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Everything posted by allinone

  1. when you have done something like 1000 hours, you might have developed meta there are various levels what are revealed over time. So if to talk about the meta or pointing at it then either you recognize it or not. So apparently i have no understanding, can you help me or point me to a place where i could study or reference what the OT is about? My guess is that it is some energy what causes personal issues to clear up, blocks dissolved. If that is so, there is some counter points what could be important to point out.
  2. just for the record i gotta know what aura is, it finally clicked to me, reading scientific article about coronas. The thoughts and connections could be totally off the point but that click somehow opened to a wider array of possibilities. So if i next time ehar about auras i resonate more mature noise when state my opinions..
  3. what energies? like you come aware of that "you have hands" kind of realization? can you guys articulate what area of interest you talking about?
  4. governments, police, other humans and predator like animals like bear are embodiments of control nothing seem imply i have control of areas in my life what would make me say things are getting less life threatening. So what energies are spoken of? *i am not against governments or police etc, these just imply current situation of development and what is needed to chain down lunatics and funnel policies to steer in certain direction hopefully that all participants would get smarter. I also understand some dark choices, because peasants are not capable to understand certain things what high rank generals can etc. But recently more dumbasses are picked int ohigh places, so thats a indicator we are more liberal yess but overall in a downward spiral.
  5. if you feel that something affect, disturb you then you can use it as an object of meditation. As long you have brains, you can meditate, meditation isn't depend on TV manipulations or cosmic changes or are you under water or hing on mountains. The truths you discover are universal, or you like to say these are beyond cosmic, manifested world, unmanifested world. Other words, then you don't really practice i think, but work with energies and when you feel lighter you think it is new level? -- truths or new levels? -- what you refer to when you speak of energies and new levels?(this is pretty much following your posts here and there, there is some similar topic going through, but my assume is still you refer to new age, 2012 ascension Mayan and other those areas, also niburu, planet X, aliens etc. -- In short Wassupp? what are you refering to, what's your agenda?
  6. I think what the OT is about is more than a 12 year circle animal sign affections. I think what he means is that '2012 Maya' 20K something circle.
  7. what i have noticed is in certain days fire burns more and water gets boiling fast, while other day it takes a long time(firewood metal cooker, metal pot, water inside pot). Basically if i want to predict then i would be always wrong unless i could tell what "day" is on. So i need be able to notice correct things and draw conclusions from them. --- I use clock time as reference., i need get my food ready on time, so i notice some few things. But there is more indicators, these are more personal, like the sound of fire burns, the hot reflection intensity from a metal plate, what weather is outside) Other words i also don't rule out palm reading.
  8. The Bible doesn't talk about God

    Or there are truths what are universal. Like you do something and over the time the truths come out, reveal themselves. So if to put countless people to do it, then the truths will separate people, some remain like monkies long time before discover basics.
  9. The Bible doesn't talk about God

    why you read bible? to find truths? there are much better books for that. -- like government laws.
  10. The Bible doesn't talk about God

    so you are against circumcising as it is a old rule? or you are in for thinking that it is hidden meaning, finger pointing the moon?

    i need a nerve or some other type of connection tube, download from a master who has it already taht then the next generation of cells will restructure, or i just need relay on eventually my own purification mind will find out how to do it.
  12. Levels of conscious mind residing...

    i would quote more, but the smell of roast is too much to take for now. i need edit it, because saying afterwards that kind of sentence will lower the changes of someone quilty of abusing lust will take on the correct path.
  13. Levels of conscious mind residing...

    From : The Sutra of Consummate Enlightenment A small quote of it, page 57 “Virtuous Man, ever since Time Incipientless of yore, all the Multibeings, due to all kinds of Enamoring Attachments and Avaricious Desires, have brought about their own Transmigration. In all the worlds, for all genera of Multibeings, namely, the Egg-begotten, the Womb-begotten, the Moisture-begotten and the Transformation-begotten, they all procure their own Vitality through Carnal Desire. Hence, it should be known that Transmigration is founded on the basis of Lust. All kinds of Desires assist in developing the Disposition of Lust. Consequently Nascence and Demise are capacitated to continue interminably. Desires are begotten on account of Enamoredness; and Life, in turn, subsists itself upon Desires. The Multibeings’ Lust for their own Lives, eventually speaking, falls back on Desires as its font: The Lust for Desires being the Cause, the Lust for Life becomes the Effect. Therewithal, the various Circumstantial Desiderata would bring about either favorable or unfavorable sensations for them. When the Circumstance contravenes one’s Inclination of Lust, one would engender Resentment and Jealousy; whereby one would perpetrate all kinds of Karmas on that account. As a consequence, it would give rise to Purgatory-hood or Starving Ghosthood. On the other hand, when one becomes aware that Desires are detestable, one would revert to the love for the Karma-Detesting Modus, insofar that one would start to abnegate Vices and appreciate Virtues. In consequence, the Celestial Realm or Human Realm shall be manifested to one. And due to their awareness that all Lust or Attachments are detestable, they would come to forsake Attachments and to enjoy the abnegation of it; nevertheless, oftentimes these would still relapse to replenish the Font of Attachment, which would result in the manifestation of Meritorious Fructescence of Implementality. For all of these are still subject to Transmigration, consequently, as such, they could not lead to the attainment of the Holy Bodhi. Therefore, the Multibeings, who wish to be liberated from Nascence-Demise, so as to be exempted from Transmigrations, at the very outset, would have to exterminate their Avaricious Desires as well as to extinguish the Thirst for Enamoredness.

    I need to train more. To see if there is any thoughts what are created before what block my intents.

    i have used telekinesis in dreams and pushed hand through a wall. I get the feels and what is in my mind at the moment, the world is secondary importance, not to view through senses. Harder is to manifest money or cars. There is dream also where i can't jump higher than normally, no matter how much i try, when i am attached to the thing i want to do. I made a bet with someone that i could jump and touch the ceiling, but i couldn't.

    there is a logical issue about how you limit yourself? why not the table rise? Same issue is with the banana slicing and John Chang. The movements are just gimmics..or you have mind view of complex modeling system where you use your hand as a mouse and keyboard to model out what you want to do???

    i'm interested in discussion. i think it is not internal energy, because other wise these pieces would have the feeling of consciousness and not like a aftereffect of a shock.
  18. Lucid dream

    Lucid dream is coming, but you can do the connection at waking state too after many types of progressions. Pressure builds up, the stage is triggered in waking life(triggers sensual thoughts and here is i think we need actual celibacy otherwise we miss or jump off the train), and in dream state you become lucid and find a female being to enter and connect to. (i guess it is just a scenario of my clingings to the sensation i need experience) but still i think celibacy is needed and at minimum a million dollar point, it is for that you would not express the dark remains what runs in parallel with manual labor. Different styles of 'lucid dream' comes, lower organ and in head a point is opened in a semi real state what isn't like the normal lucid dream, you wake up from a dream but not fully woken up. ---- you just need the taste what lucid dream is, then need use that taste to find that state while awake. (imho that is a crucial difference while speaking amongst lucid dreamers). Later the sensation, by the way at first it seem cold and electrical but later it is not, therefore i think it is said "Lucid" the waking up in a dream is secondary importance, i think its just that you are in head area and there is awareness included and through center there you get sensation and will be transported to other world. Celibacy and lucid are from a same track. -- i have questioned and search people descriptions on what lucid dream is. And reached the conclusion that not everyone lucid dream is lucid dream same definition. So to know what lucid dream is there is a sensation, definite characteristics. Not just waking up in a dream and living through a scenario there, i mean fundamentals and things you do before having a dream, what is noticed etc. I have spoken to someone and i couldn't beat that person enough to get understood what is meant scenario details and what are the sensation or characteristics of a lucid dream. So that person talking about how long it lasted, what he did etc. --- in short: Lucid dream is for to stimulate the high-end of a sensual organ to get that sensation. In waking life you get activated beforehand, then need do celibacy in order to get a relevant dream. Lucid dream is not the reference to dream where you are woken up, but it means you are in head region and need release to get down. The entire celibacy politics is that you wouldn't waste the opportunity to get a dream world sensation unlocked to waking life, that sensation goes through different place back up and the connection is done manually without dream then. And once the mastery is gotten you won't get a lucid dream sensation of the same sensation because you did the entire circle manually in one shot so you will skip that circle becase you mastered it. Last time i had a microsecond long lucid dream(get the point? its not for to practice meditation there or live thousand years). The lucidity is a sensation itself, just a start for other types of happenings.
  19. the universal and local mind distinction is a bit odd. I think, you won't go far from what sense organ is presenting to you. And that is just going from seeing to the space it sees (other words going from seeing to space where seeing doesn't happen) and once you do it you won't come back, when you also get a fruition otherwise you repeat it. The fruition is again you get a channel, sensation and even a location while you repeat the process will inflict. And once you manually do it, you won't repeat it.
  20. samsara and nirvana are like pain and no pain, while no-pain is still a pain but you won't register it as so but know that the seed of pain is still there, that the pain will come, the process is not over. Cultivating the no-pain you get the one taste of the no pain, and can while the samsara and nirvana alternate, you can start replicate the same process and eventually can squash the sphere-like center point and the contents of it will equally fill the channel.
  21. let me say that its not hormones at least its not the Main in immortality topic. There is a wachy state whilst it tries to drag us under water so hormones are as a false saviours in a long run we need less and less depend on hormones induced safeties.
  22. when you get a sense of self, you can force it, pump it it expands till the pressure liberates into head pass neck by try see(using sense organ) through throat. You get to see things float. Heart at some point will break, pain will come out. The class of sensations is when you notice you have done something wrong all the time and can't admit it, but have to admit it and correct your moves. Basically admitting you are dumb on a situation where you just made a statement and its not as easy it looks to ah i am wrong Okay, it can make your chin stutter, eyes wet. Its hard, usually there is fighting involved. Next is seeing clarity, light. Expect diarhea to visit at some point.
  23. loosely, I think what you did was you came to your senses. While there you have no self, will or anything else. Sense organ like eye and seeing does things accordingly to karma- since its organic; it is not created thing like a machine, but still work similarly. When try to see endlessly, we can't do it, we will be carried away, we even will get a notice that we did and get pulled back to task at hand. It happens automatically by respecting the set of rules. So you can give a task, and the desires induced by what we see may carry away for a while, but we will be noticed and come back. But there is self coming,the ascending path next rung. You can use will and power to hold on to things, and move away, make decisions. You can decide to cultivate desires, put it as a command so if urge rises you notice it and can use body to absorb the habitual movement and notice the force, initiate craving, what is fire and the sensation what arises is water from fire, it is similar as when defeating a toxication, your body turns warm and sweat appears. It is a not a simply gotten sensation, it is the class of sensations like emarassment, shame, quilt. Not easy to cultivate those, these rises when also when you notice your past urge induced actions, they keep coming appearing into your mind and induce those feelings. These will destroy your self confidence, your life, career and all other things. But what you gain is sense of self, its worth it.
  24. Misinterpretation at its finest

    i can work on the sensation it rises in me. And reach solution. Doesn't matter what you say, but the tone is possible to meditate. I hope you get it, you as well could talk same tone on how to make sandwiches correctly and you guys know nothing talk. --- my lower belly smiles!!
  25. I farted, pretty raw smell but delicious. Can't wait what kind of suffering i will receive. Of course dejavu moment too. I think its not first time to go nuts- or i rather say into nuts.