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Everything posted by allinone

  1. feel like giving up

    having belief in self is a fetter what causes rebirth at least 7+ more times.
  2. feel like giving up

    Above post, if you say you don't have nothing to afraid of, well you say self is permanent then you could be in hell realms indefinite time. But everything ends, self included will end and one single thought will cause end that karma. If you have wrong views you won't end your karma what cause rebirths. Having a permanent self view is wrong view.
  3. just do these things

    Also how much Nike paid you to create this thread? Just kidding.
  4. just do these things

    JUST Worry more about your mindset or philosophy you have. There are people usually from smoking pot or doing other drugs they open up something or see there while being high and then think that they can program their minds and life is that simple. But its not. figure how to deal or trade with things what doesn't have mouth and brain. Feed information from the ground.
  5. feel like giving up

    Sleep at the north and east side of house(im in northen hemisphere), where people store their edibles and sun doesn't shine. Few tons of stone also in a room will help to create a good place. No more allergies or hardships of sleeping. Try to memorize also how different days feel, some are more harder than other, try to see a pattern. I think noone here is powerful to fight with sunlight reflection ruined air, better move to a place, the more ground and yin the better. edit: or it works only for me. I move to the second floor at the sun side i sleep badly after couple days. Rooms or spaces what have some sort of bubble like pressure feeling no air moving, opposite to the feeling you get from nature i know i will sleep badly. Or i am a bit too sterotypical here..
  6. fake positivity is bully trait.
  7. a man asked Jesus about eternal life

    he probably didn't meant it literally but pointed out a type of samadhi or quality you should cultivate and also the result of it will be that you are able to follow him.. "the rich man" asked the question so that could mean that you need to feed the poor forever if you want to live eternal life. This point to the same type of samadhi. If you become poor yourself you will be fed accordingly. Poor then can mean also purity.
  8. You are Gods

    . probably instruction of jing to blood.
  9. It could be that facing the wall was a "paint it out and draw it red" example what you should do and expect. The expectation is you will see your own shadow.
  10. every sensation is with dilemma: do or not to do. So you can produce your own movement and style, every movement can be countered. You can use your body as your partner. when release/change happens with "Do" you lost. When without "Do" you win.
  11. Here Be Dragons

    I think about death, its the ultimate critical thinking.
  12. Vipassana, Taoism and Reiki.

    Heart level is feelings. When you read the book then you feel if its boring or interesting but the boring and interesting is below mind level because you can force yourself to read boring text, eventually the boringness is there because the place you were coming from is still also there for an example a good drama episode is still lingering in the background what you eagerly want to continue watching; when you force yourself to read boring text then eventually your heart lets go and starts looking more and more into the text you read and you might gain interest, overall you gain with wisdom into impermanence, suffering and non-self of these feelings, and then they come more available for you for later use to fuel your practice even more.
  13. Its also in various religions that most die will reborn from a womb after leveling up again through various other forms of existence. And even if lucky getting birth on higher realm the fall is almost certain. In Chan there is a quote that like only 2% of all the practitioners will solve inner ego.(don't remember the exact quote, its somewhere in foreword of The Surangama Sutra).
  14. Vipassana, Taoism and Reiki.

    Healthy body could mean your mind is weak and have very little power over heart. Animals look very healthy but they have no power over their habits, when dog sees a cat they forget all rules and common sense but run after cat.
  15. Vipassana, Taoism and Reiki.

    When you do something what you are not used to yes it is rigid, but you also notice that your learning curve is fastest while doing it. To bring a mundane example, when you start weight training you gain mass and power faster at the beginning. With heart its opposite /twisted, we gravitate towards things we like to do and do them easy and light, fluffy, therefore in order to gain max benefit we should do things what we don't like and feels heavy, boring, dreary so you will use your max potential in order to train heart level.
  16. a logic: Earth is a desire realm(according to buddhism cosmology). Its a yin(according to JC earth is yin). So desires are yin.
  17. Consciousness and Qi

    If all is chi then it can be this guess: As long you can't guide xx level chi you are subject to being guided by xx. That points to hierarchy, leadership, lower and higher castes. In other words there are levels. look what you do and what control you have and compare it with animals and plants and rocks.
  18. here's the quote from book, Knowing from studies small particles can go through obstacles. Is that JC can discern small particles and then at some point can lead them? also: also: .. is the chi a force what the particles contain or have?
  19. Yin is absence and yang has extra. You have two onenessnesses, their state is opposite to each other. So you have third as a state. There exist full yin and full yang. The third is a state of being.
  20. something like this: ..old yin and young yang get together, baby will be created then baby yang will go away from womb/home. Womb owner dislikes baby because of looking other yins now... There is Greece mythology or any other about yinyang different levels but with different names.
  21. What exactly is "Inner Nature"?

    how many turnings you are away from seeing the projection? The source of light itself needs to be out in order to have objects come out as visible to the eye. So you depend on earth, eyes, body, brain, senses etc. Light goes back the same pathway as it came. Then that means you don't need to know particularly anything.
  22. What exactly is "Inner Nature"?

    When i am cornered and no way out i am therefore faced with my fate, like 1vs1. Then comes out more easily the inferiority and superiority as what is useful and what is not, like there is no point anymore to eat when i am seeing truck coming towards me, so i might walk now away to different place. Maybe the most felt important questions to us are already too late to deal with?
  23. What exactly is "Inner Nature"?

    and its not possible to find it or get it, otherwise you should know what you gave away and therefore logically you should know about it too. does that mean "thirst for knowledge" is neverending?
  24. What exactly is "Inner Nature"?

    if you don't know what inner nature is, replace it with unknown. You are searching something you don't know.
  25. may we call this Rigpa?

    luminosity as light of awareness? I don't have a reference point so i don't know what is clear light dream, you are keeping "lucid" and "clear" as two separate things without no connection.