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Everything posted by allinone

  1. Unplug from the Matrix

    okay, one thing i add, i went to a place where i couldn't meditate, i noticed i am wasting my time and every night i cried to a pillow before falling asleep. I need to see suffering, i'm going to miss it if i don't see. Suffering is awful but not like awful awful, it is an essential thing for living.
  2. Unplug from the Matrix

    blinded and braindead not to notice cruelty as a natural part of everyday life. edit emotional sufferings and pains rising. that is why i too ponder sometimes about if there is many people out there doing meditation what opens eyes to sufferings. its needed to meditate to open the eyes to sufferings, if no meditation there is no suffering, life is easy... //right now i have bliss waves going on
  3. Unplug from the Matrix

    hey i have same thing going on time to time, but the context may be different. Its only latley i noticed the signal in me so i can be quiet. I rather think its a common thing to go through. I have thoughts of killing, death, abuse all sorts of things appear what i hmm would like to do but these subside into blackness before i do things. Are you all blinded????
  4. wiki says Wisdom or sapience is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight
  5. buddhist is just a language. So basically the only correct path is buddhist, but if you use other language then its different word. to clarify you can use the language of biology, or language of sun. NB: sun asks me to get naked sometimes.
  6. Astral travelers can't bring evidence that the astral "data stream" information is more than 50% of waking reality. If its 49% then in a long run the system destroy itself, disappears. Psychics can't predict lottery numbers nor human decisions, there is something what prevents it. Like dharma of "when you know how things going to be then they won't go that way". How you can predict is if you know how nature acts. Like how gas acts if introduced to fire. That same knowledge forms in your mind that next time you know it. I suspect that the astral realms are those, your past experiences. If you haven't changed much or don't walk with open eyes then its strikingly similar to this world add here wrong assumptions and getting excited about it and loss of all critical thinking. -------------------- Also the most important thing is i can't astral travel. When i read about astral traveling then i get an assumption that it is you go out of the body you also should get real data, so bringing evidence of going OBE would be a piece of cake. Something else is going on and is ignored when to read the excited people claims of obe. (does my envy show up?). I try to set envy aside, i feel i should not ask questions but just accept people claims of being days in lucid dreams and think i miss something important if i don't achieve the same.
  7. Rainbow Bridge Techniques

    it is an expression what you just did. You could also do a physical position to it. edit: you subscribe to 6R? from wiki. The Six-R process.When practitioners find that a distraction has taken their attention off this embodied feeling, they are instructed to use the Six-Rs. The Six-R process was developed from the earliest Buddhist texts by Bhante Vimalaramsi. 1. Recognize that a distraction has occurred. 2. Release the distraction by not continuing to think about it. 3. Relax any tension that may have arisen. 4. Re-smile. 5. Return to the embodied feeling (Object of Meditation). 6. Repeat this process as needed.[20]
  8. Rainbow Bridge Techniques

    noob, you judge the cover of the book. There is reason for these affirmations or sayings, it does something. I have different presentation for you, it does clean or evoke sensations in you, then i concentrate or cultivate these sensations. Anyway i got to the next point, so there is reason to believe that those evocations are needed. Not every saying works, you need find the correct one for you, its a trigger, like asmr. to add next what comes the manner or style is same, you work with beings. Earth is a being.
  9. Breathing into LDT

    You using strength to stay awake, get tired you fall asleep. Breath is not used unless you have realized out of two eye one of them is true and other is illusion/appearances. But anyway we work with the strength part at first to realize that we can't get things done. Idea is to give up struggle before the strength is depleted. Its done by noticing what is permanent/real. That permanent thing knows that you can't get things done alone, that means you need help and that help is breath. Anything what rises, appears is breath. Breathing to ldt is mytho-logical.
  10. Breathing into LDT

    A) If the attention is put on belly, doing some circulation or whatever = Is what anyone can do from start. B)Where you unlock things so you get to do things what you couldn't previously. The entire approach is different to A. but there is component what is same for both. When you start off, you start dry on both, "don't have melted water and gotten it hot and air moving"(whatever). So doing A you don't learn functions or principles while at B you do that.
  11. There is a period you need to come evil in order to feel like having some desire to live. Do you have any comments for that? there is 50% of people counterbalancing each other, so half of the population is evil but they yare not at the same time, because there are other things too besides being evil. And in a life and death circle there is a point when you for real kill something living consciously, knowingly. any comments, pls. edit: i read in scripture that if all would stop killing, world would stop existing.(don't know exact quote)
  12. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    as a sidenote i already get different things out from your posts. There has been changes, progression happen. I hopefully one day reach to a solid ground.
  13. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    i get you Stosh, after waiting i see the importance what was before but i am not attached to it anymore. I have not much time to reply, i have mission to fulfill, that affects me, make me feel i'm in a hurry. edit: the hole will be dug, i will crack up sooner or later, and what next comes is relevant too. So its my own good if i indulge in upset behavior, i don't cling to it that im upset i know that im upset, and i will consentrate on state to see its progression.
  14. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    good point, the state i am in it is to be played through its like grand finale. I'm hot, i have read all sorts of stuff beforehand what i wanted to reply but didn't(i get the intent or sensation but not enough to write). So when one day i reply i burst out everything i have while going through different stages. I have played through it many times. Just one thing to add is that i try my best too(like running) i put all sorts of messages together but they won't be sent out, till finally i will enter the state where i kind of go nuts bursting out whatever but to me is important also to see the stages it happen. ------------ The waiting. I use for when i feel urge to do something, then i wait so long, going through different stages, sometimes i can get away, but i know then the other day my mind is more lax(rested, but i continue where i stopped) and i do things without much thinking. So the waiting is different practice and situation, i don't feel that kind of urge to post here, the forum is for other things, its not food related or entertainment(mind food). Except one time of a day i feel urge to post here, like grazy discovery but i learned it is a stage in day where i feel i discovered something great and feel huge urge to share it, it seem to pile up too over days and surely i will burst out again somewhere. ----------- So waiting is for to get through and see as many stages as possible before actual doing. The other is like warming up, if i think(for example thinking) i gather momentum to be able to express myself. --The burst or cracking a nut, is important also. but the post already too long.
  15. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    A shock, startle maybe. By using words, pointing to similar situation, threats, harsh words etc what could cut.
  16. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    Calling names can't be stopped. When i'm on that state then i don't care about getting banned. Lust is high, morality is low, ability to comprehend and understand is also low. If i call names i am frustrated and nearing to the end where there is no hope anymore. Calling names is just a sign...if i able to recognize it then i can start working on exhausting/empty the state.
  17. The Goal

    alchemy borns out of situations. If situation comes, training goes out of the roof. Can practice talking with girls, but if stunning female is front of you, then kek kek. edit. stunning situation, stunning reaction. Practice something, is not real something. Accessing what is real is a skill on its own, if i practice it it is not real anymore..etc edit2 there is also this if you know that its unreal, then its real, but if you know that too then its neither of the two first variants.
  18. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    Dunning-Kruger effect. The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. Psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive incapacity, on the part of those with low ability, to recognize their ineptitude and evaluate their competence accurately. Their research also suggests corollaries: high-ability individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others.[1] Dunning and Kruger have postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in those of low ability and external misperception in those of high ability: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."[1] The phenomenon was first observed in a series of experiments by Dunning and Kruger of the department of psychology at Cornell University in 1999.[1][2] The study was inspired by the case of McArthur Wheeler, a man who robbed two banks after covering his face with lemon juice in the mistaken belief that, because lemon juice is usable as invisible ink, it would prevent his face from being recorded on surveillance cameras.[3] The authors noted that earlier studies suggested that ignorance of standards of performance lies behind a great deal of incorrect self-assessment of competence. This pattern of over-estimating competence was seen in studies of skills as diverse as reading comprehension, practicing medicine, operating a motor vehicle, and playing games such as chess or tennis. Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:[4] fail to recognize their own lack of skill fail to recognize the extent of their inadequacy fail to accurately gauge skill in others recognize and acknowledge their own lack of skill only after they are exposed to training for that skill Dunning has since drawn an analogy – "the anosognosia of everyday life"[5][6] – with a condition in which a person who experiences a physical disability because of brain injury seems unaware of, or denies the existence of, the disability, even for dramatic impairments such as blindness or paralysis: "If you're incompetent, you can't know you're incompetent.… [T]he skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is."[5]
  19. quit being competitive in life, if you suck then just accept it faster. edit: hence the suggestions of walking in nature, watch art, relax, take time off, vacations etc. Visting doctor is as helpful like "someone is giving you attention, "treatment""
  20. Position of the tongue in the meditation

    there are threads about it, information to the very gradual know how. but Your thinking is wrong, there is no use of using tongue if you have no correct thinking fundamentally. Think of yourself having a some kind of syndrome, there is no use whatever you do unless you get to know how it affects you. Your welcome.
  21. Sorry about my english and sentence structure. Waking life is already built world. Dream is built with basically from scratch, big bang and after dream ends it will end all. In waking life you will work rebuilding, restoring your generative force. I don't know why bother on dream, while in waking life you can't still do things because you are preprogrammed and haven't restored original codes. edit: waking life is to be treated as it is dream and fully built before you were born from your parents. So there isn't difference between dream and waking life. .... there is a limit how far you go, as it may be capped with the need to work every time you want human body. Many inhabit body but are not human immortals, that say they will born low again like as ghost.
  22. The lucid dream is for a reason after it ends. So if you cultivate then the lucid dream comes it lasts a moment, couple seconds that long it requiers to be and if not get done then you repeat and well don't get stuck with the same stuff. Cultivation is the fundamental side or technical side, you require only the lucid dream xp itself not what you do there in or "meditate in dream". Is it worth to separately wish for lucid dreams?..or is it more worth to improve fundamentals so the lucid dream what is it build of--the conditions change; it is more useful to cultivate that way that lucid dream is one equal part of entire circle of different other points, so that lucid dream separately to practice is inferior. edit: lucid dream xp , if it is even fraction of second, it has to be experienced, remembered. It is even before breathing exercises, there is no point doing breathing work if not xp lucid dream once. Lucid dream opens spiritual thinking. If first timer, then to wish lucid dram, you must have gotten knowledge of its existence, from internet or books, and the instruction: it is usually to when in dream look at the hands to induce coming aware, + there is vibrations, what can be even painful. If you get level up, you at some point experience different kind of lucid dream and some fundamental part of nature of reality it is learned there.
  23. Breathing into LDT

    if to breath, that is an action. That action itself is what is the ground what makes up breathing. There is when we start breath there is a little spark happen, it is the awareness there. So at the end of the breath action. There is a grain what does not spark, but what causes you to lose awareness, that is a punch, it has to be noticed at the end of breath. Dunno what stage is at but its there. I think its useful to know why to do breathing practice and what to look for exactly. Edit: But still, the grain and spark of awareness can be in different place firstly. So the mind, brain, eyes, senses, to separate what is real from unreal in other to get the skill to know what to look for aquiered. and top of it, the style of life you live matters. So some of the things are impossible without living a life what you can handle easily without much being thrown around by external forces.( even there are signs to look for to know your limit what life you can handle after the required state doesn't rise anymore) and the age. If you old then there are other things to do in order to get things going.
  24. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    will try. But the point i wanted to made is before getting to A, there is a, b, c and A is gotten into when you notice you do a, b, c and reject doing it it will reveal A and then you in a certain interval starts come aware of A.. There come a turn to come evil too. Edit: for example: Competitive sports, games you cultivate becoming evil..dark. Even if you come aware then after that you come at least once angry. There are reactions happen in body, can't avoid them.(i have today already come angry twice) [don't know how to explain it properly, if i write here right now, i cultivate certain stage, i notice it then i can hold, see that state for a while], [now come aware of different thing] <--- anyway i observe, follow certain pattern what is same every day, at a certain interval i come aware i repeat and then come aware of a state. edit31: currently feeling annoyance in belly. There are certain things happen before that like coming aware of the thing what i have to do today, i notice tiresome, dark and not want to do it, i also see it.
  25. Counterbalancing Good & Evil

    you are right, I expect people can think back how did one come to write these things down. What state could that be. When you talk with someone then obviously what is clear to him/her is not said loud out, but only things what are said loud out are UNWORKED STUFF. BEcase the issue waht is solved disapepars and also dissapperas from memory and heart and don't manifest, you won't come into contact with sense swith that prlbm.