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About jdr19

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  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    very good point i think this is a very common mistake: just starting with the system, seeing some amazing benefits, very excited, starting to think "wow, this is good. I'm so gonna learn this. i need a visa, i'm going to Cali'. Can't wait to put those advance meditations in! It's gonna be great" haha, i'm sure i'm not the only one who thought about this! About the 1st seated warm-up meditation, i did it @30min for the first time easily It's pretty easy if you just let your hands float
  2. Romania; mysterious cave churches and pyramids

    don't mind the reputation we have outside. But if somebody decides to come this parts, will be pleasantly surprised how friendly people are. And most of us speak English very well All the best John
  3. Romania; mysterious cave churches and pyramids

    Giants on earth is no legend. They actually found their skeletons... Here. In Romania There is also proof of the oldest "home" and the first axe ever discovered. Many international archeologists think that civilization started here, in Romania, and the latin language is in fact a romanian language. During the course of time, there were many attempts to destroy our nation, hid the truth about our history, lie again and again. Yogi Gupta Swami, had an interest in this country. He made some interesting prophecies http://yogaesoteric.net/content.aspx?lang=RO&item=6547 ( use google translate ) "Romania will be the pylon of a new global development, based more than ever on spirituality, culture, religion, harmony, love and art" For those who are really interested in this topic, now i have something for you. I stumbled on this book couple days ago, but i must give you a warning: i stayed all night awake, and the more i tried to stop reading, the more i dived deeper into the book http://www.scribd.com/doc/157926981/Radu-Cinamar-Transylvanian-Sunrise P.S.: One of the coolest thing, there in Bucegi Mountains, is a portion of one square km, where the magnetic field is so, so strong, that you can't even feel the fatigue. Imagine maditating there
  4. Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong Complete level 1 DVD

    Hi Sifu Garry, Posted this in Flying Phoenix thread, and decided it's better to bump this one for this. It will be easier for others to find information about this form, if i post here can you go more into details about mudras, and breath percentages? Thanks, John
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hey everyone 5 days of learning the forms, i can finally do the hole SYG complete 1. Did the first session and have some things to make clear. Sifu Garry goesn't go deep enough in "mudra" topic. For someone with no background, i need more information. I tried to watch and copy, and after i felt the pulsation, i was like "oh, so this is how i'm supposed to feel" I lost the pulsation after @5min into the meditation (sitting, also standing). It's normal or, am i holding the mudra incorrect? I paid attention to not press too hard, nor too little. I have some experience with self-hypnosis and mediation. And believe me, i can go deep under spell. Usually i get an anestesia in some parts of the body, like i can't feel if my hands are in my pockets or resting on the lap And the breath % for the long form, it says "3 breaths 50% out, 10% out, etc." . So it's 3 breaths of 50%, or 3 deep ones + a 50% one, and after that 10%, and 5%? P.S. very nice feeling i got doing the standing meditations, feeling that magnetic field around lower dan tien. When exhaling my hands holding the mudra come closer, and when inhaling, they are pushed away. Not much. 1cm or so. But nice feeling P.P.S thanks for making it available on digital download. It takes around 1 month to get the dvd's in this corner of Europe. So i decided to start with this, and replace the 2nd practice in the day with FP when i get them. Edit: i feel like intruding here I posted in here: http://thetaobums.com/topic/34067-bak-fu-sunn-yee-gong-complete-level-1-dvd/ . Many thanks
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello all, good to be a part of this community. Just too interested in this form to not start practicing right away. I need some help first: 1. What's the difference between Terry Dunn's and Garry Hearfield's FP products? Both were trained by GM Doo Wai. 2. What's the difference between Sifu Hearfield's Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gung - complete level 1 and BFSYG 1? 3. How many levels of FP there are, and how many are taught via DVDs? 4. There is a vid of GM Doo Wai, saying some things about Mr. James Lacy. Are those true about his products?
  7. mental detox

    I'm 20. Been obssesed with maximum personal realization for quite a while now: being the best i can, working as much as i can, helping as much as i can. The only action i took is making money so i can go to places and study with all kinds of people. Didn't really worked out as well as i thought, but... small steps, right? Areas i have interest in are: running for physical health (ex proffessional runner); nlp, hypnosis and meditation for mental health; and qigong/tai chi, informatiology, other arts and sciences for spiritual developement. All these i studied for the past years, didn't really had the means to study more than i can find on internet. The form that i have most interest in is Flying Phoenix. I want to practice this for multiple reasons, but the most important is that i'm going through very hard times, and i decided to do a detox for the mind, and ended up here. Thank you, John