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Everything posted by Dharmakaya

  1. What exactly IS the law of duality ?

    I would say duality isn't a law, it's the state of perception we're born with. Dualistic view causes us to apply rigid conceptual labels onto the world, such that every-thing seems to exist seperately and inherantly, or of its own accord. In duality, while we may conceptually understand the interrelation of all things, each thing including ourselves seems very much to be seperate and existing on its own. Duality is a falsity imposed onto true reality. In ultimate reality, all is most basically or ultimately one. All is most basically one universal 'substance' (the tao, the void, emptiness). All is the tao, so while there is seeming individual differentiation amoung the parts there can be no true seperateness for each thing, ultimately all is the same. For instance, in the dualistic view, I see a frying pan sitting on top of a stove, in my kitchen, next to the fridge, out side the window is the sky and some plants, some construction noise. There seem to be many seperate things going on here. Ultimately though, none of these things are seperable from the greater situation. While I can imagine my frying pan to exist as a seperate independant object, it is ultimately not seperable from the greater scene. It's only true existance is right now, always, and thus its existance is dependant on everything else that also exists or occurs.
  2. I was super interested in Astral Projection for a while, I read Robert Bruce's book and practiced the techniques for a couple months, but never had any luck. Then I found a book online http://obe4u.com/nature_of_obe_and_lucid_dreaming/free-ebook/ and had several lucid dreams and an OBE the 2nd and 3rd times I tried the method. I would definately recomend it! The OBE I had was pretty cool, I came out of my body, floated through my door and then through one of the house walls to get to the front door. Then I went out the front door and flew down the street. I live in the city, so there aren't many stars, but flying down the street I flew on my back and looked up at SO Many stars! I got sucked back to my body soon after that. I have read it it takes practice to extend OB trips. Cheers
  3. I had a dream yesterday...

    Maybe the shovel has something to do with work. Work/dig hard and you will find the Buddha (within)! Or you can have the buddha (enlightenment..), but you have to have the shovel too (work for it). Cool dream!
  4. what is Buddhist sickness?

    I would say it probably has to do with focusing exclusively on cultivating wisdom/ the upper dantien. Wisdom ultimatly is seeing that everything is empty, or on a basic level is undifferentiated from everything else. When you cultivate this attitude exclusively and ignore the lower dantien reality of the situation, the way things are, then you are unbalanced and you have a problem. That's pretty much my personal experience with it. Instead of being receptive to the solidity ond form of the world, you get stuck in negating life as empty. As a result you tend to view 'physical' life development as worthless and your life suffers. Instead of being open to things, you shut them out.
  5. Hello! This is a post I submited to the introduction forum and am reposting here to hopefully get some more feedback. "I am posting here to introduce myself to this forum, and ultimately to seek advice for a problem I am currently having. I have an extensive background in Buddhist meditation, including experience of attainment, but I am just starting out with qigong. I am currently experiencing some worrying qi gong realted health issues which is why I am posting here. I wil explain what is happening to me in detail, so bear with me as I mention materbation.. ha I have been practicing qi gong for about 3 weeks following the excesices in Robert Peng's book 'The Master Key'. On Thursday, 2 days ago, I was practicing 'Lotus Meditation', one part of which involves visualising a lotus flower opening and closing in your lower dantien while you breathe in and out. While I had done this before, this time I distinctly felt myself breathing into an area below my navel. I was quite excited by this, and decided that in order to further develop my lower dantien, I would breathe into the area, ala reverse breathing. I have no real instruction in this, and it is not mentioned in 'The Master Key', I was just going of vauge instructions from the internet. At any rate I did 3 sets of LDT breathing on Thursday, each for ten minutes. In this same time period, Thursday afternoon, I masterbated but did not ejaculate, as I did not wish to deplete my energy stores. (This will be relevant later.) Friday I woke up and masterbated to ejaculation. I felt somewhat that I had given myself blueball the day before, which is, as anyone who has had them can attest, a painful situation. After this I sat down to practice qi gong. However, I had read previously that one is not supposed to practice qi gong for 72 hours after ejaculation, and so I was hesitant to practice. As well, my lower dantien area didn't quite feel right, so I did not practice. Later in the day, my LDT area was still bothering me, feeling tight, hot, and sore. I rode a stationary bike for 30 mins, and went for a walk, during which time I felt better and practiced some light qigong consisting of moving evergy between the 3 dantiens to empower the central meridian. I felt like I was radiating much more energy than normal, as though I had a strong energy field right around my body (I 'imagined' it as long wavy lines radiating out from by body about a foot and a half). My LDT still felt a bit off so I ended the qi gong practice at that. After dinner Friday my LDT area was quite sore, such that I was moving and bending over carefully. It was especially sore at the base; up in a v from the genitals, where your thighs connect to your trunk. Here my stomach was noticibly tight (from swelling?..) I was also feeling sick mentally/ physically. I went to bed and woke up at 3:30 am. My LDT felt much the same, swollen, hot, painfull, and I was worried enough I thought I should seek some kind of treatment if this continued in the morning. At that time (3:30), I was breathing normally, and trying to relax, it felt as though a blockage in the LDT area broke up. Peace seeped into my mind, and there was the feeling of gas moving around my stomach area in the LDT. This was a relief, and I went back to sleep. Upon waking in the morning, I felt better, probably 75%, still felt like my LDT needed to recover. It is now quarter past noon as I write this and while my LDT area feels better than it did yesterday, is has slowly felt worse wince I woke this morning. I feel pain, and tightness in that area, as well as heat. Sometimes while breathing this heat has moved up my body in the middle DT area. If I knew of a legitimate qi gong healer around my area (Colorado) I would go to them for advice, but I do not, and I am worried to just try someone without knowing for certain they are genuine. At any rate that is why I have posted here for advice. Cheers, advice much appreciated!" It has now been about 56 hours since this first began. I am feeling better, not 100%, but much improved. My LDT is still somewhat sensitive though much less painfull, and the experience of heat have pretty much stopped. I have been resting, and hydrating a lot, especially ginger tea. According to the packet, ginger has been traditionally used as a tonic for yang chi! So I am feeling better, but perspectives on what happened and how it would be best to proceed would be appreciated!
  6. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    Thanks for the replies. I have called a family doctor to set up an appointment. This has definately been an eye opening experience, and has taught me that while qi gong can be benefical, it is also definately something to respect! MooNiNite - I will send you a pm.
  7. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    MooNiNite - What exactly do you mean by ruptured? Does this heal naturally? It's hard to say whether there is leaking Jing, I don't have a lot of experience with this so it's hard to say what's what. Why would farting and gas be a bad sign? I don't have excessive gas now, right after it happened it felt like there was gas moving around in by abdomen/ intestines. The lower dantien area is now feeling better, but still a bit off, I don't have too much of an appetite.. I would like to consult a master it I'm just not sure where to find one. ChiDragon - I'm pretty wary of anything that would cause additional pain. While masterbation does seem to have contributed this issue, I feel like incorect practice of qi gong was also a major cause, and that is why I'm concerned.
  8. Hello! I am posting here to introduce myself to this forum, and ultimately to seek advice for a problem I am currently having. I have an extensive background in Buddhist meditation, including experience of attainment, but I am just starting out with qigong. I am currently experiencing some worrying qi gong realted health issues which is why I am posting here. I wil explain what is happening to me in detail, so bear with me as I mention materbation.. ha I have been practicing qi gong for about 3 weeks following the excesices in Robert Peng's book 'The Master Key'. On Thursday, 2 days ago, I was practicing 'Lotus Meditation' one part of which involves visualising a lotus flower opening and closing in your lower dantien while you breathe in and out. While I had done this before, this time I distinctly felt myself breathing into an area below my navel. I was quite excited by this, and decided that in order to further develop my lower dantien, I would breathe into the area, ala reverse breathing. I have no real instruction in this, and it is not mentioned in 'The Master Key', I was just going of vauge instructions from the internet. At any rate I did 3 sets of LDT breathing on Thursday, each for ten minutes. In this same time period, Thursday afternoon, I masterbated but did not ejaculate, as I did not wish to deplete my energy stores. (This will be relevant later.) Friday I woke up and masterbated to ejaculation. I felt somewhat that I had given myself blueball the day before, which is, as anyone who has had them can attest, a painful situation. After this I sat down to practice qi gong. Howver, I had read previously that one is not supposed to practice qi gong for 72 hours after ejaculation, and so I was hesitant to practice. As well, my lower dantien area didn't quite feel right, so I did not practice. Later in the day, my LDT area was still bothering me, feeling tight, hot, and sore. I rode a stationary bike for 30 mins, and went for a walk, during which time I felt better and practiced some light qigong consisting of moving evergy between the 3 dantiens to empower the central meridian. My LDT still felt a bit off so I ended the qi gong practice at that. After dinner Friday my LDT area was quite sore, such that I was moving and bending over carefully. It was especially sore at the base; up in a v from the genitals, where your thighs connect to your trunk. Here my stomach was noticibly tight (from swelling?..) I was also feeling sick mentally/ physically. I went to bed and woke up at 3:30 am. My LDT felt much the same, swollen, hot, painfull, and I was worried enough I thought I should seek some kind of treatment if this continued in the morning. At that time (3:30), I was breathing normally, and trying to relax, it felt as though a blockage in the LDT area broke up. Peace seeped into my mind, and there was the feeling of gas moving around my stomach area in the LDT. This was a relief, and I went back to sleep. Upon waking in the morning, I felt better, probably 80%, but still felt like my LDT needed to recover. It is now quarter past noon as I write this and while my LDT area feels better than it did yesterday, is has slowly felt worse wince I woke this morning. I feel pain, and tightness in that area, as well as heat. Sometimes while breathing this heat has moved up my body in the middle DT area. If I knew of a legitimate qi gong healer around my area (Colorado) I would go to them for advice, but I do not, and I am worried to just try someone without knowing for certain they are genuine. At any rate that is why I have posted here for advice. Cheers, advice much appreciated!
  9. Hello, and qi gong practice troubleshooting PLEASE HELP!

    Thanks Soaring Crane, I have reposted it. Thelerner - Ya I have noticed walks outside help significantly. Definately until things are back to normal I am holding off qi gong practice. I can resonate with being pretty sensitive. Thanks for the advice!