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Everything posted by allinone

  1. Lu K'uan Yu - Taoist Yoga - Alchemy and Immortality, page 125-126 edit: typed it manually look out for the mistakes.
  2. Neidan vs Mantrayana

    and what's chi? is it when its fire then its heat, when its water then its viscosity etc. The energy, a capacity to do work; is its original quality? There is a quote of when mahayana(probably any book) book is not properly on a table but some of it is on air then there is bodhisatvas holding it so it wouldn't fall down from table. (the quote is different actually, but to give the more down to earth meaning).
  3. Neidan vs Mantrayana

    what is pre-heaven? the place where bodhisatvas are? if so then its 3rd skandha. There is the 60 stages of bodhisatva training.
  4. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    I haven't read Castaneda works. ---- Lucid dream ends with dark. There is also different dream what is dark and fearful and end with light. there are punch of people clinging to lucid dreams, psyhonauts etc..edit: can be misleading.
  5. Neidan vs Mantrayana

    There is "doing" because the thing appears and that what appears has doing included in the substance already: you can't avoid doing it. Like feelings has logic and memory in them and there is no-way to tell its unreal or untruth. So how to cultivate them is to trust and have faith in emptiness that the things, feelings what appear are impermanent, empty. So when you don't do them, hold back physical activity(hold yourself back, bring your mind back to physical body from the object you want to do, gain that kind of experience) they expire and dissolve, means cessation happens. .. Then you can cause cessation by doing(non), knowing the heavenly body pathways(your mind knows from previous cultivation), you use functions of a physical body without doing them physically.
  6. Neidan vs Mantrayana

    Mahayana and the vechile before that. The Vajrayana comes third. Thinking mind rejects all by default, its how it works. That's why probably the hinayana is no-self. As we defaultly take the wrong thing as true, so we need to see how that happens and reverse it.
  7. Neidan vs Mantrayana

    At first the object of meditation is a dry object, later you will see the object "second time" then you have internals. Of course you may see the object tens of times, it doesn't mean you have seen it second time. The 10 times doesn't count as seen the object, because you still are in the same dry consciousness all this time. its clear who have understood what learning means or getting, obtaining. Any method can be done like a failure student in math in school without getting the "=" heart. edit: the good students in normal school are genes, they get things unconsciously without seeing the "getting" as a process of its own like a layer what makes up a person. That's another quality why a random brainy person won't evolve beyond its own natural borders.
  8. trauma needs to be active for that to work, if its not then thinking back of what happened doesn't induce any reaction. Trauma is just a shadow to a natural sensation, it won't disappear, it just sad that there is needed that kind of event or situation to trigger or get pass that point of existence.
  9. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    why? darkness has to be cultivated too. Its that it feels many times longer, is tedious and the urge to change the object or do something is many times more likely happen. Nothing seem to satisfy and if see an object then the desire is strong but can't satisfy it no matter how much you do there still is something missing. If someone describes blissful stuff, life is magical; the night will come soon. edit: there is special consciousness to be discovered, a way to concentrate. What it does is make the link between dream(legs, hands) and wakefulness, so that you wouldn't sneeze, caught, throw up(etc) but your body would have a path to head.
  10. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    okay, i think i get it. You are becoming aware of yourself and it is blissful. It is harder when there is more activity and easier in silence, alone. the light of awareness shines on you from a particular angle, you are becoming aware of that light when you become aware. The waters of habit are coming from the back of the head and coming down from the forehead, these are like unfinished business from previous day or habits you used to do during a day. So if you become aware then locating the habits center or what is the darkening factor then at some point you will have inner concentration "to chest" and reach belly where past images and you see habits with a form.. Maybe i push too much..but at some point you need to grab that awareness and keep awaken to it or realize it with will power(neck, swallow, throat area) included. Otherwise it will remain head only, as with breath you make path to body, breath is substance or energy needed for getting from ehad to body, torso. What i say is or point to is doable practice, not philosophy only. So if someone says of realizing self then a fundamentalist will say no you not realized it, and then doesn't provide any practical evidence why.
  11. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    From Mo-Pai book. yin-yand symbol. test is: forgot to add that you need to have lvl4 master to generate the field. So if you are lower than lvl4 then you can't push chi out.
  12. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    Hypothesis is: Qi you have is imaginary, you don't have conscious access to procedures. Qi, substance is felt in certain periods. Also we tend to be more mental and prone to see "ghosts" and fear more during certain periods and conditions. If you lose the sense of energy, the energy dissipates or disappear then it starts to build up again if you initiate the process or naturally circle there living your life. Considering that your energy what you have is from doing things not from knowing internal processes and specifically knowing what you do in order to have a result.
  13. Neidan vs Mantrayana

    through mantra you see how the throat, mouth breathing works, affecting different places and layers(skandhas). See the "cause and effect". Cause and effect has to be seen whatever you do if you want to get free and know why you doing these things you do. edit:
  14. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    and what is qi projection in nowadays terms. what you took, symptoms out? the cause of the sickness could be and most likely is somehwere else than the pain and symptom is...
  15. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    be aware more, it has wakefulness component, so the more aware you are the less dreamy you are. And perhaps you start critically think and doubt how big part you were in that healing. Maybe it would have happened anyway. You have done only one healing. You can't be dumb you think people in forums are?
  16. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    its your sense of beauty. Appreciation of aesthetics.
  17. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    if i say "i exist". i can then pinpoint where i am. It clears the dust. I then got to know how to do it as a concentration, i can also sense it and feel the "self". So i can cultivate the self-identification. I get information what i am, what i am going to do, what i did, where i came, what i have to do, what is going on right now, what i name it. edit: see i have someone to take care of and pay attention to, that's my own self. Don't say that's the Ego?
  18. The Heart opens Everything

    You are dreaming. Ah, i take the risk and say honestly something is missing in you or some blind spot you ignoring. It is a psychological problem, not healed by meditation or escaping to forest. But i'm not a doctor its just a observation reading your posts.
  19. World changed today...

    I was wrong with the wire having two ends, it has only one. Its same with the round earth, earth isn't round or sphere. That wire has two ends, or earth is spherical is result of reasoning or making things 3D, its aftereffect. Like watching 3D movie. edit: spatiality is a sense, feeling. Not on a same level of light particles, i assume.
  20. World changed today...

    lets say Dao is a principle. If its a wire then it has two ends.
  21. .

    People think they need to do things like lawn mowing, cut branches, wash teeth. Actually these things doesn't have to do. Is Yi that force?
  22. Shi Shen and Yuan Shen

    Good posts, tnx for translations, its surely is hard work.
  23. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    Self is light. You can rediscover it as much you turn the lights on. If you close the lights off then it means there is no self, if you turn them on then there is self. So from where the light is appearing and disappearing? Wires. Self moves in wires. We can measure it, guide it, manipulate it, transform it. You can work with your body, learn it. Self is there moving in veins, nervous system, lymph system, bones, bone marrow.. I afraid that if talked about losing Ego, attaining no-self, it has become some kind of "meme" and not very much pointing to investigation and training, learning, practicing and applying knowledge. edit: when the external light go out, you still in pitch black can realize the self and feel it like electricity in wires, there is tangible sense when you have it plugged in to energy source of your body. For that there is wiring needing to get done.
  24. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    Why you don't follow the intuition or the smell of expectation? You seem to know what answer you are expecting to get.
  25. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    you described something what according to one tradition of many Buddhism is an insight knowledge. Get someone to diagnose you what insight it is. You should really read about Vipassana knowledges. You would have practice for life and get on a PATH.