or bootcamp (you go out with instructors and other students during the day and nights for two days and learn to aproach and talk to and attract women) or you can have private lessons in person or lessons on skype or on the phone. The instrucotrs are really nice people. If you ask for help there I think it is very important that you make clear where you are at in terms of anxiety and social experience etc. so that they adapt their advice to your situation. My best advice is to start looking at the basics of conversation from Juggler ask for some help on the forum and every time you see someone with a dog start to pet the dog ask its name and try to have conversations with the owners. Old ladies with dogs are not scary to talk to but are still good practice. This way you get to practice conversational skills a lot in a very low pressure way. As you gain confidence and expereince with this you can advance to more talking with toerh strangers you meet througout the day, trying to get to now fellow styudents or people you train with better etc. For sleeping problems yoga nidra (get one form the bihar school of yoga og the Himmalayan institute otherwise it might just be pregressive relaxation only) is excellent. It relaxes you deeply and disperses your awareness evenly htroughout your whole body and gives you the feeling of your body being one unit. This will go a long way to get you in touch with your body and reducing your anxiety and mitigating health problems. Once you get into it yoga nidra also puts you in a state that more or less simulates the REM fase of sleep. This way it compensates very well for lack of sleep (more so than regular meditation) and I have used it successfully for this many times. It also sort of teaches you how to fall a sleep and how to sleep with quality. You also get a deep and relaxed concentration, train visualisation abilities, slowly free up the breath and more. I think for you right now this is the most important practice. If you couple this with belly breathing and five tibetans which I think is perfect for you then you have a great practice. If you add to this the secret smiel preferably or the inner smile or six healing sounds (or all of them if you have time and don`t feel like you are psuhing yourself too much) you also have a way to directly work on your mental health. Try the secret smile first because it is the most powerfull. Regular breath based meditation I think is also very good for you. I also believe you probably really need rooting. Standing like a tree/embracing the tree with focus on having roots deep into the eart for 10-15 minutes a day will do this for you. Anything else that works on bringing you into your body will help you a lot. Work on basics for a long time and don`t bother to conciously work on opening orbits and advanced stuff for a good time yet. If you have time and money I think Michale Lomax` (JA MU) stillness movment qigong could do you a world of good. You can learn the whole system in a workshop. Cranio sacral therapy, rolfing and myofocial integration are good body therpies that could help. The feldenkrais method is also great. Try to make a mix of practices therapy and training in being social that gives you slow steady results but do not over exert yourself. Give yourself time. By combing culitvation, good therapy and training in social interactions you will get what you want. I hope you stay in this forum as I believe you can get good help from many people here. Best of luck
  13. Going to Tao Garden

  14. Going to Tao Garden

    Yeah I am wary of that. I am actually not much of a belive in treatments per se. The chi nei tsang and karsai nei tsang I know works well because I have had them. I also have very good experiences with cranio sacral therapy and rolfing style treatments but otehr than that almost anything I have ever tried makes me fell a little better right then but has no long term therapeutic value. I do beleive detoxes can be good though.
  15. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    THis makes quite a lot of sense to me and offers an explanation why my pothead friend with a very classical dominant male personality has developed the siddhi of always feeling when he will be stopped by the police. With being so mucch of an intelectual and not very intune with either his emotions or energy body and having never been near any sort of cultivation he should not have this skill but consistently now for some years he gets a strong feeling hours in advance if the police will stopp him in traffic or something like that and so he does not smoke or bring pot and so stays out of jail.
  16. Kundalini, the spine, and back problems.

    I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I used to have quite a lot of pain and little mobility and got stiffer and stiffer. What changed it was doing more Iyengar yoga than other styles because it is so precise in its instructions and doing a lot of pilates. Pilates realy builds and structures the musles in the core and suporting the spine in a very good way. This took care of most of it. Doing myofacial integration and cranio sacral therapy also took care of a lot. During the summer I did a long ayurvedic detox coupled with daily Iyegar. I believe the detox gave me back a lot of my softnes and moveability. They also had some stuff built that one could ly on and get the spine strecthed while in a back bend. That was incredibly usefull for elongating the spine and creating space between the discs. Headstand hanging from a rope without the head on the floor will do a lot of the same. An inversion table will do it even better I think and could really be something to look into. I also have a lot of faith in yin yang yoga for these issues. The yin part has very long, very soft stretches following taoist prinsciples and restorative poses that works the connective tissues very well and do a lot of good for joints and the deeper chi flow. The yang part builds and exercises muslces in a very good way and works well with the chi in a different way. For correcting problems in the spine I think yin yang yoga coupled with an inversion table and possible some pilates added in as well could be a perfect package. If you have slipped discs I would believe the spinal elongation would be the most useful. Intuflow could also do some good beause it is so good for joint mobility chi flow and moveability. At least according to what I have read energetic kidney problems can also lead to physical lower back problems. KAP should take care of that if you have them. Since at present you do not have much time to practice and the stretches are doing you good I would say go with that and get an inversion table as well. When time alows you can add other useful stuff.
  17. Maybe you shouldN\t be there I donT know but I have certainly found myself that being unrooted can create anxiety and that anxiety unroots and that confusing environments can unroot you and create anxiousness and that the more rooted you are initialy the less this will happen. Today I feel more comfortable and cinfident in clubs than most people I think. In large part because I enjoy dancing and I don`t really care that much what others might think of me. If you struggle with being social especially in such venues this mught be something to look at: a very nice style of pickup and social interaction in general. For the club scene Timmy is supposedly the very best.
  18. ROnnie is back!

    I was not there at the time so I really don`t know anything about what he did other than what you wrote in the other thread the other day so I don`t think my vote should coun`t for much, that should be mostly up to those that were there at the time IMO. That said I would like to see him back because he seems like som much fun.
  19. I just became enlightened!

    Don`t know what that is either
  20. I just became enlightened!

    Don`t know what Leet is either
  21. Further Internal Alchemy Question

    HAHAHA It is actually the other way arround. I have verey little experience. My orbit sometimes runs a little by itself and if I absolutely want to I can make it circulate with the risk of loads of imbalances. I don`t meditate for the time being because when I actualy started having some success at meditation my crown chakra blew of and all the energy rushed to my head and has pretty much stayed there since (although I am now having steady success at grounding with various exercises and tai chi). I am very sensitive to energy though and have had small tastes of what is to come later on. Most of what I said comes from reading at this forum and books and teachers. It is NOT from my own experience to any large degree but I think a lot of it is quite agreed upon knowledge amongst those who have experience. What I said about Healing Tao I think most here with experience in that system would agree with.
  22. Further Internal Alchemy Question

    Fusion should be perfect for you. It lets you cleanse out negative emotions with virtualy no pain. They just transform into neutral energy and then into positive. Its absolutely awesome. So in terms of keeping your emotions in order when you are weighed down by stuff you experience at work etc. fusion will resolve a lot of what you are struggling with. This might sound weird but have you realy, deeply and with mindfull awareness taken to heart that these are not your energies and your thoughts? The reason I ask is that some time ago I started having problems with picking up other peoples energies and if they felt bad I would get weighed down and rather depressed myself. I asked my teacher about it and he said that what solved that for him was just to be mindfully aware that these are not his energies. When I do that they just float through me and do not stick and blend with my own. Previously I think my body could not realy distinguish between my own energies and that of other people and so they got stuck in me and blended with my own energies and so I got depressed. I could intelectually understand this but I needed some real mindfull awareness for my body to learn. No they might be there for a while but they do not feel damaging or like they blend it feels more like I am having a close look at other peoples energy and then it leaves. I also found that it seemed like I could to quite an extent tranfsorm the negative energies into positive energies and send it back. I don`t know exactly how I did it I just sort of inteded it. I don`t know if this actualy had any impact on other people but at least what they sent me I sent back in their direction in some sort of cleansed form. However, my own energies are so disorganised I did not realy want to play arround with mechanisms I did not understand very well so I dropped it. My teacher also said that this might be something to do if people were in real trouble but for the most part it is better to let people sort out thier own emotions rather then transforming them for them without them understanding why they suddenly feel better. If you start doing some basic stilness meditation you should gain two skills that can help you deal with the intruding thoughts. One is that as you develop the skill to remain one pointedly focused on your chosen object and willfully withdraw your mind from that you do not want it to rest on, you should be able to use this skill to tune out from the voices you are hearing and maybe also the enrgies you pick up on. People with constant ringing in their ears often overcome most of their problem by just learning this skill. You might find that this actually turns of whatever mechanism that makes you pick up on other peoples thoughts or you might find that it just helps you let them fall into the background. Another skill developed in stilness meditation is that you can learn to let thoughts, sensations etc. just be there without being bothered by them. You can let them float like clouds on the sky without feeling the need to react to the clouds or believing you are the clouds or that the clouds controll you. Instead of tuning out the voices this might be a way to live with them being there. Chrnoic pain patients deal very well with thier pains through mindfullness because of this mechanism. I have had some moments with great sucess with this mechanism when dealing with realy bad pain in my legs during meditation and sometimes also with emotions and disturbing thoughts. If I could meditate properly I would have much more success with this but I am dealing with some grounding issues so regular meditation is on hold for the moment. Another option is to contact Santiago (the KAP teacher) or Michael Lomax (JA MU). They might know how to turn on and of such a mechnism. I Highly recomend reading anything by shinzen Young to understand midnulness and vipassana. He explains these things with scientific clarity. He has a lot of good articles on his website, I think he has published a book or two and there are audios of his lectures here and there on the net. I also always recomend that people read Jack Kornfileds a Path with heart. His book a wise heart budhist psychology for the west is also an important read because it explains budhist psychology in a way that clears up most of the common misundestandings westerners have. I forgot to mention in my last post that KAP is thaught over skype and not just in workshops. Santi also usualy sends shaktipath every thrudsay at 11 which anyone can tune into if they want. I should also perhaps mention that KAP is more of a fire path than Stilness movement and vipassana, relying on chakra meditations and Tummo and lots of orbit work etc. Regardless of what you choose to pursue I highly recomend that you try out the secret smile thought in KAP and that you can find described in a thread by Santiago. It is designed to make you relaxed, confident, happy, loving and blissfull. It generates thosefeelings realy strongly and spreads them out everywhere in your body. Besides being a very good way at managing your emotions it is considered an important prep for kundalini and something that makes all sorts of higher level practices run smoothly. As I understand this it does this by keeping you emotionaly balanced, it realy cleanses your meridians a lot and people experience lot of emotional stuff comming up and blocks disolving because it does this so well, and it prepares the body for kundalini and hgiher energies by sending and intense mixture of emotions and bliss through the body. This makes the meridians and the body acustomed to powerfull energies and so it can more easily handle kundalini etc. You start of by doing sessions of 10-15 min or something like that but once mastered you can do it in a minute or two or just tune into the energy and you will be in secret smile state imidiately. I also highly recomed learning the inner smiel well so that you can also do quick 1-3 minute inner smiles whenever you want or just tune into a lot of smiling energy when you do other practices such as yoga or qigong. Once you build up the inner smile you always have access to this wonderfull uplifting healing energy. The inner smile also activates the heart and so blends in heart energy to anything you do in combination with the inner smile. I believe this often smoothes out a lot of problems. The inner smile is mixed in in as good as every healing Tao practice. So I think it is very worth while to learn to build up these wo so that one has access to them all the time with litle effort or time spent. You could also check out Biels fire and water technique on Trunks site. In it you blend the energies of the heart and sexual centers to balance out both. It creates a wonderfull "compassion" energy and is great for balancing out problems with retention practices. Not that you have them but it still might do good and it feels great, is utterly simple and unites the sexual center with the heart center. I saw Bodri mentioned here and it seems to me that he has a lot of good practices to share and that he is a teacher of meditation that is very helpfull to a lot of people so you might learn a lot of good from him. But as should be evident for anyone reading his stuff he has the psychology of an angry arrogant 13 year old boy. I have never read anything by any teacher of anything remotely spiritual that so cleary showed the imature personality of the writer. Read enough of his blog for yourself and I think you will see what I am talking about. By the way his books come with a built in curse which activates if you borrow it to more than one person Thats some real spiritual development for ya
  23. A good friend is suffering from migraines so bad that she is unable to work or study. This has been the case now for several years. She wants to do yoga, qigong, meditation etc. to combat it but she has so many and so rough migraines that she can seldom manage to practice more then once a week plus maybe a little bit here and there. What I think is her best move forward is to use brainwave entrainment/binural beats. It is tough for her to sit down and actively meditate but she could probably manage to lie down and just listen to a tape almost everyday. It should also give her faster results then regular meditation in the begining and there are also particular soundtracks that are supposed to help with migraines. Does anyone have input on this situation? Have you had experience using brainwave entrainment for migraines/headache or for other things. Are some companies products better than others. What about project meditation that claimes to have a more powerful product than holosync? Supposing that she gets a bit better with the entrainment what would be the best way to move forward? She has learned a powerfull anti migraine qigong from a famous expert on medical qigong. She hates the sequence but wants to do it at some point. She has also learned Iyengar yoga and some of the restorative Iyengar yoga seems superb for her. Her body is very unhealthy after years without exercise and tremendous amounts of meditation so getting in shape seems very important. The qigong she knows is not meant for this just going directly for the migraines. She has now started drinking supergreens suplements and thos have a very detoxing effect in addition to helping her diet. She has also started cranio sacral therapy. Beyond this she can probably not afford any other tretments or healings untill after the cranio sacral therapy is finished in about 6 months. I have considered suggesting that she learn Kunlun because it is so powerfull and quick. I would not have considered that if she was in a position to do a regular practice but since she is not I think it is better to have her do kunlun a few times a week than a not so strong qigong. Any opinions on this stuff vs holosync and project meditation?
  24. Spiritual forums are really the wrong place for claiming someone os more then one person. You are bound to get we are all one jokes
  25. In defense of the "I"

    A path with heart, the wise heart budhist psychology for the west, after the ecstasy the laundry, all by Jack Kornfield could be very good reads for the starter of this thread. So could A lot of Shinzen youngs stuff and Daniel Ingram. All these guys can do a lot to clear things up.