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Everything posted by allinone

  1. imho, deep sleep is for giving nervous system a rest. If i could stay awake on that state, i would probably stay there days and probably weeks without food and drink. Not to mention the afterglow of that state would also last for days, i would go telling people that life is truly amazing why can't you see it. Not to mention that heart stops for minutes in deep sleep. Now i don't doubt that you can stop breathing for a long time in that state, and perhaps you can go deeper and deeper into that state and don't even realize that you were there a month. All we know that when waking up in the morning its easy to fall asleep again, this is because of the sleep afterglow or momentum. People who once have succeeded entering deep states of mind it will get easier and easier because of the momentum. Then powers, its stated that in deep states you gain powers, you mind will be so clear that you will aquire the knowledge how to use them. But, after a while the momentum, afterglow, powers wil disappear unless you fuel yourself up again in deep concentration states.
  2. from "In the natural squatting position, the entire weight of the body rests on the feet, and the thighs are pressed against the abdomen. "
  3. Gods created out of Fear

    Ice is liberation but its still in one piece with everyone else. Vapour element is individual, it has its own energy and when growing in speed its energy rises. While water has the opportunity to become both. From that i gather to make difference between two different paths. One is freezing the spirit other is make it single. From a book of Uruntia for an example if i remember correctly one is mergeing with the Holy soul or something and other is returning to paradise and meets the God in person. Still the one who merges with the Holy something" has a change to become a real deal.
  4. Would you bother to gain some mastery on the most simplest and worthless system in your book? And then look at Mo Pai again, and tell what you think. I would suggest to learn what emptiness means. And then think what conscnetration is. Then whats the differnce between mindlessness and mindfulness is. For an example it took me half year everyday figuring what mindfulness in vipassana means or "let go" what is their base, when you understand "let go" then you can skip the noting.
  5. the state between sleep and awakefulness is bollocks (at least i don't believe on that state). Even in Magus of JAva book says its SIMILAR to that state. There comes available a unique state, rather to say natural awakefulness, a being what is not dependent on consciousness of 5 senses. I could bet that the 5 cords represent 5 senses or sense consciousnesses. 5-->3-->2-->1 and +1(extra state very hard? to achieve makes that unique state "permanent". all next points or milestones are based on that unique state. Milestone is a permanet shift on being. There are many real events, and will get some things or skills what you could not do before. vibrations: You will get a vibration on a milestone(first milestones are not vibration) and you will absorb it, make your own vibration same with it, after that you don't feel anymore that vibration. At next milestone next vibration comes, its different kind vibration.. energies rising to the top of the head. One case you need to pinpoint correct pathway then energies shoot to the top of the brain, something then unlocks you will again absorb it. Its all are real stuff happening here and now not in some kind of hybrid sate. i think that this borderline state is yin state, its achieveable when you are drunk and very sleepy, suddenly your awreness field turns solid and like lamp is put on. Once i woke up but i was still on some kind of state, then i sensed a spirit or ghost coming towards the outdoor of the house then it came inside, came towards my room and knocked on the door. Once i had a very intense lust, i withstand it to the end and then saw a shadowlike being left from me. I was very depressed and suffered then saw my own toughts live around me like a energy cloud. But when you are healthy and stabile, natural, well slept you are as ordinary as you can get. That unique natural state is not dependable on anything. That unique state is not a state its a charge of energy, that brings clarity. After you achieve this state you can at will charge your self or body you will feel enrgies rising to the middle of the head, the capacity or ability to withstand more and more will increase till there is a breakthrough then there is second breakthrough then you can CONNECT to that charge, there will become a disc or a ring shape light when you hold it then nothing is affecting your mind when you succeed absorbing it to your body then you can rise it pass heart to the head and shed your filthy old cell and now you are connected to that charge automatically all the time., you still can will more and more charge. There is more things after that of course. about sweat and heat. There are periods when there is lots of heat, like you are near a oven several days. Organs can be separately heat up etc. There is some events what make you instantly sweat and wet. Liquids running to mouth suddenly. But first: What i did is concentrated on the middle of the head or between the eyes or the are in front of me when eyes closed. Sometimes it caused the space in front of me solidify, there were more effects i don't remember. Whats important is that there started effects during the day, lightning flashes, some loud explosions, lights. after three or two years i was pretty depressed and started looking a cure. I found that i need to open sushumna channel or middle channel, its by balancing left and right channel from there i knew what i needed to do next and next ..etc. It took around 7 months to make the charge or state permanent. maybe its placebo.. "anyway its all done by investigating awareness, what you can do in it and eliminate false things at the end only one correct will be left and that will produce a result then you can figure out next. This is all you need to know- in shortly awareness"
  6. Gods created out of Fear

    How you know that this world is mundane and that spirit world is the real deal? In spirit world everything happens with the speed of thought but in mundane reality not, thus its illusion. hehe imho its matter of how you look at it. In my own mind everything happens with the speed of thought but here in reality there is rules thus its a challenge. therefore i purify my mundane energies to wisdom and perhaps i will reach somewhere that i don't want to go to yin world again, i mean spirit world. Is it even a spirit world the other side or is spirit world this when i speed up my vibrations so high that my body turns into light and can live on Venus or on Sun. Think about it, earth is mundane, then also sun is mundane but my body is not suitable to live there, but when i turn my body to suitable to live on sun? I think here is lots of hidden things what is guarded by wisdom. edit: What it means to speed up the vibrations versus making a connection with the subconsciousness? I know what it means when water moleculs start to speed up, it makes water boilng and hot then it becomes vapour, but when it again loses speed it becomes back water and if it loses even more speed it becomes ice. When water is but into pot then both ways if too hot or too cold(ice), pot will be "broken", water molecules will escape or gain "liberation". One way is cold and other is warm. How consciousness relates to this?
  7. yep, flatfooted and butt all the way down. Im pretty skinny. But i also use little variations, i don't use any strict rules. besides its comfortable, it saves warmth, its excellent for when there is too cold. 2nd favourite position or variation is "soles of the feet together position" with legs 45 degrees from the ground(or how much you bend). While first is hands around feet then other is legs are outside and hands inside. one is when there is cold other is when there is warm.
  8. "natural squatting position"
  9. enlightenment

    when i am gone, then things still happen. And things will forget me like i have never been existed. I meditate that i could know what is happening after i am gone.
  10. 1000 Dollars for Transcendental Meditation?

    there is out there books, and some old lines. 100K awakening people on the internet telling you something that you need to stop searching and do it right now. its not that you need to become desireless first or save bugs, and help snails to cross the road you can do it right now.. Its that when you become awakened and then evolve along the path desires start to fall away. Becoming enlightened is your birthright. Only to get more enlightened you need merit. when you have already read about meditation and believe in enlightenment you have enough merit to become enlightened. If you would have no merit then talk about enlightenemnt would go from one ear in and other out.
  11. Gods created out of Fear

    Dawg, Do you have found someone who has the same type of enlightenment moment and outcome as you(from book or real life etc)? edit: deleted other questions..
  12. enlightenment

    enlightened since becoming aware. Only awareness has the capability to burn things. When anyone has been stuck 20 years, that's going to be a huge fire. I am walking around in my mind and burn things up, if everything seems to be burned up, i start to combine things and look explosions and then burn the pieces what is left..
  13. Horse stance

    im sure that anyone has said it before but. After you are very tired from running or walking, horse stance is usually taken naturally(not perfect). It feels good. After a while it loses its effect, so i can just stand or sit and then continue walking. This is same with when i am cold then i take baby position or whatever its called, naturally. Thinking why its good to stay in horse stance when its not feeling good anymore, also i don't understand why its so important to be able to sit fulllotus? Its like listening to music, it does not make me a singer. Samely i can do neikung for years but if i do it like listening music nothing will happen even if doing it fifty years. Im sure that sitting motionless is for realizing the mind wanting to move here and there and thats it, after that my focus is on that mind and position is not important anymore.
  14. Does Dan Tien translate as 'belly'?

    if someone have had lucid dream then to open LD(lower dantien) should not be so hard. The diffrence is that when you enter LD then its not permanent or feeling that something is still missing, that you are still not close enough to reality feeling(same feeling you have in lucid dreams). So you try and try getting into that reality(LD already open), some nonordinary experiences and then one day you see the "pill", you digest it and then you need to come "out of the cell" by leaving the old way of being and entering new way first time(it feels good). You now are same like you are in lucid dreams but the power is still weak. in lucid dream our experience field is whole, it can be replicated in this waking world too, but the intensity is much weaker here. Comparing lucid dream with this reality is enough to succesful alchemy. Also kundalini is the same thing, left and right channels are left and right brain and same yin and yang and you can hold them and make them react, but its at the beginning automatic, trying to just image what its like to be whole and make it seriously really happen in live and your LD opens automatically. Leaving out the details and trying to sense the hidden, unmanifested aspect. If you compare lucid dream and real life then will understand what its meant by these words. Dream and waking life just seem different at the beginning. Trying to find whats different and then trying to eradicate the difference by entering what is correct. This is the sense of "i am" its obvious in lucid dreams but not so obvious in waking life.
  15. yin/yang theory applied to motion

    you can't feel yang or yin alone. Sunlight itself is whatever it is but thinking in relation to moon its yang. So when you are doing breathing exercise for example then to gather yang you need to spot the energies whats within physical breath. Next level is you will sense reality or "I am" without any object of meditation. Reality is yin within reality is objectless or lucid reality its yang within stillness there is movement. Emptiness is not empty are the famous quotes.
  16. yin is within yang, yang is within Yang that means yang becomes yin to Yang. Within yin there is also yang. within hour there is minutes within minutes there is hour. Thats why you need MCO to speed up your electrons to get hour out of the minutes. And also learn to sense unmanifested to do so, because minutes themselves have no knowledge of the hour.
  17. channels

    Greetings, This will be my second forum i have an account, there i have different username. I am unemployed currently(some rare jobs here and there), i have degree(i am not lazy). I started searching my way while being in school, things started going downhill mentally, i wanted to figure out how to live without needed to work. I wanted to have superpowers, mind over matter. first stage of practice 1) I concentrated on the third eye(area in front of me little bit upside, eyes closed). That triggered effects randomly my dayly life - lightning flashes, sounds, cracks, blue light explosion(i thought my TV blowed up). Lucid dreams. I felt subtle vibrations on the middle of the chest. Later when i concentrated on third eye then it went whole or solidified. This period was 2-3 years. Mainly "practiced"(i tried to get out of the body, induce powers etc) before sleep. 2) i found enlightenment stages. I wanted to become enlightened. This period was learning time, i read everything i could about the stages in every culture. I read everything about how to correctly practice. Found that the best is "letting go". I combined it with the mindfulness knowledge, i tried to find logic behind it how to do it. 3) it took me half year if not more to actually start doing formal practice. My first attempts were 5 minutes of mindfulness practice, i couldn't sit more. Over time i could sit almost 3 hours without moving. My main position is on bed on my back watching my mind, figuring how to make the mind still. Got my record long sitting and got to a mind state of luminous balls or something, no body only these balls. 4) Still wasn't good enough, i started reading about currents and energy. Chakras and channels etc. I started practicing pranayama. It took me i think couple days to figure out how to change the flow from one side to another and back, to change the flow at will. At that time i did a breakthrough, when investigating the field of mind i noticed that i am adrift to one side, i decided then to balance my self to middle and that caused breakthrough, i opened a channel. 5) Not long after first breakthrough the third eye was different, i could now apply to it and repeatedly. It developed pressures in the middle of the head, after some time i got another breakthrough but it was different than the channel breakthrough, then i was closer to the third eye(third eye is like a field of reality), after that there were another same kind of breakthrough. 6) after that last breakthrough, i felt i was close. Leaving details out i managed to take the third eye as object, i hold it then it dissolved into lower body or middle body. Then i let go of the old junk. Like clouds moved out of the sun, it felt light and pure. 7) i felt done and happy for a while, but not satisfied. I started pulling out vibrations again, did it for a while then things started to move again, then i hold my mind at lower abdomen it produced 3 light experiences, like middle channel succked empty and then put something back in. First was weaker than second and second was weaker than third. After that i purified some things, won't get into details to keep it short, energies went to the top of the head. That unlocked third channel. I then were able to channel energies to the body. 8) not interesting details, just lot of purifiing channels. Till you can let go of the chains of consciousness, this is the subtle overlapping what overlaps automatically everything. 9) thats all currently took approximately 6 years to get here. Four channels each within eachother, 4th is also channel but its done differently this channel will connect to the third eye or third eye is 4th channel. 1st channel is most automatic, 2nd channel is half automatic, 3rd channel- 3/4 is manual 4th is manually(that means you need to come up what you need to to by yourself and do it by yourself). For opening fourth channel you have already lots of knowledge thus its the fastest and easiest to open. 2nd channel was hardest for me and 3rd channel trickiest. i have parroted this many times but everytime little bit differently because of when i first thought i was done was on 1st then 2nd channel then middle of the 2nd and 3rd and so on, i like to do it. practice now: purifying third eye and body channels. Not yet sure how it will continue but currently i see results fast enough. Thank you, i hope i can provide some tips
  18. imho, Yin is separated yang. Source is purely yang, if it replicates itself then the replicated part becomes yinyang. Human mind is yinyang but is unrealized who he is so it clings to the yin and dissipates, his mind dies, so source needs to create other one. Need to get above mind consiously to become realized. In order to do that three knots or cauldrons have to be pierced or opened when its done then can get through mind after that new seed of life has to be created and then absorbed into lower dantien. Then it matures and comes out of the cell and new circle can repeat itself. Same thing can be said in other words and other context. Its one and the same thing repeating. Idea is to get pass mind, it means conscious death, its arahat level in buddhism. But what arhat does not yet figured out is that new life has to be also created consciously and that name is resurection in christianity while conscious death is crucifiction. New life is created in the elixir field "in front of you"(it source is middle of the head), its the inner light or awareness field concentrating on it produces a disc or a circle and hold on to it till it gets absorbed into the body. If total newby then at first your field is stoned or calcyfied or cristallized, conscentrating on it will produce flash of light or explosion. It also can happen randomly after you have consentarting on it. Then you need to to mindfulness practice a long time and breathing just to be aware and get the subtle sense of enrgies in you Then you can eneter that elixir field for real(going through the mysterious gate or gateless gate) then open middle and higher and then get pass mind and end up for a second in a darkness wher s only your awreness after that you can create new seed of life concentrating on that field of awareness. At the end when new life is created then it matures little bit and then comes out of the cell and it takes time when the connection to the real yang gets permanent. When you do new circle and create new seed again then after that the connection is even more stronger. At the same time creation process gets more clear.
  19. What exactly is "grasping"?

    a)onepointed concentration, if you mean absorbtion into somekind of outer object, its not correct way. Samatha- its in Taosim you have lower tandien activated, you have entered it. b)Inner light illumination- its not a light separate from you neither it has color or shape, its your own awareness shining on ten directions on 10K things. samatha practice is after you have activated this field of awareness(inner light) you start to apply to it non-graspingly till you succeed on one on one concentration(samadhi) with your own source of this light, and you are going to absorb it to your body then, so that you can become one with it(father and son are one and the same). After you have done it you feel such a joy for a while when you innerly realize what you have done.. Same way MCO is wrongly done if its looked like an outer object, doesn't matter if you feel it inside the body.
  20. Cause, effect and celibacy

    I have searched MCO is and its made complicated. Its much easier. What i described is more advanged. I reached that far that i take the fruit, not just circulating energies. At the beginning i was doing breathing, just waching then how energies went up after in breath(very subtle). I then connect two opposites, i went through the "mysterious gate" it just mean when your connection is succesful immediate reaction follows. Lower tandien activated. Then i learned to do immortal breath. These energies what went up now i am one with these energies, that means i don't follow energies i am the breath itself now(thats the meaning of immortal breath) With doing immortal breath i opened middle and upper tandien, there is then momentous deathexperience(field of awareness in total blackness) after that i concentated on my own "face" its the immortal thing(seed of life)) what i need to gather, it appears in front of me. if gathering is succesful immortality is mine. its was first succesful circle with a fruit. With second you are able(learn, maybe its possible to do before) to breath energies into the body, its opposite to immortal breath. The point is that the simple regular breathing proccess gets real. Breathing in and out is called birth and death for a reason(small death and birth, going to sleep and waking up is also death and birth XP). To become immortal one needs to master this process. With every successful circle, it becomes more obvious. Regular mortal breath taken into magnifying glass, immortal breath in then death XP then rebirth and with that my own "experience rises". there is(may, sometimes maybe not) mental pain after death(or the mental pain of the rebirth). The pill or medicine(probably i used wrong term) is actually a energies die(they are returning to the source(me)) and what i get is more XP, also i feel the mental pain. This is all real, we experience the death experience (when the circle is succesful) and initiate new beginning, thats what we became to learn down here. it can be done mastered within a year. the last succesful circle i did couple weeks after last death and birth, maybe it was premature death.
  21. deep sleep --> sleep --> borderline --> waking life -->more awake--> extreemly awake--> more extreemly awake--> ultra awake... you think you can't be more awake or cristal clear there is always more to go. When 1040p didn't exist nobody didn't had an idea what it looks like to have 1040p picture. borderline is different its like dream, there's your picture is permanent(if that is the borderline everyone thinking it is?). Im rather thinking its absorbtion to 4th jhana where masters aer cultivating even for weeks, books tell that from there its possible to get the powers, and FUEL for doing powers, so you still are dependent on state. but its different when you go the slow path, path of purity and knowledge, but its not slow takes only couple years but probably lifetime to get any knowledge about powers. Eventually there comes the point where you can get whats on 4th jahan on waking state.
  22. Cause, effect and celibacy

    if it was directed to me, then im sorry. I was happy that i now know how to gather inner alchemical agent. And also know and have seen the star from where the spirit needs to go through to become immortal. Just want to yell that its not about earth yin or grounding..or about celibacy etc.