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Everything posted by markern

  1. Sense Pleasures

    YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think this is 100% correct and the views many in this thread unfortunately has are very unhealthy and completly out of line with what the buddha taught. For the actual buddhist view on this things you could read some of shinzen youngs articles, for example the one on equanimity and the one on escaping into life (google him and you will find the articles one his home page). Also jack kornfield deals well with thi subject in "a wise hear- budhist psychology for the west) and adresses it somewhat in a path with heart. Big difference between indiference and non-attatchement. Actualy indifference is considered the "near enemy" of non-attatchement in buddhism and is a deviation from the middle way. You are not to be without desire but to hold your desire lightly. That does not actualy mean that desire is small, perceived desire would actualy increase a lot because equanimity alows it to be experienced fully, it only means that we do not hold the desire tighlty and cling to it.

    As a lot of people on this board can attest to KAP is a superb system. It is exeptionaly quick and safe at the same time, rquires little effort, makes you very grounded and rooted, makes it easy to stay in the world, raises kundalini quickly, is fun to do, integrates smoothly into normal life so you can practice all day almost while doing other stuff etc. etc. Since we have established that Morris died of unrelated causes his life span is not something to asses the system by. Since it is a new system we will have to wait about 40 years to properly asses its implications for longevity. It would be better to asses it by looking at how it is experienced by those who practice it and the benefits they get and there is agreement here that those benefits are unusualy great. And a lot of those that practice KAP have loooooooong experience with all sorts of other systems This statement is SICK and retarded. If people do not help each other we will all mostly die and the tao will not provide us with food faling from the sky and medicine out of nowhere. For stuff to work for humans in any sort of way, for us to at all survive and be a part of the Tao the TAo actualy needs our help to help each other otherwise we perish. Does enlightened beings help others????????
  3. I Just Wanted To Say...I LOVE THIS FORUM VERY MUCH!:)

    Someone is moderating it??
  4. Jealousy

    What I would recomend is that you read David shades books. He is superb at teaching exactly how to get passionate sex and strong attraction. It does however require that one "mans up" sort of. Google him. Another possibility would be to start having Karezza type sex. Read about it here: The karezza style of lovemaking changes the chemistry that creates attraction and makes you bond in a very monogomous way. It could possibly sort things out and it is very spiritual. You could also read some david deida.
  5. I never said tax unorganic food. Fruits and vegetables get cheaper, sugar and potatoe chips get more expensive. If you get people to eat more vegetables and less meat that will go a long way to solving the food crisis as much more land is required to feed people eating meat. As for definition of healthy food one just goes with the most obvious and and well documented examples and leave the rest.
  6. I am not sure if it is a solution in acordance with the Tao but I propose to tax unhealthy food a lot and make healthy food a lot cheaper. That way people will eat healthier and those who choose to eat unhealthy sort of "pay" in advance for the extra health care costs by paying for highly taxed expensive food. I don`t think giving less of a treatment to those who have not lived healthily is a good solution. When people are ill I want to help them even if they caused it themselves. Also socioeconomic background and other contextual factors largely determine who lives and eats healthily and who does not. If you look at the poorest areas in the US and Western Europe average life expectancy is often lower then third world countries (Fidel Castro (to score politcal points I am sure) even wanted to send his doctors to certain areas of the US because many places the health of the population and also the heatlh care available in reality (without insurance) is worse than several third world countries for example Cuba where it is quite good). It is not completly irelevant either that people who live very long and do not work in their retirenment cost society a lot more then those who eat themselves into a heart attack a year after retirenment. I would like to see a survey that factors this in when the cost of an unhealthy lifestyle is factored in. Several of my friends who have gone to the states for short vacations gain a lot of extra pounds because they have difficulty finding non fattening food a lot of places and because the portions often are much larger. In other places tough I had problem finding youghurts that were not low fat, low carb, green, fair and al sorts of other good stuff so I hope that signifies change. I think that the spread of meditation yoga and qigong is inevitable. If you look at what is happening in psychology with mindfulness based stress cognitive therapy, the mind and life dialogues, the spread of yoga in health clubs, the spread of midnfulness teachings in schools, some huge companies understanding that meditation can save them a lot of money and so making their emplyees start meditationg etc. And all the research being done showing how effective this stuff is for happiness heatlh, extraordinary quality of life, memory and inteligence (if you want to stay a head in college in the future you will ahve to cultivate) etc. etc. That in turn leads to much more healthy lifestyles with good eating habbits etc. So in the long term I think meditation, qigong and yoga will be the core of not only the health care system but our society at large. It will take some time but i think the speed with which we are traveling towards this is increasing. When healing is recognised as well that should cut costs a lot because both education and treatment give more healing per dollar.
  7. You realy need to read this: I think starting with the aneros for solo sex and karezza for partner sex is the way to go if you want multiples. This needs to be combined with lots of focus on deep slow realxed and perfected breathing, preferably not only through stilness meditation but also full yogic breath/belly breathing etc. The inner smile I think is good for balancing stuf when you are working on this and the secret smiel is probably greath for this process as well in addition to being realy great in general. Here you have secret smiel and belly breathing:

    Found this review on wikipedia: This book is full of lies, such as the following: "From 1992 comes another fascinating, mysterious discovery: that of an ancient city in India that appears to have leveled by an atomic blast 8,000 - 10,000 years ago. Reported in January 1992 by the UK's World Island Review, a construction team discovered the site in Rajasthan, India while preparing to build at housing development." The "World Island Review" has never existed; there is no evidence at all that an ancient city was destroyed by an "atomic blast;" nobody ever found evidence in Rajasthan, or anywhere else on Earth, that an atomic blast has ever occurred before the summer of the year 1945. "The heavy layer of radioactive ash found in a three-mile-square area concealed "an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people." That is of course a lie: there is no radioactive layer of ash near Rajasthan. If there is, that would be conclusive proof an "atomic blast" happened very recently, 20 or 30 years ago: fission fragments would not be radioactive after 8,000+ years. Nor is there any layer of ash that shows any sign of having once been radioactive (i.e., daughter products if any). The book claims that "Archeologist Francis Taylor" confirmed an eye-witness account of the "atomic blast," yet there is no archeologist by that name ever having published any paper at all, let alone about this "atomic blast." Archeologist Francis Taylor never existed. And so it goes. Some fools will believe anything, no matter how absurd, no matter how idiotic, no matter how contrary to reason and sanity--- because it strokes their "I'm smarter than educated people" egos. But then, the author promoted and defended crooks and liars (i.e., "psychics") such as Jean Dixon. That will tell you just how much confidence one can place in this book. Only uneducated ignorant idiots will find this book anything other than insulting.
  9. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    The US already spends about 50% more on health care than most european countries with state run health care systems. Still all comparative surveys of health care systems I have seen put the US system far behind most european systems, especialy the scandinavian ones, in terms of the services people actually receive. How on earth you manage to be sooooo ineficient over there is beyond me.
  10. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    A lot of Zen practioners go all the way without having read much more than the heart sutra. I believe reading can help sometimes, at least for certain practices. And I think it can often help put the practices and the insight into a wider context that can be beneficial to ones life in general. Howver, I think waaaayyyyyyyyyyy to much reading is done by budhists today. And what is read is then often held as knowledge not the belief which it is. That is very unfortunate. I also think reading can be a big hindrance to meditation because you can get stuck in speculation on and of the cushion.
  11. What's the story with the 5 Tibetan Rites?

    The problem with a lot of these old texts is it is often hard to know when they are just poetic and when they mean exactly what it says. A lot of the effects described from practices in the Hathta Yoga pradipika are not at all meant litterary. Interestingly people from India often see such statements differently from westerners. When a yogi whose name I now have forgotten claimed on tv that such and such pranayama conquered all sickness some of those watching when asked said they of course did not believe that and quite possibly neither did he. It was just his way of stating his faith in the practice. Very hard for a westerner to comprehend.
  12. Mudras

    That triangle thing looks a little like a mudra that stimlates the brains intelectuall centers. If the thumb points up along with the other fingers it would be the same. You will find that mudra in some books on bodylanguage as an example of something some people do when they are in a thinking mode and very sure of themselves, if not outright arrogant. But this one with the thumbs up look more like yoni mudra but the other way I think. In the bihar book asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha you have accurate descriptions of a lot of mudras. I will try to remember to check it but I am very forgetfull these days (seriously I am having memory problems). I think tehre should be yoga and maybe kriya yoga forums where people know more.
  13. Female Orgasms and Energy Cultivation

    Most definitively less so then for men because of ejaculation. But the more explosive and outwardly expanding the orgasm is the more depleting I think. The "hotter" and more yang the energy is the more depleting as well. In the case of a women that previously did not have orgasms I think the most healthy thing she could do is probably have a lot of really great normal orgasms first to get the system functioning normaly and then go on to more preorgasmic blissfull tantric sex. IMO what the karezza people have when they have sex is just as much an orgasm as normal orgasms it is just different and more flowing and yin and higher in the chakras etc. hence the term valley orgasm. At least this one is very beneficial to have for both partners I am going to write a much longer post about this later as I have a lot of new thoughts on the subject from the karezza thread after thinking it over and talking to my teacher but I haven`t got time now. But I will say this: If you have really hot steaming dopamine driven sex and have multiple orgasms, it would not be very depleting or depleting at all if one ends the sex in a heart centered way and brings the energy in the end quite high up and to a large degree in the heart area and bring heart energy down. By doing that the energy transforms and I am 100% certain the level of dopamine drops like a bomb and the level of oxytocin goes through the roof. Thats just normal alchemy realy. My teacher taught that one of the reasons that intercourse is less depleting then masturbation was, besides the blending of energy between the partners, that ones love is brought forth and creates more of a blending within oneself of ones own energies from the sexual and heart areas and that is largely the clue for getting the right dopamine and oxytocin mix. If one masturbates just as "lovingly" and heart centered the energetic blend is much less dopamine filled and more oxytocin filled. Actualy, just like any tantric one could use almost any means to get energy realy high, such as hardcore BDSM, as long as one transforms it properly at the end. That is why a tantric will sometimes consciously create feelings such as anger and hate so to transform it. My teacher said it is no problem during intercourse to play around and transform energy and finish of completely differently than one started (with training) . This is a bit simplified but it is a big part of the equation that the karezza people have overlooked. A method of "repairing" "damage" after sex that gives too much yang type sexual energy is to blend the heart and sexual centers energies to create pink steam from the white and red energies. THis is superbly balancing and takes away most of what one has of too fiery sexual energy and probably drops the dopamine level and increases the oxytocin levels massively. The technique is described on as I think Biels fire and water technique Diane richardson has a good tantra book for women
  14. Dr Wang is one of chinas foremost experts on medical qigong and 6 times wolrd champion of tai chi. You should consider what you want to learn first so you know what to ask for so she does not just give you a simple medical sequence but gives you some of her jucier stuff.
  15. A God Crisis.

    You can also read the book zen and the bible. The book awareness by anthony de Melo can also be recomended, he is a jesuit priest that has gotten enlightened (to a degree anyway).
  16. What's the story with the 5 Tibetan Rites?

    In the not to distant future this might turn into a KAP forum:) I am going to take it my self at some point I just feel like there are som other things I want to focus on first.
  17. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    Aren`t there some quite good chineese herbal formulas for increasing womens sexual energy and likelyhood of orgasm? I know that doctor Wang Yan has an ass kicking formula for mens impotence. Maybe she has a simular one for women. She also has simple qigong sets for men and womens sexual funtion. Considering she spent much of her young years traveling arround china to document all sorts of qigong forms she could find on behalf of the chineese government she should have picked the best from an enormous sample:
  18. Help Me Get Over This Block

    Are you practicing any qigong, yoga or meditation? That would help quite a bit on several levels. Amongst other things it would take away a lot of your anxiousness by making you very calm and the right exercises would also make you more confident. If you practice some sort of meditation on the breath or slow breathing practice like full yogic breath or longevity breathing for 10-15 min a day that would do a lot for the anxiousness and if you combine that with 10 minutes of the secret smile it would take care of confidence and a lot of other things. The secret smile makes you relaxed, confident, happy, loving and blissfull and it disolves blocks all over your system quickly so it helps a lot in clearing out your psychological stuff and energetic blocks. There are also som good material in the pickup community that you can benefit from. Juggler method teaches you excellent conversational skills that make aproaching new people and getting interesting conversations going very easy. Check it out at Anyway you are very young. You have a lot of time to get life to where you want it to be. Enjoy Uni.
  19. Am I on the right path?

    Maybe check out michale lomax stilness movment system and do a workshop with him. It seems like it is a very good taoist system and he seems like a great teacher. KAP is another great system several here practice and it has a lot of taoist stuff in it but is not a "pure" taoist system as such. Anyway, if you choose a ssytem like on of those that are realy powerfull and spend an hour and half each day on them you will not have to leave society to get enlightened because they are quick. They will also gain you healing powers:) You can still live in america and be just like "the ancients" but you would participate in america in a different way. Maybe find a straight forward job aimed at helping people and that gives you enough time to practice on your spare time. Become a country doctor or veterenarian. More then enough stilness in rural america.
  20. A God Crisis.

    How about investigating centering prayer? It is a form of christian contemplation/prayer/meditation that is very much like vipassana and leads to the same realizations. If you go to dharmaovergorund you will find some people that know a bit about it and also practice vipassana. In fact a lot of the cchristian contemplative tradition is more or less in line with the direction you are heading. You could read. The cloud of unknowing, st. john of the cross, meister eckhardt, gnostic stuff and thomas merton. And perhaps commentaries on those first because I think the lingo is very hard to penetrate. Most christians where I am from do not believe in a litteral hell at all. There realy are completly different ways to be a christian. I have recently become aware of just how much qoutes from the bible actualy point towards a more mystical apraoch. Jewish mysticism, including meditation etc. was well developed before Jesus and I see that as a strong argument in favour of such an aproach being ok, inf act the prefered aproach. The Gospel of thomas is also great by the way. Some say it is very Zen, I found it more tantric. There realy are a bunch of was to be a Christian. The Sufis and the Kabalah I think offer great inspiration to thos wanting to follow a christian contemplative path. They are also abrahamitic religions so the theological dilemas are mostly the same I suppose.
  21. question about nonduality and sex

    Who gives a shit. New age people love THINKING and SPECULATING about how to world functions th have meaning on an INTELECTUAL level. What they usualy fail to do is practice something that actualy gets them anywhere. When one is PRACTICING a MYSTICAL aproach that actualy gets you somewhere spending time on fluff to find intelectual meaning on that level is mostly a diversion. Its not what its about. With your elvel of practice you kind of are "allowed" to spend a shitload of time specualting about these things s you do get the actual job done but it is stil fluff and a very bad sign IMO that one is looking in the wrong places for the wrong things. I also would not at all acuse you of being new age in any way, more middle agges if anything, but I still think it is very unhealthy to find so much of ones meaning in unverifiable specualtion. Especially when it is held so very, very tightly.
  22. The jhanas

    [quote name='Blasto' date='Sep 14 2009, 05:20 PM' post=
  23. Tenaga Dalamm Breathing Techniques?

    Maybe Serenblue would benefit from attempting your way as your style brings more heat and she is very cold al the time?
  24. The jhanas

    This is such an important point. A lot of budhism today, especialy Tibetan budhism, has degenerated into a huge focus on common specualtive theology. Beliefs that are impossible to verify, that different branches of budhsm, even within tibetan budhism, they can`t agree upon are held as supreemly important. So much time is wasted in thinking about absurdly complex laws of karma, different realms, unfounded superstitions and gods imported from hinduism and whatnot. When I go to E-sangha all they seem to do is knock each over in the head with textural references held to be absolute truth. Its like going to saudi arabia. Even with regards to practical and verifiable stuff like Jhanas, textural references are treated as the sharia. That is just plain silly and shows that one is taking needs for the dogma sought in more conventional religions and importing them in what is a mystical practical endevour where it does not belong. The suttas and vishudumagga are an important starting point but they are inconsistent and totaly inconclusive for anyone other than those in desperate need of dogma. The results gotten with students in various monastaries is what settles the debate but that is not what at least half the teachers pay attention to. They ignore how results cearly are achieved by others because they feel the need to have the buddhas absolute god-like authority behind them. This is a sign of serious need of reform in the direction of practical experiential results. The dharamovergorund aims to and does this very well. My teacher did not agree with everything Daniel Ingram said but he did think it was one of the truest budhist aproaches he had seen. More in the spirit of the buddha then what mostly goes on. Budhism is a mystical religion with a practical aim, period. As such its groups and boards should not function as a catholic seminary with bickering theologicians or rigid whahabi muslims thinking they have the absolute word of god in their sources to extrapolate divine rules from. I once heard tibetan budhism described as roman chatolisism on acid and I think that is unfortunately quite true. A gigantic overly complex theological mastodont with wild mystycism. It is in serious need of reform. Thats one of the most important reasons my teacher left it after four years as a monk. He found the system unworkably rigid and compex. After that he has done mostly vipassana and taoist meditations I think and his rogress has not been less. He says tough that there are a few young lamas that are starting to make things more practical and if they change things more in the future he might go back because the actual meditations and some of the trainings are superb. AS it is now I see E-shangha as, although in many ways highly usefull I am sure, a total degeneration of how buhdists shuld aproach things and dharmaovergorund as the truest aporach there is. Zen and vipassana taught without unnecesary dogma around the world I also think follow a true aproach. Sadly Tibetan budhism with all its great practices is a complete diversion. What you want are insights that create behaviour not endless dogam about the makup of hte world and logical reasoning almost as in western philosophy about how to behave. What makes tibetan budhism great is its practices not its fluff. As quoted above, the buddha was clear on not wasting time specualting about that which can not be verified. Keep it SIMPLE, efective and easily conneced to life as it is lived.