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Everything posted by allinone

  1. Spiritual Systems

    if you are a good show and there is a thing into what you are connected what is needed then i will get hooked. And it will fulfill that point and for this time i don't need to find that interaction anymore.
  2. Spiritual Systems

    heh, being nice is inefficient.
  3. Spiritual Systems

    ok, knowing there is live persons or there is even a change someone see what i write, is enough for me. I could aswell write on paper, i think the main thing is i need t oget words through fingers and that there is a change that someone otehr than me sees it is a ground or passage t omyhands, and makes my typing real.
  4. Spiritual Systems

    first of i feel sorry for them who are doing practice. Their practice is after or exclusive to real life, so you live through and fulfill all delusions already before you "start practice".
  5. Spiritual Systems

    high level alien language
  6. Trolling

  7. The three discoveries

    hey, There isn't many bodies. There is only one and its your pus and blood body. Negation point is: you can think of it as integrating other bodies into your flesh body and then can use it as a function, and the astral body/s ceases to exist. Asking questions of "where i am" is asmr. It is important too.
  8. for now E.Tolle is 100x smarter than you. You should not assume or interpret his words.
  9. no, you are putting a wrong twist to what he said.
  10. The three discoveries No heroin here. So i rather go away.
  11. The three discoveries

    yep, and its only gotten by stealing
  12. The three discoveries

    ah utopia.
  13. The three discoveries

    perception is adaption, it will negate progression. If want to get good at something then there is no progression towards it you need to have a perception what sees like that what is defined as good. What is good depends on sentiment or general opinion what is good. So work hard to reach some utopian quality, but after you get there noone thinks its good anymore.
  14. The three discoveries

    tnx for posting, first discovery can be already misleading. You need open the mind that way it will be connected to or the connection to body discovery is made avail. So the visions you see can carry a trigger, so you then can see visions and doesn't have to do physical motions or scenarios for what trigger is discovered already. yes you are more than your body,.. i can bet large sum of money you are meaning a existence of soul here.
  15. Trolling

    yes i get it its me only. You are different. I know someone who is different too. its i realise that its me and i project, i discover it late after some things are done already.
  16. Trolling

    Yes you can't. You need have entire day free and no contracts or future responsibilities of going somewhere. So you would start to see what life is when there is nothing you have to do. also need to have the sense of duty, that you should do something or achieve something great. That feeling will destroy you, you will become insecure and start avoid, fear people.
  17. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    also this that whatever you do will end and usually ends before the feelings end. So you will think you are missing 10 percent or blame luck.
  18. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    delusions attract traumas. Traumas needed to space out from delusions. --------- the basics of basics
  19. Trolling

    haven't you wondered that its only your personality what is good and hospitable? and for playing games, it is like a work too. And if a game will fill something from real life, then real life just got emptier. *i know you bring examples and had something else in mind what you are pointing at? tables, rules... More flexible means more fun. ** with trolling i adopted the name, every time i have that state i am being called a troll(not in here also in RL). And currently i don't have it or i made it a ground today and never fall back. In order to know it is to go to sleep and see in the morning if i am still on that mode.
  20. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Tho, end times will come and there even hope dies. Not sure how it could be expressed but in youtube i found a Quaran end time stuff that it is that awful that you find those lucky who are dead and you want to be dead too but can't. So the feelings, sensations die off, it takes time before new things start to grow again.
  21. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    that what is happiness ,can be experienced in brain. Without going through real life scenarios what make you happy.
  22. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    i saw that post. It was beautiful. But sorry delusional.