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Everything posted by allinone

  1. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    those parts what would allow me to sit full lotus are too short for me. Is that a hindrance to getting enlightened? i have other position, i can do, what others can't do it because their parts are too short for that. So what is so special with full lotus position? why it is called full lotus? does that need to evoke full lotus state of mind? does full-lotus is other name for "channels open"?
  2. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    if you can sit comfortable even more in fulllotus position you surely are a master. small wheeler clings to a body. --- why i need channels open? what is the sign that my channels are open. the sign can't be full-lotus sitting ability..or how comfortable you are in it. But still there is a right thing in that sentence and that isn't even related to position and how you feel in that position. You can have the same thing when you refuse to eat meat or stop lie etc
  3. mutations

    i never attack you, i need to tease you because i barely can hear you.
  4. mutations

    nope i need to reject you so long till you start offer me what in your eyes i am missing. Then i see a opportunity and accept it then you will fall into depression. edit: the thing really makes me happy, seeing that i am happy will disappoint you.
  5. mutations

    no, my goal is to make you feel bad and cause you a depression.
  6. mutations

    if to calim you don't know nothing, you see nothing etc, then the real thing is even more empty and desolate.
  7. mutations

    the consciousness what stores information and you generate ideas from it, is empty. You can reach it and erase all.
  8. mutations

    When incoming information is faint you need to sharpen your senses by will. There is also variant where it is "almost" then your mind does the reaching out by itself. You have two more variants. When it is loud and too loud. As comfortable because information is gotten effortlessly and then disturbing because the information is intruding, penetrating. Can say, middle ones are the same and outward ones are the same. So you have two variants: action and non-action. if nothing is happening then your mind is doing. If things are happening then your mind is not moving.
  9. Ten land buddhisatvas

    arhant state is for to enter bodhisatva vechile. Cultivate tathagatha parinirvana, bodhisatvas appear in jhana heavens practicing the path. bodhisatvas run away from everything what is "ugly, bad"
  10. mutations

    no i just expressed what is needed. Like there is no knowledge what you can take and grasp and form into something. Frustration is a tone and then you can use your throat in a certain way to reach balls.
  11. did these time peopel took into account that the earth is round?
  12. what is meant with the sentence that at end times dharma moves to west. Black flags rising from east. Etc.
  13. What Haplogroup you belong?
  14. whatever, but can you delete that post? i don't care about anything else right now. Why you have to post about such things on a thread what is not mine. It is not for me, but for respect to the thread owner, you should delete that post. Make a new thread for that if you like.
  15. hey(with a normal voice) but still can you delete that comment about my family. I don't want to call my elders to come and respond to you.
  16. qicat you are sentient tool for me.
  17. i ask you to delete that comment above. --- How are you going to find a female without using senseconciousenss and waht is a female sings when you don't use senseconsciousness.
  18. its female who proves you a new location, power and fame. Female is a world.
  19. solitary practice is for so that you have something what females want.