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Everything posted by aboo

  1. Thanks for your generous promotion offer, looking forward to reading it
  2. buzzing sound

    Nope, just a simple meditation practice of focusing on the breath for 1-2 hrs a day.
  3. buzzing sound

    OP, you asked whether others have experienced that buzzing sound, I've experienced it continuously for the past 12 years or so. I became aware of it at the same time I felt subtle energy in my spine, and chakra's unblocked one by one. Whether the sound was there before I couldn't say, but I never noticed it until I started meditating. I've sometimes used the noise as a focus point for meditating on, but without anything of note occurring. Likewise, the sound has never changed in pitch, and I've never found it annoying.
  4. Who am I?

    Thanks for the reply. I think cognitive neuroscientists etc refer to it as the "Hard problem of consciousness". I remember watching a video of Noam Chomsky where he said it's a mystery we may never comprehend - like motion in the 18th century.
  5. Who am I?

    Interesting. Sri Ramana Maharshi is quoted as saying: "In the vision of death, though all the senses were benumbed, the aham sphurana (Self-awareness) was clearly evident, and so I realised that it was that awareness that we call "I", and not the body. This Self-awareness never decays. It is unrelated to anything. It is Self-luminous. Even if this body is burnt, it will not be affected. Hence, I realised on that very day so clearly that that was "I". It would appear he believed he was something singular and not a collection of things (body, thoughts etc). Of course, I may be mistaken in stating that, as I am no expert on his teachings (atma vichara).
  6. From my own readings I believe you are correct: Ramana was located at Arunachaleswara temple and Gurumurtam temple; after his awakening. He was located at the Arunachala caves at a later date; in the region of 2-4 years later I believe. From biographies I've read, such as Paul Brunton's, it said Ramana would be absorbed to such an extent, he would wake up and have no idea how he moved from one spot to another; the assumption was that he was picked up and moved.
  7. David Godman said in one of his Youtube video's that Sri Ramana Maharshi suddenly changed from being the picture of health to ill health and difficulty to walk etc. David Godman said that Sri Ramana Maharshi indicated it was from taking on the karma of those who visited him that led to the ill health. Apparently this karma could be mitigated when in samadhi, but as he aged Sri Ramana Maharshi didn't enter that state as often, so there was less opportunity to remove the karma from his body. The explanation was along those lines to my memory.
  8. It's always interesting reading your posts Wells, I hope you find something new to practice and I will enjoy reading all about it.
  9. Hillary and Trump

    Trump is anti-semitic? are you referring to Isreali's and Jews specifically or to the wider semite population that includes Muslims? From what I've read Trump appears to be very much pro-Isreal, which is highlighted in the following article: Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders hail election of Donald Trump, whose campaign promises would overturn decades of US foreign policy https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/09/israel-donald-trump-netanyahu-jerusalem Roy Cohn, a prominent Jewish attorney in the 1970's, represented Trump and was somewhat a mentor. The business circles Trump worked in, he must have worked with alot of Jews, is there any solid evidence Trump is anti-semitic?
  10. ..

    The potential of WW3 is not a delusion of the conspiracy nuts, all the credible and non-credible western newspapers have articles discussing this exact subject, and all agree relations between Russia and the West have never been worse. We have troops massing on the Russian border, Biden wanting to send Russia a message with a cyber attack, an order for Russian workers to return to the motherland, 40 million Russians engaging in drills and we have Russian warships sailing down the English channel in a days time. People seem to dismiss Syria as not important enough to trigger WW3, I disagree, it's a strategic country for energy pipelines and it's close proximity to Isreal make it a tinderbox. If Isreal's and Russia's military clash in that area then it will easily drag the UK, US, and other Middle East country into a conflict.
  11. Hillary and Trump

    No you are not, I have serious concerns over Syria and how Clinton will handle it; she will undoubtable become president. I've discussed this issue on other bulletin boards, and the Clinton supporters generally don't seem to see it. Claiming her experience makes her the best candidate when it comes to Syria. Nixon had plenty of prior experience under Eisenhower when he became president, but it didn't stop him making a disaster of Vietnam and bombing Cambodia. I could see Clinton following in a similar vein as that in Syria.
  12. Hillary and Trump

    My two cents, if I was American, which I am not, I would vote for Trump. The two reasons i pick Trump: 1. The most serious issue at the moment is America's relations with Russia. At least Trump once suggested he would like to "get along with Russia", unlike the poison that drips between Putin and Clinton. Trump's faults are small fry compared to the possible WW3 / Nuclear scenario the neo-cons, Isreal lobby and Clinton seem dead set on creating. 2. Trump correctly highlighted in the debate the current bubble we have, perhaps the biggest ever, propping up share prices. Trump probably has more experience sorting out financial messes than Clinton, considering the times he has filed for bankruptcy. He may also have experience of getting the better of bankers.
  13. Life After Death? Life After Life?

    Yup, the papers are maybe unreliable, but they cannot be dismissed out of hand. I do know Dr Sam Parnia has been researching NDE's are quite some time, but due to other commitments I haven't the time to verify what the Express reported. My personal opinion is awareness is not dependent on the body, and once the body dies awareness is free to go on it's merry way. I believe awareness/presence is the movie screen the movie plays on and continues to exist once the movie ends. The research by Mr Parnia proving that awareness survives once the brain stops functioning, the brain and body simple being a machine that awareness animates.
  14. Life After Death? Life After Life?

    According to the following article - reported in many UK newspapers - in some 'near death' experiences death does occur but the process is reversed. http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/670781/There-IS-life-after-DEATH-Scientists-reveal-shock-findings-from-groundbreaking-study "Scientists had believed the brain ceased all activity 30 seconds after the heart stopped pumping blood around the body, and that awareness stopped at the same time. But research from the University of Southampton suggests otherwise. A new study shows people continue experiencing awareness for up to three minutes after death."
  15. reality is like a dream

    Scientists have/are contemplating the idea that reality is a dream slash matrix: http://www.onbeing.org/program/uncovering-codes-reality/feature/symbols-power-adinkras-and-nature-reality/1460 --------------------------------------------- Physicists at The Australian National University (ANU) have conducted John Wheeler’s delayed-choice thought experiment, which involves a moving object that is given the choice to act like a particle or a wave. Wheeler’s experiment then asks – at which point does the object decide? http://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/experiment-confirms-quantum-theory-weirdness -------------------------------------------- One of the oddest predictions of quantum theory – that a system can’t change while you’re watching it – has been confirmed in an experiment by Cornell physicists. http://phys.org/news/2015-10-zeno-effect-verifiedatoms-wont.html#jCp
  16. thoughts of an ultra high IQ guy

    I enjoyed the video Wells, thanks for sharing. I haven't read enough about Christopher Michael Langan and CTMU to form an opinion yet, but I have to say it seems a shame that this man's talents have apparently gone to waste - working manual jobs etc. It would be great to see him working at one of the top scientist institutions (MIT etc) and being put through his paces.
  17. My memory may be wrong, but I am sure I read Ramana Maharshi hugged his attendant Annamalai Swami very tightly - the energy making him lose consciousness - when he left his service to take up spiritual practice, and Ramana Maharshi would - so I read - stare at people intently, which I assume was some sort of energy transmission, likewise the sitting in his presence being capable of clearing one's thoughts: surely all these things were some form of subtle energy transmission?
  18. mopai

    I find it an interesting subject, but it's not going anywhere as the discussion is exactly the same as it was 2-3 years ago. The only people who make a mo pai thread interesting are the real students, but they have stated it's a closed system to westerners and that is that. I can't see them providing the kind of indepth information that is desired as they are not allowed to provide it.
  19. Wang Liping Low Level?

    I just received the said book in the post today - thanks for ZOOM for posting about it's availability - I am a total newbie about such systems, but I will read it with interest and hopefully there will be something in the book which I can apply to my life.
  20. Wang Liping Low Level?

    As interesting as Mo Pai is, the thread has gone somewhat off-topic - I am sure Ken's excellent forum is the ideal place for that discussion - maybe we can return to discussing Wang Liping. Has anyone read 'Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu' and have an opinion upon it?
  21. Wang Liping Low Level?

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." Even the greatest scientists (Albert Einstein) can come across as new age guru's. Sticking to what we know may seem sensible but we know so little I believe it can be foolish.
  22. I concur with the statements of the other members: the meridians can be felt. Personally I feel it most in my hands and scalp; if I focused on the lower dantien, the energy could be built-up there. You should have no doubt of their existence, it is 100% obvious when experienced and leaves no doubt to the experiencer.
  23. May also be somewhat related (About Sri Ramana Maharshi) from "The Power of the Presence Part Two" by David Godman, p.15: On several occasions Sri Bhagavan had had an unusual experience in which his body would disappear in a flash and disperse into its component atoms. A little later a smoke-like form would appear and the atoms would come together in a form that resembled particles of mist. Finally, the body would reappear in its normal form. Sri Bhagavan used to have this experience whenever he remained in the same position for a long time or when his body got emaciated because he was not taking enough food. This state, in which the body disintegrates into atoms and merges with the five elements, is known as 'pranava body'
  24. I think any answer given to the OP could only be a "stab in the dark" as the OP is a beginner and has not defined exactly what it is he is after. It seemed to me he was looking for a simple answer that would not overwhelm him, and I think the simple answer is yes, if he meditates long and deeply enough "something" will happen.
  25. I'd focus on a simple meditation to begin with, one pointed focus on the breath etc. With time you should become aware of internal energy. That was my experience anyhow. I've always found expectation of a certain result a stumbling block; focus on the basics and things will unfold naturally.