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Everything posted by Anoesjka

  1. mysql pw help? :(

    $350 isn't that much for an update. With Prestashop it wasn't even possible, totally different tables. Zencart is too long ago to for me, alas. But, if you can find the table with the accounts, you can try to replace the password, which is probably encrypted using MD5. There are tools available online which can encrypt normal strings to MD5.
  2. mysql pw help? :(

    What shopping system do you use? I set up my daughter's shop, which uses Prestashop.
  3. Some Questions About Meditation

    Stimulus from our senses, emotions, thoughts that try to impose a meaning on those in the form of symbols or language, thoughts that latch on to thoughts. Layers of mind, and an addiction to thinking, because we have learned nothing else. I think observing one's own mind should be taught early on in school.
  4. Some Questions About Meditation

    Ooh, that sounds nice! Zen always has this humor aspect to it that makes it "light".
  5. Some Questions About Meditation

    You can first try to give yourself the assignment to notice the very first thought that arises. You can also try to sense where thoughts are coming from. It's not really that hard, it just requires some mindfulness and not being completely occupied by your emotions and thoughts.
  6. Does he help poor people also, or only the rich? I think the answer to this question may help answer your initial question.
  7. Dont give up!

    This thread is perfect in showing that we all have a part of the truth, so by listening to every one of you I have gained a higher understanding (once again). _/\_
  8. Desire Body

    Stefos, no problem. It's easy to get fooled by this shallow medium (the internet), because we have no real facial expressions to share, or hear the tone in our voice. I wasn't sure if you were a little bit angry with me. Thanks for clearing that up. Peace.
  9. Desire Body

    Stefos, Do I perceive some hostility? Please be aware that I'm not hostile towards you, just that I don't share the same views as you. I doubt everything, because I have senses to perceive. Do they perceive what others describe? Maybe, I'm going to have to find that out. I have a brain to think. Will I not use it, because there's so many great brains that have done the thinking before me? I go for the direct, personal experience. I doubt others and myself. I doubt books, religions and dogma. I doubt parents, schools and government. You say you have no doubt, that you are your name, your body and your brain. But if you investigate that notion thoroughly you will see very clearly that you are not that. Peace.
  10. Desire Body

    Not everybody can find themselves in dogmas, dear Stefos. I applaud you for knowing who you are and where you stand. I have doubts everyday.
  11. Desire Body

    What better way than to describe the spiritual path as one of learning and overcoming one's traumas? If you want to get anywhere in the western or eastern tradition, you have to be healed to a great extent first (or along the way).
  12. The cruelty of nature

    I love nature, I really do. But why is it so cruel? Why do creatures have to undergo such pain and suffering? My spouse call me this afternoon, "Look, a hedgehog! Isn't it wonderful?" But normally hedgehogs don't show themselves in broad daylight and upon closer inspection I noticed a big bulb hanging under its' tummy. Probably a tumor. What should I do? Feed it, it's obviously hungry. And then what? Call the local center for hedgehogs, or animals in need? That's all nice and theoretically good, but if it is indeed cancer, they'd probably put it down immediately. Is that in the best interest of the hedgehog? Or does it still want to live, since it obviously eats the cat food I gave it? How can I decide? And I realize, that even in not deciding, I'm making a decision. Oh, I'm sometimes so not up to this cruel world. Everything kills everything else and the rest is ill, and they all are in pain and fear. There's just too much of it and it really bothers me. I'm having Weltsmerzen.
  13. The cruelty of nature

    Like a dissociation kind of thing? Wouldn't pain prevent that?
  14. afterlife!

    We were so cool at the time!
  15. afterlife!

    And yet they are not even solid. For that matter, matter isn't really matter. Not that it matters, anyway.
  16. Everyone owns Everything

    It is our ego that puts up the boundaries. But is not every goal of cultivation the reaching of enlightenment? What else is enlightenment but to let go of that construction we call ego? (And in the end the realization that we are indeed one. And though I agree that for us, unenlightened, the fire is still hot and pain hurts, it's not said that that is the ultimate truth.)
  17. afterlife!

    Which of your atoms are you talking about?
  18. The cruelty of nature

    You were a fish in one of your developmental stages as an embryo! And the fluids in your body are still as salty as the sea was when life first appeared.
  19. Tea/Tisane

    My favorite is Snow Buds (Lu Xue Ya) green tea. Nice and light. I also drink Nilgiri green tea when I'm out of Snow buds.
  20. The cruelty of nature

    Ah, I think you need to face your fears head on, MH. Just "forgetting" a word like that may just be an important pointer!
  21. The cruelty of nature

    Die, you mean?
  22. The cruelty of nature

    To call something absolute pure is biased too. And does it have absolute meaning? Perfection, yes, but not in our human perspective. From a cosmic standpoint, of course it's perfect. Going through this feeling of suffering nature, I've found that there also is joyous nature, orgasmic nature, beautiful nature, touching nature. Cruelty is but a small facet of it, and I identified too heavily with it.
  23. The cruelty of nature

    Oh yes, but before you can give in, surrender to it, I feel this struggle must take place and make you thoroughly realize that you're fighting mills like Don Quixote. Otherwise what would be there to enlighten?
  24. The cruelty of nature

    My cats just live in the here and now without thinking about it. Yet they suffer from time to time. If I can help them by taking away that suffering, I do that. Because their suffering is my suffering. When I see a struggling hedgehog, its' suffering is my suffering, and the same goes for the poor mouse that my cat has caught and isn't killing quickly enough. Maybe I should be indifferent, but I'm not.