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About centertime

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  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Question: is this Chi Kung suitable for healing kidney decease? Any experience in this matter or concrete example when it helped?
  2. I wonder bija mantras are the same, do they also open the chakras?
  3. To Chi Or Not To Chi??

    what kind of solid foundation is needed? what kind of internal tests are done? can you describe them?
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    stopping is as slow as possible.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    There is one thing I have not found while reading this thread is.. pacing... If I am correct, there are several points in any moving meditation, when one could stop and hold position for a while... Just practising it seems it would be beneficial to stop at. various positions .. When I did it seemed to be empowering.
  6. To Chi Or Not To Chi??

    do you have practical experience in the matter? what is the pragmatical significance of that?
  7. To Chi Or Not To Chi??

    of "entering the white room" ? can you tell me more about it?
  8. To Chi Or Not To Chi??

    Everybody knows something, nobody knows everything. Do not trust people blindly.. Try to stay calm in face of adversity. try to keep together, stay strong, stay whole.
  9. To Chi Or Not To Chi??

    Not sure what is "very good level" for you (feel free to define it in detail) but I can say this... I suffered much less because of these practices and I started at late 40th. And when you suffer less, everybody can understand this how much it can mean. This is an important point. Not talking about fancy paranormal abilities, exceptional physical strength, just less suffering, better days, just better experiences, higher quality life lasting for days. (depending on the frequency of practices).
  10. What would be wisest to do?

    if you watch all kind of scifi series as i have done.. You have seen this: - people using abilities wisely -people misusing abilities. then authority can stop or cannot stop them or they become the authority. -they can stay wise... or become evil after a while -or from evil they become good. Or they can forget they are immortal... (this could be the current case). Selection of who is worthy or not.. is done by initiation. tests... or elders can observe candidates and judge them by behavior and decide..
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have more questions... Why do you call it d Tao Tan Pai Yogas when it is Chinese? I have been doing wind through Treetops? I have noticed the whole set is made of building blocks of other more simple exercises. Is it possible to know what each component does in the treetops? What the effect is of each building block... what does they do? What effect do they have? What is the exercise made up as it is?
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    How did you prove yourself that it was founded by Taoist immortal Lu Tung Pin?
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I try the system time by time. This round has been going on for 2 weeks. Yesterday I tried the long form.. it sensed what I call "dark harmony"... meaning there are no colours (that is good because visual perception often bothers me. and calmer...)... That feeling came back in 3 waves..with hours of breaks between them. Inner part of elbow started to ache for a short while later. (That is touched in the exercise). It stopped. Then there was a throbbing on my big toe.. It seemed to move a lot of stuff.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Which exercise?
  15. Unpopular Opinions

    It is written as Mississippi in Wikipedia.